
Reborn in the DC/Marvel

dont be to hard on me I am not a pro

Omni404_Sans · Movies
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Finally, school is ower for today I was thinking about Rachel she seems nice and I finally know why most people look at me as I am some kind of disease it is most probably because I am a demon, also this book will probably let me use some of my powers I am not scared of it because first, my grandparents won't be whit me forever and also I am a demon anyway.

I finally came home after I ate I got to my room " now let's see how to learn demonic magic" an hour later, "This is pretty easy you need to use the energy inside your body by imagining it gathering at your palms and say a chant and that's it".

I imagined energy gathering into my palms and a dark blue blackish flame appeared in my palm but I didn't feel hot at all, I chanted words that appeared in my mind [Hellion] and shot a fireball into the nearby tree it disintegrated in the second" I need a walk to clear my mind I thought that she was kidding but magic is real"

As I was walking I heard a scream and looked at my side a man was trying to **** a woman I panicked and shot a weak fireball at him but I know that s**m like him should be killed, as I shot him his whole arm was gone alongside his clothes and a knife that he was holding melted onto his foot, the woman managed to run from him while she was scared of what happened and how the man lost his arm in a second.

I continued to walk in a fast pattern than I felt like someone is following me I started to run unconsciously gathering magic into my legs making me run faster than a car, I managed to lose whoever was following me and returned home another way around.

I managed to return home where my granny was waiting.

Emily: where have you been it is midnight?

"I was walking a bit I couldn't sleep"

Emily: ok but be careful Joker escaped the prison again.

"I will be careful"

I went back to my room and fall asleep, In the morning I went back to the school on the launch brake I again got to the roof where Rachel was reading the book I sat beside her she looked at me " want some" I asked her I had some sandwiches whit me she only noded I gave her one.

Rachel: so how is the learning going?

"Finished also look at this" I made a small fireball in my hand she looked amazed for a second but I noticed.

Rachel: That was pretty fast good job I cant introduce my friends to you yet in a couple of days I will introduce them to you till then practice magic also use these books to learn more spells.

And so a week passed Rachel and I become close friends and I started to like her also I learned a lot of spells today she will introduce me to her friends also today she will teach me how to turn into my demon form she showed me hers her skin turns grey and a ruby cristal appears on her forehead.

Rachel: Astral step into a magic circle.

I stepped into the circle and we appeared in a room whit some people.

All of them: hello Raven.

Robin: and who should this be?

Raven: a friend of mine.

Beast B: Hey you Raven is my girl so keep your distance.

Raven: I am not your girl.

Beast B: you are but you still don't know it.

I turned towards Raven and sed "why when I saw this goblin thing I have a sudden urge to tear him apart feed him to the dog freeze the dog and throw him into Vulcano?

when they heard me they all looked at me than Raven sed.

Raven: he has that impression on the people and your demon side only made it worse.

I am nodded then the girl that was on the couch asked.

Star: wait he is a demon?

Raven: yes just like me.

Cyborg: Well hello there you can call me cyborg we all here have code names so our privacy is protected so which code name will you pick for now?

I just sed "Trinity" he noded and others started to introduce themselves.


Beast boy


Robin: so why did you bring him here Rawen he might be a spy or an enemy in disguise.

Raven: because he is a demon-like me and also I want to teach him how to use his demon powers.

He noded and Raven gestured me to follow her also others followed to some sort of white room that was a hundred times bigger than my home.

Raven: ok I scanned you and you are 15% human 43% demon and 42% dragon.

Beast: wow a dragon.

Raven: Now concentrated you will feel if you can transform but in your case, you could have 2 transformations one demon and another dragons.

I could lie if I sed I was not excited I concentrated and my flames enveloped me I opened my eyes I felt different.

All except Raven: WOW you look like a complete demon also what are those fireballs that are floating around you?

(Look same as cower pic but flames were like when naruto had those black bolls behind him)

"wow this is unexpected I look awesome"

Raven: now try your dragon form.

I tried and I turned into a big dragon that looked like it was made of white fire whit a halo in between his horns they looked at me in awe then I transformed back*pant* *pant*" dragon form is harder to maintain than I thought" than we were interrupted by alarms and screen popped out of the wall.

It showed a big brown monster that was destroying the city and then I saw how it headed towards my home"Noooooo" *smash* My house was turned into rubble alongside my grandparents the only family I had left I was shocked and in deep thought.

(Raven POV)

I told him to concentrate he managed to turn into the demon form he looked like (Cower pic) I can't deny he looked handsome and in his dragon form I newer saw anything like this I only read about dragons that looked like this and it was an origin dragon I couldn't believe my eyes than he turned normal while panting than alarm showed us a monster that was fighting Justice league and I saw Astral s home get destroyed I was sad they treated me like I was their grandkid I only herd him shouted and I looked at him his eyes lost their light he wasn't mowing "Astral!! Astral!!" I called him he looked in other direction and flame cowered him he turned into a dragon and rammed through the wall I started to follow him.

(Raven POV end)

(J. Legue POV)

Batman: we have to stop this thing at all cost!!.

W.Wooman: I will take its attention, Superman, you go and find the spear!

Superman: I will go as fast as possible.

Batman: as we were talking we heard a roar that shook the whole ground and a white flame dragon flew towards the thing and slammed it on the ground and tossed it in the air like it was a feather than Raven come to us

Raven: Batman that dragon is my friend and that thing destroyed his home and killed his only family he lost control please try not to kill him.

Batman: I newer saw her crying she must be close whit it " I don't think we can kill it that easily it is currently tosing that Obamination like a ragdoll" then his spikes started shining it opened Obaminations mouth and devastating blue flame entered the mouth of abomination turning it into the dust and it roared so loud that it broke windows of buildings.


And it turned into smoke Raven fly there I shouted but nothing Diana and Clark followed her and in the crater was a white-haired boy that wore some kind of blue metallic armor whit 2 horns on his head raven hugged him and was crying and seeing not to kill him.

Batman: we won't kill him we will make him join Tin Titans but he will be your responsibility he might be of use.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Some power stones wuld be apriciated

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