

A few hours of watching the Back to the Future Trilogy, Harry and Hermione exited the cinema and walked side by side on the sidewalk.

"You really liked that movie, didn't you?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Its such an interesting concept. Travelling through time, and how changing one thing in the past can affect the present so much. Its such a insightful thought." She answered.

"Yeah, but be careful. You cant change the past in the real world. The consequences are horrifying if the timeline's already set." Harry advised.

"What do you mean? How would I alter the past?" She replied rather quickly, almost bumping into a pedestrian in front of her.

"Just saying, time-turners have specific rules one needs to follow. I'm sure McGonagall told you all the risks and rules of owning one." Harry smiled lightly seeing Hermione scramble around trying to figure out how Harry knew.


"The Gryffindor top scorers that can manage multiple electives in each year get offered a chance of owning a time turner. I declined the offer, and seeing your newfound interest in time travel movies, I figured Mcgonagall approached you. I'm right, aren't I?" Harry smirked victoriously.

"…Yeah. Man you are good. I didn't even tell anyone about it. Professor specifically mentioned not to reveal the time-turner's existence to anyone. After all, it is illegal to use without supervision. She said its straight to Azkaban if found out." Hermione shivered lightly.

"Yeah. You don't have to worry. I wont snitch. But you have to be careful, while you get more hours per day, your body isn't made to function on 36 hours clock. Pace yourself, and if I see you get cranky, I will take the time turner away, is that understood?" Harry looked at Hermione with seriousness in his eyes.

"..Yes." Surprised by his seriousness, hermione staggered for a bit before answering.

"Good. Now, I was thinking, do you want to help me build something super cool. Its magical." Harry asked.

The mention of magic got her attention. After all, her being muggle born, she didn't really get any chances of practicing magic outside of school days. It was truly sad.

A few minutes later, Harry and Hermine arrived in front of a huge building in the bustling city of London.

Bright lights lit up the office building, along with posters of beautiful women wearing makeup and other cosmetic products, and people entered and exited the from the exquisite looking reception area.

"Why are we here?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I own a place over her that would allow us to work on something special without the ministry knowing about it. After all, we still have a few traces on our wands. Come inside." Harry motioned to Hermione, who was dumbfounded by the news.

"Why is The Phoenix Cosmetics magical. I thought it was a muggle company. And how do you have a part in it." Hermione managed to ask after a few seconds.

"You got it all wrong, Phoenix Cosmetics is not a related to magic. The company is fully owned by muggles, and the products don't contain an ounce of magic. Secondly, the owner of the company is my employee. I am her boss." Harry revealed.


A few seconds later, seeing as Hermione wasn't moving, harry pulled her inside the building and walked towards the receptionist.

"Hi. I would like check in today." Harry said.

"I'm sorry, sir. But this is not a hotel, this is an office building. I think you might have us confused with the building down the street." The polite blonde sitting behind the desk explained.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot something." Harry said as a black card flashed into his hands, which he slid across the desk towards the lady.

"Oh, my apologies. I will open up the elevators, you can go right ahead." Recognising the card, the receptionist pressed her thumb on a spot on the desk, as an elevator dinged.

"Thank you." Harry walked towards the elevator and dragged hermione behind him.

Soon, the elevator brought the two into an underground area filled with bright light. The area stretched out far and was lit up as if it were a clear morning.

"What is this place?" Hermione's previous shock was overcome by the newer shock of the chamber below the building one of the best upcoming cosmetic brands in all of Europe.

"This, young one, is my playground. When I'm bored or want to build something, I come here. This place is decked out with so many charms, that even an air strike above ground wouldn't affect anything in here." Harry explained.

"You are full of surprises. But you have been revealing them throughout the past two years." Hermione shrugged her shoulders defeatedly as she finally took in everything without resistance.

"So what are we building here. You should know, I have to head home by 7. We have about 3 hours till then."

"We are building a hover board." Harry grinned childishly.

"What. Like the one we just saw in the movie?"


"Why would you do that, we have broomsticks to fly." Hermione asked quizzically.

"You know the reason broomsticks came into play. Long ago, before wizardkind flew on broomsticks, muggles had rumours that witches flew on broomsticks.

You know why?" Harry asked the witch.

"I don't know." She racked her mind, trying to think of the answer but came up with nothing.

"Let me enlighten you. Witchcraft was associated as a gift from the Devil by the Christians, and then some idiots thought the witches rode the devil.

A few whispers later, it turned into, witches rode a broomstick to feel connected with their masters.

Then a wizard heard about it and thought, 'Hey, this is actually not a bad idea. Lets try this out.' And that's how wizardkind was introduced to broomsticks for flying." Harry provided a brief history lesson.

"I understand some. But what do you mean by witches riding broomsticks even before it was invented?" Hermione asked confused.

"." Harry just gave her a look, looked down a bit and then back up.

A few seconds pass, as hermione's face morphs into disgust, before changing beet red.

"Bloody hell. What was that person thinking. Oh my god." Hermione shouted out loud and stomped on the ground in frustration, trying to get the horrifying image out of her mind.


"If we succeed, I want a board as well. I can never go near a broomstick ever again." A few minutes later, she calmed down and composed herself.

"Yeah. And riding a broomstick is not at all comfortable." Saying so, harry summoned raw materials from his mokeskin pouch and got to work with hermione.

Time went by fast, and soon, it was time for hermione to head home.

"I'll have Rinky drop you off at home. If you want to practice any magic in the holidays, just ask Rinky to bring you here. She can supervise you in case anything goes wrong." Harry waved off Hermione and asked a house elf to send her home.



