

"Train with me for a few weeks while I'm still on holidays. You need a lot of practice, padfoot." Harry said as he wiped his face with a towel.

"Yeah. I can't believe how much stronger you have gotten. You don't fight like a wizard at all. At least none that I have seen before." Sirius said, panting for air as sweat dripped down his forehead, mixing with his drenched shirt.

"Well, what can I say. I'm different.

Anyway, Remus, you should try some sparring with sirius as well. It will help you gain a better handle on your transformations. Sparring with someone close to your level will benefit more than me beating your asses." Harry joked.

"What do you mean you kicked my ass today. I'll have you know that I spent the last 10 years in Azkaban. Im still not at my peak. Lets see if you still have that smirk when I'm at my peak." Sirius raged as Remus held him back.

"Calm down Padfoot. He's joking." Remus struggled to hold him back. "Not really." Harry whispered.

A few minutes later, the trio cleaned themselves up and left the gymnasium, while harry waved his hand and the holes and trenches on the wooden flooring fixed itself as if time was turned backwards.


"Hey Harry, I was meaning to ask. What do you know about animagi." Sirius asked as the trio sat down for lunch.

"Just that being one allows you to transform oneself into an animal. You are one, so was dad and Remus." Harry answered.

"What, Remus isn't an animagus." Sirius exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm no longer a werewolf. Harry devised a treatment for it this year. Its just going on the market, so you might not have heard of it yet, but basically it completes the transformation of a partial wolf to a full animagus form, usually a wolf." Remus explained.

"What? When did this happen? You guys don't tell me anything." Sirius sulked and poked at his food.

"You were in prison." Remus and Harry answered in unison.

"Fair point."

"But, moving on, I was thinking it was time for you to become one. What do you think, Harry?" Sirius asked with a glint in his eye.

"..Sure, why not. I was planning on doing it a year later, but we can do it this year. What do you have planned." Harry thought about it for a second, before replying.

"I was thinking of getting you prepped for the ritual. It's a long ritual, and can take up to year if youre unlucky. But we can start with finding out your potential animagus form. What do you say, up for it?" Sirius continued.

"Sure, I got heaps of time." And so, sirius slowly guided Harry with his animagus training.

Of course, Harry knew the whole procedure, but it was more about spending time and helping the man heal than about the transformation.

To be honest, harry would be able to transform into anything with his Metamorphmagus ability and the henge jutsu, but it was fun to spend time with Sirius.

Soon, a week went by and Harry figured out his animagus form, but kept it a secret. It was going to be a surprise for everyone.


Weeks passed and the holidays were halfway done, when harry received a mail knocking on his window.

"Dear Harry,

We said we would mail each other during the holidays, but I didn't have an owl back then, hence the delay.

I was wondering if you would like to hang around anytime this week. There is a rescreening of a few movies at a movie theatre in London. Would you be interested in hanging out?

Please send a response through owl.


Hermione Granger." The letter read.

"interesting. Sure, I'll go, I don't have anything better to do anyways.

Dang, I really don't have that many friends do I?" Harry spoke as realisation hit.

It really was difficult to connect with people less than half your age when you have the memories of a 30 year of man as well as the memories of 90-year-old ninja.

Writing a reply, harry folded the letter and placed it in the same envelope and had the owl that brought the letter send it back.

"Guess I get ready." Harry muttered as he went on to complete his research.


"Morning Harry. Did you wait?" Hermione approached Harry at the meeting spot outside a movie theatre.

"Ah, Hermione. Nah, I just got here as well. How have you been, you look great." Harry asked as he looked at the young girl dressed up in a blue t shirt and bell bottom jeans. 'Man, what were people smoking in the 90s for this kind of fashion.' Harry thought as he asked Hermione.

"Thank you. I have been great. Went to Gringotts and found all of great grandmother's stuff was brought over from France.

Saw all the books that she had in her collection till now, it was interesting. Turns out the family was a huge alchemy and potions fan. Had all sorts of books from a long time back in their vaults.

Dad told me to take a day off to get out of the house, so I called you out. I hope I didn't intrude on any of your plans." Hermione rambled excitedly as she talked about the assortments of books that she had access to.

"No worries. I was just messing around with some trinkets in my workshop. I needed a break anyway.

So, what movie are we watching today?" Harry asked.

"Back to the future. They have the full trilogy playing today, back-to-back. I really wanted to see it. Hope you don't mind." She nervously asked.

"Sure, I don't mind. I haven't watched them in so long. Kinda forgot about them." Harry laughed as the duo entered the movie theatre and purchased their tickets.

'Man, I really haven't watched this movie in years. I really have to give it up for the writers to think of the future so positively.' Harry chuckled lightly as he thought about the film.

"Shush. Its starting now." Hermione shushed fiercely and looked intently at the projection in front of her.

Seems she really liked this movie.

Soon, the movie started and people in the theatre muttered and laughed as it progressed.

Hermione had bought a huge bag of popcorn and throughout the first half of the film, stuffed her face, which now looked like a chipmunk hoarding nuts in their cheeks.

An hour or so later, the first movie ended, and the second one began after a short interval.

However, Hermione insisted on staying inside in their seats so that they didn't miss anything.

'How much does she like this movie. I think it's the time travel that interests her.

Oh, wait, she was offered the time turner by McGonagall. No wonder she's interested in time travel.' Harry connected the dots and the results surprised him.

Slowly, the movie progressed and soon, it was time for the iconic scene present in each film of the franchise.

The skateboard chase.

"That's it!!!" Harry suddenly exclaimed and shot up in his seat, before he was violently pulled back down into the chair by a annoyed Hermione.

"Shush" was all that she said before turning back to the movie.


