
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Película
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41 Chs

I am Ironman

After falling through the portal, I went to my lab to continue working on the schematics and calculations for my own Helicarrier.

I was working all night into the next evening.

I was trying to figure out how to get the cycles to match on all the thrusters when pepper call me saying. "Obadiah is the one who had tony captured, and tony currently isn't answering his phone and she's worried."

I agreed to go have a look and see why tony isn't answering.

I thought I solved this issue when I made sure tony left with his suit.

Whatever Obadiah's suit isn't much.

I still go over to Tony's to make sure nothing is seriously wrong.

Before I leave I put on my suit and a plain grey mask just in case I have to go into the public.

As I walk towards his house I see multiple cars pull out of his driveway.

After seeing the cars I realize that things are different and I get a little worried so I portal into his living room.

When I walk out all I see is broken glass and holes in the walls and the couch that I'm going to guess are bullet holes.

I run down stairs once I realize that he's not up here.

He's laying on the floor with no arc reactor in his chest.

It looks like he has his mk 1 arc reactor in his hand.

I run next to him and help him up.

"What happened and where's the extra reactor I made you?"

Sitting up. "Obadiah Sent men to steal my arc reactor, and I had pepper take it to put it in a display case."

Shaking my head. "Really tony! I made it for situations like these."

As I help tony up and put his mk 1 reactor in his chest, Rhodes shows up asking if everything is ok. Tony asked where's pepper and when Rhodes informed him that she is going with some agents to arrest Obadiah he rushes to put his suit on.

As he's putting his suit on, Raphael had some interesting news for me.

{Master, there are what look like 50 ten rings members in your yard about to fire at your house.}

I look at the two. "You all have it handled here right." Both say they do. "Good I have my own business to take care of, bye." I make a portal to my living room and then I proceed to run outside.

As I stand in front of them they stop there actions and try to speak to me but I don't speak there language so I say nothing and just wait.

Apparently they didn't like the fact I didn't answer them so they fire at me.

Luckily I made my suit mostly bullet proof, it's the best I can do at the moment, I'm trying to learn how to weave viburnum into my suit but right now I can't so this is the best I can do.

I just let them shoot me for a moment while I try to think of a reason they are here.

That's until they shoot me in the face, (that hurts) ow! Now you all signed your death certificates.

As my face heals I slowly walk towards them as they continue to shoot me as if that'll actually do anything, as I get close I use my speed to catch one by his neck and use my memory spell to search for the reason they are here.

Unfortunately he didn't know why, so after taking care of his living problem I move onto the next and so on until I find the one person who actually knows anything, of course it's the last living person here.

Apparently the ten rings didn't like my way of rescuing tony and all the dead bodies I left, so they sent these 50 to get revenge.

I looked farther into his memories to find that it was Obadiah who gave them the idea and the passage into the country, and how he built a suit was through the rough draft of Tony's mk 1 armor he left.

Totally didn't think the papers of the armor would be worth grabbing I didn't think they would be smart enough to figure it out.

After figuring all of this out I decided to make my way to stark industries to make sure obadiah dies.

I decide to fly instead of making a portal because I'm still trying to keep my magic a secret to the public.

As I come close I see that tony and Obadiah have made there way to the freeway and are fighting with cars.

After tony gets thrown into a bus I land right in front of Obadiah. "Really you sent your kill squad to my house, all you did was waste my time and make me mad."

While swinging at me. "That was the point."

But he missed because I ducked under his arm, then staggered back after I hit him in his abdomen.

"I was just hoping it would stall you longer so I could take care of tony, doesn't matter I'll take you both out together."

He proceeds to grab a car and throw it at me then when I catch it and try to set it down safely, he grabs me and throws me into the same bus as tony.

When I land against the bus Obadiah makes a speech about how he's been holding tony up and he's done with it and won't let anyone stop him, that includes both of us.

He fired a missile at the bus, in the explosion tony got sent in the air and be brought the fight airborne.

While he did that I was still on the ground trying to heal as quick as possible, unfortunately my suit got destroyed so I had to make a portal to my house to get the second one I made. After putting it in I made my way out of the rubble.

I was a little slow on my reactions for a moment because I'm still healing from that explosion, it did a real number on me.

After being fully healed I was looking around for the fight so I can join in.

As I fly up towards the arc reactor building I see tony being thrown off Obadiahs suit and pepper hitting all the buttons to overload the reactor.

As Obadiah fires at tony and misses but tony falls through the glass underneath him I fly and hit his robotic leg off to knock him down.

But before I could attack again tony told pepper to hit the override button to blast the roof.

To make sure tony doesn't die I ignore Obadiah for a moment and grab tony to bring him out of the way of the pillar of energy.

Fortunately Obadiah got fried being on the edge of the pillar, and started to fall down towards the reactor.

"Oh no you don't, I worked hard on that!" I yell while flying down to make sure he doesn't land on the reactor and destroy it.

The next day tony had a press conference to explain what happened on the rooftop and freeway the night before, he was supposed to say he wasn't there and it was someone else in the suit, but he's tony and couldn't say it wasn't him so he said the famous line that will go down in history, "I am Ironman."