
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Movies
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41 Chs

Opening night

After Tony's announcement his popularity somehow went even higher and the media had there hands full.

But a week later they had another head line to write, "Immortal revealed to be Ethan Mikealson." (Honestly couldn't think of a better name.)

I wanted to see the famous moment of tony saying "I am Iron man" and now that he's officially Ironman I decided to announce myself as a super.

I didn't pick that name, it's what the media picked, apparently they saw me healing after getting attacked by the missile, so I was given the name immortal and I mean they aren't wrong.

It's been roughly 6 months since our announcements, within these months many things have happened, I finally after slowly getting rid of my military contracts, I shutdown the weapons department of Mikealson industries.

Me and tony have gone on many missions together to help bring peace in many areas while also destroying what's left of his weapons that are in the wrong hands.

I also started doing some heroics in Malibu when I'm bored, it gives me something to do other then creating new tech.

I finalized what was needed to start building my own helacarrier.

Someone did try to break into one of my facilities but was quickly stopped by my companies own version of night watch.

Right now me and tony are about to jump out of a plane to make our entrance to the expo in as flashy as possible.

He finally convinced me to do a joint expo with him.

After tony jumped out and started to make his way down I watched him for a second, when I was about to jump I watch him get hit by a firework.

I jumped out and aimed towards the opening above the arena.

I watched and listened for my queue to make my entrance.

After tony landed he had his machines spin him around while taking his suit off, and in the background there was dancing women in iron man costumes.

"oh, it's good to be back." Tony says while clapping.

After he says that I float down into the open.

"I agree it's good to see this expo up and alive again."

After everyone sees me they go just as wild as they did for tony.

After a second of the crowd cheering I continue my way to the ground and I did it hard and fast but not hard enough to break anything and like I've done before I made a cloud around me to hide the fact I use magic to get rid of my costume.

Tony pointing at me. "I must say he's almost putting my entrance to shame.

I walked out of the cloud dressed in a tux. "Do you hear that tony, they missed us.

While Looking at the crowd tony. "I'm not saying that the world is enjoying the longest period of peace because of us."

I walk to one side of the stage.

Tony walks to the other side. "I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity has there ever been a greater metaphor been personified in recent history."

I start where tony left off. "I'm not saying Uncle Sam can sit back on a lawn chair enjoying a nice cup of ice tea because no one has been man enough to go toe to toe with us on our best day not even my worse."

The crowd yells out our names

Tony putting his hand up. "Please it's not about me, it's not about us, it's not even about you."

I butt in. "It's about legacy, so for the first time."

Tony takes it back. "since 1974 the men and women from different organizations and nations across the world will pull there resources and visions together to make a better and brighter future."

(Me and tony going back a forth) me * tony ^

"Because it's not about us." *

"what we are saying." ^

"If we are saying anything at all." *

Together. "Is welcome back to the new and improved expo."

Tony waves towards the big screen behind us. "Now from the great beyond Howard stark, the one who started all of this."

As we walk off the stage tony checks his blood to see his blood toxicity is at 19% from the arc reactor.

I look at the device. "You still haven't figured that out yet?"

Put the device in his pocket. "No I've tried every known element and combination known and nothing, you worked on the original you had to find a solution why won't you tell me."

"I wont tell you because your father thought you could figure it out so I'd like to see if he was right, if you prove him wrong I'll once again come in and save you." I say while patting his shoulders.

"Have a nice drive home." I say while I open a portal home.

When I go home I tasked Raphael to help me find my brothers, Klaus and Elijah went completely radio silent a few years back, I thought they would contact me after a while and especially after I became a public hero but nothing Rebekah and Kol also can't seem to find or contact them so we are all trying to figure out what happened but no success yet.

After searching everything I can think of I get a call from my… I don't know what we are, we are something.

"How's your mission going so far? Is it moving along as you hoped?"

Mystery girl. "Yes, hopefully in a couple days I'll actually finally meet my target to hopefully start the actual purpose for the mission."

"Great, we still up for a date this weekend since your mission put you in my area?"

Mystery girl. "As long as my plans don't change your on big boy."

"Well have fun I still have some people to find."

After hanging up I contact the night watch from shield and my strix to task them on finding my brothers.

After I stop trying to find them I go to work on my newest idea I had, contact lenses, with these they will act as a screen and I can have Raphael Show me anything I want without having a need for a mask or glasses of any type.

I also have one of my clones working on my cape, I want it to have its own conscious, that way I can send it to places or people to do thing that I can't at that moment in time.

The next day I leave clones to work on those projects while I go to see tony.

When I walk in he's getting ready to box with happy.

"I hear you've been busy going to court, loved how you dealt with that I hate Justin hammer just as much as you, then I hear pepper is taking over as ceo."

Putting on his gloves. Yeah I have been, why did you come over?"

"To see how your doing. Can I join in or take happy's place?"

Happy starts to take off his gear. "Go right ahead I love watching you play with tony."

Smiling I look at tony. "Ready for another round, you've never beat me."

Tightening his glove. "Your on dusty."

I start to put on happy's gear. "Your funny, I'm very old I should be dust so I'm dusty your hilarious."

Tony gets into the ring and jumping around. "Yep, now be prepared to be defeated dusty."

We start to throw some jabs and punches at each other after a while he tries to elbow me in the face.

I catch it. "Really, you want to play dirty I can play dirty."

Right when we are about to start again pepper and someone from Tony's legal team shows up to help with the paperwork for turning over the ceo position to pepper.

Pepper grabs a pen. "Come on tony, I promise this will be the only time I'll ask you to turn over your company."

Tony still in the boxing ring points at the lady. "You what's your name lady?"

"Natalie, Natalie Rushman."

Pointing at the ring. "Come! front and center, come to church."

Pepper, "no you're seriously not going to do this."

Taking off his gloves. If it pleases the court which it does."

I start to take off my gear. "I'd love to see this as well, but with happy, happy why don't you teach her."

Tony stepping out. "Oh that's even better."

Tony opening his end table computer. "How do you spell your name again."


I look as well. "She speaks different languages and modeled in Tokyo. It's like she has everything you want."

Pointing at me. "See he gets it, I need her I want her."

Pepper gives me the side eye. "You're not helping."

Looking back at the arena. "Wasn't trying to."

After we finish our conversation I see rushman wrap her legs around happy's head and fling him to the ground.

Tony goes to the bell. "That's a T.K.O that's what I'm talking about."

Rushman gets out and grabs her clipboard. " I need your impression."

"You have a quiet reserve, maybe an old soul."

Putting the clipboard in his view. "I meant your fingerprint."

As she walks out I point at tony. "She's mine, your not touching her, you already have one." As I finish I walk after her.

When I catch up we are outside, I push her against the wall.

"Natalie Rushman huh, I like Natasha, it sounds better on the tongue." I say before I kiss her.

"See you this weekend." In hand quotations "Rushman." As I walk away