
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Mikoto’s training

(AN: I'm going to have the mc learn senjutsu eventually but i don't know weather to make it the fox senjutsu or wolf senjutsu)


Sighing in relief as I watched mikoto dart away following another one of my clones while I hid as a small bird in a nest. Looking to my right I thought 'thanks for letting me use your nest buddy.' I spoke to the unconscious bird that I transformed into. Than thought 'I don't know what's worse the constant teasing and sexual pictures of yourself that you mentally send to me, or mikoto's airheadness when it comes to how sexy she acts sometimes while training to be my mother figure which is slowly but surly working.' I grumbled to kurami.

Giggling as she sent another image of her in a string bikini she spoke "Oh do you not like seeing me like this. I thought you loved seeing me in these outfits with all the compliments you give me, but I do see your point your mother keeps teasing you with her movements and she's not even aware of it." She spoke with some annoyance at the end.

"Yup anyways I'm going to set up a few more of those traps and test them out." I said as I transformed back into my original form.

"Hmm ok." kurami spoke as she yawned on my shoulder "I'm going back to sleep wake me up if something interesting happens."

"Ok have a good nap my vixen." I said as I scratched her neck.

*two hours later*

'Finally done' I thought wiping the sweat from my brow while inspecting my cobweb of traps and clones ready to ambush mikoto. 'Now for the bait' I grinned as I popped the clone next to me letting the clone that has been leading mikoto around know that it's time.

After five minutes I saw them coming my clone doing everything he could to lose her. As they got close the first trap went of launching a few kunai at her. She deflected them easily just as she did though another trap that I made went of sending a few more kunai at her she did the same and deflected them but completely dismissed the two that were off course until another kunai hit one and deflected it towards her head. Widening her eyes she quickly raised her hand and deflected it barely. 'She moved fast but not as fast as she could.' I noted as I thought she was holding back for me. 'But still going according to plan I thought as she stepped forwards again only for her to be completely entangled in a web of capture wire.

(AN: in my version of this world there are 2 types of ninja wire capture wire and kill wire.)

Only for her to smile while looking directly at me 'something's wrong' was my thought before she melted into a puddle of water. "Shit water clone" only to be pinned down to the ground as mikoto sat on my back and slapped the back of my head. Making kurami yip and jump away now looking wide awake. After a moment she glared at me 'how's it my fault.' I thought before focusing on the milf sitting on my back digging her plump ass into my spine.

Kurami who saw this got a glint into eyes as she noticed my blush and thoughts. 'So he's an ass lover, perfect.' She thought as she came up with more ideas on how to both seduce and tease me.

"Good ambush and traps they would work on any inexperienced chunin for sure." She praised me "but not a experienced chunin or above well not until your own reaction speed is increased your pretty slow but that is expected from you, your young and have very little shinobi training." Than she slapped the back of my head and chastised "now what you did wrong is that you let your guard down and stopped using your sensor ability if you did than you would of noticed me and the fact that the water clone only had about ten percent of my chakra and strength."

Than another pause before she slapped the back of my head again getting a pained groan out of me 'shit that one actually stung' I thought as she continued talking

"Also no cursing young man your four years old" she reprimanded.

"Your teaching me how to kill people, yet it's not ok for me to curse." I said with genuine confusion.

"Yup you won't be a shinobi and killing people till your twelve so your not allowed to curse till then. OK MY LITTLE RUTO" she started with a normal smile but finished with a scary one.

Nodding my head frantically I agreed. 'Scary airheaded woman.' I thought as I saw he puff out her chest revealing a good amount of her boobs again.

Than she spoke after looking at the setting sun. "Good now it's getting late let your clones know it's time for them to go and for itachi, shisui, and kakashi to get to the house for dinner."

"Yes sensei." I replied fondly as I created and popped a clone. But after a few seconds of mikoto not getting up I spoke "Are you going to get off of me so I can get up?"

"Hmm oh sorry I was thinking of what to make, what did you steal last night?" She questioned while getting into a thinking pose while still on my back.

Now with a twitching eye I spoke "I stole a few steaks and some salad as well as a pretty expensive looking wine?" I added the wine without really thinking.

"Ok than it's steak tonight" she trailed off at the end making me look back up at her only to hunch over and bring her face close to mine while her breasts dug into my back.

"Why did you steal wine?" She asked sounding way to calm.

'Shit I stole it for kurami but I can't say that she's just a young summon to mikoto' I thought than spoke "For you of course I wanted to thank you for getting itachi, shisui, and kakashi to teach me." I spoke in a hurry while hearing kurami's unrestrained giggles and laugh at my plight.

After staring into my eyes for a few very long seconds she got up still standing one me 'GOD DAMM SHE IS WAY TO HEAVY FOR HER BODY SIZE.' I thought as she started walking towards the house a very noticeable sway in her hips making me sigh.

I was about to get up when kurami bit my ear and sat on my back 'why can't I have a break.'

"Never call a woman heavy, now carry me to our house I'm hungry." She spoke

Deciding it would be better to do as she says but having a question on my mind I asked as I put her back on my shoulders "How are you going to eat in your fox form."

She froze at that than let out a groan of her own before peeking up. "I know I'll turn into my human form and say it's a transformation technique that is only capable by the fox clan and our summoners this will also give a reason for your own special true transformation technique that shisui saw."

"Hmm good idea let's go with that." I said as we went towards the house but kurami couldn't help but have the last word in.

"So you like milfs with plump asses huh?" She said out loud making me trip and miss the next branch as she laughed at my red face.