
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Getting to know my sensei’s

(AN: I'm thinking of having the mc duel weild swords one Benihime(crimson princes) and one kurokage(black shadow). Also he will only be with kurami in this story.)


Looking at the silver haired man that looks like an older one eyed version of me we narrowed our eyes at each other than nodded and spoke at the same time

"Nice mask copycat" than smirked at each other.

"Can we get back to the topic at hand please?" Mikoto asked with an all to friendly tone marking me and kakashi appear next to itachi and shisui immediately not wanting to get on her bad side. "Thanks boys now I'll go first, my name is mikoto uchiha proud mother of two boys and an ex S-ranked anbu operative I specialize in stealth, assassination, and infiltration. I'm also not half bad with a sword but I'm no master. My dream is to be a good mother to both my sons and godson." She finished and looked at shisui to continue.

And a pause to think about what to says he spoke in a carefree and happy tone "hello my name is shisui uchiha I am 16 and a member of the anbu. I specialize in ninjutsu, genjutsu, and my special body flicker justu . My dream is to bring around world peace." Than he looked at itachi.

"Hello my name is itachi uchiha I also am 11 a member of anbu I specialize in kunaijutsu, shurakanjutsu, and genjutsu. My dream is the same as shisui's but I also want to bring the clan closer to the village." He spoke in his stoic monotone voice.

Nodding at them I spoke in the same tone as itachi making shisui grumble again. "Hello as I said earlier my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze son of the fourth I am 4 years old and I want to specialize in stealth, kenjutsu, fuinjutsu per my uzumaki heritage, and of course elemental jutsu because of my chakra level and jinchuuriki status it would be a waste not to use it. And my dream is it join the anbu and follow in my mothers footsteps." I allowed a bit of pride into my voice at the end. Than looked at the one person who hasn't spoke yet.

"My name is kakashi hatake i am a member of anbu and am 18 years old. I specialize in ninjutsu and stealth. My dream is to get all the itcha-itchas I can signed by jiraya-sama." He began with his bored voice at the start but let out a perverse giggle at the end. Only to get planted into the ground by mikoto's fist.

Than she looked at me and blinked, "Little Ruto what's that around your neck?" She asked curiously noticing me unconsciously scratching kurami.

"Oh I almost forgot my clan has two summoning contracts." I said as a growl and a tail whip hit the back of my head for saying I forgot about her. Wincing at the sting I continued. "The first summoning contract is funny enough the fox summoning contract." I said as kurami lifted he head and interrupted me.

"Yes hello humans and mikoto i thank you for taking care of the last loyal uzumaki my clan has located a few other uzumaki that are left but they are no longer loyal to konoha and will have to be either convinced to join or disposed of as is the uzumaki way loyalty is everything." She spoke to the boys with indifference but acknowledged mikoto with respect.

The others looked at me and saw my own indifference at the uzumaki way they decided to leave it. I than looked at kurami and asked

"May I continue HIME?" I asked in sarcasm making my annoyance at being interrupted known.

"Hmm oh sure little RUTO." She replied with an air of superiority.

My eye twitched at her statement and pet name she got from mikoto.

"Anyways the other contract is the wolves." I said than added "foxes are good for large summon battles because of there strength especially the ones with a greater number of tails they kind of work like the tailed beasts, and wolves are good for tracking, hunting, and stealth." I described the summons abilities.

Nodding her head mikoto spoke "Me and itachi have the crow summons and kakashi has the dog summons so he would be better at teaching you about summoning." She looked at kakashi getting a nod of approval.

"Good now let's get to training first summon some clones and send a group with each of them while I train your real body." She commanded her voice becoming more powerful and sharper just like that time we snuck into the hokages house.

Doing as she said I sent a group clones to itachi, shisui, and kakashi while I followed mikoto.

*five minutes later Itachi's pov*

'Hmm this Is a smart way for a jinchuuriki to train.' I noted while watching the half of the clones practice the hand signs for a genjutsu while I showed the other half how to do shurakan and kunai jutsu.(AN: it's just throwing kunai and shurakin also doing some tricks like hitting one kunai/shurakin with another to his a target at a specific angle or around a obstacle.)

"I hold it like this right sensei." One of the clones asked and I inspected it and nodded yhan pointed at a tree. The clone thru the kunai and missed the tree by an inch.

"You ever throw a kunai before." I asked

"No sensei first time ever." It spoke

'For never throwing a kunai before he's got good technique he just needs accuracy but that comes with experience.' I thought and said "that's good you got the technique down just need to up you accuracy now."

"Ok thanks sensei." It said before popping and the other clones stopping before using the same technique as the popped one before throwing there shadow clone kunai at the trees.

'Hmm he pops one so the others get the memory and perfect his technique and accuracy faster I see.' Itachi thought as a newer shadow clone came running up to him just being created and sent over to replenish numbers. As a few of the clones started getting closer to hitting the target and bullseye constantly as well as the first few clones putting others in genjutsu's I thought 'I'm creating a fucking monster' with both amusement and awe.

*shisui's pov*

I decided to start the kid on the academy three because well there the basic of the basic but I didn't expect him to be done so quickly also he has a special version of the transformation jutsu already.

"Its fucking solid this is a true transformation technique" I said as Naruto or now a perfect impression of the fourth hokage stood in front of me as I poked and prodded it.

"I think it's the kyuubi's special chakra that enhances it and makes it a real transformation." He speculated not really sounding to sure himself. I giggled excitedly as more clones showed up to replace the ones who ran out of chakra and popped.

'This is going to be fun' I thought. 'Hmm should I teach him the body flicker.' I thought while looking over at the clones that I was teaching a basic concealing genjutsu to and seeing one of them just disappear as he completed the hand seals, than popped himself giving the experience to the others as they perfected it off the others memory. Groaning I thought 'he's a perfectionist just like itachi.' Than eating one clone successfully use the body substitution technique with one hand seal a few times before popping and I watched as a few others followed in that clones footsteps trying to get it to no hand seals

"Fucking child prodigy's." I said out loud.

*kakashis pov*

I decided to teach him elemental Justus but in order to do that I needed to figure out his chakra affinity. So I body flickered a few times to a store to by chakra paper and got a few than body flickered back. Looking at the clones I spoke.

"See this," I said as I held up the paper "this is chakra paper it tells you what your chakra affinity is. Just insert some chakra into it. I explained how it worked as I put some chakra into one of the papers. Half of I t shriveled up and the other half turned to dust.

"See the shriveled up part means lightning and the dust means earth as I have 2 chakra affinity's now just because I fight have a affinity for water DOES NOT mean I can't use water techniques it just means it'll cost me more chakra to use." I spoke putting extra emphasis on the does not part. After handing him a paper he put some chakra in it and half of it shriveled up and the other half was cut into multiple peaces.

"Good that means you have lightning and wind affinities I'll be able to help you with the lightning but I don't know the nature transformation technique for wind. You will have to ask someone with a wind affinity for that." I said than continued "Now all of you grab a leaf insert your chakra into it than focus on making your chakra move really fast."

*a few hours later*

'After a few hours they only had the smallest of progress but that's normal.' Normal people take months in not years to get this transformation part done.

*mikotos pov*

I decided I'd be the one to help Naruto with physical exercise for the day as well as some stealth training so i gave a clone of his a book on tracking, hunting, and stealth while giving another on trap making and ambushing. 'He really seemed interested in that trap making book.' I thought as I chased him through the tree tops of the forest near the house throwing kunai and shurakin at him every now and then when he'd slow down while also getting into small fights with taijutsu using both hand to hand and kunai. I gave him tips such as "your 4 don't attack straight on dodge or parry attacks while going getting in close when possible to do damage." As well as "no don't run in the open stay in the places with the most branches your smaller and can fit in more places as well as sticking to the shadows and don't go in straight lines keep going different directions be unpredictable."

'He's getting better.' I thought as I watched him go from shadow to shadow and for the parts of trees with the most branches while going in ransoms directions at time. He also seems to be getting better with his loud ass footsteps they are pretty quiet but he's still leaving footprints on the trees I noted.

"Also use lighter steps your leaving a trail for me to follow!" I yelled out. Watching as he slowed down and did as I told still leaving imprints on the trees but way less noticeable. I was about to compliment him when I noticed he was going in one direction for to long so I pulled out 3 blunted kunai and got ready to throw them when my instincts blared at me and I used one of the kunai to block a strike from my right just in time for me to throw the other 2 at the naruto who was farther away popping on impact leaving me with the closer one. Nodding my head I spoke "An ambush and a good one at that. When did you make the clones?"

After taking a breath he spoke "I makes one after putting a tree between us and used the body transformation technique to make him look like a squirrel."

"Good use of the techniques now taijutsu." I said as I rushed him and sent out a kunai swipe down at him only for him to smile as it popped him and I was left completely alone in a silent forest with only the sounds of the wind and tree leaves and branches moving. Looking around I spoke out loud with a laugh. "Yes you definitely are getting better now it's time for you to hide and me to hunt you for real." I licked my lips and smiled widely while my eyes narrowed in excitement as I started to have fun for the first time in years.