
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Dinner with my sensei’s

(AN: itach I, shisui, and kakashi will be like brother figures.)


Arriving at the house after making some clones to collect the kunai, shurakins, and capture wire I was going over and sorting out my memories with kurami. We were also going over strategies and techniques to use on mikoto during tomorrow's survival training because that's the only way I could describe having a slightly psychotic woman chase you through the forest.

'I'm lucky I heal quickly' I thought while inspecting my torn clothes from kunai and the few cuts and bruises that are healing at a visible rate. 'So kurami will you transform into your adult firm or a younger one because to them your only a one tailed fox or in other words a child?' I mentally asked the vixen who was doing her best to look like royalty while sitting on my shoulder.

"Hmm good question. I think I'll go in the form of a teenager around 15-16 years old I'm to powerful to take on the weak form of a child." She spoke out loud completely disregarding the fact that I was trying to have a silent conversation the same way she's been doing the hole day.

Sighing I just gave up and nodded in agreement. As the house came into view I hopped out of the trees and landed in the clearing around the house. I saw itachi and shisui doing the same while kakashi was already at the door. I could tell mikoto was already inside due to the smell of cooked meat in the air.

Nodding to the uchiha duo I went up to kakashi and asked "why are you out here and not inside?" I asked with my monotone voice.

"Hmm oh just thinking about old times I used to spend a lot of time here with my own team before well ya never mind." He spoke with his usual lazy voice, but than inspecting me he spoke with a bit of amusement. "I can see training with mikoto was eventful."

I shivered and spoke with a bit of fear. "She's scary when she wants to be." Than pausing to think I turned to itachi and asked "Has mikoto always been a total airhead when it comes to her body and movements?"

Wincing a little itachi spoke still with his own monotone while shisui chuckled at my question. "Yes unfortunately my mom was always overshadowed by your own when it came to that department so she unconsciously started showing off and now it's like second nature." Than pausing he added a joke with a little amusement in his voice making shisui stop laughing and look at itachi in surprise "I heard when she was an active shinobi she was know as the disractress due to always distracting her enemies and allies with her body movements."

Nodding my head I spoke with the same tone as itachi "Hmm I can see that also she's not the only one I have to deal with that makes it a habit of showing off."

Blinking shisui seemed to think for a second before asking "who else would be showing off to you?" This caught both itachi's and kakashi's attention as well.

Smirking from behind my face mask but making sure to keep a stoic look on the outside I spoke "Don't worry you'll meet her soon she's joining us for dinner."

Dropping the question but not looking satisfied with the question shisui looked back towards the forest while takeo h a seat on one of the deck chairs, while kakashi looked at me with a little pride at my way of deflecting the question and giving just enough information to keep shisui on his toes, and itachi well I couldn't tell with the stoic look he kept on his face.

For the next twenty minutes it was mostly an awkward silence with few words. While I had to deal with kurami sending me completely nude images of her chosen teenage form while putting extra emphasis on her ass. 'You know as troublesome as this child body is I'm happy to have it or if be pitching a tent by now and that would make this awkward situation even worse.'

'Yes a good thing for you but it would be funny to me also I can't wait till you do start pitching a tent I'll eat you right up.' Kurami sent back through the mental link for the first time today due to still being on my shoulder and her not wanting to give away any spoilers or hints to the others on who will be the mystery girl joining them for dinner. 'Wait your mom doesn't know I'm joining you for dinner so she won't have a plate for me.' She spoke with a sad tone of voice while she perked up and looked at me with big teary eyes and drooped ears.

'You put the puppy dog face to shame you damm vixen and fine we can share a plate mo…. Mikoto always gives me to much anyways.' I thought back.

'Oh finally acknowledging her as your mother?' Kurami asked making me look away from her. Smirking she used her tail to hide her face as she thought to herself 'Oh I know exactly what to do to embarrass you in front of your sensei's and get you to drop this stoic look and return to that cute pouty face.'

Twenty minutes later and the door opened with mikoto walking out she spoke after seeing all of us "Dinners ready so get in here to eat, I made steak with some salad."

After that she went back inside to take a seat while we did the same.

Looking at the dinner table I saw not one but two overfilled plates. Seemingly noticing the same itachi stoped at the same time I did and we looked at each other understanding each others plight. But than I got a smirk thinking 'ha I have kurami to help me finish so I won't be overfilled.'

Going to our seats it was shisui who spoke seeing the five plates "Umm naruto didn't you say that a girl would be joining us I only see five plates." Getting everyone's attention as they looked at him than me in question.

Nodding I spoke "Oh yes well you all know her but let me reintroduce her." I got up from my seat and motioned for kurami to transform into her teenage form. "This is kurami my personal summon and princess of the fox summon clan." I started and as kurami glowed red and started transforming I finished "the fox summon clan has a special transformation jutsu they call a true transformation as they can appear mostly human." I finished as a red hared teen appeared next to me with a long fluffy red tail and two pointed fox ears on the top of her head.

"Thanks for imthe introduction ruto I'll be sure to thank you later." Kurami spoke in her regal tone but added a little teasing tone at the end for me. "Hello humans you all should feel incredibly lucky to see my beautiful and amazing human form as you are the few who have seen it." She spoke with a superior and smug tone as she walked over to me.

Already expecting some thing like this I went to get another seat as mikoto, kakashi, itachi, and shisui sat there slack jawed. But before I could grab a spare seat for me kurami picked me up from behind and took a seat and sat me on her lap like a baby.

My eyes widening I tried to get away but her tail rapped around me and locked me in place. I turned and glared at her only for her to smirk and press my face into her breasts. Getting muffled curses from my mouth that mikoto luckily didn't understand.

Getting over his stupor the fastest itachi let a small smile come over his face as he started eating. While the others took a little more time but did the same as the mood went from awkward to happy pretty quickly.

Finally letting me out of her bust kurami went to eating while I did the same taking turns eating from the plate. Looking around the table with a small smile I thought 'this isn't so bad.'

Just than mikoto spoke after looking at itachi "Eat up itachi you Mr going to need all the energy you can get dealing with anbu and your energetic girlfriend."

Making itachi spit out the water in his mouth. He coughed and exclaimed with a blush "MOM!" Making shisui laugh and getting a glare from itachi as kakashi giggled perversely, kurami giggled in amusement while also looking at me as if finding new ways to embarrass me and I chuckled good naturally at first than nervously as I saw the look kurami was giving me.

'Ya not to bad at all I could definitely get used to this.' I thought as more conversations started and me and itachi lost our cool with mikotos and kurami's teasing.