
Reborn as an Eye

In a treacherous land filled with magic and other mystical energies, an unmoving entity known as the Eye observes the creatures that roam below. As its sight grows, the Eye finds itself peering into a hidden world of conspiracies and schemes, but the greatest truth that it gets closer to is that of its own. Read on as the mysterious “Eye” impacts and changes the lives it watches… for the Eye’s better. As the Eye does not only watch. ——— Arc 1 Synopsis: The country of Desmia is one of many on the continent that is home to many forms of mystical energy. One of Desmia's smallest cities, Jade City, is dominated by two powerful families, each tracing their lineage back to a shared ancestor. This city was established and continues to be inhabited by particular users of mystical energy—cultivators. In actuality, Jade City is deteriorating and stagnant. Travelers seldom venture there, overshadowed by the vast, forbidden Hilden Forest nearby, a region teeming with beasts. In an effort to solidify unity, the two great families arrange a marriage, marking the start of a long journey towards shared interests—the start of a plan. However, within the menacing depths of Hilden Forest, an enigmatic entity known as the 'Eye' is rapidly evolving, a force that could potentially derail the families' plotting. ——— *Important: Novel 1 Serialization will continue on WebNovel. As a free novel, you may eventually see it roll out to different sites. Tentative Release Schedule: M/W/F (due to time zone differences, this may be T/R/S for some). A heartfelt ‘thank you’ is also in order to all readers—rest assured, RaaE will never be dropped. ———

CCBlue · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Central Market

Jade City was a beautiful city, and those who lived inside were quite fortunate, especially when compared to the commoners who could only live outside its walls.

In the past, the city guard would still patrol the surrounding areas for beasts, but they had slowly slinked back into the protection of the city. 

The guards could only deal with mortal beasts, being helpless if they faced off against an Enhanced Beast. Only cultivators, warriors, and other mystical users could do so, and it would take multiple of them at that.

Cultivators generally came from either the Fang or Li Clan, but others could become one as well. However, to become a cultivator required at least a decade to form a core for cultivation–and that was only if one was a prodigy who cultivated non-stop. For others, it could take several decades, and they still could have no luck. 

Fortunately, once one became a cultivator, they could finally absorb energy from spirit stones to speed up their cultivation, but that was only if they had enough resources. So, Jade City's mystic practice of cultivation didn't gain much popularity elsewhere, and even in the city, few groups could support cultivators. 

The Fang Clan, as the ruling group of the city, was in charge of protecting not only the city itself but also the Ancestral Archives to its east and the roads leading to both. To fulfill this responsibility, they hired mortal guards and incentivized their own cultivators to join the effort. 

Some cultivators chose to leave their clans out of desire or necessity, establishing organizations of their own. However, most estranged cultivators immediately set off on their journey, leaving the city through the south gate, the only direction to another city. 

Since the city protected the southern road leading up to it, most peasants farmed or scavenged around it because they were assured of some safety. It was also a bonus that most travelers were armed or possessed some fighting ability, so if a peasant was attacked by a beast, they could run to the road in the hopes that someone would be there.

Most visitors were not keen on this, nor were they enthusiastic about having to travel through forbidden areas and farmland to reach Jade City. After overcoming the challenges of the journey and finally leaving the Spiral Plains behind, they were still unable to relax. 

Their only entertainment before they reached Jade City was watching the peasants out in the fields, but it proved rather dull. Some immoral travelers would enjoy watching the beasts devour the peasants. They had no obligation to help, and they found it more entertaining that way. 

To stay away from travelers, some peasant farmers lived just to the north of the city, where rivers flowed down from farther up. The farmland was much better and more arable there, but despite that, they would not live past a day's walking distance from the city. No cultivators were around, so they would be helpless if they were attacked by lurking beasts, or worse, a monster.

The Li Clan made use of the incoming traffic of travelers by building their shops and their prized auction pavilion at the south end of the city, so visitors weary from the journey wouldn't have to travel far within the city for food, accommodation, and entertainment. They could get what they wanted and leave, leaving little room for patronage in the other parts of the city. 

While the Li Clan's market stood as the largest and grandest, the central market was more attractive to the residents. Its central location encouraged a steady flow of foot traffic from all over the city, showcasing the area's wealth through a bustling array of fancy shops and stalls. 

Fang Zhou led Fang Qian down the road as they skillfully navigated through clumps and streams of people.

The polished roads and walkways beneath them were etched with jade green–reminiscent of the city's name. The grand structures around them stood out with extravagant decorations and enticing displays inside. For some, it was by the delicious smells that emanated out; for others, the expensive goods that graced their counters. 

As they walked, Fang Qian pointed and squawked at the stores she had been to with their mother, eager to command Fang Zhou's attention. 

Over time, the stalls of vendor goods became sparse, and the shops became more luxurious. 

When they passed an exorbitant shop with onyx-colored pillars trimmed with silver, they could smell a lingering waft of freshly baked osmanthus cakes. 

It wasn't a bakery but a shop that sold unique materials, evidenced by the amount of redwood shelves inside. Each case contained vastly different-looking materials that lay softly on top of luxurious fabrics.

One such holder displayed a pair of crystal vials possessing ice-blue liquid; another contained a single dark feather, its content surrounded by dense motes of grey; and another exhibited a few black flower petals that flaunted meandering lines of vibrant pink. 

All the while, the smell of the hot pastries, a sweet and gentle honey, permeated the shop before drifting out the door, beckoning streetgoers to take a quick look inside. 

Fang Zhou looked at his sister who seemed to be enamored with the many such stores around, remembering that her enthusiasm for material goods had caused her core formation pace to fall behind his own. 

Several years ago, Fang Qian had decided to become a disciple of their mother–an elder of the clan–with the hope of improving her core formation speed and avoiding an arranged marriage. All clan elders, including their mother, had the authority to take in disciples. 

With their mother having long lost her cultivation at the Energy Infusion realm and now in a precarious position, his sister had been fighting the advances of a forced marriage. She had only managed to hold out for so long because their mother still wielded significant power and authority within the clan, despite her weakened state. 

When they finally saw the auction house in the distance, Qian broke her sight away from the surroundings. She laid down her arms to her sides and pursed her lips before speaking an important question–a question that had been gnawing at her mind. 

"So, do you really want to marry Li Ting?"

Fang Zhou was puzzled by the sudden serious question his sister posed, raising his brow as he glanced at her. It was a similar question to the one his mother had raised. 

"You know, Mother asked me something similar."

"It's because Li Ting isn't a cultivator."

"Well, I'm not one either."

"You know what I mean."

Fang Zhou's expression hardened as he contemplated the question, but in a few moments, his face returned to normal. 

"Father made the final decision, and it was a long time ago. Besides, I view the situation in this way: Both the Fang and Li Clans come from the same root, but we've long separated from the Ancestor's teachings with us pursuing authority and the Li Clan pursuing wealth. Now, neither one of us is truly pursuing cultivation like the Ancestor wanted for his descendants. So, I'm going to unite the families and restore the Ancestor's teachings."

Fang Zhou's staunch attitude accentuated the determination in his eyes, but his voice faltered as he continued. 


"How can I not want that? Both clans are depending on me, so I will do my best to save Li Ting." 

Fang Qian's gaze lingered on her brother for an extended moment. She hadn't realized that he had thought so hard about it. Her little brother had truly matured and grown up. 

As they were about to get ready to enter the auction hall, they noticed an old man on a chocolate-black horse riding quickly towards them.

He was not stroking his facial hair. 

Steward Lang arrived before them in a flurry of wind as he brought his horse to an abrupt stop. 

"Young Master, your father has concluded the council meeting, and he has asked for you. It seems that he and the elders have made their decision."

Relief flashed across Fang Zhou's face. His waiting was finally over. 

As the clan's elders were all cultivators at the Energy Infusion realm or above, they wouldn't mind a few months' lost sleep or meals. 

Well, they would regularly be served lavish snacks, but that was beside the point. His mother and he knew that they could take forever to make a decision, so it was already pretty quick for them to have finished the meeting in only a few days. 

Despite that, his mother's joke that his father would almost be done with his meeting was certainly in poor taste, mocking the clan's efficiency and timeliness. Then again, her remarks tended to be thinly veiled and sharp. 

Fang Zhou believed her bitterness originated from her injury that prevented her from cultivating. From how severe it was, dropping her strength to that of a regular guard, it became apparent to the clan members that her core had not just cracked but shattered. 

Pulling himself out of the mire of his thoughts, Fang Zhou quickly went into action, leaping onto the horse and securing his position behind Steward Lang. 

"I'll have to leave you, Sister. Maybe next time."

Before Fang Qian could reply, the steward pulled the reins, and the horse took off running in the direction they came from. 

As she watched the horse and riders vanish into the distance, Fang Qian played with the grass in her hand. 

When she could no longer see the pair, the corners of her mouth curved up. She veered to the side of the auction house where a narrow street stretched into the distance. Unfolding her fan and holding it out in front of her face, she set off down the vacant alley with purpose in each step. 

See you soon!

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