
Reborn as an Eye

In a treacherous land filled with magic and other mystical energies, an unmoving entity known as the Eye observes the creatures that roam below. As its sight grows, the Eye finds itself peering into a hidden world of conspiracies and schemes, but the greatest truth that it gets closer to is that of its own. Read on as the mysterious “Eye” impacts and changes the lives it watches… for the Eye’s better. As the Eye does not only watch. ——— Arc 1 Synopsis: The country of Desmia is one of many on the continent that is home to many forms of mystical energy. One of Desmia's smallest cities, Jade City, is dominated by two powerful families, each tracing their lineage back to a shared ancestor. This city was established and continues to be inhabited by particular users of mystical energy—cultivators. In actuality, Jade City is deteriorating and stagnant. Travelers seldom venture there, overshadowed by the vast, forbidden Hilden Forest nearby, a region teeming with beasts. In an effort to solidify unity, the two great families arrange a marriage, marking the start of a long journey towards shared interests—the start of a plan. However, within the menacing depths of Hilden Forest, an enigmatic entity known as the 'Eye' is rapidly evolving, a force that could potentially derail the families' plotting. ——— *Important: Novel 1 Serialization will continue on WebNovel. As a free novel, you may eventually see it roll out to different sites. Tentative Release Schedule: M/W/S (due to time zone differences, this may be T/R/S for some). A heartfelt ‘thank you’ is also in order to all readers—rest assured, RaaE will never be dropped. *Bonus Chapters will be released after reaching 35, 40, 45, and 50 Power Stones (in addition to normally scheduled chapters). ———

CCBlue · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Li Ting Awakes

The Eye rather enthusiastically reviewed the meaning remaining in his mind. 

[Upgrading abilities requires time or time equivalents.]

[Time equivalents are anything that can be converted into time easily. Mana can be used as a time equivalent.]

[Current Time Equivalents = 23]

[Time equivalents required to upgrade abilities]:

Aura: 100

Seal: 20,000

[Growth Requirement: 338]

In doing so, he made many connections from the information.

First, he deduced that the mana from his wisps could be considered time equivalents. 

Second, after identifying that he had 23 time equivalents and possessed 11 orange wisps and 1 red wisp, he concluded that each orange wisp contained 2 mana. This helped him confirm his earlier suspicion that a creature at a higher level of existence would require an exponential cost to make a connection with. 

The Eye felt a slight tone of disappointment when he determined that he had less mana than he had anticipated. It was a slight letdown because he had expected his orange wisps to contain at least 3 mana each, but he quickly dismissed this minute frustration as a mistake on his part for having such high expectations. 

Third, he wasn't familiar with the growth requirement. However, with all of the available information, he assumed that fulfilling this growth requirement would be what it took for him to advance and grow, likely improving the speed at which he could accumulate mana through better wisps. The Eye, somewhat hopefully, determined that this advancement would allow him to gain another ability as well. 

The Eye also observed that he naturally grew a bit each day, noting that since his last advancement, 22 days had passed, and his growth cycle required 338 more days to complete. This indicated that it took a total of 360 days for him to advance to the next stage. Thus, with each passing day, he was one step closer to growth.

Fourth, and most importantly, the Eye learned that he could also improve himself like the Night Wolves. Although he didn't know when his growth would, if ever, become impeded, he could focus on doing what he could for now. 

From the meaning lingering in his mind, there were currently three different areas for him to improve on: his aura, his seal, and his growth. 

The aura and seal were his current abilities, but since his seal required an astronomical 20,000 time equivalents to improve, he decided to ignore working towards that one at this time. 

That left his aura that required 100 time equivalents and his growth requirement that needed 338 days to fulfill. 

The Eye wondered whether he could use his wisps to fulfill his growth requirement, but since he could passively gain the requirements for it over time, he decided that it was better to focus on the ability that only accepted time equivalents–his aura. It also helped that it cost the least to achieve: 100 time equivalents. 

Considering how he received an orange wisp that contained 2 mana each dawn, the Eye quickly calculated that it would take him 39 more days. This wasn't a large amount of time to the Eye, but that was only if he hadn't used any wisps in the meantime. What if he made another connection? 

The Eye had only been able to identify his ability's cost after using it, and the high variation between creatures could quickly make him wispless. 

Still, the Eye was unsure whether he wanted to save up his wisps to improve a rather useless ability. The Eye still didn't know exactly what the aura did, and it didn't seem to help him in any useful way.

In the end, the Eye decided that he would use his wisps to make more connections, but if no opportunity arose, he wouldn't mind saving them. Though, he likely could only still keep 100 wisps at a time, so he reminded himself to be careful. 

Thinking of making more connections, the Eye connected his vision with the Night Wolf. It looked like the creature was on a hunt with its pack, taking down a boar similar to the one he had seen before. 

When the Night Wolves finished the creature off and ravenously devoured their portions, they dragged the remaining carcass back to their den.

The three adults and four pups that had remained there emerged to greet the hunters, eager to feast on the leftovers. 

The four pups no longer needed their parents, aunts, and uncles to help them prepare their food for them, joining the three adults in dragging away meaty bones to enjoy. 

Seeing that the Night Wolves were doing well, the Eye decided to check on his other connection–the one that wasn't moving. 

In the dead of night, the Eye could see that the blood had stopped seeping out of the creature's head, allowing the clotted blood outside to dry, leaving dark stains on the boulder and ground. 

Despite the boulder's bloodstained appearance, the human continued to sleep peacefully, its eyes closed and head resting upward.

As the Eye was about to shift his vision back to the Night Wolf connection, the human's eyes suddenly fluttered open, her gaze–highlighted by a hazel eye and the other a seemingly swirling black mass–connecting with him.


A figure draped in a black robe skillfully made his way through the streets of Jade City, illuminated only faintly by the moonlight above. Turning down an alley engulfed in a sea of vibrant red lanterns, the figure glanced around the inviting area. Women–and some men–outside the lighted doors gestured to passersby, inviting them inside.

The cloaked figure ignored the temptations and allure of the street, as well as the sounds coming from inside the structures around. As the figure continued, he eventually reached an entrance behind a grand building that was protected by two burly guards.

Even though the auction had wrapped up earlier in the evening, guards were still stationed around this auction venue, a standard protocol to ensure the safety and comfort of any guests lingering on the premises.

This was part of the venue's commitment to providing exceptional customer service, marketing it as 'unreasonable hospitality' and targeted especially toward its most distinguished patrons. 

Unfortunately, the two guards at this entrance were both relatively new to their roles.

Noticing the figure's unassuming demeanor and plain black robe–a stark contrast to the luxurious attire typically worn by the clientele entering this way–the guard on the left couldn't help but question the individual.

"And who might you be? A drunkard like you probably stumbled to the wrong place, perhaps in search of some late-night fun, eh?"

The other guard couldn't resist a chuckle, adding fuel to the jest.

"Indeed! Entry here demands a bit more compared to the shops across the street! Status, my friend, is required–something that a guy like you can only dream of!"

Their laughter filled the air, heavy with amusement at the poor sap before them. However, their laughter was abruptly silenced when the figure reached into his clothes and pulled out a black token. The token, displaying ten pink blossoms engraved on the front and the number "1" on the back, caused the guards' faces to turn pale and clammy.

Coughing, the guard on the right immediately changed his attitude, with the other guard promptly following suit.

"Welcome, esteemed guest! I apologize I didn't recognize your greatness earlier!"

"Please forgive us, esteemed guest! We're recent hires!"

Before waiting for the figure to respond, both guards bowed deeply, their demeanor transforming into one of eagerness to please.

The silence from the cloaked figure only seemed to reassure them. 

"Please follow us to the top floor, esteemed guest!"

Without further delay, they escorted the figure through the grandeur of the building to an exceptional room marked with the number "1," an auction viewing room reserved only for the most special of guests. 

After arriving before the door, the guards bowed and quickly left, hoping to get the entire ordeal behind them and not find out the next day that they were already fired. 

Upon inserting his token into a slot, the door swung open to reveal a room that was a testament to luxury. It was decorated with silk hangings and sophisticated paintings, richly complementing the artisanal furniture inside. 

As the figure entered, he encountered a woman dressed in luxurious, blood-red attire, capturing any attention that the space hadn't already claimed. 

Seated comfortably, she smiled as she indulged herself in the assorted spread of gourmet delicacies, the rich aroma of fine foods filling the air around her.

Catching sight of the newcomer, the woman addressed him with a hint of sarcasm.

"Ah, returned in one piece, I see."

Not hearing a reply, she prodded further. 

"I take it that means the job is done, correct?"

Finally responding, the figure continued in an off-sounding voice, a blend of throaty growling and clicking. 

"Of course. Now, the job is done, and payment is due."

Briefly shuddering before scoffing, the woman continued blandly.

"Where's your evidence?"

In response, the figure took a sword from his robe, its blade smeared with dry red. 

"Anything else?" he retorted gravelly. 

Turning from the treats on the table to examine the bloodied blade, the woman's expression remained cold and unphased.

"I hope you managed to retrieve the earrings. If my clan discovers that artifact on any semblance of her body, explaining its presence would be… problematic."

"You shouldn't have bothered with such last-minute sentimentality," the figure remarked, a hint of mockery in his tone. 

"I understand your intent was for me to swiftly end her suffering and retrieve the earrings, but your request was ironic at best. Nevertheless, I compensated for your moment of compassion by leaving her to the Night Wolves. A pity I couldn't stay to enjoy the show."

The figure's cruel satisfaction made the woman clench her jaw, her emotions simmering just below the surface. She fought to keep her composure in the face of its taunting. 

"Are you sure she's dead? I expected you to confirm her end–with or without your games! Ten mana crystals are no small sum–they're worth about a thousand spirit stones in total!"

The figure remained unfazed by the woman's growing fury, his voice guttural and steady.

"No human could survive losing so much blood in the depths of Hilden Forest, not so much the blood loss as being found by beasts and ripped to shreds. Besides, I had raided the fourth treasure hall, so it shouldn't have been too hard for you to swipe a fraction of the mana crystals in the second hall."

"Hmph. You excel in stealth and scorn alike. But tell me, why are you collecting so many mana crystals in such a hurry?"

For the first time, the figure showed a reaction, quickly closing the distance between them. Inches away from her face, his horrifying mandibles became ominously visible.

Witnessing the mandibles click menacingly, the woman promptly stiffened as a shiver went up her spine. 

"You don't need to concern yourself with my reasons. Consider yourself lucky that I don't prey on clients, or you'd be digesting in my stomach."

His intimidating glare softened as the woman cautiously presented a small pouch from her clothing. He snatched it with a grunt, and clicking his mandibles in irritation, he turned to leave. 

"She had better be dead. Otherwise, I'll expose you to the city, and they will hunt you down. Believe me, I wield enough influence for that."

Listening to the woman's remark, the figure stopped in front of the door. His mandibles furiously clattering, he turned around, opening his mouth wide and flashing a monstrous grin. 

"By then, it would be too late, Li Mei. And should you dare, I promise to send you into the jaws of a creature far more terrifying than the ones I sent your daughter to."

The figure's parting words left a chilling sense of dread that seemed to suffocate the room. The woman remained motionless, shadows from the flickering lanterns creeping across her face. 

She then looked at the enticing treats before her with disgust. 

"Tsk. Maybe dealing with that thing was a mistake. Ugh! Well, at least it dealt with that problem, and no one will believe a word of a monster's over mine. I need to move quickly now."

The woman quickly rose, adjusting her red hood to tightly cover her face. Slipping out through one of the auction hall's many side exits, she stepped into the lively street, her silhouette blending among the throngs of nighttime revelers. 

See you soon!

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