
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · Ciudad
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12 Chs

The Awakening

"Master Dave! You're going too fast! The flight petrol will arrest us if you don't slow down.", Ben says as he nearly gets a virtual heart attack.

Dave loosens his foot a little and the vehicle slows down. "Haaaa.", Ben sighs with relief.

They then ride at the same speed till they get to their destination. Dave then lands his vehicle a little away from the portal's entrance.

Dave then gets out of his car to inspect the defensive wall made around the portal. The defensive walls were made to prevent ordinary humans from entering the portals.

The defensive walls around this portal were 10 feet tall with thermal sensors all around it. At the entrance of the defense walls, there were five grade D security bots.

"With this much security an ordinary human has no hope of getting in, but, I am no ordinary human!", Dave thinks as a wide grin appears on his face.

Dave goes to the wall opposite the entrance and takes in a deep breath. He lunges upwards, in a single jump he leaps over the 10-foot wall and lands inside the barrier.

"Master Dave what are you doing!", Dave hears an angry and worried voice. "Relax I am just taking a look.", Dave gave a nonchalant reply.

He then looks at his wrist and taps on the band three times. The glow on the band fades. "Well, I don't want him peaking on me just yet!", Dave thinks to himself as he looks at his surroundings.

"Two bots on the right, three bots on the left, and one guarding the portal.", Dave thinks as if devises a plan to get to the portal. He looks around and sees a few stones laying around, Dave picks them up and throws a couple near the group of bots.

The group of bots immediately gets alarmed and goes searching for the origin of the moment.

"That's my chance!", Dave thinks as he sees all the guards distracted. He dashes forward with good speed and enters the portal.

As Dave enters the portal he gets teleported into an unknown forest. The forest had a lot of big trees and, long and thick vines hung from them.

Dave observes his surroundings and thinks, "I should go up one of these trees to take cover and look for prey."

He then goes near one of the trees and starts climbing it. After a few minutes, he reaches the top of the tree.

When Dave reaches the top of the tower he rests for a bit and then looks around. As he looks around he finds smoke coming from various parts of the forest.

"Those should be the goblin nests.", Dave thinks as he decides which one to raid first.

"Let's go to the weakest one.", Dave says as he starts descending the tree. He then stops on a branch, "It has been a while since I have done this. Hope I don't fall on my face." Dave thinks as he grabs a vine.

"I think it was that way.", Dave thinks as he swings in the direction of the goblin camp.

As he reaches the maximum velocity from his swing, he releases his hands. He gets sent flying through the air, he then spots the next vine and grabs it mid-air.

By following this cycle, again and again, he reaches the goblin nest. Dave releases the vine he was holding and starts falling, he grabs hold of a branch just before reaching the ground. He then loosens his grip and falls to the ground.

"Ou ou ou ou ou ou ou! This hurts, hurts more than expected!", Dave thinks as he looks at his numb, stiff, and burning hands.

"I should rest properly before raiding the nest.", Dave thinks to himself as he goes near a tree and sits down.

After a minute or so he stretches his hands and gives them a massage. After another minute he says, "Okay, all done!"

Dave then puts his hand in his pocket and takes out the kitchen knife. He then applies mud over all of his body and moves stealthily towards the nest, carefully avoiding all the goblin scouts.

When Dave reaches the nest, he sees that a 15-foot-tall wooden barrier had been erected to protect the nest from danger.

"This is going to be tough.", Dave thinks as he rushes towards the barrier from a secluded spot.

He jumps with all his might, he stretches his hand to its maximum capacity! Even with all his effort, he barely manages to grab hold of the tip of the barrier!

With all his might Dave pulls his body up and crosses the barrier.

"First, take out the goblins on the watch tower.", Dave thinks as he gets his priorities straight.

He slowly moves closer to the nearest watch tower, when he reaches it, he quickly climbs all the way to the top in one go.

As he reaches the top, he sees the goblin warrior looking around scanning for danger.

Dave crouches and inches his way toward the goblin, as he gets within striking range, Dave knee-buts the goblin, grabs its mouth, impales the knife in the goblin's neck, and thrusts it out, opening his vocal cord.

The goblin dies without even knowing what happened.

Suddenly a screen appears before Dave.


| Congratulations!

| You Have awakened!


| Rank: E

| Please choose a class

| From the following:-


| 1. Swordsmen

| 2. Berserker

| 3. Butcher

| 4. Assassin

"As expected! I awakened as an E rank. 'Swordsman, Berserker, Butcher, Assassin', hmm interesting! Two normal and two hidden classes.", Dave thinks as he looks at the screen before him.