
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · Urban
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12 Chs

The captives

"I should clear the goblin nest and then take a look at the available classes.", Dave thinks as he ransacks the dead goblin's body. He finds a bone dagger, and a reinforcement calling horn, and he removes the goblin's monster core. After looting the goblin, he starts descending the watch tower.

He then climbs the next watchtower and takes out the other goblin. "Watch towers clear! Next the goblin scouts."

Dave then carefully takes a look from the watch tower and spots all the scout team.

"There are 12 groups and groups of three to five goblins. In total I have 2 bone daggers, 2 reinforcement calling horns, 1 knife, and 2 monster cores.", Dave thinks as he prepares a plan with the tools he has on hand.

He stuffs the two monster cores and horns in his pants and holds the two daggers in one hand and the knife in the other.

Without wasting any time he rushes down the watch tower and heads for the weakest goblin group.

He reaches the group. When Dave feels confident, he releases the two daggers and the knife from his hands, they fly straight towards their target hitting all three in the head, all of them dying at once. After Dave loots their body, he immediately heads for the next group.

Within half an hour he clears out all of the scout groups. "Well that took me a lot more time and energy than necessary!", Dave thinks to himself as he huffs and pants.

"Let's see how much loot we got!", He thinks as he places all the items he looted from the goblins in front of him.

"51 monster cores, 60 bone daggers, 12 iron swords, 14 slingshots, 16 crossbows, and 9 stone axes.", Dave says as he summarizes all the loot.

"Can I carry all this stuff in my pants? Why not give it a try.", Dave says as he puts his hands in his pocket.

One by one Dave starts stuffing both his pockets, first the monster cores, then the slingshots, then the swords, after that the stone axes, and then the crossbows. Dave then tucks thirty daggers on his waist, four daggers in each hand, and stores the rest in his pants.

"Wow! All of that fit! This limited edition Junki pant really is something!", Dave says surprised.

"All right let's do the boss raid now.", Dave says as he dashes towards the goblin nest's heart.

As Dave rushes into the nest, he encounters roaming goblins. As soon as he encounters a goblin group, he throws bone daggers at them and kills them instantly. he then loots them and moves on.

Dave circles the nest and clears out almost all the roaming goblins. He then makes his way toward the center of the nest, on his way he kills a few more goblins, clearing out all the roaming goblins.

As soon as he enters the middle area, he sees a big house made out of wood and hay. Dave slows down and cautiously moves near it. When he reaches the entrance of the house, he puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a sword.

Dave enters the house as discreetly as possible. He notices that the house is quite neatly designed, for a goblin's that is.

Dave moves around the house stealthily and finds no one. He then makes his way to the second floor.

When he gets to the second floor, he sees a lot of doors, all the doors were small and plain except for one. It was big and covered in carvings.

Dave slowly approaches the big door and opens it. He enters the room, and to his left, he sees a big 7ft goblin sleeping on its bed.

"O I am going to need two swords for him!", Dave thinks as he reaches his pocket and pulls out another sword.

He then makes his way towards the bed without making noise. As he gets within arm's length of the goblin, he swiftly thrusts his sword at the goblin's neck.

The swords cut through the goblin's neck like knives through butter, and the blood sprays everywhere.

Dave quickly jumps back to avoid getting any of the goblin blood on his clothes. He then digs out the goblin's monster core and looks around the room, he then fines some good stuff and loots it. He leaves the room.

Looking at the other doors Dave thinks, "I should loot these as well"

After that Dave starts looting all the rooms one by one.

"Only two more left.", Dave thinks as he heads to one of the two un-looted doors.

As Dave opens the door, he is greeted by a surprise. "Jackpot! this must be the goblin's treasury.", Dave thinks as he looks at the pile of equipment, gold, weapons, and much more.

Dave happily stuffs his pant and moves on to the last door. When he opens the last door, Dave gets a little surprised. He sees two prisoners chained to the wall, the fact that there were prisoners did not surprise Dave one bit. But the things that were held captive surprised him.

Dave goes near the two one-foot-tall figures. "Why is the fairy race here?", Dave thinks as the takes a closer look. "By the look of it, they are no ordinary fairies either! They must be royalty or purebloods.", He then taps on the sleeping fairy's cheek, its face is as big as Dave's one figure.

The fairy wakes up. As it sees Dave it starts panicking and making some strange noises. "It's scared out of its mind and calling for help!", Dave thinks as he goes on one knee.

He then starts making similar strange noises. The fairy is taken aback and replies in fairy language, "Can you really help us get home?"

The second fairy wakes up after hearing their conversation. "Yes but, it's gonna take a long long time.", Dave replies as he breaks the rope tying the fairy.

Dave then turns to the second fairy and frees it. He then asks the both of them, "Are you both hurt anywhere, Are your wings okay?" Both of the fairies shake their heads and say, "We were captured just yesterday so we are fine."

"How did you get to this place? It's not even connected to your world!", Dave asks after seeing them in good health.

Both of the fairies look at each other, then the fairy says, "An elder in our village gave us a pendent and when we went home it started shining, before we knew it we were teleported here and got captured."