
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · Urban
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12 Chs

D-rank portal

"What should I do now?..", Dave thinks as he submerges himself underwater. "Umm, I should get awakened first.", Dave thinks still submerged.

After a few minutes, he lifts his face to get some air and then again goes underwater. A few hours go by, Dave starts feeling a little uncomfortable so he decides to get out of the bath.

Dave then starts walking towards the bathroom door without wiping his body. But surprisingly as he exits through the door, he looks like he never had a bath in the first place! Not a single drop of water is present on his body.

"God! You gotta love the technology, The modified water on earth is something else!", Dave thinks as he feels as if he is reborn.

He then walks to a wall and taps on it. A screen appears before him, and on it, there are many sets of fancy clothes arranged one after the other, just like a cloth shopping website.

He then taps on the sports column and scrolls through it. He then looks for comfortable tight-fit clothes and clicks on them. A light envelopes Dave and then the clothes that he had selected appear on him.

Dave then moves around a bit to get adjusted to them, he then goes to the kitchen and looks through his knives. He takes out a big knife with an 8-inch long blade and swings it around.

Dave thinks, "This should be enough." and stuffs it in his pants, he then goes and searches for jars, he picks a few, and stuffs them in a bag, he then says "Ben, put the bag in the quantum space." the bag disappears, he then walks to his apartment door, and says, "Ben, if someone comes notify me immediately."

"Sure thing master. Don't forget to take your watch with you!", Ben says as he reminds Dave.

"Yeah. How could I forget about it.", Dave says as a band appears on his wrist, he exits the apartment.

As he steps out, he is immediately enveloped by an atmosphere of luxury, he is greeted by the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, which cast a warm light on the plush carpets and intricately designed wallpaper. The air is thick with the scent of exotic flowers, and the gentle hum of soothing music drifts through the corridors.

The opulence of the floor is impossible to ignore. The plush carpets beneath his feet feel like clouds as he makes his way down the hallway.

As he approaches the elevator, he is greeted by a friendly concierge. The elevator doors slide open, and he steps inside, marveling at the opulence that surrounds him. The walls are adorned with shimmering gold and silver accents, and the plush velvet seating invites you to relax and enjoy the ride.

The door shuts and a voice from the elevator asks, "Please state the floor you would like to visit."

Dave says, "The ground floor please." It feels as if the elevator isn't moving at all, but Dave can see numbers rapidly decreasing displayed on the screen above the elevator door.

As the elevator descends to the ground floor, he can't help but notice the stunning panoramic views of the city skyline through the only glass wall. The elevator itself is a marvel of engineering, with a sleek design and advanced technology that ensures a smooth ride.

As he steps out of the elevator, into the lobby, he is greeted by the sight of a grand staircase leading down to the ground floor. The lobby is a marvel of architectural design, with soaring ceilings and intricate details that speak to the hotel's commitment to excellence.

He goes down the staircase and sees a huge reception, natural light floods the area, highlighting the stunning architecture and design elements. The ceiling of the room was high, at least four stories tall, it was decorated neatly and stylishly, giving the radiance of a glorious Royal palace.

The reception desk is the centerpiece of the space, crafted from the finest materials and illuminated by soft lighting that highlights its phenomenal design. The desk is staffed by a team of friendly and professional individuals.

Dave goes near the lavish reception, the receptionist recognizes him and asks, "Mister Dave are you planning to head out somewhere?"

Dave replies, "Yes, could you please prepare my vehicle for me?" The receptionist nods and does something under the table. She says, "Your vehicle is waiting for you right outside."

as she points at the entrance.

"Thank you, I'll be back by early morning.", Dave says as he smiles and heads to the entrance. "Have a nice day sir!", the receptionist says as she sees him leave, "Wish you same!", Dave replies as he continues walking towards the exit.

"He seems to be in a good mood today.", the receptionist thinks as she looks at Dave. "Well. it's nice to see him happy rather than his depressed usual self.",

She thinks as she looks at Dave with a weird expression.

Dave then exits the building and the receptionist gets back to her work. As Dave exits the building he sees a futuristic car hovering in the air, waiting for him. When he goes near the car, it automatically opens its door.

As Dave enters the car, a familiar voice asks, "Welcome Master Dave, where would you like to go today, the usual place?"

"Hmm, before that, show me a list of D-rank portals near us.", Dave says as he sits in the driver's seat.

"Why do you ask Master Dave? Are you planning to do something stupid again?", The voice asks in a concerned tone.

"No Ben, I am just planning to take a look!", Dave says in a non-interested tone.

There is silence for a while, then a screen appears in front of Dave and Ben says, "Here is the list of D-rank portals present near us."

Dave scrolls through the list and sees a portal named, 'Warrior Goblin's Nest'

"Ben, please show the route heading to this place.", Dave says as he selects the 'Warrior goblin's nest'.

A map appears in front of Dave on the windshield, the car starts moving. "Ben stop. Let me drive.", Dave says as he puts his seat belt on.

"Are you sure Master Dave!", Ben says, shocked at Dave's request. "I feel like diving today, so why not?", Dave replies after hearing Ben's shocked tone.

"Okay, then I will switch to manual mode master Dave.", Ben says as a rod comes out of the dashboard and two thin pedals emerge near Dave's feet.

As the rod finishes extending, its top splits into half and falls back, it then again splits into half and extends sideways, forming a "[>0<]" shape.< p>

When the process finishes, Dave grabs the steering wheel and pins the accelerator, the vehicle blasts off at a crazy speed.