
Rebirth: Counterterrorism in America

"Reborn for Family: Taken" - Joining CTU in "Counterterrorism 24/7," pursued by Jason Bourne from "The Bourne Identity," cooperating with Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," blending elements of "Rainbow Six" and "Call of Duty," navigating the realms of movies and games, I am Steve Owen. THIS HISTORY BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR THIS IS A TRANSLATION

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Chapter 50: The Female Assassin, Scores Settled

Shift to reverse, step on the gas.

The tires emitted a burst of white smoke as the car began to rapidly reverse. At the other end, Dami Ai desperately pressed on the gas, continuously praying for more speed, to catch the people in the car before it could reach the person it was meant to save.

Suddenly, the sound of a unique motor entered his ears. Before he could check, a motorcycle roared past from the side of the road. The motorcycle flew through the air, and the female rider's submachine gun began to fire.

The flames from the muzzle were particularly glaring in the darkness, and the bullets pinged and ponged on the front hood, sparking a series of sparks, causing the police car to momentarily slow down.

The motorcycle landed, and Dami Ai, waking from his moment of panic, pressed the gas again.

The motorcycle and car began a chase on the highway, the female rider firing back while on the move, bullets hitting the police car behind Dami Ai, with the car next to Dami Ai being directly flipped over, and Dami Ai's windshield was shattered into a spider web.

Dami Ai, leaning to the side, hid his entire body under the dashboard, but his foot did not leave the gas, instead taking the opportunity to shoot closer during the firing.

When the submachine gun's bullets ran out, the female rider, without time to reload, slammed on the gas again, widening the distance a bit.

Seeing the opponent out of bullets, Dami Ai had no more concerns, sat up properly, holding the steering wheel with his left hand and smashing a hole in the spider-webbed windshield with his gun stock with his right hand, extending the pistol out.

But before he could fire, he saw in the range of the headlights, the female rider discarding her submachine gun and pulling out a grenade with one hand, then the grenade's pin flew off, and after holding it in her hand for a few seconds, it fell from her hand in free fall.


Dami Ai couldn't help but curse while violently turning the steering wheel, but it was all too late.

The car was going too fast, and in the loud noise, it was lifted by a huge force, then the scene from a few minutes ago repeated itself, the car bouncing and rolling on the road, with large amounts of parts flying out every time it touched the ground.


When Owen arrived, the female assassin had just stopped her motorcycle next to his car. She lifted her helmet's visor and coolly glanced at Owen, "We're even," then the motorcycle started up again and disappeared into the darkness ahead.

The police cars behind were blocked by the overturned police car and couldn't follow, the officers all got out of their cars, some rendering aid to the injured, some running towards them.

Owen didn't care about the female rider and the police; he hurriedly got out of his car and came to the wrecked Mercedes, lying on the ground, he could vaguely see two people wrapped in airbags.

Owen shot the airbags to deflate them, then checked Amanda's pulse, thankfully, she was still alive, just unconscious. Thank God, thanks to Amanda wearing her seatbelt, and thanks to the top-tier car's full-protection airbags.

He also deflated Brian's airbag, and a cough came from the front, this guy was still conscious.

Brian didn't need his help; after the airbag deflated, he began to save himself, Owen then started to unfasten Amanda's seatbelt. After pulling it twice without success, he simply shot it apart, then carried Amanda out and ran towards his car.

After he settled Amanda, Kem also helped up the disheveled Brian. Seeing their father after such a dramatic change, Kem cried into a tearful mess. If it weren't for Brian's disheveled appearance, she might have thrown herself into Brian's arms to vent her sorrow.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Quick, get in the car, we need to leave."

As if to prove his words, a bullet hit the ground near them. Kem stopped crying, helping Brian into the car. Owen looked at the approaching police, deeply pressed the gas pedal, and the car left a trail of white smoke as it sped away.

At Charles de Gaulle Airport, a sleek, small business jet taxied on the runway before finally taking off.

On the plane, the three girls, for the first time after the ordeal, gathered together, almost crying themselves into a tearful mess, while Brian and Owen watched the girls comfort each other.

"Alright, kids, I have something to say."

Seeing that the girls' emotions had improved somewhat, Brian clapped his hands, and seeing everyone looking at him, he said, "I know this incident has hurt you a lot, but it's all over now, you're safe."

Soft cries came from beside him, and Brian continued, "But, for this incident, Owen and I had to use some not-so-nice methods. Yes, we killed many people, and all this might cause trouble, so, we need everyone to keep a secret, don't mention it to anyone, don't try to expose or seek revenge on them. The forces behind this kidnapping are very powerful, at least in France, calling the police is useless.

If this incident leaks, it might provoke their retaliation, even international pursuit, and then not only us but also our relatives might be in danger. So, it's best for everyone to try to forget this unpleasant experience as soon as possible. Alright, that's all I wanted to say, everyone's been tired all day, take the time to rest during the flight."

Brian hadn't consulted with Owen before saying this, but Owen agreed with his approach. Although Brian exaggerated some aspects, the three girls were still school students, ignorant of many things, and exaggeration could make them take the situation more seriously.

The three girls looked dispirited. Although they were kidnapped for less than twenty-four hours, it had almost become a nightmare in their lives. Owen and Brian had been under high tension until the plane took off, relaxing only then. The girls, tired and scared, fell asleep as sleepiness overcame them.

Eight hours later, Los Angeles International Airport, the plane landed on the runway, and ten minutes later, Owen and Brian, along with the three girls, came out of the exit.

"Oh... Mom..."

Upon exiting, Kem saw her long-waiting mother and stepfather, crying as she ran over, hugging each other, Kem and her mother crying out loud, while her stepfather, Franklin, kept comforting them.

There were no others present, Amanda's situation wasn't disclosed to her mother by Owen. He also didn't plan to tell his mother. Cynthia's family was on vacation and was also unaware.

This time Owen and Brian had done a lot of out-of-bounds things to save the girls, so this incident was absolutely not to be known by others, even the details couldn't be disclosed to Kem