
Rebirth: Counterterrorism in America

"Reborn for Family: Taken" - Joining CTU in "Counterterrorism 24/7," pursued by Jason Bourne from "The Bourne Identity," cooperating with Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," blending elements of "Rainbow Six" and "Call of Duty," navigating the realms of movies and games, I am Steve Owen. THIS HISTORY BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR THIS IS A TRANSLATION

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Chapter 49: Saving, Being Saved, Surprises

Owen's escape was anything but smooth. The front door was clearly not an option with the ongoing shootout outside, so he opted for the back door, which was hardly peaceful either.

The club was not just occupied by them; there were also a significant number of staff and patrons.

Owen and the female assassin had made their way from the third to the fourth floor, quickly saving people and trying to leave, an action not widely known due to the rapid progression of events.

However, the massive police-criminal firefight outside was a different story. The gunfire, akin to a Hollywood blockbuster, sent everyone inside the club into a panic, scattering in all directions.

Owen initially planned to escape with Kem amidst the chaos, but unfortunately, he ran into Mark, who was scared back by the firefight outside, right at the back door. Mark had personally selected Kem and delivered her, recognizing her at a glance.

At the sight of Kem, he naturally assumed Owen was Brian.

This man with a gun, constantly protecting the girl, must be the guy Ken mentioned.

Thinking of how he had ruined his hideout and indirectly caused the current situation, Mark realized his gang was finished. Even if there were survivors, the French government would not let them go after tonight.

Enraged by the thought of years of Albanian operations destroyed by his hands in one night, Mark exploded.

The shootout began in an instant. When Mark opened fire, Owen hadn't noticed him, fortunately hiding Kem among the crowd, with unfortunate others taking the bullets for them.

Mark's surprise attack failed, but Owen and Kem were still trapped at the door, with Mark and a few of his men taking cover behind a car right at the back door.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, rattle, rattle, rattle

The chaotic gunfire, with Mark and his men now indifferent to the innocent people at the back door, resulted in many casualties.

Owen protected Kem behind him, occasionally peeking out to return fire. However, both parties were hiding behind cover, and with Owen's average shooting skills, neither could gain the upper hand.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the back door, but there are people outside. We can't get out."

"How's Kem?"

"She's fine, just scared."

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Brian's timely call came through, and less than a minute later, a Mercedes sedan sped from the street corner, bypassing the firefight at the front door, and headed straight for the back door.

Brian, driving the car, skillfully maneuvered it, quickly reaching the club's back door.

From afar, Brian saw three guys shooting from behind a car at the back door, with someone occasionally shooting back from inside.

Brian instantly distinguished friend from foe. With a quick turn of the steering wheel and swift footwork, he performed a beautiful drift, aiming the car at two of the men.


Mark and one of his men, caught off guard by the sudden engine roar, were sent flying by the impact, certainly fatal.

Brian's car came to a halt, and he extended his pistol out the window, his years of experience allowing him to fire without aiming directly.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

The last man took several hits and collapsed motionless.

"Get in the car."

Brian shouted, and Owen, taking the opportunity, ran down the stairs with Kem. However, they didn't head for Brian's car as Mark's other two men were exchanging fire with Brian.

Owen had noticed a car not far from them, already running, and he took Kem straight to it.

"Get down!"

Owen pressed Kem's head down, then floored the accelerator, the car's tires screeching as they shot forward.

Nearby, GIPN officers, having just defeated the Albanians, were split between pursuing and responding to the commotion here.

The situation had become utterly chaotic, with everyone not GIPN seen as an enemy. The Albanian mafia remnants, Brian, and GIPN were all embroiled in a multi-sided battle.

Owen, ignoring the bullets pinging off the car, drove out of the back door, with Brian following closely. GIPN bullets swept over the cars, leaving only bullet holes but unable to stop their rapid escape.

"Follow me," Brian's car quickly overtook Owen's. As they drove side by side, he rolled down his window and shouted.

Having rescued the people, they just needed to leave this place of trouble, find Cynthia, and fly back home together. Brian sped ahead to lead the way, fearing Owen might not know the route.

"Wait a moment."

Owen suddenly braked hard, seeing the female assassin cornered by several GIPN officers.

The GIPN officers, armed with long weapons and well-trained in coordination, fired in turns, giving the female assassin no chance to escape.

Trapped behind a wall, the female assassin had no immediate danger but no way out either.

"What are you doing?" Brian braked sharply, stopping his car with a skid on the road, while Owen's car had already driven onto the grass, heading straight for the GIPN officers.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

He didn't intend to kill the GIPN officers, all policemen; he couldn't bring himself to do it. The bullets were merely meant to distract, letting them know someone was approaching from behind.

That was all the help he could offer the female assassin, creating a chance for her to seize.

The GIPN officers turned around in panic, but Owen didn't stop, driving around them and heading back to the road.

In his peripheral vision, the female assassin took advantage of the GIPN's distraction, escaping the encirclement and jumping into a ditch.

Just as Owen wondered, a motorcycle roared out of the ditch, the female assassin dressed as a waitress, helmet on, racing across the lawn, quickly leaving the GIPN officers behind.

"You owe me one."

Owen shouted from afar, unsure if the female assassin could hear him. The motorcycle, apparently her prearranged escape vehicle, was more practical in this situation than a car.

Owen drove back onto the road, speeding away, with Brian catching up.

Sirens sounded behind them, not just the GIPN but other police forces arriving.

Owen's impulsive act of saving the female assassin had its consequences. If he had chosen to leave immediately, they would have already lost the police, not like now, with a long tail of law enforcement behind them.

The road was dark, lit only by their headlights. The flashing police lights were glaringly obvious behind them, with bullets occasionally hitting the cars, echoing loudly.

Brian proved to be a protective father, shielding Owen and Kem from stray bullets, fortunately driving a bulletproof Mercedes, Saint Galli's vehicle.

However, even bulletproof cars have their limits. Brian pushed his driving skills to the limit until the rear tire of his car suddenly lost control.

Bulletproof tires shouldn't burst, but the car uncontrollably spun 360 degrees before rolling several times and coming to a stop.

Owen, keeping an eye on the rearview mirror, braked hard, unable to see the specifics in the dark, just the headlights shining oddly on the ground, indicating a crash. The flashing police lights were getting closer.

Deciding to go back and rescue implied a direct confrontation with the police, potentially leading to their capture. Yet, he felt compelled to return; not only because Kem and Amanda were in the crashed car but also out of gratitude to Brian for the rescue.


As Owen contemplated his next move, Brian's car lay overturned, its lights casting eerie shadows across the scene. Despite the danger of returning, Owen knew leaving was not an option. Brian had risked everything to save them, and now it was Owen's turn to reciprocate.

"Stay here," Owen instructed Kem, ensuring she was hidden and safe before cautiously approaching the wreckage. The police were closing in, their sirens wailing in the distance, a relentless pursuit that left little room for hesitation.

Navigating through the darkness, Owen reached the overturned car, finding Brian and Amanda disoriented but alive. Quick thinking was required to evade the impending police arrival. 

Without wasting another moment, Owen helped Brian and Amanda out of the wrecked vehicle, guiding them back to his car. They slipped away just as the police arrived, blending into the night's shadowy embrace. 

The pursuit continued, with police cars trailing behind them, their sirens a constant reminder of the perilous situation. Owen, with Brian now by his side, drove with unmatched determination, their only goal to escape and protect their precious cargo.

As they maneuvered through the dark roads, the bond forged in adversity between Owen and Brian grew stronger, a silent acknowledgment of their shared ordeal and unspoken promises to keep each other safe.

The night wore on, a tense cat-and-mouse game unfolding on the deserted streets, each turn and twist bringing them closer to freedom or peril. Yet, amid the chaos and fear, there was a glimmer of hope, a belief that they could overcome the odds and emerge victorious.

Finally, as the first light of dawn began to pierce the darkness, the relentless pursuit waned, the police cars gradually disappearing from their rearview mirror. They had managed to evade capture, a testament to their resilience and unwavering spirit.

With the immediate danger behind them, Owen, Brian, Kem, and Amanda found solace in their shared silence, each lost in their thoughts, reflecting on the night's events and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

But for now, they were safe, together, and alive, their bond unbreakable and their spirits indomitable. They had survived the night, a night of saving, being saved, and unexpected twists, a night they would never forget.