
Realms of the Lost

What was it like to be forgotten? Or to forget those you thought you would cherish in your heart forever with all the bittersweet memories? Love, Life, Memories, Adventures. Would you restart your whole life out of guilt and frustration, knowing it would be letting these things go? The realms of old have been long forgotten by those who chose to forget. Even though they are forgotten, it doesn't mean they are left. Soon the past will come to get and find you. How long can you last before you realize the truth?

Ahera_Roses · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Raging Rainfalls

"You alright there, Rina-chan?", a voice beside her said with a Japanese accent. Marina looked around to see her childhood best friend, Kram Snam, with a concerned look on his face. He looked genuinely worried with his piercing brown eyes that oddly always had a red tint to it but perhaps that was just a shade of brown. Kram was leaning close to her face to see if Marina had any sign of more distress, perhaps it was the way she acted in class and the moments after. Marina kept quiet the whole day, leading up till now and only now did she notice that Kram was right beside her this whole time. Kram may have been talking his whole life story away or maybe random parts of it to get her interest to talk, although Marina heard it a million times, she just wasn't able to hear him or anyone after that day. Marina looked down in guilt, realizing that she hadn't been very polite or caring after her first odd dream of today. Marina smiled as she realized her friend, though would like to be goofy and carefree all the time, had always had a serious mind when it came to their friendship. It warmed her heart knowing that he would always be there no matter what happens or even if she ignores him.

"I'm alright now, Kram-san.", Marina said while mimicking his joyful Japanese accent while standing up to the front of the waiting shed. Marina didn't want Kram to see her almost red ears because of how close his face was to hers and also because of the thought she wanted to hide. 'Because no matter what I go through you will always be there.', Marina almost said out loud but she kept it to her thoughts. As much as she wanted to tell Kram how much she appreciates him always being there for her, she was worried that it would give Kram a heavy weight on his shoulders if he thought he would need to there for her 24/7. Kram replied with a smile and went to stand beside her as they watched the rain pour down before them while they waited for the bus to arrive at their stop. "I'm glad you're alright, Marina.", Kram said as he went back to his normal deep tone of voice. He looked wistfully out in the void of raindrops and fog as if in deep thought of an important matter. Kram put on his hoodie that hid his face and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his slacks. Marina hoped she didn't hurt his feelings.

A honk of a bus was heard from a near distance. The bus must be nearing already. Marina shivered. A cold feeling crept up her spine as she hugged her double-layered jacket closer to her body. Something didn't feel right. Marina's sixth sense of sensing danger was screaming in her mind like a siren of a fire truck. 'What's going on? There's no one here except Kram and I. How can there be something wrong?', Marina thought as she started to look around at the street. It was empty except the puddles, the raindrops, and the constant fog that surrounded them, growing thicker and thicker by the moment. Marina brushed away her sense of danger. Maybe she left something in the classroom and her mind was telling her just that. It wouldn't go away. The screaming sirens of firetrucks turned into a fire alarm ringing across her brain. Nothing felt right. She felt uncomfortable. Marina had this same feeling when she first met her best friend, but perhaps that was just her being nervous before but this...this was different. It was like her brain was excited to meet a lost piece of her that was missing from her for a very long time. Marina thought of looking back...

"Marina?", Kram's voice broke into her thoughts, " What's wrong? Is the coldness of the weather getting to you? The bus is about to arrive, so we'll be out of this cold in no time. Just hang on a little longer. Here you can have my beanie if you want." Kram took of his beanie and placed it on her head then pulled her closer to warm her. Marina nodded in thanks but the coldness wasn't there. Her twisted and turned towards something but she didn't know what. Her stomach churned in a mix of excitement and anticipation, but for what? What was here that made her happy yet nervous at the same time. Marina looked up at Kram. Marina shook her head. It wasn't him. This isn't what love felt like, or at least this wasn't the love she was feeling right now. She loved Kram dearly but this...this was like a warm embrace around your heart that only someone you cared and loved deeply gave. Marina was about to turn around when once again Kram distracted her by telling a joke, to lighten the mood perhaps. Marina gave a small laugh then proceeded to turn her head to see what was behind her.

She caught a glimpse of a man leaning near the edge of the stop with a cerulean umbrella at the corner of her eye. That wasn't what caught her eye the most. What was very odd about it was that...it was dry. Not a spot of water was on the umbrella yet it looked like the rain would've at least touched the tips of the umbrella if he was leaning that close to the edge of the wall of the bus stop. Marina tried to get a closer look but of course her vision wasn't all that well due to being near-sighted, especially when she forgot to wear her contacts or her glasses, which she happened leave at her dorm today. Marina squinted to get a better look at the mysterious figure. Her vision wasn't that bad as she was able still see some small detail of the man.

"What are you doing?", Kram said looking at her in a questioning gaze. Marina looked back at him and felt her ears grow hot. Kram followed where she was looking and his gaze landed on the man with the umbrella. A small crease on his forehead appeared and a disappointing frown formed on his lips. Marina knew what that face meant. She knew him all to well. Marina thought Kram was thinking of some over complicated reason on why she was intently staring at somebody who he has never met, and possibly knows that neither did she meet him ever in her life, as far as she can remember. To him, it would've looked like she was spying on a random stranger. Marina raised her hands in defense before Kram got the wrong idea, maybe a very wrong idea. "Don't get the wrong idea. I was just curious of random thing, you know? Like how many people are here or why is the sky blue?", Marina said in an uncertain and wavering tone. She was confused. Why did she feel the need to lie to him about this situation? Marina usually would've shared her ideas and thoughts to him no matter what it was, whether it would be something completely stupid or very serious. Her eyebrows furrowed in complete loss. This wasn't her. Something was definitely wrong. Her senses were now screaming like crazy.

Marina felt her body move on her own. She gently pushed Kram away from her. Marina proceeded to walk slowly towards the unknown person. It was odd indeed. Her body was trying to run towards the figure but her trying, with every inch of her sane self, was making it look like a slow walk. It was if she was in a trance. Her instincts were telling her to stop fighting but she knew it wasn't right...right? Marina's gaze was fixed on the umbrella, in the area where the man's face would be. She had a strong feeling that the person can see her clearly right through the slightly translucent cloth. Marina could see a small light hit the stranger's eyes. They were staring directly at her. The umbrella was slowly inching upwards. Marina could slowly see him clearer...

A scar...a scar on his chin. A scar that looked as if it chipped a piece of him gone and left something there to let him remember that he missed something and he always will. Marina extended an arm towards him...but Kram grabbed her hand away and made her face his face.

Kram looked furious. He had the same face that her history teacher did. The same eyes that could burn her to the ground if they stared deep enough. Marina looked up at him fearfully and tried to yank his hand away but he had an iron grip...just like what happened earlier. Marina shook the thought off. 'Everything right now is a coincidence.' Marina thought. She was surprised that Kram could ever make such an angry and scary face. His whole face was red with anger. His mouth was frowning in such a ferocious way like how a wolf would growl if it was threatened. Kram must have noticed Marina's reaction and fear-struck eyes because his face softened and went back to his worried face before but he didn't let go still. His grip was still firm but his expression didn't look mad. Marina didn't relax yet. Her shoulders were still stiff and her expression showed that she was still shocked in disbelief. "What are you doing? The bus is just around the corner stop goofing off by going into the rain. It's also a crime to steal umbrella, ya know?", Kram said with a small laugh and softly pulled her towards the edge of the bus stop towards where the waiting line started but they were the only ones there, so there was no need to line up. Marina looked back at where the familiar man was but he wasn't there anymore. All that was left was an umbrella that still as dry as can be. She tried to look around but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. She tried to go back and examine to see how it was still dry but Kram wouldn't let her. Marina tried to tug his hand away from her arm but he still held on. Kram might be all smiles right now but his grip showed otherwise. Marina looked up to him in fury and yelled,


Marina didn't understand the words that came out of her mouth. She was about to say an apology for yelling to his face like that when Kram all of a sudden threw her against the wall. Marina yelped in pain as the concrete wall smashed into her spine. Her back ached with so much pain that she sunk to the ground and held her back with one hand the other to remain steady. Marina looked up to see Kram towering over her and looking down at her with a snarl. Kram lifted her up by the choking her by the neck and pinned her to the wall. Marina felt her head grow light and dizzy as the oxygen was gone from her lungs. Her vision swam as her head and back was crushed against the wall. All she could see was a tunnel vision of Kram growling at her with such rage. Lightning flashed around her and the rain grew harder. If she was able to scream, no one would have heard her. Marina was about to close her eyes as her vision grew darker and darker as the thunder rumbled under her and shook the glass planes.

A shout came from a distance.

A long object hit Kram at the side of head. His grip on Marina loosened and she fell on the floor, gasping for air. Every part of her was aching and she was still dizzy. She was so focused on recovering her breath by gasping and retching for air. Marina was unaware of the action that was happening around her but When she was able to see a bit clearer she realized there was blood on the floor in front of her. It was dripping drop by drop...and she could feel it trail down her face from the back of her head. Panic rose within Marina as she realized that it was her blood. A migraine struck her at the back of her head. Marina winced in pain and clenched her teeth as the pain lasted a long time. She looked at her side and noticed the rain. She didn't know what she was doing but she was letting her instincts kick in. Marina painfully crawled towards the rainfall. One more meter...one half...she was so close

Marina felt a pain in her stomach as she was kicked in her ribs. All of the air from her lungs were gone from that one forceful kick. Marina felt her body go limp. It was too much for her. The pain was circling around her body. Marina tried to get up on all-fours amidst the pain and continued towards the rain fall. After one crawl, another blow was sent to her except it was aimed at her head. Marina felt her vision darken as she was slowly getting unconscious. She extended a shaky hand towards the rain that was just centimeters away from her. Her body screamed in pain with every small move she was making. Marina didn't dare to move her head for fear that would lead her faster to eternal rest. As she felt the coldness of inches away, she was struck again. Blow after blow fell upon her as she curled in pain and terror. Marina covered her head with her hands but that only made the wound on her head bleed out more. Marina closed her eyes hoping it would end soon...

Another shout. but closer this time, came and the attacks stopped. Marina's vision swam but she still forced herself to look up to see what had happened. Someone was fighting Kram. They seemed to be winning but Marina couldn't take the pain anymore and let her body go limp on the cold cemented floor. Slowly, she started closing her eyes, thinking that death was quite enticing at the moment.

The rain churned around her and wind howled as if calling out to her. Marina slowly forced her eyes to open to see a horrific sight. The man...the one from her dream...the one under the umbrella. He was leaning on a post clutching his bleeding chest as he breathed deeply again and again trying to get as much air as possible. He was covered in blood all around his body. Blood was streaming down his face and entering his eyes, ears and mouth. One of his eyes was a shade of deep red, perhaps from internal bleeding but the other eye...it wasn't his whole eye, it was just the iris. It was a deep shade of demonic red. The arm clutching his stomach was covered with black swirls like of a tattoo design. The injured man was trying to speak through the blood that clogged in throat. Blood was dripping from his mouth and onto his chin but he was able to make out his threat,

"You... won't get away... with this... Erif... Marksman." He coughed out blood to the side but he remained strong, "I'm... going to... bring her... back home... There will be a day... where you will pay... for what you have done... to the seven realms...you will-" He was interrupted by a punch to his face opening a cut on his cheek. Kram was above him with an evil grin on his face. Kram shook his head and laughed loudly. He continued to beat up the poor injured man with glee without paying heed that Marina was still trying to get towards the rainfall.

Marina inched once more towards the rain with thoughts of guilt and despair. Marina wondered if she did not try to reach for the man, when he was under the umbrella, would everything have been different?...With one last push of pain and agony, she was able to reach her hand out and touch a single raindrop...A flash of gold blinded Marina. She shut her eyes as tight as she can as she felt her head go light and dizzy as she felt like she was being tossed around in a tornado.

"I'm glad you're alright, Marina.", Kram said beside her. Marina slowly opened her eyes to see Kram smiling at her. She touched the back of her head. There was no blood. All the pain was gone. Marina looked behind her but no one was there, not even the blue umbrella. She felt a hand pat her head. She looked up to see Kram rub her head. "Bus is almost here. 'Round the corner I think?", Kram said while looking at the direction where the bus would be coming from and indeed, the headlights were a bit visible amidst the fog but it was clear that it was the bus because of the "Eagle Dormitory" lit sign at the top of the windshield of the bus.

'Did time turn back?', Marina thought while extending an arm to the raging rainfalls.