
Realms of the Lost

What was it like to be forgotten? Or to forget those you thought you would cherish in your heart forever with all the bittersweet memories? Love, Life, Memories, Adventures. Would you restart your whole life out of guilt and frustration, knowing it would be letting these things go? The realms of old have been long forgotten by those who chose to forget. Even though they are forgotten, it doesn't mean they are left. Soon the past will come to get and find you. How long can you last before you realize the truth?

Ahera_Roses · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Day Dream

The rain crashed on the glass roof of the university's bus waiting shed above her as she sat on the damp bench and leaned on the cold cemented wall behind her. Marina could see through the glass planes above her and the small droplets patter against them as well. The clouds were starting to grow darker and flashes of lightning started to occur more as the storm grew closer. Marina breathed in the cool air of the afternoon fog from the rain and sighed to herself. This day has been quite confusing to her or specifically, the one event that stayed in her mind from history class up until class dismissals. Perhaps it really was a dream. Maybe she was getting a fever and was having hallucinations. Marina thought and thought as hard as she could as she gazed up at the ceiling but it only made her more worried and paranoid. Whether it was worried for her well-being or paranoid that a ghost has possessed her at one point during class, she didn't have any clue or fixed idea on what had happened to her at that terrifying moment. Marina tucked her shoulder-length tinted-blue brown hair behind her ears and closed her hazel eyes as she imagined those raindrops falling on her face instead and thought of the cold sensation she would get, hoping it could cool down the gears of her mind. Alas, she knew better than to act childish and get a fever, again. Marina put her hands in her jogging pants and shivered in her double layered coat, a mix of a raincoat and of a woollen sweater hoodie. She put on her earphones and played some soft violin melodies, which she tapped to the beat to with her boots, as she continued to imagine anything except what happened today...

Marina had many imaginations. Some were ridiculous, crazy, and weird while some others were scary and terrifying. Some were reruns of fun and sad memories but were remade in ways she wanted the situation to be better. Regret is better handled this way. This time, it was different than the others yet familiar. Marina didn't know what to imagine at that moment so she let her mind flow freely of ideas and memories and tried to bring them together.

But she couldn't think of anything because of how distracted her mind was by everything today. Marina took a deep breath and relaxed her mind to try to rest a little instead.

Until her mind started making ideas on its own instead of her imagining it by herself, like a dream..

Marina was lying down on her back and looking up to a crystal clear glass ceiling that showed the night sky and the heavens above. Marina wanted to lift her hand to the sky but she couldn't. It didn't feel like an imagination. It felt like a dream where she could only see the scenes play out before her...but she knew this wasn't real. A soft inaudible voice came from her right. Marina's vision shifted to the right. Her vision became blurry but she was able to make out a hazy outline of figure laying beside her. The figure was laying on the left side so that it was facing her. Though Marina couldn't see the person properly but she could tell...he or she was smiling at her. Marina felt her smile a little then laugh. She had no idea why she was laughing but she felt a warm feeling in her heart. The figure laughed along with her. Marina wondered who he was or how she was able to imagine this situation. Maybe she read it in a book somewhere but she dashed the thought because she never reads books with slow or sentimental moments. She hated crying over fictional things. Marina continued to examine around her limited span of vision but even the landscape or the background around the figure was to blurry to understand what were they. Marina thought she could see torches attached on the pillars at the side, blue painted walls and tables and chairs here and there. The figure was still talking to her but she couldn't make out what they were saying. They had a deep voice, but that didn't determine whether they were a boy or a girl. Their hair was cut short around them yet it looked like it remains somewhat curly. The were wearing come garments that looked like a costume on a fairy tale book. Marina could almost feel their hand as they reached to cup her cheek. It felt real. She could feel the warmth of his palm and coldness of his fingertips. Slowly, things started to become clear. The background was a startling display that looked like jumped right out a fantasy fictional role-playing game that probably dealt with magic and mystical creatures. The music...it was the same as her soft violin music in her earphones but it was accompanies by by the melody of a piano. What struck out the most was the person in front of her. Confirmed, it was a man with somewhat curly hair. He was wearing a sleeveless jacket that opened in the middle to reveal his bare fit chest. His eyes were as blue as blue can be. He wore a smile on his face with a small scar beneath his chin. His smile felt genuine but his eyes felt tired, like he was tired of how thing were going or a series of several sleepless nights. Marina felt her heart beat fast. She didn't know why since she never liked to love someone in a deeper meaning. Once again her vision began to blur but it wasn't like before. It was the type of blur that happened only when one was crying. Marina felt him wipe her cheek from a stray tear. He leaned his forehead onto hears. She could feel his warmth. He was so close to her heart and body. He hugged her closer and whispered something in her ear. Something that Marina felt was odd.

"Come back home soon,__________"

The rest of the words were blurred again. Marina felt herself grow sad again, like deep sorrow. She pushed him away, but Marina wanted to keep him closer. She could feel his warmth still linger on her but it was slowly fading. She looked deep into his eyes and in them, there were tears as well, falling in quick drops. His once genuine happy smile, turned into a sad one. Marina wiped her tears and wiped his.

She wondered what was happening. This was all happening right before her and she had no idea where she was, who this was infront of her, or that flicker of movement in the shadows on the pillar second to the last from them. 'Wait what?'

At the corner of her eye, a hazy outline of a built man emerged from the shadows from the somewhat farthest pillar behind the person she was crying with and slowly made an approach towards them. He looked familiar. He actually resembled Kram a bit except if Kram had a beard and a small bird piercing on his ear. He was wearing gear like what huntsman in the past used to wear. The approaching figure was holding an arm at to the back as if scratching their shoulder blade...or maybe grabbing something strapped on his back. On his other hand...he held a huge bow. The drawing weight of an error was probably estimated to 60 pounds if Marina remembered her PE lessons correctly. Marina tried to tell the person in front of her but her lips remained shut in a small sad smile. She tried to move but her hand was stilled fixed on wiping his tears from his eyes. The huntsman was now pulling an arrow from the quiver on his back and was slowly lifting his bow up. He was about to do the stance of shooting an arrow.

Another figure emerged from the farthest pillar on the wall, but this time it was a woman. All of the people in this room looked of the same age, probably in their 30s but this woman looked somewhat younger than the two men. She was dressed elegantly but in a way that she can still move freely, such as jumping or running maybe. She wore a long sleeved gray dress with a designed short white skirt that reached right above her knees that was followed by light pastel green stockings and brown boots. A strapped belt was on her waist and a small dagger hung from her belt but was sometimes covered by the cape that hung from her shoulders up until a few inches after her waistline. What struck out the most was her face. She was jaw dropping gorgeous, Usually Marina would despise or envy girls who were pretty because she thought they were probably stuck up about being pretty with their make up and such but this young woman didn't wear any make up, or so it seemed for she was really far from Marina. Marina couldn't distinguish much features but she could see the woman's eyes were bright gray like an upcoming storm cloud or the silver lining of a dark cloud during sunrise. The woman had a small smile on her face as she slowly entered the room with a slight skip, while her tucked hair on her right slowly falling on her back. A small tiara was neatly fixed on her head. 'Was she a princess perhaps?' Marina wondered.

As the woman skipped closer she noticed the figure that looked like a huntsman. She screamed a name that felt oddly familiar.

"MARKSMAN!", woman yelled while pointing at the huntsman. The first to look back was the man named Marksman who quickly drew an arrow and released it on the woman. The man in front of Marina quickly jumped up and looked at Marina. His lips didn't move but Marina could hear his voice.

"You aren't her, are you?," He said with a sad tone. "Please bring her back. I'm waiting for her." The man knelt beside her and leaned his head on hers once again, so close that their lips were a kissing distance apart...

and a tear from his eye fell and on to her cheek.

A stray raindrop hit her cheek as the wind picked up in front of her. It brought her back to reality. Oddly that imagination or somewhat lucid dream felt like a reality she never knew of...or maybe forgotten. Marina itched her mind to remember the parts of what she imagined. Maybe it was a dream after all. Dreams could feel real sometimes, but we all need to wake up someday anyway. Marina sighed and took of her earphones to hear the pitter patter of the rain drops around her as she stared deep into the faint fog ahead of her. 'Another oddly realistic dream today, isn't it', Marina faintly thought. She brushed the dream away but her heart was still beating fast due to the adrenaline of the moment.