
Realms of the Lost

What was it like to be forgotten? Or to forget those you thought you would cherish in your heart forever with all the bittersweet memories? Love, Life, Memories, Adventures. Would you restart your whole life out of guilt and frustration, knowing it would be letting these things go? The realms of old have been long forgotten by those who chose to forget. Even though they are forgotten, it doesn't mean they are left. Soon the past will come to get and find you. How long can you last before you realize the truth?

Ahera_Roses · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Hysterical Hallucinations

Marina paced her dorm room as her roommate idly watched from the top bunk bed. Her roommate, Pas, was somewhat wondering why her fellow roommate was pacing like a cornered animal instead of chatting on how was her day, and especially if there were some hot boys from Marina's class. Pas sighed loudly and rolled her eyes, thinking that Marina had some major project she had, once again, crammed till the last minute. 'Guess no more hot boy talk tonight', Pas thought as she rolled towards the wall to fall asleep. Marina hadn't heard the purposefully loud sigh or had noticed her roommate go to sleep. She was in deep thought about what had happened earlier.

Her legs would soon get tired but right now, that wasn't her top priority. Marina paced for the hundredth time from her desk, on the right side of the room, towards her roommate's desk, on the left side of the room. She has done this for nearly half an hour already and she still getting nowhere in her thoughts.

"What was that?"

"Who was that person with the umbrella?"

"How could I even begin to comprehend what has happened at the bus stop?"

"It felt real...It all felt real.."

Marina's stomach twisted in anxiety as she remembered the pain of being beaten up but what made her anxious the most was because it was from her childhood best friend. A shiver traveled up her spine as she remembered the cold unwavering glare that she saw as Kram stood above her. Never in her wildest dreams, and that's saying a lot, did she ever see Kram that way. He didn't give off that sadistic vibe whenever she was near him. He would always be so full of life and energy instead of the cold and dark aura that she felt. Marina rubbed her forearms as they were now covered in several goosebumps. She felt a slight feeling like she was being watched.

Marina looked at the window, which was covered in the frost because of the mixture of the damp fog and the cold season approaches. She walked past the closet on her right which was the opposite side to the bunk bed. The mirror that hung on the door of the closet was also covered in a misty haze. Marina wiped off the frost before it came back once more. She decided to ignore it right now and proceeded to go towards the window. It was blurry outside because of the fog that surrounded everything as far as the eye can see, and that wasn't that far. Marina got her glasses off the bedside table that was right beside the window. 'Maybe I can see more with my glasses, even though that would probably not work.', Marina thought as she put them on while looking out the window. Nothing changed except the fact that she can see outlines better, such as the trees and the road signs saying, "Bump ahead!" Marina sighed and slid the glasses off, putting them back on top of the bedside table.

It felt odd like that wasn't how she felt the whole day. Everything was quiet, too quiet. There was no noisy tapping of shoes outside the halls, usually, at this hour the students from the computer science department would be coming back and would be hurriedly want to go back to their rooms for a short nap before clicking away at their computers that could be heard within these thin walls. There was no chatting of people in the other rooms, which wasn't normal because usually her music major neighbors would be trying to think of a song and tune with no headphones on, just a speaker set to the loudest volume but usually their music was the kind for studying, sleeping, or relaxing so there were no complaints about them jamming but they were oddly still in the other room. Marina closed her eyes to hear if there was at least just a book falling from the other room, from her neighbor who was a massive book enthusiast, or a bibliophile as she would say. It was complete silence. Marina opened her eyes and looked up at her sleeping roommate. Not even the faintest breath could be heard. Marina looked out the window to see if there were at least some birds to chirp or a vehicle passing by to make a sound of tires roaming on the road.

Marina felt goosebumps all over her body. Once again, her instinct of melancholy joy came back to her. She saw her friend shift underneath her sheets from the corner of her eye. She didn't hear the sheets move, the bed creak, or maybe just a bit of sleep talking. Marina looked down at her hands and stretched them as far as she can so that it looked like she was cross. With all her force she brought her two palms together and clapped.

Nothing. Marina clapped once more with a greater force. There was nothing. It didn't sound muffled either, it was complete silence. Marina went up the ladder that led to the upper bunk bed. "Pas, can you hear me?" Marina said as though she was half yelling. She couldn't hear herself but she needed to know if that was just her or if sound was lost. Her sleepy roommate didn't even shift away or reply. Pas was as still as the dead but the color in her cheeks proved that at least she wasn't one of the dead. Marina moved her arm to tap Pas on the shoulder. The moment her hand touched the skin of her shoulder, Marina yelped in silent pain. It was as cold as ice. Pas wasn't as white as a sheet. She was her normal color. The rosy red cheeks as she smiled in her sleep was still there. Marina softly cupped her roommate's cheek. She winced in pain for it was like she was holding a block of ice. Marina gripped her painful palm with her other hand. Marina has forgotten that her other hand was the one supporting her on the ladder railing so that she wouldn't fall back to the floor. As Marina wheeled her hands in the struggling to grab on to the railing as she was slowly falling backward, she caught sight of a shadowy figure out the window standing on the street.

Marina landed with a loud thud as her back hit the ground. The air got knocked out of her lungs due to the impact. Marina wheezed as she tried to regain some air back into her lungs. Black dots were spotting into her vision. The last thing she saw was someone peeking out of her roommate's bunk bed area. She was staring down right at her with an emotionless face. It was her...The girl from her vision earlier. "Willow...", Marina whispered as she felt her eyes roll to the back of her head.

And once again...everything was black...

"You silly little girl..." A voice whispered beside her...