

Chapter 399 - The ancestor appears

Wang Lin's voice echoed inside the Giant Demon Clan. At the northern part of the Giant Demon Clan, 500 kilometers underground, there was a golden cave with one person sitting inside.

This person was sitting in the lotus position and cultivating. He looked very handsome.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the cave walls and see the outside. Shortly after, his eyes became cold and he muttered, "Junior Wang Lin, I'll let you be be arrogant for a bit longer. Once I have finished my possession, I'll kill you. Even if you seal the Giant Demon Clan members, I can just unseal them."

With that, he closed his eyes again and began to cultivate.

Just at this moment, his bag of holding began to glow black. He frowned as he slapped his bag of holding and the celestial sword he had stolen from Wang Lin flew out.

Black gas came out of the celestial sword and took the form of Xu Liguo. Xu Liguo's eyes were bloodshot and his expression was filled with hatred. He looked into the distance and said, "Master, I can feel that the fiend is here. Master, I swore to get revenge on this person. Let me go out and fight him!"

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor looked at Xu Liguo. Throughout the last two years, he had interacted a lot with Xu Liguo. He felt that a sword spirit with intelligence was really amazing and he really liked this sword spirit.

"You want to kill him, but you have to wait until I finish my possession."

Xu Liguo immediately changed his expression to one where he was trying to please the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. He quickly nodded and said, "Master really cares about me; you're much better than that fiend, Wang Lin. I will forever remain loyal to master! However, master, when you are killing Wang Lin, can you let me land the final blow?"

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor laughed and said, "How did that Wang Lin treat you to make you hate him so?"

Xu Liguo clenched his teeth and said, "Master, you don't know how much I hate that Wang Lin; not only did he force me to work, but he would call me out just to beat and curse at me. Those don't matter much, but the more important thing was that he never gave me any benefits, unlike master, who gives me spirit stones to absorb. Master, when we kill that Wang Lin, how about you award me with a few women. How about calling out little sister fairy. I haven't seen her in a while and I really miss her."

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor faintly smiled and said, "This is easy. Once we kill Wang Lin, I'll call out Feng Luan's soul and let you meet her. Now this old man needs to go into closed door cultivation, so go back inside!" With that, he reached out. Although Xu Liguo had a smile on his face, he cursed in his heart. He went back into the celestial sword and was put back inside the bag.

"This sword spirit is filled with human greed. It is indeed very mysterious, but this also makes him easy to control. I can give him spirit stones and female cultivators, so I don't believe he will betray me. Also, this sword spirit seems to be obsessed with Feng Luan's soul. With her in my hands, he won't be able to escape me!" The Giant Demon Clan ancestor sneered as he closed his eyes to cultivate once more.

Feng Luan's soul was the soul of a treasure he accidently obtained one day.

This soul was very beautiful and filled with lust. When he met it for the first time, he was almost mesmerized by it due to his low cultivation level back then. Luckily, this soul was damaged, so he was able to escape that calamity, and to this day, he still dreaded it.

After obtaining the celestial sword, he found that Xu Liguo was very mysterious and so, to control the sword spirit completely, he called out Feng Luan's soul. As he expected, Xu Liguo jumped at the soul like a hungry wolf and was completely captivated by her.

Wang Lin waited in the sky above the Giant Demon Clan for a while. After seeing the Giant Demon Clan ancestor not appearing, his expression darkened. The Giant Demon Clan was very large and contained many mountains. If he really wanted to hide, it would be very difficult to find him. Wang Lin looked toward the east and saw the tallest mountain in the Giant Demon Clan. For some reason, he felt a mysterious force coming from that mountain.

Just as he was about to check it out, his eyes suddenly became serious as he looked toward the north and let out a faint smile.

"Xu Liguo…"

Wang Lin's figure disappeared and he charged north.

He was flying with the body of a three-star ancient god, so he moved as fast as lightning. With only a few teleports, he arrived at the northern part of the Giant Demon Clan. Looking at it from above, it was a grassy plain.

Wang Lin's eyes were sharp. As he spread out his divine sense, he felt like something was off. Around 500 kilometers underground, there was a thin barrier that would gently redirect his divine sense when it passed over it. If he wasn't so close, he wouldn't be able to detect it.

With a sneer on his face, Wang Lin let out a roar, formed a fist, and smashed into the ground.


An earth-shattering sound echoed and a crack appeared in the earth. This crack spread in all directions and also quickly spread deep underground.

Waves of crackling sounds came from underground for a long time before it finally died down.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he let out another shout and punched the ground.

The violent shock wave quickly spread underground. The sound of the earth shattering was like a dragon's roar.

"Giant Demon Clan ancestor, come out, now!" Wang Lin shouted, and then he threw another punch.


With this punch, the plain immediately collapsed, creating a huge hole, and then a green figure suddenly charged out from underground.

"Ceng Niu!" This person was middle-aged, but his eyes revealed an age not fitting for his appearance. He looked at Wang Lin and shouted, "I originally didn't want to deal with you yet, but since you came, it's obvious that you're looking for death!"

With that, he took a step forward, closed in on Wang Lin like lightning, and threw a punch.

Wang Lin let out a laugh. He didn't back up but instead threw a punch to meet the punch of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.


The shock wave blew back all the surrounding rocks and sand. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor was knocked back tens of feet and cracks appeared in the bones of his right fist. His face was filled with disbelief.

Wang Lin's body only backed up several steps and his arm slightly trembled. He could feel a powerful force enter his body and try to tear him apart, but that was quickly dissolved by his origin soul.

"The Giant Demon Clan's body refining technique is indeed mysterious." Wang Lin charged toward the Giant Demon Clan ancestor once more.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor cursed in his heart. His possession wasn't complete, so he could only use 80% of his power. But even at 80%, the strength of his body was terrifying enough that he was not even afraid of certain treasures.

But just now, when he traded that punch with Wang Lin, the hardest bones in his body had cracked. How could he not be shocked?

"What is your cultivation method?!" The Giant Demon Clan ancestor quickly backed up with a gloomy expression. However, Wang Lin was too fast; he had already arrived before him with another punch. This punch created a pressure that locked him in place. Thin lines appeared out of nowhere and attempted to wrap around him.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's eyes lit up. As his body moved, it creaked due to the pressure and the thin lines. He jumped into the air and used a kick to meet Wang Lin's punch.


Another earth-shattering sound echoed across the entire Giant Demon Clan.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's face turned red. He used the force of the impact to quickly back away.

Wang Lin felt pain in his right fist. He took a few steps back before finally stopping. Wang Lin took a deep breath. This Giant Demon Clan ancestor hadn't finished his possession and yet his body was almost on par with a three-star ancient god. If he was able to complete his possession, his body would be almost no weaker than a three-star ancient god.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's face was really gloomy. When he saw Wang Lin destroy the 12 pillars, he decided to not appear. However, now that Wang Lin had found him, he had no choice but to fight.

Wang Lin glared at the Giant Demon Clan ancestor and charged forth once more.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor let out a roar as his body grew and became a giant more than 100 feet tall. Without any hesitation, he used celestial spiritual energy and a golden light spread across his body. The amount of celestial spiritual energy Li Yuanfeng could use couldn't compare to him. After all, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor had reached the early stage of Soul Transformation on his own.

"This old man didn't want to use celestial spiritual energy because it will mess with my possession. Otherwise, I would have instantly killed you with it. Now that you have forced me to use celestial spiritual energy, you're just asking for death!" the Giant Demon Clan ancestor shouted, and the golden light on his body became even brighter. Like the sun, the light was blinding.

As his body moved, the sky shattered, creating countless spatial rifts. Waves of destructive wind came out from the rifts and covered the surrounding area.

He threw a punch filled with golden light. This punch was filled with celestial spiritual energy. It was the full power of an early stage Soul Transformation cultivator.

Normal cultivators would infuse celestial spiritual energy into their spells and techniques, but for the Giant Demon Clan members, nothing was better than their bodies, so this punch not only contained celestial spiritual energy, it also contained the powerful force of the body of a Giant Demon Clan member.

The power of one punch caused the entire plain north of the Giant Demon Clan to shatter and collapse into countless specks of dust that were pushed far away by the pressure.

"Wang Lin, accept your death!" The Giant Demon Clan ancestor also felt helpless. Now that he had used celestial spiritual energy, this body could no longer be used again and he would have to find another body.

After the body has been damaged by the celestial energy, he won't be able to properly fuse with it anymore. It would only be possible to use it if his cultivation level was at the mid stage of Soul Transformation.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with a strange light. The power of that punch made him feel a sense of danger. Aside from the time he fought against the heavens' messenger, this was the second time Wang Lin had felt danger when he was fused with his original body.

But at this moment, Wang Lin wasn't afraid at all. He let out a roar as the three stars on his forehead began to rapidly spin and a purple aura covered his body.

At the same time, the figure of the ancient god appeared behind him once more.

Chapter 400 - Xu Liguo

Wang Lin took a deep breath and gently threw a punch. Although the punch was gentle, it moved the ancient god figure behind him. The figure also raised its fist and threw out a punch at the same time.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's fist quickly arrived and collided with Wang Lin's fist.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's face became pale as he coughed out a large mouthful of blood and his body weakened. Without any hesitation, he slapped his bag of holding, causing the celestial sword to appear. His expression was fierce as he shouted, "Wang Lin, accept your death!" Then he threw the celestial sword and then pointed at it.

Wang Lin's body flew back like a meteor and was thrown far away. His entire right arm felt sore and numb; he had lost all feeling in his arm. The combination of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's body and celestial spiritual energy inflicted damage upon him, causing his body to turn from a giant over 100 feet tall to normal size, but his eyes were still sparkling.

The moment the celestial sword appeared, black gas came out of it, forming the shape of Xu Liguo. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's face was fierce as he shouted, "Slice!"

The moment he said that word, a powerful sword energy gathered on the celestial sword and descended upon Wang Lin.

Xu Liguo let out a roar and shouted, "Wang Lin, I'm coming for my revenge!"

The Giant Demon Clan's ancestor revealed a smile and laughed. "Wang Lin, watch this old man use your own treasure to kill you!"

Wang Lin revealed a mocking smile. He didn't dodge but pointed at the celestial sword. The celestial sword suddenly turned around and slashed down on the Giant Demon Clan ancestor like lightning.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor was stunned and his expression changed. The sword energy was already upon him, so it was too late for him to dodge; he was only able to move back a bit.

The sword energy slashed down and along with a splash of blood, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's left arm was cut clean off. He let out a miserable groan as he quickly backed up, leaving a trail of blood.

"Xu Liguo!!!! This old man will extract your soul and refine you alive in Yang fire!!!"

The hatred within the Giant Demon Clan ancestor could shatter the heavens and his anger could swallow the land. He let out a roar of rage as he quickly backed away.

He couldn't help but back away for he hadn't finished his possession and had to use celestial spiritual energy in that punch. Then Wang Lin met it with a punch with power equal to his own, causing his injuries to worsen.

But he calculated that Wang Lin would be injured as well, so he took out the celestial sword to kill Wang Lin. However, at that important moment, Xu Liguo betrayed him, and he wasn't able to dodge in time, so he lost an arm.

Xu Liguo immediately laughed and shouted, "Little brat, no matter how powerful you are, you can't compare to your grandpa Xu. I'm forever loyal; how could I be so easily controlled by you?!"

After Xu Liguo finished speaking, he quickly turned toward Wang Lin and smiled. "Master, how was it? How was it? Have I done good this time?"

Wang Lin let out a faint smile. He moved and grabbed the celestial sword, then he charged toward the Giant Demon Clan ancestor and said, "You did good. After we kill this person, I'll take you to the foreign battleground and let you absorb the wandering souls there to increase your soul power."

Xu Liguo immediately became very happy. During these past two years, he was indeed tempted; after all, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor was good to him. However, whenever he thought about how Wang Lin treated the wandering souls and number 2 and number 3, his heart shivered and he immediately gave up on betraying Wang Lin.

In his view, this Wang Lin walked a bloody path; everyone who had messed with Wang Lin had been killed and none were spared. He felt that this Giant Demon Clan ancestor wouldn't be any different, so he had to make sure he picked the right side or else there would be disaster to come.

Right now he felt very proud and thought, "Your grandpa Xu is still the smartest. It looks like I did the right thing this time. In the future, this fiend will definitely see me in a new light."

Thinking about how good the Giant Demon Clan ancestor had treated him, he couldn't help but feel a bit sad and think, "Why couldn't master have come in a few years so I could enjoy it a bit more? So unfortunate…"

Especially when he thought about that little sister fairy, his heart ached and he thought, "Don't worry, little sister fairy, I'll definitely save you from the sea of fire!"

Another reason why Xu Liguo betrayed the Giant Demon Clan ancestor without any hesitation beside his crippling fear of Wang Lin was Feng Luan's soul.

When he interacted with that soul, he personally promised to save her from the hands of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

Thinking about this, he quickly said to Wang Lin, "Master, that Giant Demon Clan old bag of bones has a wheel-shaped treasure inside his bag which has a soul sealed inside it. Once you kill that old bag of bones, you have to save that soul."

Wang Lin nodded. He moved like lightning with the celestial sword in his hand as he chased after the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor continued to roar. Most of his anger came from Xu Liguo. In these past two years, he had treated Xu Liguo well and even took out the sealed lust soul, but in the end, this Xu Liguo still defected.

"Xu Liguo! This old man will definitely refine you alive!" After the Giant Demon Clan ancestor shouted this, he started moving even faster.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He raised his hand and swung down the celestial sword without any hesitation. A ray of sword energy suddenly shot out from the celestial sword.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor dodged it and continued to escape. Soon, he arrived at the eastern edge of the Giant Demon Clan. When he got here, he suddenly stopped and turned around. He slapped his bag of holding and a black stick appeared. He waved the stick, causing black flames to appear, then the stick suddenly turned into a torch.

"Wang Lin, this place will be your graveyard! Your body will be used for my next possession!" the Giant Demon Clan ancestor shouted, and then he swung the torch in his hand.

With a boom, the surrounding 10,000 feet suddenly became a sea of fire.

"Black flame beast!" As he shouted, he stabbed the torch into the ground. Then he activated the celestial energy in his body and started to create seals, all of which were thrown at the torch.

The black torch quickly started releasing a demonic light. All of the surrounding flames suddenly began to move mysteriously toward the torch. The flames gathered above the torch to form a beast over 100 feet tall.

This beast had a big head and its body was covered in flaming spikes. The beast kind of looked like a bear but didn't seem to be one.

This black flame beast let out a roar as its fiery red eyes locked onto Wang Lin and then it charged toward him.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He swung the celestial sword and a ray of sword energy hit the black flame beast. The black flame beast was knocked back and a wound appeared on its chest; however, that wound quickly healed.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag appeared in his hand. He waved the flag and countless strands of restriction gas flew out. He softly said, "Seal!"

The restriction gas transformed into many lances, all of which flew down on the black flame beast like a rain of lances.

After a series of bangs, the lances landed all around the black flame beast and completely trapped it.

Wang Lin pointed with his right hand and whispered, "Explode!"


All of the lances exploded in one loud boom, creating a shock wave that spread out in all directions.

As the shock wave approached Wang Lin, a soul flag flew out. This wasn't the one-billion-soul soul flag but the thousand-soul soul flag that Wang Lin had refined himself.

However, with Li Yuanfeng as the primary soul of this soul flag, it had already become very powerful.

With a shake of the flag, more than one thousand soul fragments flew out with Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment at the front. This soul fragment had long had its memories wiped by Wang Lin; now it was just a primary soul that accepted orders from the owner of the soul flag.

"Destroy!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold. The one thousand plus soul fragments all let out ghostly wails. Under the command of Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment, the soul fragments all charged toward the black flame beast that had just escaped the shock wave.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin looked at the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. Wang Lin didn't believe that a Soul Transformation cultivator only had this small amount of techniques. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor had to be hiding his ace. Also, there must've been a reason for the Giant Demon Clan ancestor to stop here.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor took a deep breath. Both of his hands formed a seal and then a giant print appeared before him. With a roar, he pushed the giant print into the sky. The print quickly turned into countless smaller prints and disappeared.

At the same time, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor moved. He got down on both knees in the air and bowed to the sky. Then he shouted, "The Giant Demon Clan's 67th generation clan member requests to retrieve the treasure left by our ancestor to resolve a calamity for my Giant Demon Clan!"

The moment he finished speaking, the sky immediately darkened and the ground began to shake across the entire Giant Demon Clan.

There was a mountain on the eastern border of the Giant Demon Clan. This mountain was very tall and was in fact the tallest mountain in the country. From a distance, it looked like it pierced into the heavens. At this moment, the mountain split in half and a giant axe emitting a red glow flew out.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor revealed a look of respect he had never shown before. He reached out and the giant axe flew into his hand.

In an instant, rays of red lightning came from the axe and covered the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's body. A powerful aura never felt from the Giant Demon Clan ancestor suddenly appeared.

"Wang Lin, back when my Giant Demon Clan first moved to this planet, our founding ancestor used this axe to break into the Immortal Graveyard. While in there, he killed two nine-leaf Savages to earn the right for my Giant Demon Clan to live here. Today the founding ancestor is still missing, but the axe still remains here!"

Wang Lin looked at the red axe in the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's hand. He couldn't help but think of the body that was buried under the Corpse Sect in Zhao.

Chapter 401 - Zhou Wutai

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor held the red axe in his hand. Right now his aura was completely different form before; it was as if he had become a different person just by holding this axe.

Red gas came out of the axe and entered the body of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. The red gas could be seen coming out of his orifices. From a distance, he looked extremely fierce.

This red gas didn't stay around him; it was absorbed back by the axe, creating a cycle.

The red gas would enter the ancestor's body and then come out to be reabsorbed by the axe. Every time this cycle completed once, the aura of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor became stronger.

He floated in the air and lowered his head to look at Wang Lin with a grin on his face. There were red lines gathered at where his left arm was cut up. These red lines slowly took the shape of a red arm.

With a roar, he threw the axe with his right hand. Then the left hand, which was formed by the red gas, caught the axe. The moment he caught it, the axe released a bright, red glow.

"Wang Lin, accept your death!" As the Giant Demon Clan ancestor shouted, he stepped forward and swung the axe downwards.

He moved very fast; in the blink of an eye, he arrived before Wang Lin as the axe descended.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He raised the celestial sword and then it collided with the red axe.


A sound that could shatter the sky and earth and travel through the highest heavens could be heard the moment the collision occurred.

Wang Lin could feel a powerful force from the axe. His body trembled as blood seeped out from his mouth and he quickly backed up.

He backed up 1,000 feet.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor coughed out a mouthful of blood, but his feet felt like they were rooted in place, so he didn't move at all. However, his body quickly shrank until it was ? the size it was before.

Although the current Giant Demon Clan ancestor wasn't a bag of bones yet, he didn't look as strong as he did before.

A roar came from the mouth of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. The current him was like a primal beast. His eyes were glowing red as he took a step forward and charged at Wang Lin with the red axe.

"Little child Wang Lin, die!" The Giant Demon Clan ancestor raised the axe and swung down again.

As Wang Lin backed up, his eyes became cold, his hand formed a seal, and he said, "Honored soul flag!"

The sky darkened as if all the light had gathered before Wang Lin. A 30-foot-tall soul flag that was glowing bright like a flame in the darkness appeared in his hand.

The flag's pole was 30 feet tall, but the flag itself was much larger. It was moving in the air without any wind and there were 12 golden-purple dots on it.

The moment the flag appeared, countless ghostly wails came from the earth like there were lingering ghosts letting out their resentful cries. Strands of black gas came from ground and began to flee in all directions.

The sky was completely dark. It was if black sand had covered the sky and the sun and moon had fallen.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's charge suddenly slowed down and the red axe in his hand let out a loud buzzing sound.

His red eyes revealed a hint of shock and a very well-hidden sign of terror.

"This… this is the Soul Refining Sect…" The Giant Demon Clan ancestor took a deep breath. He seemed to recognize where the flag came from, but he couldn't believe it. After all, there was no way for the flag from his memories to appear in Wang Lin's hands.

But at this moment, this flag looked exactly the same as the one in his memory, making it so he had to believe it.

The one-billion-soul soul flag was used by Wang Lin for the first time.

At this moment, at the border of the Giant Demon Clan, the purple-robed woman who was still watching suddenly frowned. "Du Tian kicked me out of the Soul Refining Sect so he could pass the one-billion-soul soul flag to Wang Lin. Although this is only an illusion, it is not something the Giant Demon Clan ancestor can resist."

The purple-robed woman let out a sigh. She had been observing Wang Lin for a long time and still wasn't able to find his Dao heart. She might be able to succeed if she uses a secret technique while he is passed out.

Thinking about this, she took a step forward and was about to head over when she suddenly stopped and turned around to look into the distance.

A purple-robed burly man wearing a straw hat was walking over from that direction.

His voice arrived before his body and said, "Lady Liu Mei, your opponent is me!"

The purple-robed woman looked at the burly man and whispered, "To have martial uncle Yunque's straw hat means that you are one of the four candidates he selected. However, with your mere mid stage Soul Formation cultivation, you cannot stop me."

The burly man let out a laugh and said, "Lady Liu Mei's cultivation is too much for me, but I can't just ignore senior Yunque's order. How about you have a drink with me for a bit? Then I can leave and say I didn't disobey orders."

The purple-robed woman moved a strand of hair behind her ear and let out a beautiful smile. "You are an interesting person, but you will have to wait for me to help the Giant Demon Clan ancestor first, then I'll have a drink with you."

The burly man shook his head and smiled. "That's no good. Wang Lin is my friend; how could I let you leave?"

The purple-robed woman let out a sigh. She looked at the burly man and said, "Leave. I don't want to hurt you." With that, she prepared to leave.

The burly man sat down in the lotus position, his hand formed a seal, and his domain immediately appeared. Behind him, the image of a young man appeared and looked at the burly man with deep admiration in his eyes.

The purple-robed woman paused once more and looked back at the burly man. Behind her beauty was a very well-hidden ruthlessness. She whispered, "Emotion cutting domain… No wonder you were chosen by martial uncle. What willpower, what a strong heart…"

"To comprehend the emotion between master and disciple, you created an idea from intent, then used the idea to accept a disciple. To love the disciple as your son, to show kindness to gain gratitude, and to use the tragedy to enter the Soul Formation stage. Everything you did was to make yourself completely emerged in this master/disciple relationship."

"The day he finally comprehends his own domain and is about to break into the Soul Formation stage is the day where he must kill his own disciple. Not only must he kill his disciple whom he loves like a son, he can't give him a quick death; he must slowly make his disciple suffer. Only then can the pain in his own heart grow enough for him to use this sadness to reach the Soul Formation stage."

"It looks to be filled with emotion yet it is ruthless, but somewhere in there is still a hint of emotion. To reach the Soul Formation stage like this is definitely not something a normal person can achieve."

Back then, when Wang Lin saw this person, he couldn't help but let out a sigh. It wasn't something he could do himself.

Wang Lin held the one-billion-soul soul flag up and then entered it with his origin soul. The flag began to move and a howl that could pierce the high heavens came from inside it.

Countless soul fragments came out from the soul flag following the lead of the 12 golden-purple Soul Transformation soul fragments.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's expression changed greatly. He never thought that Wang Lin would have this kind of treasure. He felt very bitter in his heart; if he knew that Wang Lin had this kind of treasure, then no matter what, he wouldn't have started the fight. Using his full power to escape would have been the best choice.

However, now that things had reached this stage, he had no choice but to fight. If he were to retreat now, the only road left for him would be death, so he might as well go all out. A hint of madness appeared in the eyes of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. With a loud shout, he charged out once more. With speed even faster than before, he raised the axe and shouted, "Founding ancestor's right arm, help me kill this person!"

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. This lighting was red, and when it crossed the sky, the earth temporarily seemed to be dyed blood-red.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor was the person holding the lightning bolt, but compared it, he looked very small and insignificant.

The red lightning bolt became the only thing left in the sky. As it descended, the shadow of the red axe could be seen inside the red lightning.

Wang Lin looked at the red lightning before him. His eyes were calm as he pointed forward and said, "Soul flag, devour!"

The one billion soul fragments charged forth. As the red lightning descended, the 12 golden-purple soul fragments charged out. They were as powerful as 12 Soul Transformation cultivators. Their hands formed seals as they all worked together to activate a spell.

Rays of golden light connected the 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments to form a net that trapped the red lightning within.

At the same time, the one billion soul fragments around the net seemed to have received an order from the 12 primary soul fragments. They all charged toward the net from all directions, giving off an aura that felt like they could shatter the world.

If one were to look from above, the 12 primary soul fragments formed a circle and countless soul fragments surrounded the circle. At this moment, the countless soul fragments charged into the circle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the soul fragments charged in, the heavens and earth shook. It was impossible to see what was going on inside; one could only occasionally hear the miserable screams of the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

But just at this moment, a ray of red light cut an opening through the soul fragments. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor, who now looked like a bag of bones without any sign of life, charged out holding the red axe.

After he appeared, he immediately coughed out a large mouthful of blood. He gave Wang Lin a poisonous gaze and was about to escape, but he was still too late.

The countless soul fragments once more charged forth. The 12 golden-purple primary souls let out eerie laughs and pounced at the Giant Demon Clan ancestor once more.

Chapter 402 - The ancestor dies!

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor let out a wry smile. How could he resist the one-billion-soul soul flag that even Ascendant cultivators dreaded? Although he had the founding ancestor's axe, with his current cultivation level, he couldn't use its full power.

His eyes lit up as he let out a roar and he threw the axe at Wang Lin.

The axe broke through all the soul fragments and closed in on Wang Lin in the blink of an eye.

Wang Lin's eyes sparkled. He didn't show any sign of worry; when the axe got close, the celestial sword blocked it.


More blood seeped out of Wang Lin's mouth and he was forced back several tens of feet. The axe was knocked away and landed on the ground.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor's face was pale and his eyes were filled with madness. He shot Wang Lin a vicious look and took a deep breath, then his origin soul shook and he shouted, "Bloodline power!"

The reason he didn't use his bloodline power until now was because if he were to use it before he finished his possession, it would cause grave damage to his origin soul. It was very likely that his origin soul would collapse from using it, so it would be no different from suicide.

Only when he completes the possession will he be able to use the bloodline safely, because a majority of the backlash will be absorbed by the body. Although some of it would still reach his origin soul, it was withstandable.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he looked at the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. He pointed at the soul flag and even more soul fragments charged out.

Wang Lin had to kill this Giant Demon Clan ancestor who knew that he had the heaven defying bead. He had to kill him no matter what.

The entire sky seemed to be moved by a giant hand and then a giant vortex suddenly appeared above the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

This scene was exactly the same as when Wang Lin saw him use it against Sun Tai.

At this moment, countless soul fragments covered the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. They were all in the process of devouring him. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor let out a sinister laugh.


The giant vortex suddenly began to turn and an unimaginable suction force appeared. The moment it appeared, some of the soul fragments around the Giant Demon Clan ancestor let out miserable screams and were sucked in.

Wang Lin felt the powerful suction force surround his body and his body unwillingly flew toward the vortex.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor shouted, "Wang Lin, this old man will risk my origin soul shattering to trap you in the void!" There were countless soul fragments surrounding him and the 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments had already entered his body and began to devour his origin soul.

His flesh had already been sucked dry and his origin soul was damaged.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. As he was sucked into the vortex, he looked toward the Giant Demon Clan ancestor and let out a intriguing smile. He whispered, "Devour!"

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The moment he said that, the soul fragments began to devour even faster. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor let out several miserable groans before his origin soul was completely devoured.

This generation's Giant Demon Clan ancestor had died!

But the bloodline power had already been activated and Wang Lin's body was dragged in. The moment his body entered the vortex, his reached out with his right hand and all the soul fragments quickly formed a chain to keep Wang Lin from being sucked in.

Using the window of time the chain of soul fragments bought him, he activated the formation he had prepared ahead of time. As he felt the suction increase, he quickly recalled all the soul fragments and of course he wouldn't forget the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's bag. Then the suction force increased even more and Wang Lin knew he couldn't resist it any longer.

His eyes suddenly lit up as he looked at the giant axe 1000 feet away. He reached out toward it, but a powerful force resisted his hold.

Wang Lin let out a sound of surprise. At this moment, his body was being quickly dragged into vortex. Wang Lin raised his hand again and used all the spiritual energy in his body. "Collect!" he shouted.

The axe resisted once more, but this time Wang Lin had a tight grip on it and he dragged it toward him.

The resisting power from the axe became even stronger; it was trying to break out of Wang Lin's grasp.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He pointed with his left hand and a few golden-purple souls flew out to bring the axe back.

At this point, half of Wang Lin's body was inside the vortex, and at the moment he was pulled completely into it, he finally managed to bring the axe over to him and put it into his bag. Then Wang Lin disappeared from planet Suzaku.

Shortly after, the vortex faded away.

There was only the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's broken body left on the ground.

From when he was forced to come out until the moment he died, he didn't get any chance to release the seals on his clan members; he could only watch as his clan fell from grace.

Wang Lin's figure appeared in the void outside of planet Suzaku. His face was deathly pale without a trace of blood.

"What a powerful bloodline power. If the Giant Demon Clan ancestor had reached the mid or late stage of Soul Transformation, the formation ancestor Du Tian gave me wouldn't have been of any use at all."

Wang Lin pondered a bit before slapping his bag of holding to bring out the star compass. He controlled the star compass to fly toward planet Suzaku.

"Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor are both dead. News of this should quickly spread across planet Suzaku. Right now the most important matter is to help Wan Er get through the second arrival of the heavens' messenger."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the star compass flew even faster.

Half a month later, planet Suzaku appeared in his view. From here, planet Suzaku really did look very small. Next to it was an even smaller planet; this was where Wang Lin was accidentally transported to on his way back from the Celestial Realm.

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he steered the star compass toward that small planet.

The star compass flew toward the small planet like a meteor. After he entered its atmosphere, he saw a mountain range below him.

The star compass lost its effect in the sky, so Wang Lin jumped off of it and put it away.

Then he moved like lightning. He disappeared as soon as he moved, and when he reappeared, he was already 5,000 kilometers away.

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The spiritual energy here was much weaker than on planet Suzaku. It was also very impure, making it unsuitable for cultivators to absorb.

Wang Lin moved like he was very familiar with the surroundings. After a day, he arrived before a tall mountain. With a scan of his divine sense, he found a transfer array on the peak of the mountain.

"The formation is still here!" Wang Lin stood before the ancient transfer array. He looked down at it and began to ponder.

Back when he was teleported here from the Celestial Realm, he appeared in this transfer array, and it was also this transfer array that sent him home.

"I killed Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor, so it must have caught some attention. I might as well spend a few years here cultivating and then quietly I'll go back." With that, Wang Lin sat down cross-legged and his avatar and original body split.

The original body sunk into the ground.

This planet was only 1/10th the size of planet Suzaku, so, with the body of a three-star ancient god, Wang Lin could withstand the pressure at the center. He sat down in the middle of the magma and began to cultivate.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a ray of red light flew out, turning into a giant axe before him.

This axe was glowing red and it released a powerful killing intent. Wang Lin pondered a bit before trying to use his divine sense to leave a mark on it. Just then, a powerful force that resided inside the axe bounced Wang Lin's divine sense away.

"Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his hand formed a seal and his origin soul left his body. He looked at the red axe and sucked. The red axe trembled before it turned into a ray of red light and was swallowed by Wang Lin's origin soul.

There were now two items inside Wang Lin's origin soul; one was the one-billion-soul soul flag and the other was the red axe.

His origin soul returned to his body.

"There must be an axe spirit inside the axe. I won't force it out, but I'll suppress it with the one-billion-soul soul flag and refine it with my origin soul. I want to see how long the axe spirit can last!" Wang Li sneered as he took out a bag.

This bag of holding belonged to the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

He touched it to imprint his own divine sense onto the bag and then the objects inside quickly appeared in his mind.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor had a lot of good stuff inside his bag; there were several dozen celestial jades and even top quality spirit stones.

There were naturally some treasures as well, and although they were powerful, they weren't anything noteworthy. After all, for the Giant Demon Clan, their bodies were their best weapons, so treasures weren't used much.

However, there were two items that caught Wang Lin's attention.

One of them was a half-empty red jade bottle that contained some blood-like liquid. Wang Lin smelled the liquid and confirmed that it was indeed blood. When he saw the blood, he had a feeling that he had seen it before.

Wang Lin pondered a bit while holding the bottle and then suddenly remembered. When he was exterminating the Teng family, he had found a similar bottle on Teng One.

"This blood contains a hint of the bloodline of the ancient gods. Back then I used the bottle to activate an ability of the ancient god!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

"Although my original body became an ancient god from practicing the ancient god tactic, it was completely based on my own cultivation. Back then I only obtained the inheritance of knowledge and not power, so there are some abilities I can't use. This is a very useful thing for me whether I let my original body absorb it or use it to use an ability. No matter how big the price of this fight was, just getting this was worth it!"

Wang Lin took a deep breath and carefully put the small bottle into his bag of holding.

Chapter 403 - Mei Ji

The other thing that caught Wang Lin's attention was a wheel-shaped treasure.

This wheel wasn't large; it was only about one inch in radius.

The wheel was extremely plain without any decorations or shine; there were even signs of rust on it.

The reason Wang Lin was interested in it was because Xu Liguo told him that there was a soul sealed inside it and begged him to release the soul.

Xu Liguo's words made Wang Lin be on guard. He understood Xu Liguo very well because in a way, Xu Liguo was created by him.

Xu Liguo had the intelligence that wandering souls lacked. The fact that he was a Nascent Soul cultivator turned into a wandering soul had a big part in this. After that, Xu Liguo's intelligence slowly recovered until he became the devil sword spirit he was now.

Xu Liguo's personality was that of a scaredy cat, but at the same time he was also very proud. Overall, this made him a very complex devil. For him to beg Wang Lin so much to release the soul made Wang Lin cautious.

"Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. After pondering a bit, he was able to guess what happened. The Giant Demon Clan ancestor must have used the soul inside the wheel to tempt Xu Liguo. This was why Xu Liguo was still thinking about it even after returning to him.

After looking at the wheel for a bit, he took out the celestial sword. The moment the celestial sword appeared, Xu Liguo appeared as well. He let out a howl as he stared at the wheel with glowing eyes.

Xu Liguo quickly said, "Master, this is the treasure wheel. There is a soul inside it; quickly release her!"

Wang Lin calmly asked, "How do you know about the soul inside this treasure wheel?"

"The Giant Demon Clan ancestor called her out… master, quickly release her!" Xu Liguo's expression became very anxious.

Wang Lin looked at Xu Liguo and asked, "What cultivation level does this soul have?"

The anxiety on Xu Liguo's became even stronger; it was like he could hear the little sister fairy calling out to him to save her. He became very impatient and said, "There is no cultivation level, it's just a soul fragment. If you're not going to save her, I'll do it myself!"

Xu Liguo didn't even realize that after seeing the wheel, his fear of Wang Lin disappeared and his tone unconsciously changed.

Wang Lin's eyes faintly lit up and he smiled. "Don't rush. I'll release the soul for you now."

With that, Wang Lin's hand formed a seal and shot out a ray of spiritual energy into the wheel. However, the treasure wheel released a green glow and quickly dissolved the ray of spiritual energy.

Wang Lin let out a surprised sound and then looked more closely at the treasure wheel. Before, nothing about the wheel had caught his attention, but now that it was able to emit a green glow that neutralized his spiritual energy, it had his full attention.

When the green light lit up, Wang Lin felt no spiritual energy fluctuations from the wheel. He pondered a bit before sending out another ray of spiritual energy.

His eyes remained calm. A strange symbol the size of a thumb nail quickly appeared then disappeared. The green glow then appeared once more to dissolve the spiritual energy.

"Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Xu Liguo had reached his limit. Without a word, he charged out from the celestial sword toward the treasure wheel.

Wang Lin shot Xu Liguo a cold look. Xu Liguo's actions were too strange; there was something off.

He noticed that the moment Xu Liguo got close to the treasure wheel, the strange symbol appeared once more. The green glow appeared again and then Xu Liguo let out a miserable groan as he was knocked back ten feet.

His eyes were bloodshot. He let out a roar and was about to try again when Wang Lin pointed at him and locked him in mid air.

Xu Liguo turned around toward Wang Lin and shouted, "What are you doing?! Let me go! I'm going to release her!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at Xu Liguo. Xu Liguo's body trembled and seemed to regain a trace of clarity. He looked terrifyingly at the treasure wheel and said, "Master, master, please don't blame me. Every time I see the treasure wheel, I become unable to control myself."

Wang Lin ignored Xu Liguo and then grabbed the treasure wheel. His left thumb pressed down on where the strange symbol was.

The moment he did so, the strange symbol appeared and began to rapidly flash as the wheel release a green glow. Wang Lin let out a groan, but he kept on pressing down like he was breaking through countless barriers until he directly touched the treasure wheel.

Then, along with a series of crackling sounds, countless cracks appeared and covered the treasure wheel. With a bang, the treasure wheel shattered into pieces.

In an instant, a blinding, red light charged out from the shattered wheel. A crisp laughter that was filled with enough demonic power to shake anyone's heart came from the red light.

This sound was filled with a mysterious power. The power that was holding Xu Liguo in place seemed to have melted like ice that had met the blazing sun. Soon, Xu Liguo regained his freedom.

His eyes were filled with desire as he quickly flew toward the red light.

The red light turned into a very enchanting woman. She was only wearing a thin layer of clothing that revealed a lot of skin. She glanced at Xu Liguo and smiled. "Elder brother Xu, little sister has waited for a long time. Why did you only save me now?"

With that, she raised her delicate hand and pointed at Xu Liguo. Her expression made it look like she was flirting with her lover.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. When the woman appeared, even his heart was affected. Luckily, he had cultivated the soul sealing technique, which linked his soul to the one-billion-soul soul flag, allowing him to quickly recover.

But just this caused him to be shocked. If he was distracted like that during a fight, he would be put in a dire position.

"You dare to use such a demonic technique before me?!" Wang Lin let out a cold snort. This sound entered Xu Liguo and the woman's ears and echoed like thunder.

Xu Liguo's body trembled and his eyes immediately became clear. He was already a devil, so after being called out twice by Wang Lin, he realized what was wrong. Terrified, he quickly backed up.

The woman turned around and stared at Wang for a bit before letting out a beautiful smile. At this moment, everything else dimmed and her smile was the only thing remaining.

The woman's eyelashes slightly trembled and she whispered, as if she were complaining, "What a vicious person. It's not like I meant to offend you…"

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Her voice contained a mysterious power. When it landed in Wang Lin's ears, his heart trembled once more.

Xu Liguo's body trembled and the clarity in his eyes disappeared only to be filled with desire once more.

The woman let out a proud smile and flew toward Wang Lin. She arrived before him and reached for his forehead.

However, just at this moment, Wang Lin's eyes became clear and there was a hint of disdain in them.

The woman exclaimed. She realized that something was wrong and tried to back away. However, Wang Lin took out the soul flag and along with Li Yuanfeng, over 1,000 soul fragments charged out.

The woman exclaimed once more and backed up without any hesitation.

Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment quickly charged out and surrounded the woman with the other soul fragments. Just as they were about to devour her, a mysterious power came from her eyes and she smiled. "Big brothers, why must you all be like this? I'm not your enemy."

With just one sound, even Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment was startled and his eyes filled with confusion. The other soul fragments looked even worse as they stared dumbfoundedly at the woman.

"He bullied me. Help me kill him, please? After killing him, I'll spend some time with you all…" The woman's cheeks blushed.

With that, Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment trembled and along with the other soul fragments charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. He didn't even look at the soul fragments and pointed behind him. Xu Liguo had also fallen under the woman's lure and was about to sneak attack Wang Lin but was injured before he could. The black gas around him quickly dissipated and he quickly backed away.

His eyes regained their clarity. This time it was his fear of Wang Lin that won over the woman's charm.

He secretly cursed in his heart. Why did he attack this fiend? Great, now all the credit he had earned from killing the Giant Demon Clan ancestor was gone.

The more Xu Liguo thought about it, the more angry he became, so he shouted at the woman, "Wretch, it's all your fault for charming me!"

She revealed a sad expression and was about to speak when Li Yaunfeng's soul fragment along with the other soul fragments arrived before Wang Lin. Wang Lin pointed with his right hand and all the soul fragments let out miserable groans. Along with Li Yuanfeng's soul fragment, all of them scattered.

"Enough! You, come here!" Wang Lin reached out. The woman exclaimed and tried to dodge, but she was caught by Wang Lin and brought before him.

After carefully looking at the woman, he was able to see through her secret. Inside the soul fragment was a domain. This domain was very strong and could charm a myriad of things in the world.

"A soul fragment with a domain… Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold.

"What is your name?"

The woman struggled for a long time. She was breathing hard as she charmingly said, "I didn't even offend you. Why aren't you letting go?"

Her charming breathing carried a hint of her charm.

Wang Lin coldly looked at the woman and pointed at her brow. She revealed a painful expression and soon began to scream. Strands of black gas came out from her body as if she could dissipate at any moment.

"Mei Ji… my name is Mei Ji…" the woman quickly said, as she looked at Wang Lin with terror in her eyes.

Chapter 404 - Zhou Ru

After she gained sentience, everyone she had meet was charmed by her. Even the Giant Demon Clan ancestor was charmed. Although he managed to break free from her in the end, he was never able to do anything malicious to her, so he only sealed her away.

After she was sealed, she was still looking for a way to escape the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. One day, she met Xu Liguo. She easily charmed Xu Liguo and he did good by finally saving her.

However, she never would've imagined that there would be a man like this. Not only was all her charm useless against him, but he could even bear to harm her.

"What is the matter with that domain in your body?" Wang Lin wasn't affected by her charm because of his life experience and his cultivation of the soul sealing technique.

In his 500 years of cultivation, Wang Lin had never been with a woman, so his heart was much more determined than the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's.

At the same time, the soul sealing technique was the most revered technique in the Soul Refining Sect. Aside from controlling the one-billion-soul soul flag, its other use was to make it impossible for his soul to be affected by anything.

It was because of this that he could control the one billion soul fragments and not suffer the backlash.

The woman looked at Wang Lin in terror. No longer daring to use her domain, she said, "I don't know how it came to be. When I woke up, the domain was already there."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. This woman's cultivation level was only at the Core Formation stage, but her domain was powerful enough to affect someone like Li Yuanfeng. This made matters very strange.

"This woman must have been formed when a part of a powerful senior's origin soul split off. The result was this soul fragment. That would explain why it has such a powerful domain. This domain should be related to charm or lust." Wang Lin's eyes lit up. His hand formed a seal to place a restriction on the woman and then he put her inside the soul flag.

Xu Liguo immediately let out a smile and carefully said, "Master, this… if there is nothing else, I'll head back first." With that, he went back into the celestial sword and didn't dare to come out.

Wang Lin found it very funny and no longer bothered with Xu Liguo. He slapped his bag of holding, causing the pagoda to fly out and become large next to him.

Zhou Yi's domain immediately spread out and surround everything within 50 kilometers.

The moment the pagoda appeared, Zhou Ru quickly ran out. After seeing Wang Lin, she immediately pouted and said, "Bad uncle, you are a bad uncle! I don't like you anymore!"

Little White came out next to Zhou Ru with his head down and lied down next to her. Although it was hard to notice because he was covered in fur, it wouldn't be wrong to describe him as completely famished.

"I'm a demonic tiger yet I had to eat fruit for months. Not only that, but I couldn't eat my fill and only ate one fruit a day. I couldn't even smell any meat. How sad…" Little White let out a pitiful growl and tears almost fell from his eyes.

There were several occasions where he wanted to eat Zhou Ru, but he couldn't help but think of how Wang Lin would deal with him if he did, so he gave up on the idea.

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More importantly, as time passed, he could feel a terrifying power slowly growing inside Zhou Ru. He was worried that before he even started eating her, this little brat would eat him instead.

"Bad uncle, look at how thin Little White is. We had to eat fruit for months!" She looked at Wang Lin with eyes filled with dissatisfaction. Not just Little White, but even she herself had gotten a lot thinner.

Wang Lin rubbed his nose. He had indeed forgotten about this matter. After all, he hadn't needed to eat in 400 years, so he forgot that Zhou Ru still needed food.

Luckily, when he sent Zhou Ru into the pagoda, he gave her a lot of spirit fruits as snacks. Also, the celestial spiritual energy inside the tower was very thick; as long as one didn't directly absorb it, it could still make them not need to eat.

Wang Lin's forehead was covered in sweat. Even when he faced Soul Transformation old monsters, he didn't feel this awkward or embarrassed. After hearing Zhou Ru's words, he could only bitterly smile.

"Eh… This is uncle's fault. I definitely won't forget next time!" Wang Lin quickly promised.

Zhou Ru rolled her eyes and pouted. "Uncle's promises never count. Last time you promised me a big tiger and that never came true. I won't believe you this time."

Wang Lin wryly smiled. "Okay, little Zhou Ru, uncle will bring you to catch a big tiger. I think that there should be some demonic beasts here."

Zhou Ru was a child after all, so when she heard this, she immediately smiled and clapped her hands. "Uncle has to keep his promise this time. Let us go right now!"

Wang Lin revealed a gentle look as he rubbed Zhou Ru's head and smiled. "Let's go now."

Zhou Ru quickly nodded. She pondered for a bit and then said, "Uncle, I don't know why, but every day I would dream. In my dreams, I would see a big sister with you. That big sister looked very familiar. So strange."

Wang Lin's heart trembled. He lowered his head and looked at Zhou Ru. After a while, he let out a sigh and looked into the sky. "Wan Er, only six more years and you can awaken…"

Zhou Ru looked at Wang Lin and then a faint and undetectable trace of fear appeared in her eyes.

Zhou Ru whispered, "Uncle, little Ru Er is a monster…"

Little White was lying on the side. When he heard this, he quickly nodded and thought, "Indeed, you are a little monster. How else would a demonic tiger such as myself be bullied by you? I was forced to leave the mountain and leave behind all my female tigers… alas."

Wang Lin was startled. He looked down and rubbed Zhou Ru's head as he whispered, "Little Ru Er, what's wrong?"

Tears fell from Zhou Ru's eyes as she began to cry. "Little Ru Er is a monster. Uncle, little Ru Er is a monster. In fact, about a year ago, I could feel a little person inside me. Uncle, I'm scared!"

Wang Lin stared at Zhou Ru. He wasn't able to say anything for a very long time before he finally said, "Little Ru Er isn't a monster, she isn't."

Zhou Ru jumped into Wang Lin's embrace. She grabbed on to his clothes and said, "Uncle, I can feel that the little person in my body is like… like the big sister in my dream. She is that little person. Uncle, little Ru Er is scared. Can you take her out…" Her little hand firmly gripped Wang Lin's clothes as if Wang Lin would disappear she let go. She was scared… and this was the only way for her to feel safe.

Wang Lin's body trembled. At this moment, he felt like he had been struck by lightning.

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"Why did it turn out like this…" Wang Lin muttered to himself, as his eyes were filled with complex emotions.

Back then, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was placed into the pregnant woman by Wang Lin. This was a type of possession, but the baby had no soul yet and was only a mass of flesh.

In principle, Li Muwan was Zhou Ru and Zhou Ru was Li Muwan, so why was this situation of Zhou Ru rejecting Li Muwan happening?

"Could it be that when Li Muwan's Nascent Soul entered the pregnant lady's stomach, the baby had already developed its own soul…" Wang Lin's body trembled. He was fighting the heavens' messenger back then, so he wasn't able to take a closer look.

"If this is true, then Li Muwan's Nascent Soul will slowly devour Zhou Ru's soul and she will completely replace Zhou Ru as the owner of the body when she wakes up." Wang Lin's eyes were filled with confusion.

Zhou Ru raised her head. Her eyes were filled with tears as she whispered, "Uncle, little Ru Er is scared. Can you quickly take her out, please?"

"Did I do the wrong thing…" Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru. He felt pain in his heart.

"Little Ru Er, don't be scared. Just pretend that the little person inside you is your big sister. Don't worry." Wang Lin smiled while watching Zhou Ru. His smile was filled with complex emotions.

"Really? Uncle isn't lying to me?" Zhou Ru's big eyes revealed naivety, purity, and innocence. In addition, Wang Lin could also see a deep sense of attachment and trust in her eyes.

"Really…" The pain in Wang Lin's heart intensified. Wang Lin knew the choice he had to make, but in life, choosing one life sometimes means giving up another.

"Why it is like this…" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with pain.

Although Zhou Ru was little, she was a very sensitive person. She looked at Wang Lin before burying her little head in his chest and said, "Uncle, don't feel bad. When uncle feels bad, I feel bad as well. In the future, I won't talk about this matter. I believe that if uncle says it's not a problem then it's not a problem. Uncle, weren't you going to take me to catch a big tiger?"

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru. He nodded as he wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said, "Uncle will take you to catch a big tiger!"

With that, he hugged Zhou Ru and flew into the air.

Zhou Ru smiled, but this smile was like a silent cry in Wang Lin's eyes.

"Uncle, bring Little White. Hmph, Little White has been naughty. Once uncle catches me a big tiger, I'll see if Little White continues to be naughty. If he continues, I'll have the big tiger bite Little White."

Little White's body trembled as he let out a pitiful cry and thought, "I'm a demonic tiger…" Before he could finish, he was grabbed by Wang Lin and disappeared along with them.

As they flew, Zhou Ru's eyes were still on Wang Lin. She held back her tears and thought silently in her heart, "Uncle, little Ru Er is already 13 years old. There are some things I already understand. You are different from grandpa Tie Yan. When you look at me, you aren't looking at me but at the little person inside me. Grapnda Tie Yan wasn't the same. What he looked at was me…"

"I know that when you saved me from that bad cultivator, it wasn't for me but for the big sister inside me…"

"The big sister I saw in my dreams is very pretty, but I believe that when I grow up, I'll be even prettier, so uncle, don't leave me…"

Chapter 405 - Little White

There wasn't much vegetation on this moon, but there were a lot of mountains. There were no mortals on this planet and there were very few cultivators.

After all, there weren't many cultivators who could break through the planet's atmosphere; they would have to be at least at the Soul Transformation stage to do so. Even then, they would still need a star compass or they would find it very hard to navigate their way through the void.

Wang Lin carried Zhou Ru and Little White as they flew across the sky. There were many large mountains under them, causing Zhou Ru to often exclaim out loud.

At a forest in the northern part of the moon, Wang Lin caught Zhou Ru a big tiger. This tiger was completely purple and 30 feet long. It gave off a very oppressive aura.

However, what Wang Lin found very weird was that this tiger had no intelligence. It was far from being as smart as Little White.

But there was a mysterious force inside it. With one roar it could send the sand around it flying and with one pounce it could break metal. Its power wasn't much weaker than a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator's.

Wang Lin easily dealt with the tiger. He left an imprint on the tiger's soul, making Zhou Ru its master. After it couldn't possibly turn on Zhou Ru, Wang Lin gave it to her as a gift.

Zhou Ru's love for this tiger immediately reached the same level as her love for Little White.

"In the future, let's call you Little Violet!" Zhou Ru said, as she sat on Little Violet's back and happily clapped her hands.

Little White was beside them with his head down. He felt disdain toward the purple tiger. He was a proper demonic tiger; how could this lump compare to him?

Thinking about this, he lazily roared at the purple tiger.

However, he didn't think that the purple tiger would turn its head toward him and let out a roar in retaliation. This roar was filled with power; it was as if it could shatter the heavens.

Little White howled as every hair on his body stood up and he backed up dozens of feet. He stared at the purple tiger in fear and no longer dared to move up.

This made Zhou Ru clap her hands in joy. She said, "Little White, you can't beat Little Violet."

Wang Lin watched Zhou Ru's happy face and began to ponder. Strictly speaking, Wang Lin didn't care too much about Zhou Ru. At most he felt like a parent watching their child after spending so much time with her.

The only thing he cared about in the end was Li Muwan.

The day Li Muwan's Nascent Soul wakes up is the day Zhou Ru's soul will be devoured. There was no chance for both of them to survive.

If he were to take out Li Muwan's Nascent Soul early, it would save Zhou Ru, but that would make it almost impossible for Li Muwan to escape death.

After all, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was in a deep slumber and was still recovering; if it were taken out now, it would disappear.

Wang Lin understood who was more important in his heart. There was no hesitation there.

However, to sacrifice this child's life just for his own selfish desire for Li Muwan to awaken caused Wang Lin's heart to struggle.

Although he had killed countless people in his life, he was able to face himself and the heavens after he killed them. Although he was a demon, he wasn't a demon that lost had its humanity.

Spring passed and autumn came. In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

Zhou Ru was now 15 years old. There were still four years until Li Muwan awakens.

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In these past two years, Zhou Ru slowly grew and bloomed into a lovely girl. The amount of times Li Muwan appeared in her dreams greatly increased.

Wang Lin spent these past two years cultivating. Throughout this time, the bitterness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Choosing Li Muwan was a must; however, how he would ensure this child's life when Li Muwan awakened was a question he was still mulling over.

Zhou Ru became more and more quiet in these past two years. She would often sit on Little Violet's back with Little White behind them and stare at the sky.

Zhou Ru whispered, "Little White, I can feel the big sister inside me slowly awaken. When she finally wakes up, I'll be gone… After I'm gone, you must be good, Little White. I'll ask uncle to take you back home. Little White, after I leave, will you think of me…"

Little White raised his head to look at Zhou Ru. His eyes were filled with complex feelings.

Although Zhou Ru would often bully him, in truth, he could feel that Zhou Ru really loved him. When Little Violet would bully him, Zhou Ru would side with him and scold Little Violet.

Little White kept all of this in his heart. Although he was a demonic tiger, his heart felt bitter as he looked at Zhou Ru and nodded his big head.

Zhou Ru faintly smiled. She jumped off Little Violet and arrived next to Little White. She rubbed his fur and said, "Little White, after I'm gone, do you think uncle will think of me…"

Little White let out a soft growl and looked at Zhou Ru.

Zhou Ru rubbed Little White's fur and felt depressed. She looked at the figure sitting on the mountain in the distance and quietly though in her heart, "Uncle, Little Ru Er understands. Even now, whenever you look at me, you are looking at the big sister and not at me. She must be very important to you. Little Ru Er knows what to do."

Zhou Ru's eyes became watery as she looked over at the big and dumb Little Violet and whispered, "Little Violet, once I'm gone, you will be free…"

Wang Lin was sitting at the top of the mountain. Although he looked like he was cultivating, he was actually just staring at the sky.

Wang Lin pondered. "The heavens' will… I, Wang Lin, have always resisted the heavens' will, but I was still played by it this time…"

Zhou Ru's call came from below. "Uncle, uncle, can you come down?"

Wang Lin lowered his head and looked at Zhou Ru with a complex expression. He jump off the mountain and landed next to her.

"Uncle, sit down. Little Ru Er wants to brush your hair." Zhou Ru revealed an innocent smile. She was holding a wooden brush that Tie Yan had gifted her.

She didn't wait for Wang Lin to answer before she dragged him to a big rock. After having Wang Lin sit down, she went behind him and began to carefully brush his hair.

Her expression was very serious. After a while, she said, "Uncle, can you tell little Ru Er stories of you and big sister?"

Wang Lin pondered. After a long time, he slowly nodded.

A story came from his mouth and landed in Zhou Ru's ears. She brushed his hair as she listened and her body would occasionally tremble as if she had understood something.

Zhou Ru put down the wooden brush and whispered, "Uncle, if I die early, does that mean big sister Wan Er won't be able to wake up…"

Wang Lin turned around to look at Zhou Ru. What he saw was a hint of unfamiliarity in her.

Zhou Ru raised her head to look at Wang Lin. Her eyes were filled with sadness as she whispered, "Uncle, in your eyes, is little Ru Er only a body for big sister Wan Er to wake up in? Ever since I was small, I considered you my family, my uncle… When you look at me, I want you to see the real me and not big sister Wan Er, even if only once."

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru. After pondering for a bit, he said, "Little Ru Er, you are tired. Go rest." With that, he turned around and disappeared.

The wooden brush in Zhou Ru's hand fell to the ground. She squated down on the ground and began to cry.

Two streams of tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes…

While Zhou Ru cried, she muttered, "Uncle, I'm scared!"

Wang Lin's figure appeared in the distance and slightly trembled. The complex emotions in his eyes became even stronger.

"Wan Er, if it was you, how would you choose…"

Little White went missing.

He went missing without a sound, but Wang Lin saw that he had quietly left in the middle of the night.

Zhou Ru became very sad over Little White leaving and became very sick.

While she slept due to her illness, she could often call out to Little White.

Although she often bullied Little White, he held a very important place in her heart. Although she had Little Violet now, Little White was still very important to her.

Little White was her friend, her only friend.

However, when Wang Lin was going to get Little White back, she stopped him. She begged Wang Lin and whispered, "If Little White wants to leave, it is his choice. He should have the right to choose. He is more fortunate than little Zhou Ru… don't go looking for him…"

Wang Lin's heart felt very painful as he walked away in silence. He thought about what to do four years from now to save both of them and came up with a plan.

"Uncle doesn't want me anymore. Little White, you also left…" One month later, Zhou Ru's illness had gotten better, but she was even quieter than before and would often be in a daze looking into the distance.

On one morning two months later, a tired but excited roar could be heard. Little White appeared in Zhou Ru's vision and with a few jumps arrived next to her.

In his mouth was a fire-red tree branch with a fruit attached to it.

Little White returned!

Zhou Ru looked at Little White. She was very happy and angry at the same time.

"Little White, you didn't abandon me. Little White…" Zhou Ru hugged Little White. As tears rolled down her cheeks, she revealed a happy smile.

Little White was skinnier now and his fur was no longer neat. There were clear signs of injuries on his body and he was no longer as fierce. Instead, he looked very tired.

There was even a deep wound on his stomach. Although that wound was already sealed, there was still some blood on his fur.

Little White put down the branch on the ground and licked Zhou Ru. Then he carefully looked around to make sure that Wang Lin wasn't around. He pulled Zhou Ru's clothes and then touched the fruit on the ground.

"Little White, what are you…" Zhou Ru was startled as she picked up the fruit on the ground.

Little White looked around and became very anxious. He let out a few growls, telling Zhou Ru to quickly eat it.

"Little White, you want me to eat this?" Zhou Ru had been with Little White for a long time, so she was able to immediately tell what he meant.

Little White quickly nodded and his eyes were anxious again.

Zhou Ru picked up the fruit and whispered, "Little White, what fruit is this?"

Wang Lin's voice floated in from the distance. He said, "That is a Nascent-Soul-shattering fruit!"

All the hair on Little White's body stood straight up. He quickly jumped to block Zhou Ru from Wang Lin and began to growl.

Chapter 406 - Shocking change

Wang Lin slowly walked over from where he was. He immediately noticed when Little White returned and saw the fruit he was carrying.

"What a good demonic tiger, sacrificing yourself for your master!" Wang Lin looked at Little White.

Fear appeared in Little White's eyes, but he still stood before Zhou Ru and growled.

Zhou Ru rubbed Little White's fur and asked, "Uncle, what is a Nascent-Soul-shattering fruit?"

Wang Lin slowly said, "After you eat the fruit, although Wan Er, who is inside you, won't die, she will become very weak…"

Zhou Ru was startled. She lowered her head to look at Little White and whispered, "Little White, so you went to look for this fruit for me when you left." She let out a sigh and threw the fruit to the side. The fruit rolled a few times before falling down a cliff.

Zhou Ru raised her head and looked at Wang Lin. "Uncle, don't hurt Little White, okay?"

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru. He nodded and then left.

Zhou Ru bit her lower lip as she looked at Wang Lin's back. That figure was so unfamiliar.

Zhou Ru exclaimed, "Uncle, you can relax. Zhou Ru knows what to do to allow you and big sister Wan Er to reunite."

Wang Lin's body paused. He pondered a bit before continuing to walk away.

Another two years quickly passed by.

On this day, a thick mass of black fog erupted from the giant hole that led to the immortal graveyard. This black fog pierced into the sky.

The fog turned into a very strange plant with very large leaves. There were countless tattoos on the plant and it gave off a strange aura.

Just at this moment, a golden light appeared in the sky. Inside the golden light were the illusions of five glowing flying swords.

The moment the golden light appeared, it turned into a net and covered the plant. After a series of rumbling sounds, it forcibly suppressed the plant.

"My clan has been hiding for tens of thousands of years, but today, no one will stop my clan from taking back planet Fu Wen!" an ancient voice said, from deep within the immortal graveyard, and then a very ancient-looking old man walked out from the hole.

There weren't any tattoos on the old man's body, but if one looked closely, there was a plant flashing on his forehead. Upon closer inspection, there were 11 leaves on that plant!


After another closer look, there was another leaf under the 11 leaves. Although it was not completely open, it was opened ? of the way.

The moment the old man walked out from the hole, the five swords in the sky all hummed in unison. Two of the swords left the golden net and charged toward the old man.

The old man's expression was calm as he whispered, "The country of Suzaku's first generation Suzaku sacrificed himself along with nine mid stage Ascendant Cultivators to create these five swords to seal my Forsaken Immortal Clan for tens of thousands of years. Today I can do the same thing by sacrificing myself to free my Forsaken Immortal Clan. Absorb!" He pointed forward with his right hand and a giant tattoo appeared before him. This tattoo let out a primal aura and immediately began to spread.

Those two flyings sword began to tremble, then they managed to break free from the power of the tattoo and quickly backed away.

"Return!" The old man's eyes were calm. It was as if he had seen through everything. He waved his right hand and then a heaven-shattering roar came from the sky. Countless tattoos appeared in the air soon after. They interlocked with each other to create a tattoo that looked like it could split the heavens.

The two flying swords stopped struggling and flew toward the old man like lightning.

Bang! Bang!

Two bangs that echoed across the entire planet could be heard as the two swords stabbed into the old man's chest. They were struggling to escape but couldn't.

"Back then, this old man was but a coward who had to watch countless clan members die. Although I lived, my heart died back then!" The old man pointed at the golden net in the sky.

Two more flying swords quickly flew toward him. Although they struggled, it was to avail. They were controlled by the old man to stab into his chest as well.

"It has been tens of thousands of years and I was originally supposed to be dead, but my clan regarded me as their founding ancestor. They fed me my own clan's tattoos to keep me alive. I survived on the lives of my own clan members… I'm a sinner of my clan…"

The old man looked at the last flying sword in the golden net. He took a deep breath and reached out, then the final golden sword suddenly began to struggle.

But it seemed like the golden sword didn't have enough power to resist. After a while, it charged out from the golden net and stabbed toward the old man.

"This old man is a sinner of the Forsaken Immortal Clan who deserves to die. Today this old man broke through the 11-leaves stage and my 12th leaf has started to open, placing me a level above what the cultivators call Ascendant. However, this old man's talent is limited, so I wasn't able to fully absorb the power to truly take that last step. I'm a disgrace to the ancestors and I'm not worthy of all the clan members who died to keep me alive…"

The last flying sword rushed over and stabbed the old man right between the eyes.

The old man's eyes slowly dimmed.

"This old man is a sinner, but my death will allow my clan to return to the surface. Allow me to be sealed in place of the Forsaken Immortal Tree. With my soul as a sacrifice, my clan can reappear!" At that moment, the light in the old man's eyes went out and his hands reached out to tear open the sky.

A sound that reverberated through the entire planet could be heard as the golden net was split in half.

The giant plant that was suppressed by the golden net immediately charged out and became like a pillar holding up the heavens.

At the same time, the countless tattoos surrounding the area shattered and disappeared.

The old man's body slowly merged with the giant plant and disappeared.

At this moment, the Forsaken Immortal Clan members came out of the hole one by one. More and more of them came out and every single one of them bowed deeply toward the plant.

Among those Forsaken Immortal Clan members was a woman who was wearing a veil. Her eyes undermeath the veil were calm.

"I hope you aren't lying to me… I want that Qian Feng to die without a grave!"

Find Out Why Her Family Disowned Her



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Fifty kilometers away, a burly man wearing a straw hat looked at the giant plant and muttered, "I hope you didn't lie to me. I want the Four Sect Alliance to return…"

"Kill!!" A roar that could pierce the heavens came from the Immortal Graveyard. This wasn't a roar from one person but from all the Forsaken Immortal Clan members. This roar traveled through the high heavens and echoed across the land.

At this moment, an angry roar came from the cave Zhuque Zi was cultivating in at the top of Mount Suzaku. The roar caused the cave to explode, leaving behind only dust.

Zhuque Zi, who was wearing a red robe, appeared from the void. He looked at the direction of the Immortal Graveyard with a very ugly expression.

"Damn remnants of the Forsaken Immortal Clan. You guys are courting death!!!" Zhuque Zi reached out and all the clouds seemed to gather in his hand. Soon, a white token formed from the clouds appeared in his palm.

He slapped it with his left hand and the token split into two, then to four, and so on.

"I'm calling all cultivation countries as the 14th generation Suzaku. The second war with the Forsaken Immortal Clan begins!"

The cloud tokens quickly disappeared. Then the old man walked out of his long years of closed door cultivation in the Heavenly Jade Sect in the country of Suzaku.

He was wearing a black robe and was very skinny, but his eyes lit up as he looked toward the Immortal Graveyard. He whispered, "Things are changing!"

This old man was the early stage Ascendant ancestor that the entire Heavenly Jade Sect respected, Chu Yunfei.

The Earth Soul Sect was in eastern side of Suzaku. There was a cave deep underground below the sect, and inside it sat a middle-aged man.

At this moment, this man suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes gave off an ancient feel as he sighed. "This day has finally come. I can't believe I got caught up in this, ah!"

The final sect in Suzaku was the Immortal's Path Sect; however, there was no commotion here. The Ascendant ancestor of the Immortal's Path Sect was very mysterious. Very few people knew of his whereabouts or even what he looked like.

Pilu, Soul Refining Sect.

Du Tian opened his eyes and sneered before closing them once more.

This calamity on planet Suzaku had nothing to do with Wang Lin. He was only focused on facing the second arrival of the heavens' messenger so Li Muwan could be reborn.

There were two years left until Li Muwan's awakening.

In these two years, Zhou Ru spent most of her time in silence. It was as if there was already a huge barrier between her and Wang Lin.

Wang Lin could feel Li Muwan's Nascent Soul slowly awakening in her body and Zhou Ru's life force slowly disappearing.

When her life force completely disappears, Li Muwan will have completely devoured Zhou Ru's soul.

However, the speed at which Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was growing had slowed down over the last year. It was as if it wasn't willing to grow, it wasn't willing to devour Zhou Ru's soul.

Wang Lin knew that it was because Li Muwan had recovered some of her consciousness. She wasn't willing to sacrifice a child to allow herself to reawaken.

This was her choice and it was not Wang Lin's decision to make. He used his spiritual energy to stop her, allowing her Nascent Soul to continue to grow inside Zhou Ru.

"Wan Er, I know you aren't willing to devour this child. Believe in me, I'll do this properly and not harm her at all. Once you have awakened, we can send her back to her parents. What I want is your Nascent Soul, not this child's body…"

This was Wang Lin's promise to Li Muwan.