

Chapter 407 - Arrival of the heaven's messenger

Wang Lin lied to Li Muwan.

He couldn't think of a way to protect Li Muwan and also make sure Zhou Ru's soul remained intact.

If he were to pull out Zhou Ru's soul in advance, the death aura created at that moment would be very harmful to Li Muwan's Nascent Soul. Even if her Nascent Soul could withstand it, it would be seriously injured and would most likely shatter soon after.

This was still secondary though; the moment Zhou Ru's soul is removed, the heavens' messenger will descend. Without Zhou Ru's soul to mask Li Muwan's Nascent Soul, Li Muwan will be exposed before the heavens.

At that moment, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul won't be fully recovered, so the heavens' law will still affect her greatly.

The original plan wasn't like this. Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was supposed to fuse with the baby's flesh. Doing this would make it so that her soul would belong to the baby, allowing her to effectively dodge the heavens' law.

But right now everything had changed. Aside from Li Muwan devouring Zhou Ru's soul, nothing else could resolve this change.

This answer was the dead end Wang Lin had reached after four years of struggling.

There was no doubt in his heart when he thought about who was more important. He had already decided to sacrifice Zhou Ru to allow Li Muwan to awaken.

This choice was very cruel and was very painful for Wang Lin as well. However, Wang Lin was an old monster who had cultivated for 500 years. After four years of struggling, his heart was as hard as steel.

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru, who was silently pondering on a rock in the distance, and thought to himself, "Zhou Ru, I will not forget this kindness. I'll make sure your family lives in prosperity for ten generations. They will rule over Chu…"

As if she had heard Wang Lin, her body trembled as she turned toward him. Tears appeared at the corners of her eyes, but there was a big smile on her face.

These last two years slowly went by day by day. The day at which the heavens' messenger will arrive was getting closer.

After arriving at the moon, Wang Lin had never gone back to Suzaku, so he naturally didn't know about the big changes that were taking place in the country of Suzaku.

The current country of Suzaku could be said to be covered in the flames of war.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan had moved out with four nine-leaf shamans, which were equal in power to Ascendant cultivators, and began a back and forth war with the country of Suzaku.

At the same time, one shocking piece of news after another echoed across planet Suzaku. Most of the news contained the word "betrayal."

Various figureheads of cultivation countries and ancestors of sects betrayed the country of Suzaku.

Due to many of these betrayals at key points of battles, the country of Suzaku was forced to retreat many times.

Now a rumor was spreading across planet Suzaku.

Countless years ago, the Forsaken Immortal Clan came up with a technique. By sacrificing a large number of clan members, they could turn a clan member into a cultivator.

In these countless years, the Forsaken Immortal Clan converted nine different people. Because they didn't have the bodies of Forsaken Immortal Clan members, they weren't restricted by the seal, so they went out and joined various sects.

This was the strongest card the Forsaken Immortal Clan had for this war.

The moon was currently countless times quieter than planet Suzaku. There were only three more months until the fated day.

Zhou Ru hadn't spoken for an entire year. The time she spent sleeping had increased greatly. Now she was sleeping for a majority of the day.

Little White still stayed by her side. The sadness in his eyes deepened more each day.

As for Little Violent, he didn't understand anything, so he just lied on the ground and looked at Zhou Ru and Little White in confusion.

Wang Lin's divine sense was always locked onto Zhou Ru to keep an eye on Li Muwan's Nascent Soul. He also kept his body at peak condition so he could deal with the heavens' messenger at any moment.

The original body was doing the same deep in the molten core of the moon. He couldn't allow himself to lose this battle against the heavens' messenger.

While Zhou Ru was sleeping, she would sometimes sleep talk. She would still say, "Uncle, I'm scared!" but these words became less and less frequent.

Most of the time she was muttering something too jumbled to make out. Whenever she spoke like this, tears would come out of her eyes.

The 19-year-old Zhou Ru had grown up. Although she wasn't an exquisite beauty, she had a sense of innocence and purity.

Zhou Ru spent the whole final month sleeping.

She didn't wake up even once this month. Li Muwan's Nascent soul had begun to devour her.

Little White and Little Violet had been sealed away by Wang Lin to prevent them from messing with Li Muwan's awakening. He was currently beside Zhou Ru. His heart felt pain as he looked at the little girl.

"Uncle, who are you?"

"Uncle, thank you for saving me…"

"Uncle, you promised to catch me a big tiger…"

"Uncle, I'm scared. Can you take away the little person inside me…"

His memories of Zhou Ru flashed across his mind. After a while, Wang Lin let out a long sigh.

Time slowly passed by and the last month slowly came to its end.

The final day had finally arrived. Wang Lin could feel Li Muwan's Nascent Soul awaken. She was currently devouring Zhou Ru's soul.

Grey clouds suddenly appeared in the sky above the moon. The moment they appeared, they began to gather.

Inside the clouds, a pair of eyes appeared. Wang Lin was very familiar with this pair of eyes.

The heavens' messenger from 19 years ago descended once more.

That gaze swept past Wang Lin and landed on Zhou Ru. The pair of eyes glowed as a giant hand reached out toward her.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the air and pointed at the giant hand.

At this moment, the life and death scroll appeared in the sky. Wang Lin shouted, "Scram!"

Thick strands of grey gas came out of the life and death scroll and gathered before Wang Lin. The giant hand from the heavens' messenger arrived and collided with the grey gas.


An earth-shattering sound echoed across the area as the grey gas from the life and death scroll was pushed apart and the giant hand bounced back.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. After sending out a message with his mind, the ground began to crack open. His original body charged out of the ground, went after the giant hand, and punched it hard!


Another earth-shattering sound echoed across the area. The sky split open and the earth shattered. The retreating hand was completely shattered by the original body's punch.

Wang Lin's eyes were like lightning. He said, in a deep voice, "This time you still won't be able to take away Li Muwan's soul!"

The pair of eyes in the clouds didn't change at all, but this time two hands suddenly came down from the sky. There was red lightning crackling and popping all over the two hands.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious. This time the heaven's messenger seemed to be prepared.

The two giant hands quickly arrived. One reached toward Wang Lin and the other toward his original body.

The original body let out a roar and immediately grew into a giant more than 100 feet tall. The three purple stars on its forehead began to rapidly spin as it threw out a punch.


A powerful shockwave quickly spread out in the air. The original body was knocked back with red light all over its body. It then smashed into a mountain, causing the entire mountain to turn to dust.

That giant arm was bounced back once more, but this time it didn't shatter.

As for Wang Lin, when the arm came, his hand formed a seal and pointed at the giant hand. The life and death scroll in the sky suddenly closed and moved before him to block for him.

The giant hand grabbed the scroll. It paused for a moment and then was about to withdraw with the scroll.

Wang Lin's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted, "Shake!"

The life and death scroll shook and a large amount of grey gas came out of it. Sizzling sounds came from the hand along with white gas. In the end, the giant hand had to let go of the scroll and withdraw.

The pair of eyes ruthlessly looked at Zhou Ru, who was currently behind Wang Lin. The pair of giant hands ripped apart the clouds, revealing a giant face.

This face looked extremely normal, but the moment one saw it, they would feel respect for it. This face represented the might of the heavens.

He coldly stared at Wang Lin and opened his mouth. A strand of grey light suddenly flew out of his mouth and formed a wheel. The moment this wheel appeared, the sky changed colors and the earth shook.

Countless cracks began to spread with Wang Lin as the center and in the blink of an eye the land within 5,000 kilometers began to crack open.

Countless spatial rifts appeared in the sky. These spatial rifts linked together, making it look as if the sky was going to fall.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. With only a thought, his original body arrived and fused with him. The real Wang Lin appeared!

The giant face didn't even look at Wang Lin. He moved his large hand toward the wheel and touched it. A mysterious sound came from the wheel and then the entire area seemed to be surrounded by a powerful force.

Wang Lin's expression changed. He was familiar with this power; it was the power of the reincarnation cycle.

Just as his body was about to move, all of the surrounding reincarnation cycle power gathered and descended upon Wang Lin.

At this moment, the power of the reincarnation cycle seemed to form a prison and Wang Lin was trapped inside.

He wasn't able to move his body even one inch; he couldn't even raise a single finger.

After the giant hand finished messing with the wheel, it descended like lightning. Its target was Zhou Ru.

Wang Lin wasn't able to move his body at all, but his heart screamed, "NO!!!"

He had worked hard for 19 years just for this moment, but now he could only watch as the giant hand was about to take Li Muwan's Nascent Soul away.

Chapter 408 - Fate's Cruel Teasing

At this moment, Wang Lin went crazy!

He wasn't able to move his body, but his origin soul was still free. Although his origin soul couldn't leave his body, his domain still existed.

The figure of a giant ancient god appeared in the sky and grabbed the life and death scroll. With one shake, the scroll opened completely.

In an instant, a thick strand of grey gas came out of the life and death scroll. It didn't move toward the giant hand but fused with the figure of the ancient god.

The ancient god figure trembled and an aura similar to the heavens' messenger's appeared. It coldly looked at the heavens' messenger's arm before grabbing it and viciously pulling it back.

The heavens' messenger that had only showed its face was dragged out from the void by the ancient god.

A strange scene occurred in the sky as two giant figures appeared.

Wang Lin's eyes were like lightning right now. When he saw the heavens' messenger, he was startled.

The heavens' messenger's body was almost no different from an ancient god's body, but what shocked Wang Lin were the seven shining stars on the messenger's head.

However, three of the stars seemed to be sealed; they were much dimmer than the rest.

"This…" When Wang Lin saw this, an unbelieve thought came to his mind.

"This is the real reincarnation cycle…"

When he first saw the heavens' messenger, he didn't question it, but after seeing it again, he suddenly thought, "The reincarnation cycle is an law of the heavens, it should be ethereal… why would a messenger exist…"

And this messenger was an ancient god!

Everything he saw today was outside of Wang Lin's imagination. He questioned what exactly was the heavens' law.

After the heavens' messenger was pulled, he opened his eyes for the first time and revealed an expression other than cold indifference. It was confusion.

He stared at the figure of the ancient god before opening his mouth as if he wanted to speak, but in the end he closed it. His body moved and his giant hand quickly swung toward the ancient god formed by Wang Lin's domain.


This sound echoed through the heavens and earth. Everything within 5,000 kilometers of here was already shattered and now it was shattering even more.

Wang Lin clearly saw the ground within 5,000 kilometers suddenly cave in, forming a giant hole.

The only place that didn't collapse was the center of the hole where Zhou Ru was. Now it looked like Zhou Ru was on top of a tower.

Zhou Ru's body was emitting a gentle, white light.

The ancient god formed by Wang Lin's domain was knocked back several steps by the heavens' messenger. Wang Lin's body trembled as blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth. His origin soul was about to collapse.

But he knew that if he couldn't withstand this, then Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was going to die!

The ancient god formed by Wang Lin's domain rushed forward and punched the heavens' messenger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch after another caused the entire moon to shake and more blood to seep from his mouth. At this moment, the force holding Wang Lin weakened, so he grasped the opportunity and quickly let out a growl and broke free.

"Die!" Wang Lin let out a roar as he jumped into the air and punched the heavens' messenger.

A hint of confusion appeared in the heavens' messenger's eyes as he swung his right arm and sent Wang Lin flying like a meteor. However, Wang Lin's punch also landed and caused the heavens' messenger to stagger back several steps.

The ancient god figure quickly took a few steps to catch up to the heavens' messenger and attacked once more.

Wang Lin's body quickly returned. As he licked the blood from the corner of his lips, his eyes became filled with battle intent. He and the ancient god formed from his domain battled the heavens' messenger.

The messenger kept on getting pushed back. Only four of the stars on his forehead were shining, meaning his current power was only that of a four-star ancient god.

"You… are not of my clan…" The heaven's messenger talked for the first time. A normal cultivator wouldn't be able to understand him at all because he spoke in the ancient gods' language.

It was indeed as he said; Wang Lin at this moment couldn't be considered an ancient god. Ancient gods never had internal cultivation, and from ancient history to now, no ancient god ever had a domain!

"It doesn't matter if I am or not, I won't agree to you taking Li Muwan's Nascent Soul away!" Wang Lin shouted back, in the ancient gods' language as he threw a punch.

The heavens' messenger was forced back once more.

The ancient god figure quickly followed up on that attack.

The white light surrounding Zhou Ru became stronger and stronger.

A voice suddenly came from inside Zhou Ru.

"Wang Lin… You lied to me…"

This was a voice Wang Lin hadn't heard in 19 years. It belonged to Li Muwan.

Wang Lin's body trembled as he suddenly turned around. He was grief-stricken by what he saw.

"Wan Er, you!!!"

What he saw was the white light around Zhou Ru becoming as bright as it possibly could. Her soul was pushed out of her body and then surrounded by the white light before gently landing on the side.

"Wang Lin… Wan Er wants to see you and be with you, but I am supposed to be dead. It is simply too cruel to her if the price of me awakening is to devour her soul. I felt this child grow up over these past 19 years; looking at her is like seeing my own child. Big brother Wang… I don't have the heart to do it… Wan Er is very dumb. I let you down…"

The moment Li Muwan awakened, she stopped devouring Zhou Ru's soul and used the power of her Nascent Soul to push Zhou Ru's soul out of her body.

Without Zhou Ru's soul, her body was surrounded by a death aura. The moment Li Muwan's Nascent Soul awakened, it was exposed to the heavens' law. This caused it to slowly collapse.

Wang Lin quickly arrived beside Zhou Ru's body and pointed at her brow. At that moment, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul slowly flew out of Zhou Ru's body.

She opened her eyes, looked at Wang Lin, and revealed the same gentle gaze from 19 years ago.

Li Muwan softly said, "Promise me… To take good care of yourself…" She raised her hand to feel Wang Lin's body temperature, but right when she was about to touch him, her hand became transparent.

A trace of sadness appeared on her face. She looked at Wang Lin and whispered, "Zhou Ru is only a child; don't make it difficult for her. This is my own choice."

At this moment, the heavens' messenger moved past the ancient god figure and arrived beside Wang Lin. It reached out toward the wheel and messed with it. The power of the reincarnation cycle reappeared once more.

A powerful suction force came from the wheel toward Li Muwan.

Wang Lin suddenly raised his head. His eyes became extremely cold as he said, "Without my permission, forget the fact that you aren't even the real heavens' law, but even if you were, don't think you can take her away!"

He pointed at his brow and the heaven defying bead appeared. With a wave of his hand, Li Muwan's Nascent Soul went into the heaven defying bead and the heaven defying bead went back inside his body.

The heaven's messenger shot a thoughtful look at Wang Lin. His eyes were filled with confusion. Then his body slowly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, the clouds and wheel also disappeared.

Wang Lin stared at Zhou Ru's body and began to laugh like crazy. His laugh was filled with sadness and madness.

"I, Wang Lin, have fought against the heavens and twice fought against the reincarnation cycle, but I didn't expect to lose to the heavens' will in the end. The heavens' will… the heavens' will is cruel!"

Wang Lin pointed at Zhou Ru's soul and placed it back inside her body. Then he jumped into the air as he laughed madly, leaving behind only echos of his sad laughter.

After Wang Lin left, Little White carefully flew over. He was originally sealed by Wang Lin, but during the battle with the heavens' messenger, the seal shattered, allowing him to escape. Only after he saw Wang Lin leave did he dare to come over. His eyes were filled with sadness as he licked Zhou Ru's small face.

Zhou Ru muttered to herself, "Little White… Stop messing around, I want to sleep…"

Little White was startled. He immediately let out a happy growl and then picked up Zhou Ru by her clothes and took her far away.

A crazy person appeared on the moon. His hair was all over the place and he would often say the two words "Heavens' Will". Whenever a beast blocked him, it would die.

"Heavens' will… I, Wang Lin, won against the heavens' law but was played by the heavens' will!"

A year later, on a rainy night at the eastern part of the moon, a crazy person stood on top of a tall mountain.

The rain came crashing toward the ground. It landed on his body and flowed down his cheeks before falling to the ground.

"What is life, what is death…"

"I, Wang Lin, have spent my life on the path of slaughter and comprehended the heavens' law when I turned into a mortal. I saw life as life and death as death. This rain is born in the sky and dies when it hits the earth…"

"Thanks to senior Zhou Yi's obsession, the celestial female corpse awakened. The emotions between the two, how if he lives she dies and if he dies she lives; all of this allowed me to understand the meaning of seeing life not as life and seeing death not as death…"

"Surviving through a disaster allowed me to see the changes in life. Zhou Ru tipping between life and death, Wan Er's death in life and life in death. It was the heavens' will that finally allowed I, Wang Lin, to see life still as life and death still as death!"

"After 19 years of time… Wan Er, thank you for allowing me to understand… I should let things that are lost in the world stay lost and those that still exist to remain existing."

"This rain was born in the sky but doesn't die when it hits the earth. On the earth it will gain new life; it will help plants grow and then it will turn into clouds once more. This change is life!"

"I can't let go of my parents' soul and your departure. In truth, I wasn't filial to my parents, and to you I have always been neglectful. Although this emotion is real, it was more of a sense of duty… because I was moved…"

Wang Lin's parents' souls flew out from his brow. They gently gazed at him as they slowly disappeared. They didn't die but entered a different realm of life.

Chapter 409 - Dao Heart

"Little White, where is uncle?" Zhou Ru was sitting on Little White's back with a bunch of fruits in her hands.

Little White shook his big head and let out a growl in response.

Ever since Zhou Ru had woken up one year ago, she hadn't seen Wang Lin. Only Little White accompanied her.

Little White was currently carrying Zhou Ru as they walked through a mountain range. At this moment, the ground suddenly began to tremble. Little White let out a low growl as he backed up a couple dozen feet.

The ground began to shake even more violently and then suddenly a lifeform that looked like a worm but countless times larger sprang out of the ground. It let out a roar and pointed its head at Zhou Ru.

The part of this creature that was above ground was already over 100 feet tall. Its entire body was red and had bamboo-like sections. It looked very terrifying.

There was no fear on Zhou Ru's face though; instead, there was some excitement. She threw the fruits away, hit Little White's head, and said, "Little White, you have to look carefully; whether we can find uncle or not depends on this."

Little White rolled his eyes and let out a roar at the giant worm.

The more than 100-feet-long worm moved. It opened its large mouth and charged toward Zhou Ru. It moved very fast and they could smell its fishy breath as it approached. There were also countless sharp teeth in its mouth. If one were to get caught by that mouth, there wouldn't be any bones left.

There wasn't any trace of fear in Zhou Ru's face; she instead became more and more excited. Her large eyes weren't even looking at the giant worm and instead she raised her head to look at the sky.

Even Little White didn't retreat another step. There was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Just at the moment that the giant worm charged forth, a giant figure appeared in the sky. This figure let out a humming sound and then arrived beside Zhou Ru at an unimaginable speed.

It was a giant mosquito. Its sharp mouth quickly stabbed into the worm. With a swing, the worm's entire body was dragged out from underground and thrown into the air.

At this moment, the mosquito moved again and in a flash stabbed its sharp mouth into the head of the worm. Then all of the worm's blood was sucked dry by the mosquito.

The mosquito threw the worm to the side, then he looked at Zhou Ru and Little White before flying off into the distance.

Zhou Ru quickly shouted, "Little White, chase, quickly, chase!"

Little White didn't hesitate and immediately started running.

Wang Lin let out the mosquito beast one year ago to protect Zhou Ru.

He didn't want to see Zhou Ru, but he wouldn't just leave her alone on this dangerous moon.

During this past year, the mosquito had saved Zhou Ru countless times. At first Zhou Ru was scared of the mosquito, but now she felt a sense of familiarity toward him. Whenever she saw him, it was like she was seeing Wang Lin.

She had no memory of what happened one year ago and she also had no memory of having a Nascent Soul in her body; it was as if it had never happened.

Wang Lin wiped away those memories when he returned her soul to her body.

Zhou Ru was an innocent child; she shouldn't have to suffer for Li Muwan's failed awakening. Wang Lin wasn't the type to blame others in anger, and he wanted to let her live a full life.

However, Wang Lin's heart was still thinking about what happened one year ago, so he didn't want to face Zhou Ru. This feeling was very complicated for him.

Zhou Ru felt very bad for not being able to see uncle, so she started her journey to find him. The moon was very small to Wang Lin but very big to her.

During this year, she and Little White had traveled across more than half of the moon. Although she hadn't seen Wang Lin once, she felt like she was getting closer to her uncle.

Unfortunately, Little White was far too slow compared to the mosquito, so the mosquito's figure soon disappeared into the distance. However, Zhou Ru knew that the moment she meets danger again, that big mosquito will rush over.

"Hmph, that big mosquito flies too fast. Little White, you're too slow." Zhou Ru pouted as she looked into the sky.

Little White let out a roar filled with grievance. He thought, "That mosquito is flying in the sky. If it were running on the ground, I'd definitely be faster."

Zhou Ru was about to continue speaking when a gentle breeze landed on her, sending a surge of warmth through her body. Zhou Ru was startled as she looked around and whispered, "Little White, don't you think this is strange? Every three to five days there is this warm breeze. Each time it lands on me, I feel warmth travel through my whole body and then I won't feel hungry even if I don't eat."

Little White shook his head and let out a low growl as a response.

Zhou Ru's journey continued. What she didn't know was that Wang Lin was at the top of the mountain with his divine sense withdrawn.

During this past year, although he had gone crazy, he didn't forget about Zhou Ru's safety. He would spread out his divine sense every few days to check on Zhou Ru's condition and then send some spiritual energy into her body to prevent her from getting hungry.

Wang Lin raised his head toward the sky. His eyes were currently very bright. Wang Lin had never had this type of gaze before; it was a gaze that could penetrate the heart and see through life and death.

"So the domain of life and death is like this… The things in this world, if I want to control them, then I can." Wang Lin's right hand reached forth and all the clouds before him gathered toward his palm. Soon, a small ball made of clouds appeared in his hand.

This ball of clouds was filled with lightning.

Feeling the immense power inside the ball, Wang Lin let out a deep breath.

Although this ball of clouds couldn't destroy the heavens, it could kill any Soul Formation cultivator. If the Soul Transformation Li Yuanfeng were to revive, he would be destroyed by this ball as well.

"The life and death domain has reached completion and my cultivation has broken through the Soul Formation stage. I only need one more step to reach the Soul Transformation stage. I have already taken half of that step…" Wang Lin waved his right hand and the ball of clouds disappeared.

"I need to prepare to reach the Soul Transformation stage!" Wang Lin's eyes were calm.

Soul Transformation cultivators can be considered a real powerhouse. It is said that Soul Transformation cultivators are wanted by many on any cultivation planet.

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor was merely at the early stage of Soul Transformation, but it allowed him to control an entire clan and become their leader.

Li Yuanfeng was raised to the Soul Transformation stage by force but became the pillar of Xue Yue.

One could see the value of a Soul Transformation cultivator.

After all, the Ascendant old monsters were always in closed door cultivation and there were far too few of them. Thus, Soul Transformation cultivators become the real backbone of any power.

If we put it in the context of the mortal martial arts world, they would be the top-class experts that are admired by everyone.

Among cultivators, the significance of these people are amplified by more than a thousand fold.

This was a Soul Transformation cultivator.

Even Tianyun Zi never would have expected that the little cultivator who he had good a feeling about that was on the edge of the Soul Formation stage would be preparing to enter the Soul Transformation stage only 200 years later.

If Tianyun Zi knew this, then Wang Lin wouldn't merely be an honorary disciple for 100 years, he would become a real disciple with certain privileges.

"Situ, once I reach the Soul Transformation stage, I'll have the power to awaken you…" Wang Lin took a deep breath as he pointed at his brow. Shortly after, his body began to disappear as he went inside the heaven defying bead.

Inside the heaven defying bead, Situ Nan's large soul was floating there. Wang Lin appeared next to it and silently stared at it.

After absorbing the two arms, Situ Nan's soul was no longer transparent; it was now more solid. His soul gave off a powerful pressure. This pressure was several times stronger than ancestor Du Tian's.

"Situ…" Wang Lin silently stared at Situ Nan for a very long time before taking a step and appearing in the eastern part of the heaven defying bead.

There was another Nascent Soul here.

However, this Nascent Soul's eyes were closed as if she were sleeping. She was surrounded by spirit liquid that continuously entered her soul to provide her with energy.

"Wan Er…" Wang Lin's eyes became gentle.

The spirit liquid surrounding Wan Er was the dew from the heaven defying bead. Wang Lin had gathered this dew over the past year. Its purpose was to help repair Li Muwan's Nascent Soul, and with the passage of time, it will make her Nascent Soul even stronger.

"Wan Er, you waited for me for 300 years. I, Wang Lin, have no way to repay you. I'll protect your Nascent Soul until you awaken, until my death." Wang Lin looked at Li Muwan's Nascent Soul for a very long time…

"If everything I do can be exchanged for a chance at a miracle, then I'll wait 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years… until my death."

Wang Lin looked tenderly at Li Muwan as memories of the past flashed across his mind.

Memories are like water in your palm; it doesn't matter whether you have your hand open or if it's holding it tightly, it will still leak drop by drop until it's all gone. However, the coolness of the water is unforgettable.

Wang Lin walked up and gently kissed her forehead. His warmth was slowly transmitted to Wan Er.

Wan Er's body trembled…

She felt Wang Lin's lips and his warmth. This warmth contained an unerasable joy, a silent call, and a sense of protection that will never fade.

Love is like a river; the left shore is the joyous laughter that can brighten up 1000 years of sadness and the right shore is an eternal silence lingering under the candlelight. What flows between them is years of fading loneliness.

Wang Lin turned around and left the heaven defying bead. Although he left the heaven defying bead, his heart remained there for all of eternity.

On the top of the mountain, under the starlight in the middle of the night, the lonely figure under the rain seems like it is about to be shattered by the wind.

The uncertain sadness is what always gets blown away by the wind, but the loneliness of having no family or friends is the fire that the wind can never extinguish.

The lonely figure raised his well-structured face to face the darkness in the sky, to face the brightness of the stars. There he saw the figure of a woman that will forever remain in his heart.

Chapter 410 - Soul Transformation (1)

Zhou Ru's journey to find uncle continued. She had no idea why uncle left, so she wanted to find Wang Lin and ask him for the reason.

At this moment, Wang Lin was on top of a mountain with all of the celestial jades he owned on the ground around him.

While sitting in the middle of the circle, he put aside all other thoughts in his mind and concentrated on cultivating.

The current Wang Lin's cultivation level had reached the peak of the Soul Formation stage and his domain had reached completion, so now he needed to breakthrough to the Soul Transformation stage.

The Soul Transformation stage is a goal all cultivators pursuit.

Once they reach the Soul Transformation stage, their domains can materialize, causing its power to reach an unimaginable degree. Aside from that, they will be able to absorb celestial spiritual energy. This means that all of their techniques and spells will contain celestial spiritual energy, making them infinitely more powerful.

In ancient times, before the Celestial Realm collapsed, a Soul Transformation cultivator wasn't a rare sight. However, now that the Celestial Realm has collapsed, a Soul Transformation cultivator is a powerhouse.

The key to breaking through from the Soul Formation stage to the Soul Transformation stage is the amount of celestial jades. The more celestial jades there are, the more dense the celestial spiritual energy will be and therefore the chance of breaking through to the Soul Transformation will be higher.

Of course, one's domain plays a large role in reaching the Soul Transformation stage as well. If one's domain doesn't reach completion, then that person will have no hopes of ever reaching the Soul Transformation stage.

Comprehension of the laws of the heavens is of great importance for a Soul Transformation cultivator.

Wang Lin's comprehension of the heavens' law was different from others'. After seeing that the heavens' messenger was an ancient god, he developed a hint of doubt.

What is the heavens' law…

Wang Lin's earlier understanding was that the heavens' law was a natural law that has always existed, like the law of destruction.

No one can replace the heavens' law. Cultivators merely go against the heavens' law and break free from it. No one thinks that they can replace or control the heavens' law.

However, after Wang Lin saw the ancient god, his understanding of the heavens' law underwent a subtle change.

There was a mystery before him, but with his current understanding, he couldn't comprehend all of it.

"Heavens' law… interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes sparkled.

He took a deep breath and opened all the pores in his body to absorb the celestial spiritual energy from the celestial jades around him.

When Wang Lin went to the Celestial Realm, he was able to obtain quite a few celestial jades. These celestial jades became the driving force for Wang Lin to reach the Soul Transformation stage. At this moment, a powerful surge of celestial spiritual energy entered Wang Lin's body.

Compared to the last few times he absorbed celestial spiritual energy, it was a lot less painful this time. The celestial spiritual energy surged into him and suppressed the spiritual energy in his body.

The two different forces were like fire and water as they began a life and death battle in his body.

Wang Lin's body had a lot of spiritual energy, so at first, when only a bit of celestial spiritual energy entered his body, it was immediately beaten back. However, as time passed and more celestial spiritual energy entered his body, the spiritual energy could no longer hold the celestial spiritual energy back.

Although there was still much more spiritual energy than celestial spiritual energy, the difference in quality was too high. A strand of celestial spiritual energy was equal to all of the spiritual energy of a Core Formation cultivator.

As a result, the spiritual energy was naturally pushed back.

When a Soul Formation cultivator becomes a Soul Transformation cultivator, their spiritual energy will go through one of two types of changes. The first one is all the spiritual energy is pushed out of one's body and then, when it contains only celestial spiritual energy, the body transformations and breaks through to the Soul Transformation.

This method is relatively easy and it's what most cultivators choose to do. However, all of that spiritual energy is wasted and will have to be cultivated back. Also, their cultivation at the early stage of Soul Transformation ends up being unstable.

This method also requires a cultivator to go into closed door cultivation for 100 year to adjust their body.

The second method is to refine the spiritual energy in one's body until it reaches the same quality as celestial spiritual energy. This method is very difficult as the spiritual energy needs to be refined constantly.

But once it succeeds, it gives one a great advantage during the early stage of Soul Transformation. One won't need to go into closed door cultivation for 100 years and they will still have the same result.

The advantage of the second method is to save 100 years of closed door cultivation and naturally this increases cultivation speed by a lot.

Wang Lin chose the second method. After all, he didn't have the time to go into 100 years of closed door cultivation.

The spiritual energy in his body was being compressed by the celestial spiritual energy. The compressed spiritual energy then slowly gathered at this dantain. Next, celestial spiritual energy would course through the veins around his dantain. This was a process of transformation. The celestial spiritual energy was like a mill grinding the spiritual energy inside Wang Lin's body to refine it to the point that it could fuse with the celestial spiritual energy.

This process was very slow. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed.

Wang Lin still hadn't moved. ? of the celestial jades around him had turned grey and some of them had already shattered.

"Not enough…" Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened. There seemed to be celestial spiritual energy moving inside his eyes. Right now he looked like a celestial.

Although the amount of celestial jades Wang Lin had couldn't compare to what the big sects had, it was still a lot. But looking at it now, it was far from enough to reach the Soul Transformation stage.

He had only gone through 1% of the transformation, and the spiritual energy in his body was only compressed but hadn't fused yet.

Wang Lin muttered to himself, "No wonder there are so few Soul Transformation cultivators. The amount of celestial jades needed to reach the Soul Transformation stage is something even some big sects can't handle. No wonder…"

The Giant Demon Clan ancestor used resources from the entire clan and all of the celestial jades Chi Hu had brought back to finally reach the Soul Transformation stage. This only succeeded because the Giant Demon Clan also had a large stock of celestial jades from when their clan moved to planet Suzaku.

In truth, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor could have reached the Soul Transformation stage a long time ago, but they simply didn't have enough celestial jades, so it was delayed until recently.

It has to be said that celestial jades aren't solely used for breaking through the Soul Formation stage to the Soul Transformation stage. Once a cultivator is above the Soul Transformation stage, they need celestial jades to fight, to heal, and even to refine treasures.

Rumor has it that the number of celestial jades required to reach the Ascendant stage is tens of thousands of times greater than the amount needed to reach the Soul Transformation stage. Then for the level above that, the amount is just unimaginable.

The only place to get celestial jades is the Celestial Realm.

After the Celestial Realm collapsed, the celestial veins disappeared, causing the amount of celestial jades to be very limited. Thus, one can easily imagine the value of a celestial jade.

In the current cultivation world, the more time passes, the fewer high level cultivators there will be as it's getting harder to find the resources to cultivate.

One month later, all of Wang Lin's celestial jades had shattered and there wasn't anymore celestial spiritual energy left. He had to stop his absorption.

"The pagoda has a lot of celestial spiritual energy, but since I promised Zhou Yi that I would protect the celestial corpse, I can't have any ideas about the pagoda…" Wang Lin stood up and looked into the distance.

His divine sense spread out and covered most of the moon. After completing 1% of the conversion, his divine sense was also stronger.

"The Soul Refining Sect must have a lot of celestial jades saved up… The other sects almost certainly have some as well… I can't ask, so I'll have to steal them. I must reach the Soul Transformation stage!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and then his body disappeared.

Zhou Ru was spiritless. While riding on Little White's back, she looked at the vast plain before her.

"Leaving me all alone here while he went to do god-knows-what, it's so infuriating!" Zhou Ru held a fruit in her hand and took a big bite.

"Little Ru Er…"

A familiar voice entered Zhou Ru's ears. She was startled and immediately turned around. Behind her, Wang Lin's familiar figure slowly appeared.

"Uncle!" Zhou Ru's face was filled with joy as she jumped off Little White. In a few steps, she arrived before Wang Lin and jumped into his arms.

Zhou Ru was no longer a little girl; the current her was already 20 years old.

"Uncle, where did you go? You left me all by myself." Zhou Ru's eyes turned red.

In Wang Lin's eyes, she was still a child. He gently patted her head, and his eyes contained a hint of complex emotion as he smiled. "Uncle went out to deal with some matters and now I'm finished. Little Ru Er, do you miss your parents? I'll take you home…"

Zhou Ru wiped away her tears and happily said, "We're going to leave? Okay, okay!"

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Ru. He personally watched this child grow up just like Da Niu.

He slapped his bag of holding and the pagoda flew out and landed on the side. After Zhou Ru saw the pagoda, she pouted and said, "Uncle, I remember when I was little I almost starved to death inside the pagoda…"

Wang Lin waved his right hand and a large amount of fruits from the moon filled the pagoda.

After Zhou Ru and Little White entered the pagoda, Wang Lin looked toward the sky. A black dot slowly got bigger and bigger until it was revealed to be the mosquito beast.

It let out a roar as it landed before Wang Lin with joy in its eyes. Its large mouth licked Wang Lin all over. It clearly missed Wang Lin a lot.

"Let's go, we are going home!" Wang Lin patted the mosquito beast before jumping on its back.

The mosquito beast let out a roar and then it charged into the sky.

In the void, Wang Lin took out the star compass and put away the mosquito beast as he flew toward planet Suzaku.

"Celestial jades, I need celestial jades!" Wang Lin's eyes sparkled as the star compass flew toward planet Suzaku like lightning.

The moon was never far from planet Suzaku, so after only half a month, planet Suzaku was already before Wang Lin.

"What's this?" Wang Lin frowned after scanning planet Suzaku.

He could feel a powerful aura from the planet. This aura came from a giant plant made of black fog.

"This is… the Forsaken Immortal Clan!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he charged into planet Suzaku like a meteor.

Breaking through the atmosphere of the planet, the star compass descended as fast as lightning.

He saw about ten cultivators in life and death battles not far away and he knew one of them.

Chapter 411 - An old friend

"Wang Zhuo…" Wang Lin's eyes became serious as he charged over like lightning.

Although Wang Zhuo's appearance was that of an old man, Wang Lin was still able to recognize him at a glance.

Wang Zhuo's heart was filled with sorrow. Along the way, more than half of their group of a dozen had died. He had gone through these kinds of battles almost every day and he felt the shadow of death getting darker and darker.

The surrounding countries had all lost; they were either destroyed or became vassals of the Forsaken Immortal Clan.

Rank 3 cultivation countries weren't the main battleground for the Forsaken Immortal Clan; they were merely places for them to train their weaker clan members.

The country of Suzaku didn't care too much about rank 3 cultivation countries. At first they only sent some early stage Soul Formation cultivators over, but as the war raged on, they pulled out all their messengers and completely gave up on the rank 3 cultivation countries.

In the eyes of the country of Suzaku, Nascent Soul cultivators were simply too weak.

Wang Lin let out a bitter smile as he watched another fellow sect member die. He watched the four Forsaken Immortal Clan members who clearly had the power of late stage Core Formation cultivators not kill them but instead chase them around.

Just at this moment, a meteor raced across from the sky, giving off a terrifying aura. The four Forsaken Immortal Clan members were shocked and immediately looked over.

In almost an instant, the meteor disappeared and someone with long, white hair arrived from the distance with only a few steps.

The four Forsaken Immortal Clan members' expressions changed. The four of them realized that this man with white hair gave off an aura that made them tremble. They only ever felt this kind of aura from the seven-leaf shamans in their clan.

"Soul Transformation…" One of the four Forsaken Clan members trembled and exclaimed. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran. The other three quickly followed him.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he slapped his bag of holding to let the mosquito beast out. The mosquito didn't even wait for an order before charging out after the four. Screams could be heard from the distance as the four of them became dinner for the mosquito.

All of this happened too fast, so fast that Wang Zhuo and co. were completely dumbfounded.

Wang Lin turned around toward Wang Zhuo and smiled. "Wang Zhuo, do you recognize me?"

"Senior… you… it's you…" Wang Zhuo was startled and immediately recognized Wang Lin as the person who had reached the Soul Formation stage at Heng Yue Mountain.

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "We haven't met for many years and you have already reached the late stage of Core Formation. That is worthy of celebration. Forget it, I'll help you break through to the Nascent Soul stage!" With that, Wang Lin pointed to the spot between Wang Zhuo's eyebrows.

The seal in Wang Zhuo's mind was removed as all the memories of his past life flooded into him, causing him to pass out.

Wang Lin blandly looked at Wang Zhuo's follow sect members. All of them but one were at the early stage of Core Formation while the last person was at the mid stage. That person also had one of the spirit seeds Wang Lin had left behind.

Wang Lin asked, "Where are you guys going?"

The person who had the spirit seed was an old man. His body trembled as Wang Lin looked at him and he said, "About ten of us juniors were sent to the country of Lin to help them. However, they lost to the Forsaken Immortal Clan, so we are killing our way back to Zhao."

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding. A jade flew out and he injected a bit of his domain inside it. He threw the jade to the old man and said, "Take this jade. It can keep you guys safe until you reach Zhao. Go."

The old man held the jade like a treasure and bowed many times toward Wang Lin. To him, this jade was his life.

Wang Lin waved his right hand to grab Wang Zhuo and then they disappeared.

The old man took a deep breath and then bowed deeply toward where Wang Lin had disappeared to. This bow was in good faith without any other thoughts.

A middle-aged burly man on the side carefully asked, "Martial uncle, who is that senior?"

The old man's eyes were filled with reminisce as he said, "He is my country of Zhao's only Soul Formation cultivator…"

"Soul Formation cultivator… he is someone from Zhao?" The middle-aged man took a deep breath.

"Hehe, you should have heard of his name before…" The old man flew away and the other members of his sect quickly followed.

"Wang Lin. His name is Wang Lin!"

The moment the words "Wang Lin" came out, everyone else, including the burly man, trembled and their eyes became filled with terror.

In the cultivation world of Zhao, the name Wang Lin represented heaven-piercing killing intent and a world-ending catastrophe.

On that day, blood flowed like a river and the land of Zhao was dyed red from blood. No one could forget that day.

Even to this day, the calamity the Teng family faced was still passed down in Zhao's cultivation world. It forever remained in people's hearts and became the goal of many young cultivators.

On the top of a mountain, Wang Zhuo slowly awakened. His eyes were filled with confusion at first, but it slowly disappeared. Then he calmly looked at the white figure standing beside him.

"Wang Lin…" A bitter voice came from Wang Zhuo.

"Wang Zhuo." Wang Lin turned around and smiled.

Wang Zhuo stared at Wang Lin as memories of the past rushed into his head until the moment where his wife died by his hand, then he let out a sigh.

"Thank you…"

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "Only you and I are left from the old Wang clan. There is no need to thank me…"

Wang Zhuo hesitated a bit then asked, "You… what cultivation level are you at… could you have reached the Soul Transformation stage?"

"I haven't reached the Soul Transformation stage just yet." Wang Lin looked into the distance.

"Time passed by so quickly… I still remember us at the Heng Yue Sect… alas…" Wang Zhuo sighed.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he asked, "Wang Zhuo, what happened on planet Suzaku in the last several years? How did the Forsaken Immortal Clan appear here?"

Wang Zhuo was startled and asked, "You don't know?"

Wang Lin shook his head. "I wasn't on planet Suzaku for the last seven years."

Wang Zhuo's heart shook. Although Wang Lin had casually said it, it sounded insane to him.

Not on planet Suzaku… That meant that Wang Lin's cultivation could break through the atmosphere…

Wang Zhuo took a deep breath and told Wang Lin everything he knew.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm, but his heart was in turmoil. The Forsaken Immortal Clan had invaded and almost all rank 3 cultivation countries had fallen.

Rank 4 cultivation countries weren't safe either. The country of Suzaku was resisting in full force, but they were still being pushed back.

The Corpse Sect was helping the Forsaken Immortal Clan in full force and five rank 4 cultivation countries had betrayed Suzaku.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan had already occupied half of planet Suzaku.

Wang Zhuo said, "Rumor has it that the Forsaken Immortal Clan sent out nine people and five of their identities have already been exposed. There are still four left, but no one knows who they are. They must be at a rank 5 or higher cultivation countries and probably hold very high positions."

Wang Lin pondered. He never thought that in just a few short years such a big change would occur.

"Soul Refining Sect…" Wang Lin took a deep breath. He had to quickly return to the Soul Refining Sect to see if there were any changes there.

Wang Zhuo's information was mostly rumors and not facts, so he didn't know anything about the Soul Refining Sect.

Wang Zhuo pondered a bit and slowly asked, "Wang Lin, can you go back to Zhao and save it from danger…"

"Also, our Wang family still has descendants living in Zhao. In these past several years, I have been secretly taking care of them. I was hoping that mortals wouldn't get mixed up in the war, but while I was away, I heard that the Forsaken Immortal Clan was looking for mortals with spirit roots. I'm worried that the Wang family might have a child with a spirit root who will catch the Immortal Forsaken Clan's attention. Sadly, I haven't been home in many years, so I don't know if there is anyone like that in the family."

Planet Suzaku, country of Zhao, a rainy night.

A horse carriage was galloping away outside the capital of Zhao.

A bold, burly man sat at the front of the carriage and snapped his whip. "Ya, ya!" He looked very anxious and kept looking behind him.

As the horses felt pain from the whip, they let out neighs and ran even faster.

"Mother, where are we going?" The tender voice of a child came from inside the carriage.

"Mother will take you to our ancestral home. Only there will Yu Er be safe," a gentle and enchanting voice answered the child from inside the carriage. This voice also contained a hint of anxiety.

The child named Yu Er continued to say, "Mother! I was studying with the third prince yesterday and he told me that Zhao is very dangerous right now… It seems like someone is fighting with those immortals. Mother, is it like that?"

"Yu Er, take a rest. Don't ask so many questions." A man's deep voice came from inside the carriage.

There were three people inside the carriage: a couple and their child. The woman was wearing a court dress. She was very beautiful and the beauty spot at the corner of her mouth gave her even more charm.

The man's robe was made of python skin. He gave off an oppressing aura without even being angry. He had been in a high position for a very long time, so he gained a certain aura.

As for the child, she looked to be around six or seven years old, her cheeks were slightly pink, and her skin was very white. She was very cute.

The inside of the carriage suddenly became very quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the driver shouting and the sound of the rain.

Yu Er obediently nodded. She felt tired, so she slowly fell asleep in the woman's arms.

"My lord, Yu Er…" The woman's eyes turned red and couldn't continue.

The man let out a sigh and slowly said, "All of the immortals in the capital have returned to their sects to prepare for battle. The invaders are very powerful, and as far as I know, the immortals of Zhao were defeated and have gathered in one place."

The woman wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and whispered, "Why are those people looking everywhere for children…"

The man took a deep breath and bitterly smiled. "Last night, I secretly talked with the king and found that they are looking for children with the qualifications to become immortals. I'm afraid that they have something big planned. Alas, if only great-grandfather was here, everything would be better."

Chapter 412 - Remaining Treasure

The woman's eyes lit up as she said, "Great-grandfather is an odd person; even the other immortals in the capital have to be respectful to him. Sadly, we can't find him."

"I'm afraid great-grandfather doesn't have time to bother with us. His sect has probably been attacked by those invaders too. Now the only hope left is the ancestral home…" The man sighed as his gaze fell on the child.

Inside the capital, three children had already been taken away by the invaders. Whether they were alive or dead was uncertain. Yu Er was the fourth and this man had done everything he could to save his child.

The woman looked at the sleeping child and whispered, "My lord, what is so special about the ancestral home?"

The man pondered for a bit before shaking his head and saying, "I don't know what is so special about it. Only that an immortal ancestor once left a message saying that if my Wang family faces great calamity, come to the ancestral home and smear the family blood on something. I was told that doing so could save our lives."

The woman was startled. She had been married to him for many years but had never heard of this.

"It was said that… before my Wang family entered the capital, an immortal countless times more powerful than great-grandfather appeared. No one could stop him. The ancestral home has something he left behind…" The man's eyes lit up.

"Even stronger than great-grandfather…" The woman's eyes were filled with disbelief as she asked, "Is that immortal ancestor still alive?"

The man pondered a bit and uncertainly said, "Great-grandfather has lived for over 200 years. The immortal ancestor should be able to live even longer, so he should still be alive…"

The woman's eyes lit up and she quickly said, "If that immortal ancestor can help us, then Yu Er will be safe."

The man shook his head and bitterly smiled. "It is only a rumor. No one knows whether it is true or false. However…" The man pondered.

The woman quickly asked, "What is it?"

"The records of my Wang family state that 200 years ago, there was a powerful family that existed in both the mortal and the immortal worlds of Zhao. That family was named Teng!"

"The Teng family was so powerful that all the immortals had to take orders from them and the kings of the mortal world had to bow to them."

"The Teng family was the mortal enemy of my Wang family." The man's voice echoed in the carriage.

"Then, overnight, the Teng family was wiped out; all of their family members were killed. It is rumored that the person that wiped them out was that immortal ancestor…"

The carriage moved very quickly and three days later they arrived at a manor.

This manor was not very large. 200 years ago, it was still part of a village before it was bought by the Wang family. It still remained the same as 200 years ago.

After the carriage stopped, the bald, burly man jumped off the carriage with a tired expression. He opened the door and respectfully said, "My lord, we have arrived…"

The man got off the carriage and looked at the manor with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes. "During my childhood, I lived here for one year with my father. In the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed, but this place hasn't changed at all."

The woman followed him off the carriage. Yu Er had her big eyes opened as he looked at the manor.

"Follow me," the man said with a deep tone and walked forward.

There weren't any servants in the manor, only some elderly people. These elders were the most devoted followers of the Wang family.

Although they were all white-haired, their eyes were still filled with life. One look from them could cause anyone's heart to tremble.

That bald man felt terrified when he saw these elderly people. He felt like any one of them could defeat him in one move.

His eyes suddenly locked onto one of the old men. After recognizing the item in his hand, he was startled and immediately recognized who the old man was. This old man was the number one expert in the martial arts world.

The man didn't say a word as he walked deep into the manor. Deep inside was a very normal-looking house.

Yu Er curiously asked, "Dad, is this our ancestral home?"

The man nodded. He was about to speak when a thunderous roar came from the distance. Then two men with tattoos covering parts of their bodies suddenly appeared above the manor. One of them gloomily looked at the people below him and said, "You guys sure ran fast."

The man's expression quickly changed. He quickly got in front of his wife and bitterly said, "Honored immortals, your battles are with the other immortals; why make it so difficult for us mortals?"

The surrounding elders stared at the two in the air with eyes like lightning.

The one with the gloomy expression coldly looked at the man and reached out. His goal today was the child with the spirit root.

Just at this moment, all the surrounding elders let out roars and blocked the man.

However, their bodies weren't able resist, so they all coughed out blood and then were thrown to the side.

The man's expression greatly changed. He quickly grabbed his wife and child and dragged them into the ancestral home.

After entering the ancestral home, cold sweat covered the man's forehead. His eyes were bloodshot as he quickly pressed a series of tablets, causing a secret compartment to open. He immediately bit his finger and used blood to draw a symbol in the secret compartment.

This symbol was something every generation's family head had to carve into their mind when they become the family head.

Just at this moment, with a bang, the wall of the ancestral home turned to dust as the gloomy-looking person walked in.

The woman got in front of her child with a look of despair on her face.

At this moment, the place where the man had drawn the symbol released a mysterious light and a piece of jade floated out from the secret compartment.

A mysterious power quickly surrounded the area.

The gloomy-looking person's expression suddenly changed. He revealed a look of disbelief and quickly backed away. His buddy in the air also noticed the mysterious power and was about to go investigate.

But just at this moment, the piece of jade flashed.

The gloomy-looking person let out a miserable scream as the vein on his forehead bulged and he quickly backed away. Terror filled his eyes. He could feel a destructive aura coming from the jade. This aura was something even his clan's four-leaf members couldn't resist.

But once the jade was activated, the gloomy-looking person had no chance of survival with his cultivation level.

The jade flashed once and the gloomy-looking person coughed out blood as he was pushed out of the ancestral home. He fell to the ground and immediately died.

His buddy who was about go investigate suddenly stopped and immediately turned around to escape. He could feel an aura that he stood no chance against coming from inside the house.

However, before he got far, the jade flashed once more. He coughed out a large mouthful of blood and fell from the sky, dead.

This strange scene caused the three inside the ancestral home to be completely shocked.

The man muttered to himself, "The rumors are true…"

The jade Wang Lin had left here contained a tiny piece of his Ji Realm. With his cultivation back then, any Nascent Soul cultivator would immediately die before it.

Right now, at the bottom of the Heng Yue mountain outside the Tian Dao Sect, most of Zhao's cultivators were gathered. Their faces were filled with anger as they stared into the distance.

They were all staring at a lone person floating in the air.

A large portion of this person's body was covered in tattoos. Just by standing there, he emitted a powerful aura.

A husky voice came from that person. "This cultivation country is indeed interesting. Do you guys think there is some treasure here that will allow you to reverse the situation?"

A white-haired old man wearing a black robe walked out from the Tian Dao Sect. He stared at the Forsaken Immortal Clan member with hatred in his eyes and said, "You can try!"

The person let out a laugh as his eyes lit up and his aura revealed its truth strength. His tattoos moved until they eventually left his body and formed dragons that flew around him.

"Interesting. I wasn't sent here to deal with you lowly cultivators, I was just passing by. However, since you asked, I now want to see what kind of treasure makes you guys so confident." His eyes revealed a look of disdain. As a six-leaf shaman, unless he meets a late stage Soul Formation cultivator, no one else is a threat to him.

He didn't believe that a late stage Soul Formation cultivator would exist in a mere rank 3 cultivation country.

With one step, he closed in on the Tian Dao Sect. The dragons around him all let out roars and flew toward the Tian Dao Sect.

The tattoo dragons moved like lightning. All of the remaining cultivators of Zhao held their breaths as they looked on and their eyes all revealed a mysterious light.

There was a rumor that a native Zhao cultivator reached the Soul Formation stage here two hundred years ago. The rumor said that he had left behind a wood carving and anyone who obtains it can become his direct disciple.

The place that the wood carving was kept was surrounded by a piece of his divine sense. If there was no fated person, it wouldn't open up.

But if Zhao was facing great calamity, this carving would release a huge power.

The moment the dragons closed in, the entire Heng Yue Mountain shook as a wood carving flew into the sky.

The moment the wood carving appeared, the dragons charging forth trembled and the eyes of the man from the Forsaken Immortal Clan revealed a mysterious light.

"So there is a treasure with a hint of a domain in it left behind by a Soul Formation cultivator. However, this Soul Formation cultivator's cultivation level is too low, only at the early stage of Soul Formation. Even if he personally comes, I can still kill him right here, so how could a treasure stop me?" After the old man from the Forsaken Immortal clan finished speaking, the mysterious light in his eyes disappeared and they once more filled with disdain.

Chapter 413 - Ancestor

As he spoke, he pointed at the carving with his right hand. The tattoo dragons charged toward the wood carving, creating sonic booms.

The cultivators of Zhao that had gathered here all looked toward the wood carving. The carving was a symbol of hope and was extremely respected in Zhao.

The carving gently trembled and shined brightly. Then a ring of light extended from it and collided with the tattoo dragons.

Boom! Boom!

With a series of bangs, the tattoos that formed the dragons became unstable and weakened. Eventually, a majority of the tattoo dragons shattered and disappeared.

The remaining tattoo dragons all became smaller by one size.

The cultivators of Zhao all became excited when they saw this.

"What's this? This carving is indeed interesting. It would be a waste to destroy it." The Forsaken Immortal Clan member's eyes lit up as he waved his hand and several ancient-looking tattoos appeared.

These tattoos circled around him as he took a step and walked forward.

The wood carving lit up once more. The ring of light expanded and touched the tattoos around the Forsaken Immortal Clan member. The ring of light trembled violently, but it wasn't able to resist and in the end dissipated.

With one step, the Forsaken Immortal Clan member arrived at the top of Heng Yue Mountain. He reached out and was about to grab the wood carving.

But the light from the wood carving suddenly became so blinding that it lit up the whole area, but the disdain in the Forsaken Immortal Clan member's eyes was still there. He reached out and pressed down on the wood carving.

"Even if your owner personally comes, I'll still take it when I want to!" The man picked up the wood carving, took a look at it, and smiled. "This is indeed a treasure. If there is a chance in the future, I want to see the junior that left this carving."

The entire Heng Yue Mountain became silent. All of the cultivators silently pondered. Their symbol of hope was so easily taken. It seemed like the destruction of Zhao was inevitable.

The disdain in the Forsaken Immortal Clan old man's eyes became even stronger as he slowly said, "Looking on the fact that I got this treasure, I won't be too hard on you guys. Give up and become a subservient of my Forsaken Immortal Clan. I can promise you that it is much better than being under the country of Suzaku."

"My wood carving is not something you can take." A calm voice came from the void and shortly after, two figures appeared.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan old man suddenly turned around and looked behind him with a terrified expression on his face. What terrified him was that someone was able to sneak up on him without him noticing.

The two people that appeared from the void were Wang Lin and Wang Zhuo.

The moment the two of them appeared, some of the cultivators of Zhao recognized Wang Lin.



One shout of excitement after another came from the cultivators below. Soon, these shouts seemed to be the only sound left in the world.

"Ancestor…" Wang Lin let out a faint smile and nodded.

The shouting became even louder.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan old man's expression was very ugly. The disdain in his eyes had long disappeared and was replaced with deep sense of dread.

"Sir…" He opened his mouth to speak but was immediately cut off by Wang Lin.

"Hand back my wood carving!" Although Wang Lin's tone was bland, it contained a powerful aura.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan old man's expression was gloomy. At a glance, this person looked like he was at the peak of the late stage of Soul Formation. However, upon closer inspection, he could feel a mysterious power inside this person. He had heard of this power from seniors in the clan. This power was the sign of a Soul Transformation cultivator.

After pondering a bit, he threw the wood carving toward Wang Lin without any hesitation.

The moment Wang Lin raised his hand to catch the wood carving, the old man shouted, "Tattoos, explode!"

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of tattoos came from the wood carving and exploded, creating a powerful force.

Wang Lin remained calm and pointed at the explosion with his right hand. The explosion was surrounded by a mysterious force and compressed into a small ball.

The ball was filled with smoke and contained the explosive power of all those tattoos.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan old man's expression changed greatly. He never would've thought that his attack would be so easily blocked by Wang Lin.

"Soul Transformation…" he bitterly muttered to himself before turning around without any hesitation to escape. He knew that he stood no chance against a Soul Transformation cultivator.

"Unlucky. I can't believe a rank 3 cultivation country's ancestor is a Soul Transformation old monster. How did I get so unlucky to run into someone like this?!" The Forsaken Immortal Clan old man's heart felt bitter. Just as he was about to leave, the sky darkened. A loud, tearing sound could be heard and a huge spatial rift appeared to block his escape.

This old man stopped in terror.

"Did I let you leave?" Wang Lin coldly looked at the person before placing a new divine sense into the wood carving. He threw the wood carving and it sank back into Heng Yue Mountain.

The old man's expression was gloomy as he slowly said, "Sir, according to the agreement, the country of Suzaku gave up all rank 3 cultivation countries for us to delay our attack on rank 4 cultivation countries. Do you want to break that agreement?"

Wang Lin frowned and asked, "Who made the agreement with you? Zhuque Zi?"

The old man was startled. He glanced at Wang Lin and said, "Since sir is a Soul Formation cultivator, you must know Qian Feng. It was him who represented Zhuque Zi and signed the agreement with our young master."

"Qian Feng…" Wang Lin's eyes became serious. He had heard this name twice, once from Liu Mei and the second time was now.

Wang Lin coldly said, "Ridiculous!" He raised his right hand and pointed at the ball that contained the power of the explosion. The ball turned into a shadow as it flew toward the Forsaken Immortal Clan old man.

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The old man's expression changed greatly as he pointed at his brow. A green light shined from his forehead. A giant plant with six leaves grew from the light and collided with the ball.


The old man was forced back and coughed out blood. Not only did the plant coming out of his forehead not get injured, it shined even brighter. However, he didn't want to fight. As he backed up, he took out a purple stick. He used the stick to create ripples in the space before him and he was about to charge into a ripple.

The purple stick he used was a branch from the reincarnation tree. The Forsaken Immortal Clan has a special method to use branches of the reincarnation tree to teleport back to the main reincarnation tree.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He calmly raised his right hand and said, "Absorb!"

With the old man as the center, all of the clouds in the area gathered to form a ring and it quickly shrank until it was only 30 feet wide.

The old man's face was filled with terror. The ripple that contained the power to teleport him lost its effect and collapsed.

A powerful pressure came from all sides and landed on his body in the blink of an eye.

He felt despair that he had never felt before. The panic in his eyes deepened as his hand formed a strange sign over his chest. He pressed down over his chest and clawed ten bloody streaks.

A large amount of blood sprayed out and then the plant on his forehead absorbed the blood like crazy. The planet grew rapidly and filled the entire ring.

The old man's face was fierce as he shouted, "If you kill me, there will be a lingering tattoo curse on you. If my clan's ancestors see it, they will kill you!" The vein on his forehead was bulging. Although his life plant was already out, it was still unable to resist the pressure coming from the ring.

Waves of cracking sounds could be heard as the 30-foot-wide ring shrank to 10 feet wide. The branches from the plant shattered one by one. Every time a branch shattered, the old man coughed out blood and his face became a bit paler.

Wang Lin was still calm and he even smiled. "I have already killed quite a few Forsaken Immortal Clan members. Is this the tattoo curse that you speak of?"

Wang Lin pointed at his chest and five balls of grey gas appeared. These five balls of gas formed five flashing tattoos.

When he was attempting to reach the Soul Transformation stage, he felt these five masses of grey gas hidden in his body. They normally wouldn't do any harm; in fact, they helped his spiritual energy move more smoothly.

That old man stared at the five balls of grey gas and his face turned pale. He could feel the aura of a six-leaf shaman from the five balls of grey gas. The person who cast the curse was definitely killed by this person.

Wang Lin calmly glanced at the old man as his right hand reached out and closed. The ring quickly shrank and the old man let out a series of miserable groans. The plant with six leaves was crushed and as the ring shrank, the old man was crushed into a ball of flesh and blood.

The ring disappeared and the ball of flesh and blood turned into a cloud of bloody mist.

With Wang Lin's cultivation level, killing this person was as easy as blowing off dust. He didn't even need to use magic treasures. After all, his domain was different from other Soul Formation cultivators', and it already contained some celestial spiritual energy.

The current him was half a step into the Soul Transformation stage. The moment he obtains enough celestial jades, he will reach the Soul Transformation stage.

However, there were simply too few celestial jades.

Wang Lin looked at where the Forsaken Immortal Clan old man died and began to ponder.

"Zhuque Zi wouldn't make a deal with the Forsaken Immortal Clan. This is strange… There is also Qian Feng…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Chapter 414 - Wealth

All of the cultivators in the Tian Dao Sect were very excited. They all looked at Wang Lin with respect.

The white-haired old man walked out from the crowd. He bowed toward Wang Lin and respectfully said, "Junior Zhen Fengxiao of the Tian Dao Sect greets ancestor."

"Greeting ancestor!" The moment the old man finished speaking, all the other cultivators also greeted Wang Lin. This sound was very loud and spread very far.

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "I'm not your ancestor."

The old man took a deep breath and respectfully said, "You became the ancestor of all cultivators in Zhao when you reached the Soul Formation stage 200 years ago in the Tian Dao Sect. I hope ancestor won't reject the title."

Wang Lin let out a sigh and looked at the land of Zhao. This was where he grew up. Now that more than 500 years had passed, he still recalled the past. Sometimes it felt like the last 500 years were just a dream.

"Lord ancestor, if you aren't in a rush, please stay at the Tian Dao Sect for a few days so that the juniors can pay their respects." The old man's eyes were filled with fanaticism and respect.

Wang Lin pondered a bit. At this moment, Wang Zhuo sighed and said, "Wang Lin, stay in Zhao for a few days. Don't you want to see fourth uncle's descendants…"

The old man looked at Wang Zhuo with a startled expression. Wang Zhuo was one of the most talented disciples of the Tian Dao Sect, so he naturally knew who he was, but what he had just said was a bit weird. The old man took a closer look and found that something was wrong. Although Wang Zhuo looked exactly the same, his eyes were no longer the eyes of Wang Zhuo of the Tian Dao Sect; they now displayed the passage of time.

Wang Zhuo smiled at the old man and sent him a message using voice transmission. The old man's body trembled after hearing it and he looked at Wang Lin with disbelief. He knew that this wasn't a lie, so he let out a bitter smile and respectfully said, "Greetings, ancestor…"

"Zheng Fengxiao, you were a disciple I personally brought to the Tian Dao Sect. Back then you were still a young man, yet in a blink of an eye, so many years have passed…" Wang Zhuo let out a sigh.

Zheng Fengxiao bitterly nodded. He was still trying to comprehend what he had just heard.

Wang Lin stayed at the Tian Dao Sect.

Aside from a few people from each sect, all of the remaining cultivators of Zhao returned to their own sects.

In the Tian Dao Sect, Wang Lin gave a lecture on dao to all the Core Formation cultivators. This left a mark of dao on them that drastically increased their chances of reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

He did the same for the few Nascent Soul cultivators. He held nothing back as he told them about his experiences when reaching the Soul Formation stage. From that day on, they were no longer confused and had a clear path.

Three days later, Wang Lin and Wang Zhuo left the Tian Dao Sect. Before Wang Lin left, he placed down a formation for the Tian Dao Sect. It would keep out all Soul Formation cultivators; only Soul Transformation cultivators could break it.

For a rank 3 cultivation country to have a formation like this was unprecedented. Normally, only a rank 5 cultivation country would have such a powerful sect protection formation.

After doing this one last thing for Zhao, Wang Lin no longer had any more worries about the country that raised him. He then followed Wang Zhuo to silently look at the Wang family descendants.

Then, in the ancestral home, Wang Lin saw Yu Er and her parents. Upon seeing Yu Er, it reminded Wang Lin of Da Niu and Zhou Ru when they were kids. He felt melancholy at this moment.

Wang Zhuo took Yu Er as a disciple and passed down cultivation methods to her.

Before Wang Lin left, he took away the Ji Realm from the jade in the ancestral home and replaced it with his divine sense.

Wang Zhuo didn't return to the Tian Dao Sect but stayed with the Wang family in the capital. Two hundred years ago, he was placed into a pregnant woman in the Wang family. He had remained physically close to the Wang family In both his past and current lives, so his feelings for them were far stronger than Wang Lin's.

He intended to dedicate his life to protect the Wang family descendents.

The matter with the country of Zhao was finished.

However, Wang Lin still had one lingering thought: the Heng Yue Sect. This was the sect that set him onto the path of cultivation. Before he left Zhao, he decided to look for them.

He spread out his divine sense and all the various mountains and caves appeared in his mind. With a simple movement, his body disappeared.

From memory, Wang Lin's figure appeared outside a mountain called Elephant Snake Mountain.

Wang Lin looked around with a complex expression. There was a formation here. He didn't break the formation but instead went through it and entered the mountain.

Inside was a large cave. When Wang Lin entered the cave, he saw a lot of dust.

No one had lived here for a very long time.

There were three ancient words carved on a large piece of jade in the main hall.

"Heng Yue Sect!"

Wang Lin let out a sigh as he wiped away the dust and silently stared at it for a very long time.

Shortly after, Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and walked to the side. He broke the formation that was protecting a door and walked inside. In there were rows of shelves with jades on them that were releasing faint, ghostly lights.

There was a corpse sitting in the lotus position in the corner. The bones were in pretty good condition, meaning that this person had clearly died due to old age.

The corpse's right index finger was pointing at the ground.

Wang Lin walked up, wiped away the dust on the ground, and saw the words that were carved there.

"The Heng Yue Sect died with me. I have wronged the ancestors… I have wronged the ancestors…"

Wang Lin pondered. He took a step back, respectfully bowed, and said, "Disciple Wang Lin greets senior…"

After letting out a sigh, Wang Lin picked up the jades one by one and scanned them with his divine sense. When he picked up one jade, he suddenly stopped.

"This old man's talent is lacking, so my cultivation won't reach a high level, but I have a strange comprehension of swords. It is as if my life is for the sword. However, I don't know why, but whenever my divine sense enters a sword, the sword shatters after one breath of time. There are no exceptions…"

"The word useless is a good way to describe this old man. Since I can't use my divine sense to control swords, I can't use swords in battle. I'm a disgrace to my teacher."

"When I was 80, I had a dream that I was a sword spirit that swept the land. I was a king amongst swords."

"After I awakened, the sword from my dream remained engraved in my mind as if that was my life's pursuit, as if that was my past life… I gave up on trying to break past the Foundation Establishment stage and focused on swordsmithing!"

"This idea was so powerful that it felt like I was possessed. I was completely fixated on this; I had to create this sword!"

"After a decade, this old man was even willing to beg for materials to create swords. I have created several swords, but none of them were what I wanted, so I gave up on them."

"This year, the Heng Yue Sect faced a great calamity because powerful enemies attacked us, so the sect was about to be destroyed."

"This old man was born in the Heng Yue Sect and would naturally die in the Heng Yue Sect. This old man opened up his furnace one last time to create a sword. I was short on time, so I gave up on precious materials and used mortal metals, then I created a large sword."

"After creating the sword. I suddenly felt a sign from the heavens, so I coated the sword in gold and soon it was shining."

"Looking at the sword, the feelings I experienced in my dream suddenly came back to me. At that moment, I was back in my dream and I was this sword's spirit."

"That was the feeling I had been looking for. I named the sword Wealth. Although this name isn't anything fancy, it was what I was feeling."

"My soul seemed to be completely merged with this sword, so I charged out and resolved the calamity for my Heng Yue Sect. Then, as I left, I left a sword technique inside the sword. I hope future disciples will treat the sword kindly."

Wang Lin put down the jade and closed his eyes. He was shaking on the inside. Although the main reason he came was to see what had happened to the Heng Yue Sect, another reason was to find out more about Wealth.

"A sword spirit in his previous life… This sword is exactly the same as the celestial sword. Could this senior's soul have contained a fragment of the celestial sword's spirit…"

Wang Lin opened his eyes. His eyes were sparkling.

He pondered a bit before his body disappeared and left this place.

When he reappeared, he was outside the Jue Ming Valley. This was where his bag of holding was destroyed. Back then he had to go into the spatial rift to find the sword sheath.

After creating a spatial rift, Wang Lin entered it. This time his only target was Wealth.

"That sword was created from ordinary metals, so I don't know if it could have survived inside the spatial rift for 500 years. Also, I don't know if the sword was destroyed along with the bag. Unfortunately, my cultivation level wasn't even high enough to notice the sword technique inside the sword, otherwise…" Wang Lin let out a sigh as he spread out his divine sense.

Half a month later, Wang Lin walked out from the spatial rift with a frown. He had found nothing.

"I'm afraid that the sword has already been destroyed…"

"I must quickly returned to the Soul Refining Sect and find a lot of celestial jades to reach the Soul Transformation stage!" With that, Wang Lin disappeared. When he reappeared, he was inside an ancient transfer array and then he disappeared from Zhao.

In a rank 4 cultivation country on the western side of planet Suzaku. This country had already been taken over by the Forsaken Immortal Clan and the cultivators of this country had became servants to the Forsaken Immortal Clan. Someone wearing a straw hat was currently standing at the edge of the country. He was covered in a golden glow.

"Wang Lin, you finally came back. Senior already knows that you returned. I hope you don't disappoint him." This person slapped his bag of holding and a piece of jade appeared in his hand.

"You helped me kill Li Yuanfeng and sealed the country of Xue Yue. I, Zhou Wutai, have no way to repay you besides giving you this jade. This jade contains Liu Mei's domain that I used my life to obtain. I hope you can fulfill senior's hope and devour Liu Mei's dao heart and then become the next Suzaku."

He took one step and disappeared.

In an ancient transfer array in the country of Pilu, a bright light flashed and Wang Lin walked out of it. He immediately flew into the air and charged toward the Soul Refining Sect.