

Chapter 391 - Yunque Zi

"Du Tian!"

These two words entered Wang Lin's ears and caused his eyes to become serious. However, he didn't have the time to think about it at the moment, so he focused solely on the growth of the spiritual energy within his body.

A large amount of spiritual energy was transferred from the ten soul fragments into Wang Lin through the gold and purple lines. The spiritual energy surged through Wang Lin's veins.

Wang Lin could feel all the spores on his body open as the most well-hidden impurities within him were being forced out.

Waves of a refreshing feeling filled his body like the spring wind, making him feel very comfortable.

Shortly after, Wang Lin felt the spiritual energy in his body reach its peak. While his domain was still at the mid stage of Soul Formation, his spiritual energy had broken through to the late stage.

For Wang Lin, his domain had always been very powerful. With a mid stage Soul Formation domain, he was able to battle against Red Butterfly's late stage Soul Formation domain. As his spiritual energy grew, his combat strength grew as well.

If the current him were to meet Red Butterfly again, the battle would be countless times easier than before.

Red Butterfly was no longer a threat in his eyes!

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He looked at the surrounding souls and began to ponder.

Du Tian looked at Wang Lin and laughed. "Little friend Ceng Niu, have you absorbed enough from this third gift?"

Wang Lin pondered a bit. The fact that this ancestor was willing to give so much meant that there was something big he needed Wang Lin to do. Since Wang Lin had already accepted the gifts, he wouldn't refuse to help; refusing was beneath him.

However, with Wang Lin's personality, since he decided to help, he wouldn't let himself be on the short end when accepting the gifts.

"Senior, I can absorb as much as I can, correct?" Wang Lin calmly looked at ancestor Du Tian.

The old man laughed and decisively said, "That is correct. Little friend Ceng Niu, this old man will not be stingy with this third gift!"

Wang Lin nodded and closed his eyes.

"This little guy is already full; even if he wants to absorb more, he shouldn't be able to absorb much more…" For some reason, when Du Tian saw Wang Lin close his eyes, he had an ominous feeling.

"Original body… Let us both absorb!" Wang Lin called out to his original body in his heart.

This call crossed a long distance. At this moment, the original body in Chu opened his eyes.

The two purple stars on the original body began to spin.

There was no longer a primary or secondary body between the original and the avatar; both were Wang Lin. It was as if he was split in half. When they fuse, they will become the real Wang Lin.

There was a mysterious connection between the avatar and the original body, which was why the original body was hurt when his origin soul collapsed. Through the same mysterious connection, the original body was absorbing spiritual energy from his avatar like crazy.

The original body's absorption was several times more powerful than the avatar's. After all, the original body was walking the path of the ancient gods, which devoured spiritual energy to survive.

The ten soul fragments around Wang Lin trembled and the connection between them and him increase several fold as they felt the powerful suction force from Wang Lin.

The situation changed from the soul fragments forcibly injecting spiritual energy into Wang Lin to Wang Lin actively absorbing from them. This change caused Du Tian's eyes to widen.

The muscles on his face twitched as he revealed a heartbroken expression.

Ten breaths; in just ten breaths of time, more than half of the spiritual energy within the ten soul fragments was absorbed. Dun Tian's expression was very ugly and he wanted to stop Wang Lin, but after remembering what he just said, he could only sigh. With his experience as a cultivator, he could immediately tell that Ceng Niu had an avatar. Ceng Niu was currently absorbing spiritual energy along with his avatar.

The original body in Chu was being filled with spiritual energy. At some point, golden lines started coming out of the body and wrapping around him. Soon, a crystal cocoon was formed.

The original body sat inside the cocoon as another star slowly appeared on his forehead and slowly became solid.

Wang Lin was not a greedy person. At this moment, he opened his eyes and stopped absorbing.

Du Tian let out a sigh of relief. He quickly waved the 30-foot-flag in his hand, causing the ten souls to return. He bitterly smiled at Wang Lin and said, "Little friend Ceng Niu, you really didn't hold back."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He stood up and felt the powerful spiritual energy in his body. He turned toward Xue Yue and his eyes became cold.

Wang Lin's personality was very decisive. He won't bother anyone if he's left alone, but if someone messes with him, he will return the favor 10… 100 fold! He was still someone who would get revenge!

"Li Yuanfeng…:" The coldness in Wang Lin's eyes dissipated as he turned toward Du Tian and clasped his hands. "Thank you, senior, for the three gifts. If there is anything you need junior to do, just say so. I'll do my best!"

If Wang Lin said this, that meant that he was extremely grateful toward senior Du Tian.

Du Tian faintly smiled. The unhappiness from earlier completely disappeared. He did all of this just for Wang Lin to say this!

"Little friend Ceng Niu, the reason I gave you these three gifts is very important. If you hadn't come to my Soul Refining Sect, I would've gone out to search for you."

Wang Lin looked at Du Tian and smiled. "Junior has already heard about the rumor that I killed a Soul Formation cultivator of the Soul Refining Sect, so I assume senior is looking for me to question me."

Du Tian shook his head and smiled. "This is all a ruse. If I were to look for you for no reason, it would attract too much attention. However, if I spread a rumor saying that you killed a Soul Formation cultivator of my sect, people won't pay too much attention if I start looking for you."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. For this ancestor to be so careful, something unpredictable was going to happen.

Du Tian looked at Wang Lin with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. After a while he said, "Little friend, do you know why there are less than ten rank 5 cultivation countries on this planet even though the country of Suzaku has been in control for so long?"

He didn't let Wang Lin reply. He revealed a look of helplessness and said, "When the country of Suzaka arrived on this planet, there were six major sects within it. Then the disciples of those six sects spread out and formed the various cultivation countries on the planet. At the same time, the core disciples of those six sects were allowed to form rank 5 cultivation countries."

"This was the first group of rank 5 cultivation countries. My Soul Refining Sect was one of them!"

Wang Lin's eyes remained calm. His expression didn't change.

Du Tian raised his head to look at the sky and calmly said, "Time slowly passed. Whenever a rank 5 cultivation country was about to reach the point of becoming a rank 6 country, they would be beaten back to their original state in just one night. The country of Suzaku wouldn't allow another rank 6 cultivation country on planet Suzaku."

"My Soul Refining Sect has had three chances to reach rank 6 throughout these countless years, but we were beaten back every time. Now we have long lost our country and can only exist as a sect."

Wang Lin silently pondered.

"To become a rank 6 cultivation country was the dream of our first generation ancestor and even more so the dream of every generation of the Soul Refining Sect. Back before there was a single cultivator on planet Suzaku, back when the country of Suzaku was only a rank 5 cultivation country on planet Four Saints, all six sects worked hard together. Through bitter struggle, we reached rank 6 and broke free from planet Four Saints. Then we were given planet Suzaku by the cultivation union."

"Back then, my Soul Refining Sect had three Ascendant cultivators. The other five sects all had several as well. The country of Suzaku was so powerful, but when we arrived here, what we found was not good. There was already another race here that used the power of tattoos, and they were very powerful."

"It was a bloody battle that lasted countless years. The one-billion-soul soul flag was completed during this battle."

"Although we ultimately won, planet Suzaku was damaged and the country of Suzaku lost many Ascendant cultivators."

"This is why the first generation Suzaku created mount Suzaku to become the central control point of planet Suzaku when the six sects split off into rank 5 cultivation countries."

"After that, it was a nightmare for all rank 5 cultivation countries. All countries that followed Suzaku were ordered to not allow any rank 5 cultivation country to reach rank 6. Right now, the country of Suzaku only has four Ascendant cultivators, and they are very weak."

"The Suzaku is afraid that the rank 5 cultivation countries will turn on him and become the masters. He is afraid that the planet won't be secure."

Wang Lin pondered. After a while, he looked at Du Tian and said, "Senior, what does everything you say have to do with me? Junior is merely a Soul Formation junior."

Du Tian's eyes became serious. He looked at Wang Lin and said, word for word, "It does relate to you!"

"Oh, really?" Wang Lin raised his head toward Du Tian.

Du Tian slowly said, "You are one of the four candidates chosen by Yunque Zi to become the next Suzaku!"

"Yunque Zi?" Wang Lin frowned.

Du Tian waved his hand and a wooden carving appeared in his palm. The carving was of a very handsome man. His eyes looked like they were alive.

"… It's him!" Wang Lin was startled and his expression became strange. It was the old man who gave him the straw hat. The old man's cultivation was very powerful, and he had his suspicions back then, but now he had an answer.

"He is Yunque Zi. He is the junior apprentice brother of the current Suzaku…" Du Tian looked at the wooden carving and said, "This carving was made by you. It really looks like him…"

"You gave me those three gifts because of him…" Wang Lin's expression became even more strange.

"That's only part of it…" Du Tian raised his head. His eyes were filled with a mysterious light.

Chapter 392- Rank 6 cultivation country

"Even if Yunque Zi had asked me personally, if I didn't want to, all I would have done was kick Liu Mei out and not have given you the other two gifts." The mysterious light in Du Tian's eyes became even stronger.

"Whether you are Ceng Niu or Wang Lin, it doesn't matter. Ever since my Soul Refining Sect came to planet Suzaku, we've had a total of 36 Soul Transformation ancestors. Their souls are all inside the soul flag. I'm the 37th and my senior apprentice brother was the 36th!"

Wang Lin's expression changed. He raised his head and looked at the two blood rings.

Du Tian slowly said, "Little friend, there is no need to look; my senior apprentice brother died two years ago when his lifespan ran out. Not even the current Suzaku knows of this."

Wang Lin silently pondered.

The mysterious light in Du Tian's eyes became even stronger as he looked at Wang Lin and said, word for word, "Little friend, I have a question for you. Are you willing to enter my Soul Refining Sect, become the next successor, and swear upon your domain that you will help my Soul Refining Sect become a rank 6 cultivation country one day?!"

Wang Lin didn't immediately reply but asked, "Why me?"

"Yunque Zi is only part of the reason. The main reason, however, is because of my senior apprentice brother. Little friend Ceng Niu, my senior apprentice brother's domain didn't have any offensive capability, but he was the only one who had it on the entire planet. Even on other planets, it is extremely rare." Du Tian revealed a look of respect.

"This domain is foresight! He originally had 100 years of lifespan left, but he used it all up to activate his domain to find a path to survival for my Soul Refining Sect, but in the end, he still failed…"

Wang Lin frowned and waited for him to finish. If the old man had said something about his senior apprentice brother predicting that Wang Lin was their hope, he wouldn't listen to anymore of this nonsense.

Du Tian stared at Wang Lin with a hint of insanity. "Although my senior apprentice brother died, the moment he died was also the moment you arrived at my sect!"

Wang Lin was stunned.

"This might be a coincidence; this could just be this old man being stubborn, but my life span is reaching its limit, so I can wait no longer. I'm willing to take this bet that it was my senior apprentice brother's domain that brought you here!" Du Tian let out a bitter smile. He knew that this was mostly just him fooling himself.

"The Soul Refining Sect has no one to succeed me. Although I can battle the current Suzaku with the soul flag right now, once I die, the Soul Refining Sect is finished… The soul flag will be taken away by the Suzaku, and without it, the Soul Refining Sect will die."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. He raised his head and said, "If I agree, you will give me the soul flag."

Du Tian nodded and said, "I'll give you the soul flag when my lifespan reaches its end."

"Rank 6 cultivation country…" Wang Lin shook his head with a bitter smile. "With junior's cultivation, this is too difficult."

Du Tian let out a sigh and said, "Ceng Niu, I only have ten years left to live. Within these ten years, I can ensure your safety, but after that, you're on your own. Whether you succeed or not doesn't matter, but remember my words. Remember that the Soul Refining Sect meant you no harm and gifted you the soul flag. That will be enough."

Wang Lin pondered. After a long time, he nodded and said, "I'll do my best."

Du Tian's eyes lit up. He looked at Wang Lin and laughed. Then he slapped his bag of holding and threw a golden jade toward Wang Lin.

"My Soul Refining Sect doesn't have any fancy etiquette. This jade contains the soul sealing manual which is used to control the one-billion-soul soul flag. This is the core of the Soul Refining Sect. From today onward, you are the only core disciple of the Soul Refining Sect."

Wang Lin took the jade and scanned it before putting it into his bag.

"Now that this is over, I need to go into closed door cultivation to prepare my soul to be added to the soul flag. It is better for you not to leave the Soul Refining Sect, because if you meet danger, I will not be able to help you."

Wang Lin faintly smiled. "No problem. If I couldn't protect myself, I wouldn't be alive right now. Senior doesn't have to worry. I have some personal matters I need to take care of. I'll be sure to come back before senior comes out of his closed door cultivation."

Du Tian looked at Wang Lin. After pondering for a bit, he nodded and said, "Since you are sure, I won't say anymore. You can go." With that, he disappeared into the blood ring.

Wang Lin respectfully clasped his hands, then he disappeared and left the Soul Refining Sect.

Wang Lin's speed was like a meteor in the night. His hair flowed with the wind and his eyes shined like the stars.

He didn't believe everything Du Tian had told him; after all, Wang Lin wasn't someone new to the cultivation world. He had been through too much and seen too many things. However, now was not the time to ponder this matter. When the day comes for Du Tian to give him the soul flag, everything will be revealed.

"Li Yuanfeng!" Killing intent filled his eyes and he flew even faster.

The attempt on his life two years ago nearly killed him and made him lose his cultivation. Now that his cultivation had recovered, the first thing he was going to do was kill this Li Yuanfeng.

"He was raised to the Soul Transformation stage by force and can be considered the weakest among Soul Transformation cultivators. My original body has become a three star ancient god; if I fuse with my original body, I can fight him." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his figure disappeared into the night.

One month later, in the valley inside Chu, Zhou Ru was playing with little white, the thunder toad was basking in the sun, and Tie Yan was cultivating. He was very close to the Soul Fformation stage and was about to comprehend his own domain.

The thunder toad suddenly opened its eyes. Its large eyes looked toward the outside of the valley.

A white-robed young man walked into the valley with a smile. The Ascendant level domain from the pagoda had no effect on him.

Zhou Ru rubbed her eyes and immediately let out a cry of joy. She jumped off little white and shouted with joy, "Uncle! Uncle!"

Wang Lin laughed, hugged little Zhou Ru, and then looked toward Tie Yan.

Tie Yan stood up and respectfully said, "Greetings, benefactor."

Wang Lin said, "Tie Yan, you are close to reaching the Soul Formation stage. Go to Chu's capital and live there to experience life. You will definitely reach the Soul Formation stage in three years!"

There was no joy or sadness on his face, but his hands started trembling and he said, "Really… Okay!" He looked at Zhou Ru and then around him, then he clenched his teeth and disappeared.

Zhou Ru hugged Wang Lin and quickly asked, "Uncle, where is my big tiger? Where is the big tiger that you promised me when you left?"

Little white had been listening and became excited. He thought, "Looks like this tiger lord's bitter life has come to an end. If that little devil gets a new pet, she should let me go."

Thinking about the good life to come and the few female tigers he hadn't seen in a long time, little white couldn't help but become excited.

"Big tiger…" Wang Lin rubbed his nose. He had indeed forgotten about this. After all, he had experienced too much in this trip.

Zhou Ru pouted and said, "Uncle, when you left, you said you wouldn't forget…"

After little white heard this, his vision turned black as all his hopes and dreams disappeared. He secretly sigh and wondered why his life was so torturous.

Wang Lin wryly smiled and rubbed Zhou Ru's head. "Listen, uncle is here to take you somewhere. I'll just catch you a big tiger later."

Zhou Ru was only a kid, so after hearing this, she immediately became happy and asked, "Where are we going? Uncle, are you taking me somewhere to play?"

"Uncle is going to find a friend!" A hint of killing intent appeared in Wang Lin's eyes.

Little white's heart trembled and his hopes raised again, this time even more so than last time. He thought that if the two of them leave, he will be free once more. While thinking about this, he became excited again.

Wang Lin said, "Little Ru Er, go inside the pagoda. This trip will be very long; being inside the pagoda will ensure your safety. Be good, now."

Zhou Ru quickly nodded and revealed an excited look. The moment she heard she could leave, she became very happy.

"Little white, come with me!"

Little white let out a growl filled with sadness as all of his expectations were shattered again. He looked reluctantly at the mountain as if there were a few female tigers still waiting for him. Finally, with Zhou Ru patting and hitting him, he followed her into the pagoda.

Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal. The pagoda quickly shrank and he carefully put it away.

After finishing all of this, Wang Lin took a deep breath and then he took a step forward. A powerful energy came from under the ground, and at the same time, the original body opened his eyes. After one moment, he was already up on the surface.

On his forehead were three purple stars that spun and released a demonic light.

When the original body appeared before him, both walked toward each other and then the two fused into one person.

This was the real Wang Lin. The original body was on the outside and the avatar's cultivation was on the inside. An oppressive aura exuded from within his body.

At this moment, the the sky changed colors. Lightning echoed through the sky and large drops of rain began to fall.

Wang Lin in the rain was like a demon god as he looked toward Xue Yue.

"Xue Yue's Li Yuanfeng, the Giant Demon Clan's ancestor, and Sun Tai, who used that chance to seal me. Now that I have recovered my cultivation, I'll come collect my debts with each one of you!"

"The first person on the list is Li Yuanfeng. Let's see if the Soul Transformation cultivation you obtained by force is stronger than my original body fused with my avatar!"

Chapter 393 - The power of one word

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He pointed at this brow and the heaven defying bead appeared.

His eyes lit up and he slapped his bag of holding, causing a piece of crystal to appear. This was the wood spirit Wang Lin stole before the elder of the country of Suzaku after his battle with Red Butterfly.

"Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth; the heaven defying bead is only missing metal and half of the wood element. According to what Situ Nan said, once the five elements are complete, it will be able to recognize an owner. That day will soon arrive." Wang Lin moved the wood-element crystal toward the bead.

The moment the two touched, the wood crystal disappeared into the heaven defying bead. The leaves on the heaven defying bead began to move and open one by one until finally it reached completion.

"Now I'm only missing the metal element!" Wang Lin's eyes sparkled as he looked toward Xue Yue. "The metal element can wait. Li Yuanfeng, I'm coming!"

He put away the heaven defying bead, landed on the thunder toad, and laughed. "Old friend, let us go!"

The thunder toad let out a happy roar and kicked the ground, causing it to shatter. The thunder toad shot into the sky like a meteor.

Wang Lin let out a laugh and slapped his bag of holding. The mosquito appeared and let out a roar. Then its sharp mouth stabbed toward the thunder toad.

The thunder toad rolled its eyes. Its tongue shot out like lightning and started to play with the mosquito.

Wang Lin sat on the back of the thunder toad and smiled as he looked at the two beasts play. He then turned toward Xue Yue. Although his smile was still there, it now contained a hint of coldness.

Xue Yue.

The once green land of the Four Sect Alliance was now completely white; it had turned into a snow field.

The sun reflected off the snow, causing a powerful glare. If one looked at it for too long, their eyes would tear up from the pain or they might even lose their eyesight.

The mortals living in Xue Yue had their own ways of protecting their eyes. After Xue Yue became a rank 5 cultivation country, the mortal world naturally became more prosperous.

At the center of Xue Yue was an ice palace.

This was the most sacred place in Xue Yue; it was where the only Soul Transformation cultivator of Xue Yue, Li Yuanfeng, cultivated all year round.

After being injured by Sun Tai's lightning, he had been recovering slowly. He did after all reach the Soul Transformation stage by force. It was already very lucky that he didn't lose his life.

There were several large blocks of ice around him, each one emitting celestial spiritual energy.

Using this method to heal was still not enough for Li Yuanfeng.

In these past two years, he had been sending people to Mount Suzaku to get some celestial jade from Red Butterfly, but they were stopped outside every time.

Li Yuanfeng was very puzzled. As time passed, he became suspicious and couldn't help but resent Red Butterfly.

After all, he was injured from trying to kill Ceng Niu, which was all for Red Butterfly.

He had spent these two years trying to heal his injuries. Based on his calculations, he would need another year to completely recover.

On this day, at the edge of Xue Yue, a white figure slowly entered the country. He looked toward Xue Yue with a reminiscent look.

"Four Sect Alliance…" Wang Lin let out a sigh and disappeared into the distance.

The capital of Xue Yue was where the capital of the Four Sect Alliance once was. There was a street in this city containing decades of Wang Lin's memories.

On this day, on this street, Wang Lin appeared. As he looked at the familiar street, he couldn't help but think of Da Niu's family.

After a very long time, his eyes were filled with melancholy as he left.

Inside the Snow and Ice Palace, Li Yuanfeng was cultivating when he suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes lit up as he raised his head and looked toward outside the palace.

"Li Yuanfeng!" In the square outside the palace, the roaring wind caused the snow to fly through the air.

An illusionary figure slowly walked through the snow. It gradually became more solid, and when it was ten steps from the palace gates, the figure revealed itself as Wang Lin.

The current Wang Lin had a cold expression as he looked at the shocked Li Yuanfeng.

Li Yuanfeng's pupils shrank as he stared at Wang Lin. After a while, he gloomily said, "Ceng Niu!" Although his expression remained calm, his heart was shocked. He couldn't imagine how Ceng Niu was not only able to recover from the injuries his domain had caused in just two years, but he even increased his cultivation level from the mid stage of Soul Formation to the late stage.

Two years of time was nothing to cultivators. To be able to do this much in just two years, it was no wonder Li Yuanfeng was shocked.

Just at this moment, three people appeared between Li Yuanfeng and Wang Lin. All of them were very old. There were two men and one woman.

One of the elders shouted, "You've got guts to invade my Xue Yue's Ice and Snow Palace!"

"Ceng Niu!" The old woman's eyes became cold as she stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he took a step forward.

With a bang, countless cracks appeared where Wang Lin had stepped and quickly spread across the palace.

Wang Lin whispered, "Break!"

The entire palace began to rumble and then half of the palace collapsed.

The three elders' expressions changed greatly as a powerful force pushed them away. One of the old men looked at Wang Lin with an expression of disbelief and shouted, "Could you have reached the Soul Transformation stage?!"

Wang Lin didn't even look at the three of them; his gaze had always been on Li Yuanfeng. At this moment, he moved toward Li Yuanfeng like lightning.

The three elders immediately shouted and immediately appeared before Wang Lin in an attempt to block him.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He appeared before one of the elders and threw a punch at his chest.


The elder's chest caved in and he coughed out blood. His body was sent flying. He was completely dead. Even his origin soul didn't have time to escape; it had shattered from the force of the punch.

This was the power of his original body and avatar fused together.

A mid stage Soul Formation cultivator would die in one punch!

The remaining two immediately froze in terror.

Wang Lin didn't even look at the remaining two as he walked once more toward Li Yuanfeng.

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Li Yuanfeng's expression was dark as his hand formed seals and pointed at the eight giant blocks of ice. The blocks immediately moved to protect him.

Wang Lin snorted and threw a punch at the ice blocks.

Bang! Bang!

A series of heaven-shattering explosions echoed through Xue Yue.

The ice blocks before Li Yuanfeng became filled with cracks before shattering into tiny pieces. The powerful shockwave caused the rest of the palace to collapse as well.

Li Yuanfeng's figure charged out as the ice blocks shattered. Floated in the air, his hair moved without any wind as he said, "Ceng Niu, today you will die for sure!"

Wang Lin raised his head. He looked at Li Yuanfeng and slowly said, "Today I'm going to take your soul and refine it!"

Li YuanFeng's hand formed a seal and then a giant tea mark suddenly appeared before him. He pushed the tea mark forward and it began to descend upon Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with battle intent. He quickly raised his fist and collided with the tea mark.


The tea mark descending from the sky immediately collapsed and the shock wave force Li Yuanfeng to back up 100 feet. Li Yuanfeng's eyes were filled with shock but even more so with fear.

Wang Lin backed up three steps. Each step caused countless cracks to appear on the ground.

The battle between the two had caught the attention of everyone in Xue Yue. Aside from the old man who had died and the two others, the remaining 17 Soul Formation cultivators were frantically teleporting toward the palace.

To them, Li Yuanfeng was the sect master of the entire country. As long as he lived, they were a rank 5 cultivation country. If he were to die, they wouldn't be able to produce another Soul Transformation cultivator any time soon, meaning the only fate left was for their country's rank to drop.

In almost the blink of an eye, the Soul Formation cultivators arrived. Without any hesitation, they took out their treasures and were about to attack.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He only said one word. "Scram!"

It was just one word. At first it was soft, but in the blink of an eye, it echoed in the sky as if it were the heavens' wrath!

"Scram! Scram! Scram! Scram! Scram…"

This was the sound of the heavens shattering, and it rumbled in the sky. This was the voice of an ancient god, the anger of an ancient god, and Wang Lin's first roar as an ancient god at full power.

The clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace and cracks began to appear in the sky like spatial rifts.

The earth began to shake and split open like a piece of paper being torn apart.

The heavens shattered and the earth cracked!

Those Soul Formation cultivators who were about to attack all coughed out blood and were forced back. Their eyes were filled with fear and they no longer dared to attack.

The power of one word!

Wang Lin took a deep breath. The fusion of his original body and the avatar caused a strange mutation that had never happened before.

The current him could be considered a three-star ancient god with late stage Soul Formation cultivation who controlled the life and death domain. Or he could be considered a late stage Soul Formation cultivator who controlled the life and death domain and had the body of a three-star ancient god.

Li Yuanfeng's expression was extremely ugly. He stared at Wang Lin and for the first time considered Wang Lin his enemy. The power of Wang Lin's word earlier wasn't any weaker than a Soul Transformation cultivator's.

Chapter 394 - The weakest soul transformation and the real Wang Lin

Li Yuanfeng took a deep breath and slowly said, "Ceng Niu, don't drag others into our fight. All of you leave, stay 5,000 kilometers away. No one is allowed to come closer."

The Soul Formation cultivators of Xue Yue all backed up. Their arrival was fierce, but they had to leave like this. The stark difference caused many of them to feel bitterness in their hearts and deep fear toward Wang Lin.

Just the power of one word was enough to match a Soul Transformation cultivator.

Wang Lin took one step forward and jumped toward Li Yuanfeng with a punch. The punch hadn't even arrived but the sonic booms could be heard.

"Li Yuanfeng, let us settle the matter from two years ago!" As Wang Lin shouted, he suddenly arrived before Li Yuanfeng and his punch landed.

Li Yuanfeng's expression was gloomy as he quickly backed up. His right hand slapped his bag of holding and a small, black drum appeared. As soon as it came out, the drum began to let out a beat.

This song was very strange; it didn't sound like a drum beating but instead like a heart beating.

As the sound echoed, Wang Lin felt his heartbeat being affected by this sound. His expression remained calm as he finished the punch.

Li Yuanfeng's expression changed. The beating of the drum became even louder and faster.

Wang Lin let out a roar. The mysterious power affecting his heartbeat immediately shattered and his fist landed on the small drum.


Li Yuanfeng backed up once more. The small drum turned to dust and disappeared.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he closed in once more.

As Wang Lin closed in, he coldly said, "Li Yuanfeng, is this the power of a Soul Transformation cultivator?"

Li Yuanfeng looked at Wang Lin as he backed up and let out a roar. Both of his hands formed a seal and pressed it on his chest. He suddenly spat out a ray of golden light.

The golden light quickly turned into a 1,000-foot-tall ice giant and then Li Yuanfeng disappeared into the ice giant.

The ice giant let out a roar that quickly spread everywhere.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious. This ice giant looked almost exactly the same as the one Red Butterfly used but smaller.

It took a step forward as it roared and charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light. The body of the ancient god had only lost to the heaven's messenger. He let out a laugh as he charged toward the ice giant.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of collisions occurred between Wang Lin's fists and the ice giant. The ground shattered as the two continued their battle and the cracks in the sky increased until it looked like it was about to fall down.

Wang Lin's eyes became even colder with every punch. A three-star ancient god already possessed unimaginable strength, so he didn't even feel any pain; each punch only made his hands feel a bit itchy.

Every punch would cause small cracks to appear on the ice giant, and after every punch, it would let out an angry roar as it took a step back.

"Li Yuanfeng, today you will die!" Wang Lin threw a punch.


Li Yuanfeng backed up once more. Even more cracks appeared on the ice giant.

"Break!" Wang Lin let out a roar and then he suddenly charged out and slammed into the chest of the ice giant.

A series of cracking sounds came from the ice giant. Pieces of ice fell until its entire body collapsed. Li Yuanfeng coughed out a mouthful of blood as he flew out. His eyes were bloodshot as he shouted, "Ceng Niu, if it wasn't for the fact that my injuries haven't healed yet, how could I let you humiliate me so!? Forget it. I'll risk my cultivation level dropping to kill you today!"

Aside from their domains, Soul Transformation cultivators can also use celestial spiritual energy.

Li Yuanfeng's eyes were gloomy. His hands formed seals and then a mysterious power surrounded him as tea leaves appeared around him.

These tea leaves all looked to be of top quality and an exotic aroma began to spread from them.

"Domain taking physical form…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. When he was hit by Li Yuanfeng's tea mark before, he had an idea. Soul Transformation cultivators should be able to make their domains take physical form rather than remain non-corporeal.

At this moment, with Li Yuanfeng's domain attack, Wang Lin got the answer to his question.

In reality, aside from getting revenge, the battle with Li Yuanfeng was also Wang Lin getting himself ready for the Soul Transformation stage.

After reaching his current cultivation level, comprehending the heavens was one way to break through, but fighting a Soul Transformation cultivator was another way to comprehend his domain.

There was one more reason though, which was to look for that broken arm that called itself Situ Nan.

Staring at the tea leaves around Li Yuanfeng's body, Wang Lin took a deep breath and his origin soul spread from his body to communicate with the heavens and earth. The space had already been sealed by Li Yuanfeng, but rifts opened in space as if there was a pair of invisible hands tearing the sky open and then a mass of grey gas came out from the rifts.

More and more grey gas gathered and then a giant scroll that covered most of the sky suddenly appeared.

Life and death reincarnation scroll!

"Now that my original body and avatar have fused, will my domain also have changed…" Wang Lin thought about the image that appeared behind his original body when he fought against the heaven's messenger.

His heart skipped a beat, then the three stars quickly appeared on his forehead and began to spin. Soon, a giant figure slowly appeared behind his body.

This figure's head pierced into the sky and its foot was on the ground. The moment the figure appeared, its hand reached out and grabbed the scroll.

This bizarre scene caused Li Yuanfeng to stare at the sky dumbfoundedly. He was unable for speak for a long time. Although he knew that Ceng Niu's domain was life and death, now that he suddenly saw this figure, his heart began to tremble.

"What… what domain is this!?!"

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He didn't think that his avatar's domain and the ancient god's image could work together like this. He pointed at Li Yuanfeng.

The giant figure shook the scroll, causing a large amount of grey gas to appear. The gas transformed into an illusionary figure similar to the heaven's messenger. It was made up completely of the grey gas. The figure charged toward Li Yuanfeng.

A sense of danger like when he was chased by Sun Tai's lightning appeared in his heart. He didn't hesitate to shout, "Tea domain!"

At this moment, the tea leaves around him suddenly grew and turned into tea flowers. The mysterious aroma became even stronger.

The illusionary figure quickly arrived and collided with the tea flowers. The figure quickly disappeared, but the tea flowers also collapsed.

This collapse happened in an instant. All of the tea flowers disappeared so quickly that it was like they had never existed. The domain aura that covered the area also disappeared.

At the same time, Wang Lin felt his origin soul become weak as if some kind of power had been pulled out of him. The life and death reincarnation scroll disappeared and the figure also slowly dissipated.

Li Yuanfeng's face was pale. His body trembled as he coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

"You are not at the late stage of Soul Formation… your domain has already reached the Soul Transformation stage…" Li Yuanfeng's face showed his pain as he stared at Wang Lin, but his eyes were filled with madness.

"Celestial spiritual energy!" Li Yuanfeng decided to ignore the injuries in his body and use celestial spiritual energy. A small piece of celestial jade appeared in his hand and then the celestial spiritual energy in his body began to move.

To be able to absorb and use celestial spiritual energy, this was the standard for a Soul Transformation cultivator.

At this moment, as a result of Li Yuanfeng using all of the celestial spiritual energy in his body, a powerful pressure appeared from him.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. He slapped his bag of holding and the soul flag appeared. With a shake of the soul flag, countless souls came out, forming a mass of black gas around him.

At the same time, the restriction flag also appeared. With a wave, countless restrictions flew out. Looking from a distance, Wang Lin was covered by a swirl of black gas like a storm.

Li Yuanfeng stared at Wang Lin and let out a grin. His hand formed a seal and then countless balls of ice appeared. This was the most common technique in Xue Yue; almost everyone knew it.

But these balls of ice contained the power to destroy the heavens and earth.

"Ceng Niu, accept death!" Li Yuanfeng shouted, as he pushed his hands forward. At this moment, all of the balls of ice trembled and shot toward Wang Lin.

The souls and restrictions weren't able to slow the balls of ice at all. The moment they touched the balls of ice, they disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He could feel celestial spiritual energy inside each of those balls of ice, only there wasn't a lot in them.

"Let's see how strong these balls of ice that contain a hint of celestial spiritual energy are!" He charged out of the mass of black gas and punched a ball of ice.

Boom boom boom!

An earth-shattering sound that all of Xue Yue and the surrounding countries heard spread out. The entire land of Xue Yue began to shatter and the thick layer of snow began to collapse.

Wang Lin's body quickly backed up. His right fist was slightly trembling. Layers of ice appeared on his fist but quickly disappeared.

"If I can reach the Soul Transformation stage and control celestial spiritual energy, the soul flag and restriction flag will be countless times stronger when celestial spiritual energy is infused into them."

"Also, the celestial sword; if celestial energy is infused into it, it will become much more powerful than before!" At this moment, Wang Lin couldn't wait to reach the Soul Transformation stage. His eyes sparkled brightly.

"Ceng Niu, die for me!" Li Yuanfeng's eyes were bloodshot, his veins were bulging, and his expression was fierce. However, his body was trembling. This was the sign of him overusing celestial spiritual energy.

After all, he didn't reach the Soul Transformation stage normally; he reached it by force. The amount of celestial spiritual energy he could use was very small.

Chapter 395 - The most talented person on planet Suzaku

The moment Wang Lin backed up, the remaining balls of ice flew toward him and smashed into him.

Bang! Bang!

The balls of ice kept on coming at him and he continued to throw out punches, but there were simply too many balls of ices, and the power of the collisions added up to create a powerful boom.

Countless more cracks appeared on Xue Yue's earth at this moment.

Li Yuanfeng's expression was fierce as he shouted, "Ceng Niu, die!"

Wang Lin's body smashed into the ground like a meteor from the balls of ice colliding with him, creating a giant crater in the ground.

A sliver of green gas came from the crater but was immediately blown away by the wind.

However, not only did Li Yuanfeng's expression not relax, it became even darker.

"Soul Transformation cultivators' techniques are indeed mysterious, but the amount of celestial spiritual energy inside your balls of ice is simply too little!" A cold voice came from the crater as Wang Lin's figure slowly rose up.

His clothes were somewhat damaged, but his eyes were bright.

Li Yuanfeng's expression was ugly as he looked at Wang Lin. He clenched his teeth and slapped his bag of holding. He took out a pair of bronze bells. Then he spat out a mouthful of blood onto the bronze bells.

The moment Wang Lin saw that pair of bronze bells, he immediately recognize them as the treasure that created the figure that called itself Situ Nan. His eyes immediately lit up.

Li Yuanfeng's hand formed a seal and he shouted, "Seal!"

The two bronze bells immediately grew. The symbols on them flashed as the blood Li Yuanfeng coughed onto them was quickly absorbed. The two bells suddenly cracked into pieces and two withered arms appeared.

Thick, black fog came out from the two arms. The fog, which contained thick yin energy, quickly spread.

Li Yuanfeng's expression was fierce and his eyes contained a hint of madness. These two bells were his final aces. He had been using his origin soul to refine them for many years and could control them like his own body.

"Unseal!" As Li Yuanfeng shouted, he pointed at Wang Lin. The black fog around the two arms began to move violently and soon transformed into two figures.

The two figures had no clear faces. As soon as they appeared, they charged toward Wang Lin. However, before they had even arrived, a chilling aura could be felt.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he let out a cold snort. Before, he was only at the mid stage of Soul Formation and hadn't fused with his original body yet, so he wasn't a match for the black figure. However, now he wasn't afraid at all as he charged forth and swung both of his fists.

Bang! Bang!

After two loud bangs, the two black figures let out miserable groans. The powerful force blew away all the black fog, revealing the two severed arms.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. His hand formed a seal and pointed at the arms. A ray of spiritual energy quickly shot out and surrounded the two severed arms.

Wang Lin shouted, "Seal!"

The spiritual energy quickly turned into chains and locked the two arms up. The two arms began to struggle and Wang Lin quickly controlled the soul flag and restriction flag next to the two arms.

Wang Lin once again shouted, "Seal!"

The two flags shook, creating a black and purple fog that completely surrounded the two arms.

At the same time, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and two bells appeared. They quickly became large and trapped the two arms.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Li Yuanfeng's face turned pale. He turned around to escape without any hesitation.

How could Wang Lin let him escape? Using the speed of the body of an ancient god, Wang Lin quickly arrived next to Li Yuanfeng and threw a punch.


Li Yuanfeng coughed out blood and his body was thrown back like a meteor.

Wang Lin took another step and appeared above Li Yuanfeng. He let out a roar as he threw another punch. This time, Li Yuanfeng's body flew straight down and smashed into the ground.

A giant crater 1,000 feet in diameter was created!

Blood was coming out from Li Yuanfeng's mouth and his vision was hazy, but there was still a trace of malice in him.

"Even if I die, I'll drag you down with me!" Li Yuanfeng let out a roar. His eyes were bloodshot and a powerful destructive force appeared from him.

Wang Lin didn't panic at all but calmly said, "Self destruction of a Soul Transformation cultivator. Li Yuanfeng, I can just tear open space and leave, but the entire country of Xue Yue will have to die with you. The one who you will take to the grave with you won't me but the entire country of Xue Yue."

With that, his right hand reached out and a spatial rift appeared. Waves of destructive wind flew out from the rift, but they had no effect on Wang Lin.

Li Yuanfeng began to struggle. Although he was very stubborn, he was born in Xue Yue, so he had very deep emotional attachment to his country.

After a short while, he let out a bitter smile. It was uncertain whether he could hurt Ceng Niu or not, but Xue Yue would definitely disappear from the planet.

His eyes became serious. He looked at Wang Lin, took a deep breath, and said, "This old man admits defeat, but the country of Xue Yue had nothing to do with this. If you're willing to let them go, this old man will let you let you punish me as you see fit."

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he pointed at Li Yuanfeng. He activated the soul extracting technique and a ray of spiritual energy landed between Li Yuanfeng's eyebrows.

Li Yuanfeng didn't resist and instead let out a soft sigh. He looked around at the familiar surroundings and then closed his eyes.

Wang Lin softly said, "Soul extracting!"

Li Yuanfeng's body suddenly began to shrink rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he became a bag of bones.

A purple and golden ball of light flew out from between his eyebrows.

"Soul Transformation soul fragment!" Wang Lin's eyes became serious as his hand reached out. He immediately caught the soul fragment, sealed it, and put it away inside his bag.

The leader of a generation, Li Yuanfeng, died just like this!

Wang Lin pondered a bit before looking at the two arms trapped by the two bells before putting them away.

Then he flew into the sky.

All of those Soul Formation cultivators saw the battle earlier through their divine senses. They saw Li Yuanfeng die and an wave of anger appeared in their hearts.

As Wang Lin floated in the sky, his divine sense swept across Xue Yue and sent out a message.

"From today onward, no Soul Formation and above cultivators are allowed to exist in Xue Yue, and no cultivation sects are allowed to exist here either, or else I'll come again!"

The domain in Wang Lin's origin soul activated again and the life and death reincarnation scroll appeared in the sky once more. More than ten rays of grey gas shot out and entered the bodies of every single Soul Formation cultivator in Xue Yue.


With just one word, all of Soul Formation cultivators had their cultivations sealed like how Li Yuanfeng sealed Wang Lin's cultivation.

Two marks were left on the foreheads of those cultivators. One mark was light and other was dark. They represented life and death.

Their cultivation levels plummeted.

After finishing all of this, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the mosquito beast appeared. The mosquito beast carried Wang Lin into the distance.

After this battle, the news of Ceng Niu's reappearance quickly spread. His position as the strongest under the Soul Transformation stage had solidified and some even believed that he had reached the Soul Transformation stage.

No one doubted Ceng Niu's power for he had defeated Soul Transformation cultivator Li Yuanfeng, sealed all of Soul Formation cultivators in Xue Yue, and forcibly made a rank 5 cultivation country drop two ranks to become a rank 3.

These things caused everyone who heard it to become shocked and pale.

At this moment, in the alley of a small village in a rank 3 cultivation country sat an old man. Before him was a small tub with some bronze coins scattered inside it. This old man was very dirty and messy and his hair covered his face.

Beside him, someone respectfully stood there. This person's face was very wide and his ears were large. If Wang Lin were present, he would recognize this man.

"This Ceng Niu sure is strong to kill a Soul Transformation cultivator. Not simple at all; this old man really had good eyes back then, haha!" The old man rubbed his chin and looked at the man beside him and said, "Ceng Niu helped you turn Xue Yue into a rank 3 cultivation country, so you should help him too. Take my straw hat and go fight with Liu Mei. Even though you are no match for her, you will still be able escape. Check what stage her Thousand Emotion Ruthless domain has reached."

The large-eared person respectfully agreed. He looked toward Xue Yue and revealed a look of reminiscence and melancholy.

After this person left, the old man stood up and put away the bronze coins. Then muttered to himself, "There are still 12 more years. Zhuque Zi, back then we agreed that whoever lost would punish themselves for 1,000 years. In 12 years, my self-punishment will be over!"

He took a deep breath and disappeared.

"This is really a headache; of the four people I chose, this Zi Xin is the most troublesome. Why did she have to go mess with Ceng Niu and get thrown into a spatial rift?! If it wasn't for the fact that she was going to be the crack in Qian Feng's Dao heart, this old man wouldn't want to waste the time to rescue her!"

"Qian Feng… Qian Feng… ah, this boy is the most talented person this old man has seen in his life. Even Red Butterfly's talent is below his."

"News of Ceng Niu's battle with Li Yuanfeng has spread across planet Suzaku. To force a rank 5 cultivation country into becoming a rank 3 is a big deal. Almost every cultivator on the planet knows about this."

At this moment, in the back mountain of Mount Suzaku, Qian Feng crushed the sound transmission jade in his hand. His eyes lit up, and after a while he muttered, "Ceng Niu … killing Li Yuanfeng is nothing. He is but a piece of trash who reached the Soul Transformation stage by force. If you can kill the Giant Demon Clan's ancestor, you will barely qualify as my opponent…"

Behind him, Red Butterfly quietly stood there, her eyes devoid of any life.

Qian Feng turned around and looked at Red Butterfly with an evil smile. "Heartless, do you want to fight Ceng Niu again? That was your soul's greatest wish before it disappeared."

Chapter 396 - One billion soul soul flag

As the news of Ceng Niu's battle with Li Yuanfeng spread across the planet, Ceng Niu disappeared once more.

After Wang Lin left Xue Yue, he immediately found an isolated place before bringing the two arms into the heaven defying bead.

He stood before Situ Nan's giant soul. When he arrived, he released the seal on the two arms.

The moment he unsealed them, the two arms mysteriously floated around Situ Nan's soul.

Wang Lin looked at what was happening with a serious expression. He had guessed that these were Situ Nan's arms and now he was even more sure.

For the first time in hundreds of years, Situ Nan's soul trembled. Then a bright light immediately appeared and surrounded the two severed arms.

The severed arms slowly moved toward his soul and eventually disappeared into it.

Wang Lin could clearly feel Situ Nan's soul recovering at a very fast pace. From its half-transparent state, it was gradually becoming solid.

Shortly after, the light from the soul disappeared. At this moment, Situ Nan's soul became solid once more, but he still hadn't awakened yet.

"Back then, Situ Nan told me that only after I reach the Soul Transformation stage will I be able to help him reawaken. He was very vague about it. I'm afraid it has something to do with celestial spiritual energy." Wang pondered a bit while looking at Situ Nan's soul before looking at his parents' soul.

He had stared at them for a very long time before he bitterly said, "Mom, dad, your son is supposed to send you both off back into the reincarnation cycle, but I can't let go…"

After a very long time, Wang Lin let out a sigh and left the heaven defying bead.

"Those severed arms were indeed parts of Situ Nan's body. I wonder if there are any more pieces of his body still remaining." Wang Lin looked into the distance as he walked out from the heaven defying bead. That was where the Giant Demon Clan was located.

"I have already checked Li Yuanfeng's soul. He only obtained the two severed arms by accident and has no idea where they came from." Wang Lin shook his head, then he took a step and disappeared.

"I must take back the celestial sword from the Giant Demon Clan ancestor! Back then, Sun Tai fought against the Giant Demon Clan ancestor, but in the end, the Giant Demon Clan ancestor won by using his bloodline power. However, he was then hunted by Sun Tai's corpse puppet, so whether he's alive or dead is unknown."

"Even if he didn't die, he will still need to posses a new body. The time it takes for someone to get used to their new body could be long or short. I wonder if he has fully adapted to his new body…" With one step, Wang Lin appeared outside an ancient transfer array.

"The Giant Demon Clan ancestor is different from Li Yuanfeng. Li Yuanfeng reached the Soul Transformation stage by force, but the Giant Demon Clan ancestor reached it through his own cultivation. Also, the Giant Demon Clan's fighting style is similar to an ancient god's. Maybe their ancestor had some relation to the ancient gods."

"As a result, I'm not confident in my fight against him!"

Wang Lin slightly frowned and stopped before entering the transfer array. One of the destinations on the transfer array was the Giant Demon Clan.

Wang Lin's expression was very unsettled as he began to think.

"These aren't even the most important things. The most important thing is the bloodline power he has that even the mid stage Soul Transformation Sun Tai dreaded. In the end, even Sun Tai was sucked into the vortex. As a result, my confidence in winning is even lower."

"To battle or not to battle?!" For one of the first few times in Wang Lin's life, he began to hesitate.

"If I battle, the outcome is uncertain!"

"Not battling would mean missing the best chance to kill this person. If I wait until he finishes his possession, I don't know how long I'll have to wait until I can kill him. The reason he wants to kill me must be because of the Giant Demon Clan member who saw the heaven defying bead all those years ago."

Wang Lin has lived for 500 years; even the dumbest person would become like a fox, and he wasn't dumb. These 500 years have given him the experience to see through many things.

After combining various clues, he had already seen through everything when he awakened two years ago.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he stepped into the ancient transfer array. He placed a celestial jade into the formation and suddenly a map with ten shining dots appeared.

Wang Lin touched one of the dots with his right hand. The map disappeared and the transfer array opened.

As the array grew brighter and brighter, Wang Lin's figure slowly disappeared.

An ancient transfer array in the country of Pilu flashed and a figure walked out.

The figure didn't stop but directly charged toward the Soul Refining Sect.

At night, the three mountains of the Soul Refining Sect looked like three sharp swords pointing at the sky.

Wang Lin's figure appeared outside the Soul Refining Sect. He passed through the defense formation and flew toward the nine golden rings.

The nine golden rings shined and then a middle-aged man appeared. When he saw Wang Lin, he revealed a complex expression before letting out a sigh and saying, "I, Ouyang Tian, greet junior sect master."

"Junior sect master…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He realized that Du Tian must have told these Soul Formation cultivators what they had talked about.

Wang Lin clasped his hands and said, "Fellow cultivator Ouyang, I want to greet the ancestor."

Ouyang Tian shook his head and said, "Ancestor has already gone into closed door cultivation, so unless it's a very urgent matter, he is not to be disturbed. However, the ancestor already guessed that you would come, so he prepared two things for me to give you."

With that, his expression became even more complex as he threw out a bag of holding.

Wang Lin calmly caught the bag of holding. After scanning it, his expression immediately became strange.

Ouyang Tian bitterly smiled. "Junior sect master is the next successor appointed by ancestor Du Tian himself. I have been in the Soul Refining Sect for 700 years and have never seen the ancestor give this to anyone even though it isn't even the main flag but an illusionary sub flag."

Earlier, he was called by ancestor Du Tian and was told to give Wang Lin this bag once Wang Lin arrived. He was curious and checked what was in the bag. What he found was shocking. If it wasn't for his undying loyalty toward the Soul Refining Sect and his respect to ancestor Du Tian, he would have been consumed by greed.

There were only two things inside the bag.

A piece of jade and a soul flag.

Wang Lin took out the jade and scanned it. After a while, he took a deep breath and bowed toward the blood ring while saying, "Thank you!" Although it was soft, he remembered this in his heart.

With that, he nodded toward Ouyang Tian and disappeared.

Ouyang Tian's expression became even more complex. He shook his head as he let out a sigh and returned to his golden ring.

"The Giant Demon Clan's bloodline power is very strong, but the Giant Demon Clan ancestor has just reached the Soul Transformation stage, so he can't use it to its full extent. He can only use it to teleport someone into the void outside of Suzaku." Wang Lin didn't leave the Soul Refining Sect but sat on top of the Soul Refining Mountain, his eyes sparking.

Inside the jade, Du Tian had recorded a very detailed description of the Giant Demon Clan's bloodline power.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He touched the bag of holding Du Tian had left him and then a purple and golden light flew out.

This purple and golden light was very bright. It immediately turned into a 30-foot-tall flag that moved without any wind.

At the same time, waves of ghostly wails seemed to come out from the flag and the sky darkened even more. Even the moon seemed to be hiding behind the clouds as if it were too scared to come out.

Several purple and golden lights could be seen inside the flag. It was as if they were going to come out and devour the heavens and the earth.

"One-billion-soul soul flag!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and stared at this flag.

This was the second object ancestor Du Tian had placed in the bag and what caused Ouyang Tian's expression to be so complex. Wang Lin came back this time to borrow a treasure from ancestor Du Tian so he could kill the Giant Demon Clan ancestor.

However, this flag wasn't the real flag; the real flag was beside Du Tian during his closed door cultivation.

The flag before him was a sub flag created from the main flag. It contained ? of the power of the real flag and could only be used twice. After two uses, it will disappear.

Even so, this sub flag was priceless. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he grabbed the flag. The moment he touched it, his origin soul shook and extended from his body into the soul flag. Then the feeling of having entered a hell for cultivators appeared.

He could see a sea of souls crashing toward him and drowning him.

Waves of screams and painful sounds crashed toward Wang Lin like waves of powerful attacks. He suddenly felt like he was being hit by a billion soul fragments.

Even with his powerful body, he felt like he was about to shatter under this force. What shocked him the most was that his origin soul showed signs of collapsing.

He wasn't even able to resist one attack!

The right hand holding the flag trembled. Wang Lin's eyes sparkled and he quickly regained his focus to activate the soul sealing technique Du Tian gave him.

The one-billion-soul soul flag was the number one treasure of the Soul Refining Sect. Even on the entire planet, this treasure could be considered one of the top treasures.

This treasure was like the war chariot and the celestial sword; it required its own unique method that was inherited from previous generations to control.

The method to controlling this soul flag was the soul sealing method. As of now, including Wang Lin, only two people knew the soul sealing technique.

This was different from the war chariot. Although he had the technique to control it, Wang Lin was too weak to use it properly, so the power wasn't as strong as it should be.

However, this soul flag wasn't the same. Although there was a cultivation level requirement, it wasn't as high as the war chariot's. With his original body and avatar fused, Wang Lin's current cultivation level was enough to use this flag.

The soul sealing technique activated in his body and his origin soul inside the soul flag suddenly began to glow. All of the soul fragments that were charging toward him let out painful screams.

Among those soul fragments there were 12 purple and golden souls that flew out and surrounded Wang Lin. These souls gave off a powerful pressure.

The 12 purple and golden soul fragments bowed toward Wang Lin.

Chapter 397 - Giant Demon Clan

Wang Lin's origin soul emitted a golden light. This golden light came from activating the soul sealing technique. The 12 souls were the 12 Soul Transformation ancestors of the Soul Refining Sect that willingly gave up their souls to be sealed within the soul flag.

With the 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments in there, the power of this soul flag was already enough to shake the heavens.

In addition to those 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments, there were more than 100 Soul Formation soul fragments and countless Nascent Soul soul fragments.

As the 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments bowed, all the other soul fragments inside the flag became silent. Soul force came out from all the soul fragments in the form of black gas and gathered before Wang Lin's origin soul.

Strands of black gas gathered from all directions; even the 12 Soul Transformation soul fragments turned into stands of black gas. All of the black gas gathered to form a 30-foot-tall flag before Wang Lin's origin soul.

Everything Wang Lin saw was inside the soul flag. The flag that appeared before him was the spirit of the soul flag. If he could control this, he could truly control the one-billion-soul soul flag.

Wang Lin's origin soul reached out and grabbed the flag. He suddenly felt his body tremble and then his origin soul returned to his body.

At the top of the Soul Refining Mountain, Wang Lin opened his eyes and found that there was nothing before him, but he could sense a purple and gold flag within him being refined by his origin soul.

"Giant Demon Clan ancestor, this will be a calamity you'll have a hard time escaping from!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he disappeared from the Soul Refining Sect.

After Wang Lin left, a sigh came from the blood ring where Du Tian was doing his closed door cultivation.

Wang Lin quickly appeared at the ancient transfer array, opened it up, and disappeared from Pilu.

Giant Demon Clan.

The Giant Demon Clan's territory was very large. When they moved over from another planet, they made an agreement with the one who was Suzaku at the time and were given this land to flourish upon.

In the Giant Demon Clan, there were 12 Giant Demon Palaces. All 12 palaces looked the same and were very large.

Ever since two years ago, when the ancestor lost his body and possessed another, his whereabouts were unknown.

After all, one was at their weakest during possession. This was why the ancestor changed his closed door cultivation location three times.

On this day, Chi Hu sat inside the third palace with a piece of jade in his hand. His face was pale and filled with confusion.

"Ceng Niu killed Xue Yue's Li Yuanfeng. With my understanding of him, I think that his next target will be the ancestor… If he comes, that means he is confident… What should I do…"

"Although the ancestor is wrong, he is the hope of the Giant Demon Clan; everything he has done was for the future of the Giant Demon Clan."

"But Ceng Niu considers me a real friend… ah!"

Chi Hu bitterly shook his head. His eyes were filled with confusion.

Wang Lin appeared at the edge of the Giant Demon Clan. He wasn't in a rush to enter the Giant Demon Clan. Instead, he created a cave at the border and began to use various materials in his bag to build a formation.

The only purpose of this formation was to act as a beacon.

This was what Wang Lin came up with to deal with the Giant Demon Clan ancestor's bloodline power. Even if he were to get teleported into space, he could use this formation as a beacon to return and not be lost in space.

This was like attaching himself with a rope, so even if he gets teleported, he won't be teleported too far and will be able to find his way back.

This was formation from the jade Du Tian had left him. Wang Lin studied it and added some changes to it, making it even more intricate.

He spent three months to completely set up this formation and even placed a celestial jade as its energy source. Then he placed down countless restrictions around the area to protect it.

After finishing all of this, Wang Lin raised his head toward the Giant Demon Clan. His eyes became cold and then he disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already at the center of the Giant Demon Clan.

He spread out his divine sense and immediately covered a majority of the country.

"Giant Demon Clan ancestor, come out now!" Wang Lin's message spread through his divine sense and was immediately heard by countless Giant Demon Clan clan members.

Some of these clan members were in the middle of cultivating or sparing, but the moment they heard this, they stopped what they were doing and looked toward Wang Lin.

Chi Hu sighed and disappeared from the palace.

After Wang Lin sent out the message, he calmly stood there.

In almost the blink of an eye, countless rays of light came from all directions and stopped 1,000 feet away from him. There were males and females, old and young; all of them stared at Wang Lin with gloomy expressions.

Aside from those people, there were countless more flying over.

At this moment, an old man appeared from thin air and all the other clan members made way for him.

The old man stopped 100 feet before Wang Lin. He frowned and shouted, "Who are you?"

Wang Lin's gaze was like lightning as he stared at the old man and said, "Ceng Niu!"

The moment those two words came out, the surroundings immediately became silent. Almost all of the Giant Demon Clan clan members' eyes were filled with fear.

"Ceng Niu, it was he who won against Red Butterfly!"

"He is the Ceng Niu that killed Li Yuanfeng, caused Xue Yue to become a rank 3 cultivation country, and sealed all of Xue Yue's Soul Formation cultivators."

"The number one cultivator under the Soul Transformation stage!"

"Rumor has it that he has already reached the Soul Transformation stage or else there is no way he could've killed Li Yuanfeng."

Even the old man who had spoken took a deep breath. He looked at Ceng Niu and slowly asked, "Fellow cultivator Ceng Niu, what are you looking for my clan's ancestor for?"

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he said, "Kill!"

The old man's expression was ugly. He let out an angry laugh as he pointed at Wang Lin and said, "I have heard that you were arrogant. Now that I've met you, I can see that you are indeed so! Ceng Niu, my Giant Demon Clan isn't Xue Yue; how can we let you kill as you wish? Today, without even the need for the ancestor to come out, my Giant Demon Clan will kill you!" With that, the old man slapped his bag of holding and a black token appeared. He held the black token up and shouted, "I use my status as the elder of the Giant Demon Clan to order all clan members to use everything to kill Ceng Niu!"

The moment he said it, the token turned to dust and a mysterious power quickly spread across the entire Giant Demon Clan.

Every clan member felt the message from the mysterious power.

As the old man gave out the order, the hundred plus clan members around Wang Lin all let out roars and their bodies grew several times larger. In the blink of an eye, they had all turned into giants tens of feet tall. They all touched their foreheads and war axes appeared in their hands.

The aura they exuded was heaven-shattering!

"Kill!" The old man let out a roar as crackling sounds came from all over his body. He became a 100-foot-tall giant and swung down an axe covered by a purple light on Wang Lin.

"Kill!!!" The surrounding clan members all let out roars as they charged at Wang Lin. Their roars merged into a sound wave which also joined the charge.

The Giant Demon Clan was very different from other clans. Once an enemy is identified by an elder, they would never fight by themselves but attack in groups.

They would also no longer try to talk anymore; "kill" was the only word they would say.

An ordinary cultivator would be scared to death by these giants charging at them. Even if their expression remained calm, their heart would still tremble.

This sound contained heaven-shaking killing intent like a primal beast, but compared to Wang Lin, this was still not enough.

Wang Lin's killing intent was very scary. He had lived almost his entire life by killing and this was especially true for his original body.

His avatar had fused with his original body, so all the killing intent from his original body was here. Wang Lin's eyes became cold as all the killing intent in his body exploded forth.

"Tell me where the Giant Demon Clan ancestor is hiding, or else die!"

Aside from Chi Hu, Wang Lin had no good intent toward the rest of the Giant Demon Clan. Because he couldn't find where the Giant Demon Clan ancestor was when he spread out his divine sense, he became impatient.

As he spoke, he didn't even look at the Giant Demon Clan members charging at him but instead activated his domain. The sky above the Giant Demon Clan darkened.

A mysterious power surrounded the heavens and earth. The life and death reincarnation scroll appeared in the sky along with the ancient god's figure.

The ancient god in the sky held the life and death scroll. At this moment, this was the only thing in the sky.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he revealed a ruthless expression and calmly said, "Seal!"

Countless strands of grey gas suddenly came out from the scroll and landed on the bodies of the Giant Demon Clan members who were charging at Wang Lin.

The old man's expression changed greatly. He clenched teeth and didn't back down as he swung down the axe. Wang Lin glanced at the old man and softly said, "Scram!"

With just the power of one word, the old man's body trembled and his origin soul became unstable; however, he let out a roar and used some unknown technique to recover and continue swinging down the axe.

Surprised, Wang Lin quickly threw out a punch.


The old man coughed out blood and was knocked back several feet before colliding with another clan member. That member also coughed out blood and together they were knocked back over 100 feet before they finally stopped.

At this moment, two strands of grey gas caught up to the two of them and entered their bodies.

"Ceng Niu, stop!" At this moment, a voice filled with pain came from the distance.

Wang Lin raised his head and the coldness on his face lessened.

"Chi Hu."

Chapter 398 - Chi Hu's choice

Chi Hu's figure moved like lightning and arrived almost immediately after he heard those words. He looked at his surrounding clan members who each had a light and dark mark on their foreheads.

Chi Hu could only detect very faint spiritual energy fluctuations. It was clear that their cultivations had already been sealed.

These more than 100 clan members all displayed very ugly expressions with shock mixed in. Although they had already heard of this, to experience it themselves made them feel very bitter.

Chi Hu looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and loudly asked, "Ceng Niu, do you consider me, Chi Hu, your friend?"

Wang Lin looked at Chi Hu and nodded. "I don't have many friends in my life, but you, Chi Hu, can be considered one!"

Chi Hu stared at Wang Lin and said, word for word, "Ceng Niu, if you consider I, Chi Hu, your friend, then immediately leave the Giant Demon Clan!"

Wang Lin pondered a bit. After a while, he slowly said, "Chi Hu, do you know why I haven't killed a single person in the Giant Demon Clan yet? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have spared them."

As the two spoke, even more Giant Demon Clan members arrived and surrounded them. They created an oppressive aura that slowly closed in.

Chi Hu's heart felt bitter. He revealed a strained expression and said, "Ceng Niu, you…"

Wang Lin looked at Chi Hu and gently sighed. "Chi Hu, tell me where the Giant Demon Clan ancestor is and I'll go find him. As for the other Giant Demon Clan members, I won't hurt them"

"So bold!"


Countless curses came from the surrounding Giant Demon Clan members, then three old men wearing purple and with axes flashing on their foreheads walked out.

When the three of them appeared, a powerful spiritual pressure came with them.

Wang Lin glanced at them. All three of them were at the peak of the late stage of Soul Formation. They also had traces of celestial spiritual energy inside them. They were clearly on the edge of breaking through to the Soul Transformation stage.

One of the purple-robed elders gloomily said, "Ceng Niu, I'm the head elder of the Giant Demon Clan. I challenge you to a duel!"

Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He looked at the elder and said, "You are not worthy!" With that, he turned back to Chi Hu for his reply.

The old man's face changed from green to red as he stared at Wang Lin. After letting out a laugh, his eyes became cold and he stepped forward. A giant axe appeared in his hand and he charged toward Wang Lin with a roar.

Members of the Giant Demon Clan rarely used any spells or techniques; they mostly used their powerful bodies to attack.

Wang Lin glanced at that old man. He formed a fist with his right hand and threw a punch.


With a loud bang, the old man was forced back several feet and his face paled as he revealed a look of disbelief. The other purple-robed elders' expressions changed greatly as they secretly cursed.

Wang Lin didn't even move. He looked at the old man and said, "You are still not worthy!"

Chi Hu bitterly said, "I don't know where the ancestor is. Ceng Niu, stay your hand; my Giant Demon Clan is not your enemy."

Wang Lin pondered. After a long time, he looked into the sky and then pointed at Chi Hu. "Chi Hu, tell your ancestor to return my flying sword and I'll leave immediately!"

Chi Hu secretly sighed. He looked at Wang Lin as he struggled to make a choice in his heart. Shortly after, he depressingly said, "No one knows where the ancestor is, but once we open the Heaven Passage formation, we can contact the ancestor. Ceng Niu, once you have the celestial sword, you should quickly leave."

Wang Lin looked at Chi Hu and slowly nodded.

The three purple-robed elders remained silent. They were the three strongest members of the clan aside from the ancestor. If they couldn't resist against Wang Lin, there was no need to talk about the other clan members.

Especially after they saw that more than 100 clan members were sealed, their hearts immediately darkened.

Chi Hu turned around to look at the three elders with a complex expression in his eyes and said, "Three elders, please open the Giant Demon Clan's Heaven Passage formation. I order it as the junior sect master!"

The three purple-robed elders looked at each other and quickly nodded. Without any hesitation, they slapped their foreheads and a purple axe appeared in each of their hands.

"Open the western Giant Demon Palaces!" one of the elders shouted. He threw the axe in his hand into the air and shot out rays of spiritual energy.

The ground of the Giant Demon Clan suddenly began to shake and a black pillar of light that pierced through the sky appeared in the western part of the Giant Demon Clan.

A powerful wave of spiritual energy began to spread from it.

At the same time, a black pillar of light appeared in the east.

This didn't end just yet. After the two pillars of black light appeared, a third one soon followed. The ground shook even more and countless cracks spread all over the ground.

Ripples of spiritual energy spread out from each of the three pillars.

"Open the southern Giant Demon Palaces!"

"Open the northern Giant Demon Palaces!"

The other two purple-robed elders shouted almost at the same time as the first and threw their axes into the air as well.

The north and south suddenly began to rumble as a total of six more black pillars appeared. At this moment, a mysterious sound began to echo in all directions.

Chi Hu looked at Wang Lin. He clenched his teeth and said, "Open the eastern Giant Demon Palaces!"

The moment he said that, rumblings could be heard from the east and three black pillars appeared.

If someone were to look from above, the entire Giant Demon Clan was completely covered by the black light from the 12 pillars. With three pillars in each direction, it seemed to form a heavenly prison.

At this moment, as the 12 pillars rose into the sky, all of the clan members around Wang Lin sat down cross-legged and began to mutter.

Their voices fused together in a very strange way and like an endless curse, it began to spread.

At this moment, the Giant Demon Clan members who hadn't arrived yet, whether they were at the Qi Condensation stage or the Soul Formation stage, all stopped and began to echo this strange song.

The song seemed to be the only sound left in this world.

The 12 black pillars emitted a black light, and in reaction to this strange song, the black light became even stronger.

Wang Lin revealed a hint of sadness in his eyes. He saw the struggle in Chi Hu's eyes. However, he had very few relations with anyone and really considered Chi Hu his friend.

In a 5,000 kilometer radius, he and Chi Hu were the only ones standing. Everyone else was sitting down cross-legged while singing that strange song.

Chi Hu looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and bitterly said, "Ceng Niu, I let you down! However, the ancestor is the hope of my Giant Demon Clan, and as the junior sect master, this is my duty… Even with the ancestor's body, he can't withstand eight blows from the Heaven Passage formation. Your body isn't as strong as the bodies of my Giant Demon Clan's members, so there is no chance of survival…"

He raised his right hand and pointed at Wang Lin.

The strange song that surrounded the entire Giant Demon Clan suddenly became even louder and more intense. The 12 black pillars suddenly trembled and started moving very quickly toward Wang Lin, who was at the center.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He looked at Chi Hu and blandly said, "Chi Hu, for what happened at the Celestial Realm, you owed me, and from two years ago, I owe you. Consider the two matters even!"

Chi Hu's eyes darkened. "Even… that is indeed correct, we are even."

Wang Lin raised his head to look at the 12 black pillars coming from all directions and laughed. "Chi Hu, do you really think this Heaven Passage formation can kill me? Break for me!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He suddenly appeared before one of the black pillars and threw a punch.


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The black pillar suddenly shattered, creating a powerful force. Wang Lin's body was pushed back several feet and his right fist started bleeding.

"The first pillar!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. During the fight with Li Yuanfeng, he wasn't able to use the full power of a three-star ancient god's body. At this moment, his eyes were filled with battle intent. He licked the blood from his right fist and charged toward the next pillar.

With a bang, the second pillar suddenly collapsed. Wang Lin laughed and said, "The second pillar!"

His figure moved once more and appeared next to another pillar. The sky was currently filled with countless cracks due to the black pillars. It was reaching its limit before shattering.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wang Lin began to laugh like mad. He moved again and and shattered another pillar. Every time he shattered a pillar, his fist would bleed and he would lick away the blood. The current Wang Lin was very fierce. As he laughed, he shouted, "The eighth pillar!"

His clothes were in pieces, revealing his well-toned upper body filled with tiny cracks. The three stars on his forehead spun rapidly, not allowing anyone to see exactly what was there.

The song from the Giant Demon Clan became even louder and stranger. Their bodies were no longer unmoving but waving back and forth in a pattern.

Chi Hu revealed a look of disbelief. In the Giant Demon Clan, no one but the ancestor could withstand eight pillars, and that was the ancestor's limit.

Of course, this was when he was only using his body. If the ancestor were to use spells, he could withstand all 12 pillars but would be injured.

Wang Lin let out a roar and moved like lightning as he threw out more punches. He shattered three of pillars in a row. The current Wang Lin was like a primal demon god.

"The last pillar. Chi Hu, look carefully!" As Wang Lin's voice echoed in the heavens, the last pillar arrived.

This time Wang Lin didn't punch, but with a roar, his body suddenly grew into a giant more than 100 feet tall.


The black pillar hit Wang Lin's chest and shattered. Wang Lin was forced back three steps, but he wasn't injured at all. He let out a roar and the Heaven Passage formation shattered.

This was a real display of the peak power of a three-star ancient god!

"Chi Hu, things are even between us. Giant Demon Clan, seal!" Wang Lin's giant finger pointed at the sky and countless strands of grey gas appeared and entered the bodies of all the Giant Demon Clan members.

"From today onward, there will be no Nascent Soul or above cultivators! If anyone wants to break through past the Core Formation stage, they must have my approval! This is your punishment!" Wang Lin's eyes were cold. At this moment, his word was like the heavens' law that would decide the fate of the Giant Demon Clan.

The fusion of the avatar and the original body, the fusion of a late stage Soul Formation cultivator and a three-star ancient god; they created a very powerful Wang Lin.

Unless a Soul Transformation cultivator used celestial spiritual energy, no one on the planet had a body that could match the strength of his body.

This was an ancient god! A three-star ancient god!

Wang Lin already considered all of this. If he were to keep on hiding his strength like before, it would only invite trouble from more people. He might as well use killing Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor as examples to show the entire planet and especially Zhuque Zhi that he was not a pawn!

After going to the country of Suzaku, Wang Lin felt a depressing feeling shrouding him. This was caused by the country of Suzaku and Mount Suzaku. Liu Mei's appearance was like a corner of the fog being lifted, allowing Wang Lin to confirm that he was trapped in a conspiracy.

With Wang Lin's personality, how could he allow others to push him about? This was why he didn't hesitate to show his full strength.

He didn't want to become a pawn. Even if he was a pawn, he would be a pawn covered in thorns, causing anyone who touched him to bleed.

Even if the matter of him being an ancient god was exposed, he had a way out. The ancient gods had already been extinct for countless years and were legends from ancient times. Even if Zhuque Zhi saw Wang Lin, he wouldn't even be able to confirm if Wang Lin really was an ancient god.

After all, there were people who focused on refining their bodies; the Giant Demon Clan was a whole group of these people.

Wang Lin already considered all of this. He didn't plan on staying on Suzaku for long; he planned to leave and go to planet Tian Yun once he obtains the one-billion-soul soul flag!

"Giant Demon Clan Ancestor, come out now!" Wang Lin floated in the air as he shouted. His voice spread across the entire Giant Demon Clan.

Chi Hu let out a wry smile as his body slumped over and fell down. Wang Lin didn't kill him, but as the person in control of the formation, he suffered the backlash and sustained heavy injuries when it was destroyed.

Wang Lin's voice spread across the entire Giant Demon Clan. At this moment, no one dared to stand up and resist this shout. The only person who had the power to resist was the Giant Demon Clan ancestor who remained hidden!

At this moment, at the boarder of the Giant Demon Clan, a woman wearing purple stood there, looking toward Wang Lin. She was very beautiful. Her eyes were filled with a mysterious light as she muttered to herself, "So this is your true strength… Wang Lin… It looks like even master underestimated you…"