

Chapter 206 - Divine Retribution

Wang Lin's expression remained the same, but it caught his interest. This so called Gui Xi was when a Nascent Soul cultivator got invaded by demons and became trapped inside their Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul couldn't leave the body and the body entered a sleep-like state.

This state was named Gui Xi.

The only way to fix this problem was to place the cultivator in a safe place and allow them to drive the demons out of their body on their own. If someone from the outside wanted to help, then they must be several times stronger than the cultivator trapped in the Gui Xi state, or even stronger by a whole realm, otherwise, the trapped cultivator would just have to tough it out alone.

If a cultivator was stuck in Gui Xi for a very long time, then the demon would completely take over. Their soul would eventually disappear and their body would rot.

But, in general, most cultivators that enter Gui Xi will wake up, however, they lose some of their cultivation, which still beats losing their life.

This Gui Xi wasn't a very common thing in the cultivation world. At least Wang Lin had yet to hear of any cultivator stuck in Gui Xi.

After Qiu Siping finished speaking, he looked at Wang Lin, trying to find some clues, however, Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all the entire time. It was still as calm as always.

Wang Lin pondered a little. The red light in his eyes dulled and he asked, "How do you know where there are Gui Xi Cultivators?

A wave of relief washed over Qiu Siping. As long as Wang Lin was asking questions, that meant that the earlier deal of only getting three sentences was null. Qiu Siping didn't doubt at all that if his three sentences earlier hadn't impressed Wang Lin, Wang Lin would have killed him without any hesitation.

Both of them were at the late stage of Core Formation, yet there was such a big gap in power. Qiu Siping bitterly smiled in his heart. He felt that the only reason Wang Lin was stronger was because Wang Lin had some treasure that allowed him to increase his attack power. How else would he be completely helpless in a fight against him?

When he heard Wang Lin's question, he quickly said, "Fellow cultivator, this is a long story. How about we sit down and you let me tell it to you?"

Wang Lin looked at him and slightly nodded.

Qiu Siping quickly flew toward the mountain. Black fog appeared under his feet and quickly brought him to the pavilion at the top of the mountain.

After Qiu Siping left, Wang Lin gently moved his body and he arrived at the pavilion as well. He waved his sleeve, which caused a gentle wind that blew away all the dirt on the stone chair, upon which he sat down.

Although he left after Qiu Siping, he arrived the same time. Qiu Siping's expression remained calm, but his heart was shocked and his pupils shrank, but they quickly returned to normal.

He knew that this must be a warning from Wang Lin, to warn him that even if he tries some trick to escape, he won't get away.

In truth, this was Wang Lin's intention as well. Qiu Siping now had his full attention. In fact, anything related to helping him form his Nascent Soul would interest him.

After all, Wang Lin was already at the late stage of Core Formation. The Nascent Soul was an important matter and forming it should always be at the back of his mind.

Once he formed his Nascent Soul, then all that was left for him to do was go back to the country of Zhao and make it bleed. To turn the country of Zhao's sky blood-red and to cover the ground in blood. He would make all of the cultivators of the country of Zhao never forget that bloody day and make all of his enemies pay their lives as sacrifices for his ancestors.

He wanted to kill everyone in the Teng family, from the elders to the children. He wouldn't leave even a single animal alive.

He wanted old man Jimo to die without a resting place and all of his disciples to die a miserable death.

He wanted all of those people that secretly helped the Teng family to be punished. He wanted all of them to pay a price they couldn't withstand.

More importantly, he wanted to rip the soul out of Teng Huayaun. He wanted to skin him, cut him to pieces, and anything else he could think of to make him pay for the 400 years of suffering he made Wang Lin endure.

Qiu Siping waved his right hand and a bottle of wine and two cups appeared. He personally poured both cups, then took one up and drank a sip. He smiled and said, "Fellow cultivator, this is a high quality wine made from the Can Yun fruit from the northern part of the Sea of Devils. With just one sip, one will savor it for a long time. Why doesn't fellow cultivator try it?"

Wang Lin didn't urge the other to answer his question. He took up the cup and carefully examined it, as if there was something very interesting about the wine.

The high quality wine in the cup was a crystal clear, jade green color. Very beautiful.

Qiu Siping sipped his wine for a long time, and after seeing that Wang Lin seemed to have no interest in such things, he warily smiled and said, "Fellow cultivator, if it was someone else that asked me about this matter, I definitely wouldn't tell them. But you are different. Both you and I are at the late stage of Core Formation and we both dream of reaching that high and far away Nascent Soul stage."

"As for the matter about the Nascent Souls stuck in Gui Xi, one of them is my master!"

With that, Qiu Siping's gaze fell on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked at the cup a little more before putting it down. He blandly said, "Killing your master? It's not a big deal. I have done it before too."

Qiu Siping let out a laugh and said, "Not to keep this from fellow cultivator, but he didn't have any good intentions when he accepted me as his disciple. He and my senior martial brother are both Nascent Soul cultivators. When they both were in closed door training, I secretly sabotaged them. Thinking about it now, they have been in Gui Xi for 30 years. Based on my calculations, those two should be almost completely taken over by the demons, which means this is the perfect time to take their Nascent Souls. With one for each of us, the chances of us breaking through to Nascent Soul will be greatly increased."

Wang Lin raised his eyebrows. He pondered for a while, then slowly said, "I don't see what this has to do with knowing ancient restrictions."

Qiu Siping let out a wry smile. He drank the rest of his wine, then said, "The place my master is cultivating is an ancient cultivation cave. He accidently found it and made it his own."

"I was able to sabotage them during this closed door cultivation because I have prepared for it for years. I have spent many years studying the ancient restrictions in the cave."

"But after the cave is closed, opening it up again is very troublesome. I didn't expect that a restriction triggered by the demon would cause other restrictions to trigger. That's what's making it almost impossible to get into the cave right now."

Wang Lin slightly frowned and began to ponder.

Qi Siping slapped his bag of holding with his right hand and took out a few pieces of jade and placed them on the table. He said, "These are some of the restriction symbols I copied from the cave. With your knowledge of ancient restrictions, you should be able to tell if they are fake or not."

After hearing that, Wang Lin picked up a piece of jade and scanned it with his divine sense. After a short while, he put it down and picked up another piece of jade. Much later, all the pieces of jade were scanned by him. The symbols inside the jades were for a protection restriction. It should be a restriction used to guard a location.

Qiu Siping asked, "Fellow cultivator, what do you think?"

Wang Lin pondered for a long time and raised his head. He looked at Qiu Siping and asked, "What cultivation level are those two Nascent Soul cultivators at?"

Qiu Siping immediately replied, "My master is at the early stage of Nascent Soul, while my senior martial brother only just formed his. If fellow cultivator can open up the cave, then my master's Nascent Soul belongs to you."

Wang Lin pondered a while longer, then said, "I can't decide on this matter immediately. I'll think about it for a few days, then make a decision."

Qiu Siping didn't mind. He nodded his head and said, "That is understandable. I also need a few days to prepare some magical treasures. Since you and I have turned from enemies to friends, I want to apologize again for all of the misunderstandings that happened before." With that, he stood up, took a few steps back, and bowed toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same, but he had already been on guard. Qiu Siping's actions, in his mind, showed that he could let bygones be bygones.

But with Wang Lin's personality now, there was no way he would be fooled by such actions. He stood up, clasped his hands, and said "Fellow cultivator, since this is the case, lets meet back here in seven days. I'll take my leave."

Qiu Siping smiled. He nodded and also clasped his hands.

Wang Lin's body jumped, turned into a rainbow, and disappeared.

After Wang Lin left, the smile on Qiu Siping's face disappeared. A cold look flashed across his eyes. He blinked a few times, then moved in the opposite direction of Wang Lin.

But what he didn't notice was that there was a transparent creature that saw his expression clearly and quietly followed him after he left.

Not long after, Wang Lin returned to Qilin city. Through the devil Xu Liguo, he could closely monitor Qiu Siping. Wang Lin didn't care if the Gui Xi Nascent Soul cultivator really was Qiu Siping's master or not. As long as he could confirm that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator stuck in Gui Xi within that ancient cultivation cave, it was more than enough.

As for 7 the day delay, Wang Lin wanted to use Xu Liguo to check if the whole thing about Nascent Soul cultivators stuck in Gui Xi was true

After returning to the cave in Qilin City, Wang Lin sat down cross legged. He touched his bag of holding and two items appeared in his hand.

One of them was Yun Fei's bag of holding and the other was the mysterious pill furnace.

Wang Lin scanned the bag of holding with his divine sense and found that it was filled with a lot of junk. He ignored it after one scan and took out some jades. He checked them one by one.

After checking them for a while, Wang Lin's expression slightly changed. These jades described a series of alchemy recipes and procedures. Together, they formed the knowledge of a master alchemist.

When he took out a piece of white jade and tried to scan it with his divine sense, he was stunned. There was a restriction placed on the jade that prevented people from checking what was inside it.

Wang Lin became a little interested. He picked up the jade and looked at it with the divine soul eyes that could see through restrictions. Immediately, his eyes started to glow and turned slightly oval shaped. Many strange restriction symbols flew across his eyes.

After a long time, Wang Lin raised his right finger and pointed at the air. He pointed at several other spots in the air as well. Suddenly, a thin line appeared and connected the locations he had pointed to, forming a two overlapping triangles pattern.

The moment the pattern appeared, he reached out his hand and grabbed the pattern and placed it on the jade.

Immediately, the jade started to shine a bright light. It shined brighter and brighter, until it reached its peak, then dimmed. The jade now had changed from a white jade to a black jade.

Wang Lin scanned the jade again. This time, he could easily see what was inside it. After watching it for a while, he sneered in his heart. It seemed that this Yun Fei really did deserve to die. Before, when she first met Wang Lin, she tried to trade the containing folk remedies for her life.

After Wang Lin saw that piece of jade, he didn't mind. Although a few pills were tempting to him, it wasn't a big deal. If it was before he received the inheritance, then he might have tried to craft one, but after receiving the inheritance, with the herbs needed, he would achieve similar results by taking them directly.

But now, after he saw the real jade, he could tell that although the material for the recipes were the same, the ratios were slightly different.

These small changes could determine the life and death of the person that took the pill.

In addition, within the real jade, besides the pill recipes, there were descriptions of the pills, and with that, Wang Lin realized that there was a significant difference between making the pills and consuming the materials directly.

The thoughts he had before were completely wrong. If he had the materials before him, there was a difference between refining them to a pill and taking them directly.

This alchemy was using the different effects of the materials and fused them to cause a different effect.

It was not strange that Wag Lin didn't know any of this. The ancient gods rarely ever made pills, and even if they did, all they would do was mash all the materials together to swallow.

And all of his previous experiences had almost nothing to do with alchemy. Only with Li Muwan did he ever talk about alchemy, but the Wang Lin back then was focused on forming his core, so he didn't ask much about it.

He put the jade away like a treasure. He had decided that he had to master this alchemy.

He took a deep breath and looked at the pill furnace. He took out his bag of holding and tried to put it in, but he found that, no matter what, he couldn't place the pill furnace inside it. This raised Wang Lin's interest greatly.

After watching it for a bit, Wang Lin didn't act rashly, but held the pill furnace in his arm. He slammed his bag of holding and a small, white flag appeared.

He took out the flag and started to refine it while keeping an eye on Qiu Siping through Xu Liguo.

Xu Liguo was currently very excited. He felt that his place in his master's heart was far above number two. This made him extremely proud.

It had to be said that the appearance of number two made him feel very worried. Even he was a bit wary of how fierce number two was. But because he was the first to follow master, he felt that he couldn't be outdone by number two.

Otherwise, he would have to worry when, one day, number 3, number 4, number 5 …number 90 would appear and beat him. That would make him feel worse than Wang Lin just killing him.

Xu Liguo secretly decided to himself that he would not allow that to happen. He was still number 1. He must keep his current position. With that in mind, Xu Liguo had became much more obedient and worked hard to finish basically anything Wang Lin asked him to do.

Secretly, he had also gotten rid of his lazy ways and became more hard working. He also wasn't picky about his food anymore. As long as it was a soul, he would rush up to steal it.

Meanwhile, after every catch, the part that had to be turned in to Wang Lin made him want to go crazy, as if each portion was digging part of his flesh away.

But overall, compared to before, he had became much more obedient.

He was now following closely behind Qiu Siping. No matter how fast Qiu Siping flew, he could easily keep up. While he was following Qiu Siping, he was still savoring the taste of that black clothed person.

That black clothed person was at the mid stage of Core Formation. It took him a lot of effort to finally eat that person's soul. As for that person's core, since master didn't ask for it, he secretly ate it.

He stared at Qiu Siping before him. A bit of a greedy thought started to form in his mind. If only master would beat the crap out of this late stage Core Formation cultivator and reward it to him, that would be perfect.

In his opinion, this person was very cunning. He almost never moved in a straight line, but made many twists and turns and constantly turned around to check behind him, so it wasn't hard for Xu Liguo to follow. Xu Liguo casually followed behind him and thought, "Didn't know that flying could have so many methods and tricks. In the future, when I compete with number 2, I'll try using them."

Just at that moment, Qiu Siping suddenly slowed and landed on the ground. Qiu Siping looked around. Besides the natural fog that existed in the Sea of Devils, there was nothing else around.

After Qiu Siping landed, he sneered, "Fellow cultivator, you've stayed hidden for so long already, might as well come out!"

Devil Xu Liguo was stunned. He was currently standing behind Qiu Siping and was shocked by his shout. He thought that it was bad that he had found out about him.

He was about to back away when he suddenly stopped, because Qiu Siping turned around and stared at his direction.

Xu Liguo's face became fierce. If he were to fight with Qiu Siping and consume Qiu Siping's core, he will become stronger. Even if master asked, he could say that it was Qiu Siping who attacked first. He had to devour Qiu Siping first.

He was about to move when he suddenly stopped again because Qiu Siping turned around to another direction and shouted again, "Fellow cultivator, if you don't show yourself now, I'll have to make my move."

Devil Xu Liguo was very confused and thought, "I'm right here, didn't you just see me earlier? How come you still say I didn't show myself?"

He became angry and moved toward Qiu Siping. When he was less than 10 feet away, he thought, "Act! The moment you act, I'll devour you. Even if I can't devour all of you, I'll devour half of you, so act already!"

However, after Qiu Siping waited for a while, he turned again.

This time, the slow to react Xu Ligou found that something was wrong and once again moved in front of Qiu Siping. After watching for a while, he shouted in his heart, "You bastard, you didn't even find me at all and dared to pretend you did!"

Qiu Siping waited for a while. He finally determined that there was no one around and that no one had followed him, but he was still worried, so he sat down cross legged to wait for time to pass.

Xu Liguo angrily floated on the side, wondering if he should disobey his master's order and just fight this person.

This person was simply too daring. He dared to mess with the great Xu Liguo!

But after mulling over it for a long time, he finally suppressed his anger. Right now was a very important time. If he were to make a mistake now, number two will surpass him. He decided to wait for his position to solidify more, until something like this won't even matter anymore.

Time passed by and two days passed. In these two days, Wang Lin didn't leave the cave at all, but focused on refining the flag. He had laid countless restrictions on it. The white flag floating before him now had countless black spots on it.

With a glance, one could see about 200 to 300 black spots.

On the flag were clusters of nine spots. None of the clusters were repeats of another. For this restriction flag, aside from some of the materials being really hard to gather, the refining process wasn't too difficult.

Any cultivator that could use restrictions could refine one.

But the knowledge required was great. If a normal cultivator created this flag, the restrictions placed on it would be so weak that even if the flag was successfully created, it wouldn't be powerful.

In addition, this restriction flag was just like an restriction itself. It all depended on the thought process of the person who laid it. If the creator could place 999,999 consecutive attack restrictions with no similarity to each other, then the flag created would contain unimaginable attack power.

Conversely, if 999,999 consecutive defensive restrictions were placed, then it would also contain unimaginable defensive power.

Similarly, if the goal was to trap the enemy, then after reaching 999,999 restrictions, the trapping ability would be considered terrifying.

Basically, the power of the restriction flag depends on what the creator wants from it. It sounds easy in theory, but to get to that state is very difficult.

For example: with 999 restrictions as the first level, every 9 restrictions formed a group, meaning you need 111 different restrictions.

If one wanted to go a single route, they would have to place 111 different attack restrictions on the flag, which could get very difficult. Although, if they possessed a deep understanding of restrictions, it was possible.

But what about the second level, which required 9,999 restrictions? That meant that there were 1,111 groups and the difficulty of making it for a single route became 10 times higher.

Not to even mention the third level, which required 99,999 restrictions. It was 100 times more difficult than the first level because not many people possessed that many restrictions of purely one type.

As for the final level, it required 999,999 restrictions. The difficulty was 1000 times higher. A 999,999 restriction flag was already a mythical item, and within the memories Wang Lin obtained, they do exist, however, there had never been a 999,999 restriction flag made purely with attack or defense restrictions.

Purely offensive or defensive restriction flags at most reached the third level, but their power could almost rival a final level restriction flag with 999,999 restrictions, and, in certain aspects, even surpass it.

So to say, the process of creating a restriction flag was simple, but if one wanted to create a powerful restriction flag, it was very difficult.

The restriction flag Wang Lin was making was not a single route flag. He was including attack, defense, guard, searching, trapping, and such restrictions.

This was the only way for him to quickly make a restriction flag. Wang Lin knew that within this Sea of Devils, he might get into a life threatening crisis at any moment, so he must quickly make this restriction flag to test its power, then decide if he should spend the time to make a single route restriction flag.

After all, he had three ink stones, so he could make three restriction flags in total.

Wang Lin became focused. His hand moved and formed another restriction. At the same time, he used his connection with Xu Liguo and checked on what Qiu Siping was up to.

Qiu Siping sat at that place for two days, then suddenly disappeared from the spot. Xu Liguo panicked and quickly dove underground. After going very deep underground, he saw Qiu Siping's figure.

There was a cave buried deep underground in that deserted place. Although the cave wasn't large, it was very well hidden. Xu Liguo was able to easily enter the cave. None of the restrictions were triggered by him at all.

After entering the cave, he saw Qiu Siping flipping through books. The current room was like a sea of books, with books densely packed everywhere. Most of them were very ancient and not in the form of a piece of jade, but carved into bamboo.

Qiu Siping carefully read each book and gently put them away. Suddenly, his face lit up and he quickly took a scroll made of bamboo to the side and opened it on the table, then carefully examined it.

Xu Liguo was about to move forward when suddenly, a gentle light came out from the room. It blocked outsiders from entering. The moment the light flashed, Qiu Siping suddenly looked up. He scanned the area with his divine sense, but found nothing. However, he still kept constantly looking around, trying to find something.

After a long time, he lowered his head and examined the bamboo, but his right hand had formed a seal, ready to attack at any time.

With the soft light blocking Xu Ligou, he couldn't get closer for a better look. He tried very hard, but could only see the small words "Ancient Restriction" on the bamboo.

After three hours, Qiu Siping frowned. He closed the bamboo with a questioning expression. After he put the bamboo away, he searched for a while longer and took two gray pieces of jade, then made his way out of the room.

In the stone room next door, he sat cross legged and placed a piece of the grey jade on his forehead, then began to meditate.

Time passed by. Of the 7 days until the meeting, 5 days had passed. On noon of the 5th day, Qiu Siping suddenly opened his eyes and put the jade into his bag of holding. His hand formed a seal and shot out a beam of light that landed on the wall. Suddenly, the whole wall made cracking sounds as it opened, revealing a conclave table.

On the table were three figures. The one in the middle had white hair and eyes filled with rage, revealing a sense of majesty.

At each side stood one male and one female. The male's face was sullen and his eyes were cold. He looked to be around 20 years old. The female had a very beautiful face and graceful figure. Her eyes showed hints of sadness, making her appearance more vivid.

Qiu Siping silently looked at the three figures. When his gaze fell on the female, his eyes were filled with tenderness, but when his gaze fell on the old man, his eyes were filled with hatred.

"Old commander, elder brother. I have finally found someone who knows how to use ancient restrictions. You guys never would have thought that I would be able to enter that place to meet you again. This time, that treasure will be mine!"

Qiu Siping suddenly let out a laugh. His laughter contained a hint of madness. He reached out his hand and carefully stroked the female figure's face and muttered, "I'll will bring you back to life, even if the price is the entire Sea of Devils!"

He took a deep breath and withdrew his right hand. He sent out another beam of light and the wall closed again.

Wang Lin sat crossed legged in the cave. He saw all of this through Xu Liguo. He pondered for a while and made a decision.

On the night two days later, Wang Lin laid the last restriction on the flag. Suddenly, the little flag moved and the black dots that covered it started to expand. The flag turned from white to completely black.

Slivers of ancient atmosphere were released from the flag. The restrictions flashed one by one on the flag, forming mysterious golden symbols. The symbols rotated around the pole of the flag and slowly climbed upward. Soon, the entire flag was covered in golden symbols.

At this point, there were still numerous symbols still appearing from the flag. They formed a line that wrapped around it.

Meanwhile, in the star field tens of thousands of kilometers above the thick clouds above Qilin city.

Among the stars, a red cloud started to gather. The red cloud started to swell. It became larger and larger, until it reached hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

Within the red cloud, slivers of gas started to rain down. The moment the gas touched the thick cloud above the Sea of Devils, it started to sizzle and melt, as if hot iron was touching snow.

In the moment, in the eastern part of the inner part of the Sea of Devils, a person walked out of a mountain made of skulls. The person was covered with the smell of death and his figure couldn't clearly be seen.

He raised his head and looked at the thick cloud, as if he could see through it, and saw the red cloud above it. He muttered, "Divine retribution? Not possible. Since the ancient cultivation world was destroyed by a disaster, there shouldn't be anymore divine retribution. All of the cultivators now fool the heavens to cultivate. How could it lead to divine retribution? Could it be that there are ancient cultivators that didn't die? If that is true, then they are a very high quality supplement!" After he finished speaking, his body suddenly moved toward where the red cloud was formed.

In the eastern part of the Sea of Devils was a basin. Within this basin was sea water. It had to be said that it was not the season for the cloud to turn into sea water yet, so it was a very incredible sight.

The sea water suddenly started to move violently. Suddenly, a man wearing a blue robe appeared from within the water, causing many waves to stir. Stepping on the waves, he slowly floated upward. He stared at the sky, revealing a shocked expression. "Divine retribution? Since when did such exciting things happen in the Sea of Devils? This divine retribution should lure out all those old monsters that have been in hiding." He revealed a faint smile. His body floated above the water and he waved his hand, causing the water in the basin to float up into the air.

This scene would shock anyone. The man melted back into the water. He moved his hand and the water moved toward the red cloud like a string of galloping horses.

Comparing its speed to a Nascent Soul cultivator using instant teleportation, it was several times faster, and the water was getting faster and faster, until it suddenly disappeared.

In the southern point of the Sea of Devils, within a common city's Treasure Refining Pavilion's third floor, a white haired old man full of wrinkles was holding the bone of a beast, boasting to a Foundation Building cultivator.

"Brother, this thing really is a treasure. I'll tell you its 74th use, so listen carefully…"

That Foundation Building cultivator was livid. If it wasn't against the rules of the Treasure Refining Pavilion, then he would have spat on this old man, who had bothered him from the first floor all the way to the third floor. From his point of view, this old man was only at the 8th layer of Qi Condensation.

What he particularly couldn't stand was that when the old man talked, his spit would fly out at his face, making him want take out his magical treasure to attack the old man.

Finally, he couldn't contain his anger any longer. He waved his sleeves and quickly left the Treasure Refining Pavilion, but that old man was still bothering him. With so many people watching, the Foundation Building cultivator threw a low quality spirit stone onto the ground, like he was giving food to animals, and took the beast bone with a cold smile on his face and left.

He had already made up his mind that he was going to teach this old man a lesson tonight.

The white haired man picked up the low quality spirit stone with a smile on his face. He blew the dirt off it and placed it in his pocket. Just at that moment, his expression suddenly changed as he turned to look at the clouds.

Chapter 207 - Killing people for their core!

The white haired old man's foggy eyes began to shine and his slightly hunched back started to straighten up. His whole body suddenly became more lively.

All of the cultivators in the city suddenly lost control of the spiritual power in their bodies, as if they were all having out of body experiences. This instilled fear in all of them.

This feeling came quick and left just as quick. The white haired old man's body suddenly moved and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, in the fog over the Sea of Devils, a laughter roared out as a one thousand foot long rock creature peaked out from the fog.

Its giant head created enormous pressure. After glancing down at what was below, it opened its mouth and sucked in a large portion of the spiritual energy in a 100 kilometer radius. Afterward, it burped, settled down, then left.

On its back stood the white haired old man. He shouted, "Bastard! I only asked you to carry me once and you ate that much spiritual energy. Aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death? If you do die, it will let me see what your meat tastes like."

Meanwhile, Wang Lin was sitting cross legged in his cave. He suddenly felt a sense of horror overtaking him. It was coming from above the Sea of Devils.

Wang Lin frowned. He moved his hand and went to put away the restriction flag, but found that the flag was surrounded by a mysterious power and couldn't be put away.

This strange scene made Wang Lin change his expression. He stood up and performed multiple techniques on the flag, but when the techniques fell on the flag, they all were all blocked by the mysterious power. Not a single one could get through.

At that moment, the sense of horror became even stronger. He opened his divine sight, then his expression changed greatly.

Through his divine eye, he could clearly see that a thin, red line came out from the flag. It ignored the ceiling of the cave completely and went up into the sky.

Wang Lin's face became dark. He immediately opened the cave's door and charged outside. Once he got outside, he steadied his body and looked at the sky.

He saw the red line float into the sky and through the fog above the Sea of Devils. He pondered for a while, then pointed at his brow and brought the second devil out.

After the devil appeared, with Wang Lin's order, it turned invisible. With Wang Lin's eyes, he could see its figure fly up into the fog.

Wang Lin's face was gloomy. He looked around and saw many people walking around in Qilin city, but not one of them noticed the red line's existence.

Wang Lin was very puzzled. That feeling of horror became stronger and stronger. The only other time Wang Lin had that feeling was when he saw the Ancient God Tusi.

He pondered a while. He flipped through the memories he inherited to try to find what was happening and why this strange scene occurred when the restriction flag appeared.

The second devil quickly flew through the fog. The devil was a flying beast before it was turned into a devil, so, after turning into a devil, it became even faster. Even Wang Lin wouldn't be able to fly faster than the second devil.

When Qisiping trapped it inside the black fog six days ago, if it had just one chance, then it would have disappeared without a trace using its speed.

The second devil moved like lightning as it charged through the fog above the Sea of Devils.

At that moment, above the Sea of Devils, the red fog, which was more than 10 kilometers wide, suddenly began to shrink. However, as it shrank, a bump appeared in the center.

The bump began to grow bigger and bigger, as if it were full of water, and hung below the red fog.

Then, the bottom of the bump opened. A thunderous roar boomed and a pillar of red light that felt like it could destroy the entire Suzaku star fell from the sky.

The moment the red pillar of light fell down, the red fog suddenly shrank from 10 kilometers wide to around 7 or 8 kilometers wide.

The red fog that was lost was condensed into the pillar of light that was falling from the sky.

The huge red pillar fell at an unimaginable speed. In almost the blink of an eye, it fell from the sky and into the fog above the Sea of Devils. It created sonic booms the entire time it fell and sent out waves of pressure through the surroundings as it passed by.

Besides the pressure waves, many small cracks in space also appeared as it fell from the sky. There were so many cracks, the sky looked like a fractured mirror.

When the red pillar fell onto the fog above the Sea of Devils, it caused the fog to start boiling and caused all the beasts inside it to run away screaming.

Meanwhile, the fog above the Sea of Devils was evaporated into clouds and slowly floated upwards. It didn't slow down the red pillar at all.

As the red pillar sank in more and more, all of the fog above the Sea of Devils, whether it was the inner sea or outer sea, began to concentrate around the red pillar.

If one looked from the sky, they could see that the entire fog above the Sea of Devils formed a whirl with the red pillar at the center.

The endless fog moved toward the center, and, as a result, more and more black clouds floated out from the red pillar.

Finally, when the red pillar had sunk about ? of the way through the fog above the Sea of Devils, all the fog covering the outer sea had gathered there. For the first time in countless years, the fog covering the sky of the outer sea was gone.

Without the fog formed by the water that was in the sea before, sunlight shined for the first time on the outer sea.

It illuminated the dark land, the unpleasant city, and the cultivators, whose faces were filled with panic.

Some of the cultivators who had never felt such strong sunlight in their lives became excited.

If one compared the Sea of Devils to a circle, then all of the fog at the edge of the circle was gone. All of that fog either gathered at the center or turned into black clouds by the red pillar.

At that point, where the red pillar had been stopped inside the fog, the fog had shrunken down many sizes already. Then, the fog formed a giant black pillar and slammed it toward the red pillar.

Suddenly, when the two pillars collided, a shock wave was sent into the surroundings. Any living thing inside the fog that was hit by the shockwave was turned into dust.

At the same time, the red pillar finally dissipated.

But it was not over yet. The 7 or 8 kilometer red wide fog suddenly moved again and formed another red pillar that fell from the sky.

This time, all of the red fog fell with the pillar. There was no red fog remaining in the sky anymore, all of it fell down with the red pillar.

Because ? of the fog was gone, in almost an instant, the new red pillar landed where the previous one disappeared.

A thunderous roar that could be heard by every cultivator in the Sea of Devils was sent out, and, at the same time, a large amount of black fog turned into black clouds and condensed in the sky.

The red pillar still continued to fall after shrinking down to less than half its original size.

The second devil had already retreated ever since he noticed that something was wrong. Wang Lin saw this shocking scene through the second devil.

At that point, almost all of the cultivators in the Sea of Devils came out their homes. Even the ones in closed door training stopped and came out to looked at the sky.

When Wang Lin saw the red pillar through the second devil, a phrase suddenly popped into his head from his inherited memories.

"Divine Retribution…"

Wang Lin was mumbling to himself as he scanned through the memories he inherited for anything about divine retribution. In the Ancient God Tusi's lifetime, he had encountered countless divine retributions.

Only at the beginning was Tusi worried about divine retribution. After his body reconstructed four times, divine retribution stopped being a threat to him and turned into a really good supplement.

Also, whenever the ancient god was about to become stronger, it would incur divine retribution, and sometimes, they even used the strength of the divine retribution when creating magical treasures, to determine their quality.

The stronger the divine retribution meant the stronger the treasure, and if the divine retribution was too weak, that meant the treasure wasn't strong enough.

Of course, this was only a really rough estimate and most of the time was very wrong. For example, the restriction flag Wang Lin had created. The power of the flag couldn't even compare to the divine retribution at all.

The real cause of the divine retribution came from the ink stone. That ink stone had been inside the body of the ancient god for too long and had gathered some of its spiritual energy inside. That was why the divine retribution that hadn't occurred in the cultivation world in such a long time appeared again.

Similarly, divine retribution hadn't occurred for countless years, so even though it was only triggered by the creation of a magical treasure, it contained unimaginable power.

All of this information flashed through Wang Lin's mind. He realized that it was the restriction flag that caused the divine retribution.

Without a word, he charged back into the cave. The flag was floating in the room. He began performing many techniques on the flag, trying to put it away.

With the information Wang Lin obtained from the inherited memories, if this flag were to get hit by the divine retribution, then it would be turned to dust.

Wang Lin wouldn't let the treasure he had spent so much time making be destroyed by divine retribution. He performed many techniques to try to save the flag.

Slowly, the mysterious power holding the flag started to loosen, but still hadn't let go. At the same time, a thunderous roar blared from the sky. For the first time ever in the Sea of Devils, there was no water in the sea or fog blocking up the sky, revealing a giant basin.

With nothing to block its path, the red pillar fell down toward Qilin city at an unimaginable speed.

All the cultivators in the city panicked and used all of their power to scatter.

The red pillar fell.

The moment it hit Qilin city, the giant creature's head exploded and every scale on its body was blown off by the red pillar's destructive power.

Wang Lin was inside the cave when he felt a powerful force from all sides that caused him to cough up a mouthful of blood. He sighed and was about to give up.

But at that moment, the mysterious force around the flag suddenly disappeared. Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the flag with this right hand.

At the same time, he moved his body and rushed out of the scale just as Qilin city collapsed, but as he charged out, the red cloud formed a thin line and shot out from the collapsed Qilin city toward the restriction flag in Wang Lin's hand.

The thread was simply too fast. Even if Wang Lin put the flag into his bag of holding, the result would only be the bag of holding being destroyed. At that moment, Wang Lin clenched his teeth and moved his right hand. Suddenly, the flag was in his left hand and an instrument not under his control appeared in his right hand.

All of this happened right before the thread landed. The moment the thread landed on the instrument, the thread broke the instrument and set Wang Lin flying.

However, after the instrument broke, a small amount of red thread shot out from it. This time, before he had time to react, the red thread landed on Wang Lin's right hand.

Wang Lin's body quivered and he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood. Even the core in his body had shrunk a lot. Only with all that did he manage to contain the explosive power of that red thread.

Wang Lin's face was pale. All of the spiritual energy in his body was in complete chaos and he was solely relying on his core to contain the destructive force of that red thread. But he knew that his time was limited. If he couldn't quickly remove the red thread, then all of his spiritual energy will be used up by his core, then his core will collapse. His body would follow. Not even his soul would be able to escape the divine retribution's power.

Currently, there were many cultivators escaping from Qilin city, so no one noticed Wang Lin's strange state. All of them were scattered in all directions.

All of Qilin city was destroyed.

At that moment, black rain began to fall from the sky. All of the fog that had been evaporated into clouds began to condense after the divine retribution was gone.

Even though it was black rain, it was the first time it had rained in the Sea of Devils ever since the water had all turned into fog.

This time, the divine retribution brought great change to the Sea of Devils. While the divine retribution killed some of the creatures living in the fog, many of them escaped from it.

Even some of the great and powerful beasts that lived inside fog appeared in the Sea of Devils. The Sea of Devil should now be more appropriately be renamed to the Basin of Devils.

Many uncommon beasts appearing triggered a series of battles. There were beasts killing cultivators and cultivators killing beasts. All of the cultivators knew that all of these beasts would have a core that could be used to make pills or be consumed directly to increase their cultivation.

Also, because all of the fog disappeared, the entire Sea of Devils lost its natural barrier, so all of the cultivation countries around the Sea of Devils turned their sights there.

It was a good thing that a few of the large sects that had been around for tens of thousands of years came out and managed to stabilize the situation.

But, secretly, many cultivators took advantage of this time to murder and steal treasures, causing the already confusing situation in the Sea of Devils to become even more confusing.

But none of this had anything to do with Wang Lin. Right now, he could clearly feel the core in his body constantly shrinking. On the core was a red thread, rapidly absorbing all of its energy. If the core were to crack and break, the only road that would await Wang Lin was death.

His current cultivation had already dropped from late stage Core Formation to mid stage Core Formation. Based on his calculations, he will drop from mid stage to early stage in three hours, and then, half an hour after that, his core will break.

Wang Lin couldn't be bothered to worry about his meeting with Qiu Siping on the 7th day. His priority was to find a way to remove the red thread.

Wang Lin's expression was grim. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with killing intent. In order to survive, he had to start a killing spree. It was too bad that he had used up all his spirit water in the land of the ancient god. Although he had gathered more in Qilin city, if he had enough, he could last a long time with just that.

At that moment, a black clothed middle aged man appeared before Wang Lin. He moved toward Wang Lin and said, "Mid stage Core Formation… it must be you!"

The moment his words reached him, red lightning flashed across Wang Lin's eyes. Although the man was at late stage Core Formation, Wang Lin charged at him rather than retreat.

The black clothed man let out a mocking smile. Just as he was about to make a move, his body suddenly trembled and his eyes immediately dulled. Wang Lin instantly appeared before the man and removed the core from the black clothed man's body and threw it into his mouth.

He didn't even have time to pick up the man's bag of holding. He just quickly left. He spread out his divine sense like a starving wolf, hunting for his next target.

Sun Fan was currently running away from two beasts with the power of late stage Core Formation. If he slowed down the slightest, he would be eaten by them.

With his tiny Foundation Building cultivation, he didn't have the power to fight back.

The two beasts came closer and closer. He could hear that the growl was right behind him. He let out a bitter smile and knew that he would not be able to escape this.

But just then, a gust of wind blew by him, causing him to spin around in place. After he finally stabilized his body, he heard the miserable scream of the two beasts chasing him.

He turned his head around and became dumbfounded on the spot.

Sun Fan saw a white haired youth, who was like a devil, reaching his hand into the beast and removing the core, then directly consuming it. The other beast was already dead on the side.

The white haired youth gave Sun Fan a cold look, then, without a word, he charged into the distance.

Although the Wang Lin had already left, Sun Fan didn't dare to move at all. That look the white haired youth gave him was filled with killing intent. After a long time, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and quickly left.

The demonic look of that white haired youth would go on to haunt him for the rest of his life. Even after 700 years, after he had finally reached his dream of reaching the Nascent Soul stage, he was still terrified when he recalled that white haired youth and would even wake up in the middle of the night because of him.

In an area in the north were two small schools fighting over the core of a beast that was killed by the divine retribution. Flying swords and techniques filled the sky as they attacked each other.

When the cultivators of both sides were in the heat of combat, a white haired youth appeared. Without a word and with eyes glowing red like a demon's, red lightning flew out and shot through the cultivators of both sides.

Meanwhile, the white haired youth quickly moved through the cultivators. He reached out his hand at the abdomen of each Core Formation cultivator, took their cores, and consumed them.

In only about 10 breaths of time, all of the cultivators in that battle died, and the beast core that caused the whole fight was also consumed by this white haired youth. His body turned into a blur as he shot into the distance.

Whether it was beasts or cultivators, male or female, as long as they weren't at the Nascent Soul stage, they would be killed by Wang Lin.

As he swallowed more and more cores, his own cultivation gradually stopped dropping, until his core finally stabilized. However, the problem wasn't solved at all. This stabilized state would only last a few hours. His core will soon start to rapidly shrink again, until it collapses.

The only way to solve this problem was to keep killing people for their cores until enough spiritual energy was gathered to force that red thread out of his body.

Therefore, he needed to kill a lot of people. Wang Lin's eyes had never been as full of killing intent as they were now. He knew that his current kill speed was far too slow for what he needed to accomplish.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He sent out his divine sense and charged toward some beasts from the fog that were 100 kilometers or so away. He slammed his bag of holding and his poisonous black sword appeared.

As he killed the beasts and took their cores, hs didn't pause for a moment and continued to rush out. At the same time, his divine sense spread out, looking for locations with lots of cultivators or beasts.

As he was flying, Wang Lin suddenly stopped. His divine sense found a large herd of beasts about 1000 kilometers to the east. He immediately turned around and charged to the east.

He quickly crossed the 1000 kilometer distance. There were many beasts in the herd. When he arrived, he pointed at his brow and the second devil came out. It charged into the beast herd.

Shortly after, the poisonous black sword moved as well. Even Wang Lin's Ji Realm came out. All of these attacks charged into the beast herd.

But a ferocious roar came from within the beast herd. A giant octopus slowly rose from the ground. Its black eyes became cold as it stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin took one look and found that this beast was around the power of a mid stage Nascent Soul cultivator, so he turned around and left. He had already encountered this many times. With a beast herd like this, there was bound to be some Nascent Soul level beasts inside.

Wang Lin's body flashed and quickly faded into the distance. The octopus let out a roar and quickly chased after him.

Wang Lin didn't turn his head, he just quickly fled. After the octopus had chased him a certain distance, it hesitated for a while, then stopped chasing. It returned to the herd and ate a few beasts before returning back to the ground.

Soon, Wang Lin found a group of seven cultivators about 2000 kilometers away. Three of them were at the Core Formation stage.

The seven of them had surrounded a beast and were currently attacking it.

But their smiles quickly froze as a black light flashed by, killing all 7 of them. The three Core Formation cultivators had bloody holes in their abdomens. There was also a hole on the head of the beast.

But at that moment, a low hum came from the distance.

"The Poison King's Enchanted Palace has set a decree to stop all killing in the area. Don't move!"

Wang Lin didn't hesitate. As those words were said, he started to back away.

The voice let out a sneer. The owner of the voice moved his body and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Lin. At the same time, he waved his right hand and a powerful force pulled Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's body suddenly floated backwards. His eyes flashed as he looked at the middle aged man who wore a purple robe and had an indifferent face. After a few seconds, they arrived back at the bodies of the seven cultivators.

The person looked down and frowned. He coldly stared at Wang Lin and said, "Such savage behavior! Everyone else is killing people for treasures, while you're killing people for cores!"

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. This person was at the Nascent Soul stage based on the power he was releasing and the use of instant teleportation. Wang Lin speculated that this person couldn't be at the mid stage of Nascent Soul. He was probably at the early stage.

This person didn't come with a friendly intent. A cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes and he slammed his bag of holding. His poisonous black sword came out and floated above his head, releasing a cold light.

The middle aged man revealed a mocking look in his eyes. He moved his right hand and produced a black claw, which swiped toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin flipped the restriction flag with this right hand. The flag flew up and instantly grew very large, covering the surrounding 100 kilometers. The restrictions on it went off one by one. Dozens of restrictions quickly covered the black claw, and, with some hissing sounds, the black claw was destroyed.

The middle aged man looked at the restriction flag and sneered. He swiped his right hand at the sky and a purple flying sword flew out of his sleeves. It charged at supersonic speed toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't move. His two hands crossed together and he shouted, "Break!"

The restriction flag immediately moved and restrictions flew out one by one, forming a black shield in front of Wang Lin. The moment the flying sword hit the shield, the restrictions moved onto the sword and the entire flying sword was quickly covered in restrictions.

The middle aged man frowned. He didn't expect a mid stage Core Formation cultivator to have such a strange magical treasure. His right hand slammed his bag of holding. A bronze tiger seal appeared in his hand. He held the seal in his hand and said a few chants. The seal suddenly let out a roar and grew to 7 or 8 feet tall. The bronze seal cracked in half and a black tiger jumped out.

After the tiger appeared, it pounced toward Wang Lin. Wang Lin moved back a few steps, formed a seal with both of his hands, and shouted, "Trap!"

The moment he said those words, the restriction flag moved and the restrictions came one by one, forming chains. They came from all directions and formed a barrier before Wang Lin. When the tiger pounced on the chains, it rebounded.

Meanwhile, another chain wall formed behind the black tiger. Both walls moved toward each other and connected to form a sphere. The black tiger was trapped inside.

All of this happened in flash. The moment the the black tiger had pounced toward Wang Lin, it was trapped inside chains made of restrictions.

The tiger continued to roar inside the cage, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The middle aged man's face changed for the first time. He became serious and asked, "Whose disciple are you?"

In his view, someone who had such a treasure must have some deep background, or there was no way a mere Core Formation cultivator would have such a powerful treasure.

A bit of greed involuntarily entered his heart.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. It seemed the power of the flag was worth the divine retribution. This flag wasn't even a single route flag. If it was, it would be even more powerful.

He coldly looked at the middle aged man. The current situation was not good. When he was fighting the middle aged man just now, his spiritual energy became unstable and his core shrunk a bit. If this continues, then his core will collapse soon.

Wang Lin said, in a dark tone, "My teacher is Gulan."

The middle aged man was stunned. He carefully looked Wang Lin and sneered. He didn't believe Wang Lin was Ancient Emperor's disciple, because Ancient Emperor disappeared into the chaotic broken stars 200 years ago.

He was about to speak when his eyes suddenly expanded as he stared at Wang Lin. In Wang Lin's hand appeared a bag of holding, and on the bag was embroidered the word "Lan" in blue.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and put away the bag. From the expression of the middle aged man, Wang Lin deduced that he should know about this bag, or has at least heard about it.

Wang Lin backed away. His hand formed a seal behind his back and the restriction flag backed away with him. After backing away 100 feet, he moved his hand again and the tiger that was trapped in the restriction was released.

At that moment, Wang Lin's speed increased and he disappeared without a trace.

The middle aged man gloomily looked at the direction Wang Lin disappeared to. He wanted to chase after Wang Lin several times, but stopped himself. Even ignoring the bag, just the flag had caused him some fear. Plus, he knew that Wang Lin wasn't even going all out using it. Although he felt confident that he could kill a mere Core Formation cultivator, the treasure Wang Lin had was simply too strange.

This caused his urge to chase after him to go down a lot. There was also that bag with the blue "Lan" embroidered on it. He knew that that label meant that it was something that belonged to Ancient Emperor.

Most people would not know about this. He only saw it himself by accident, when Ancient Emperor visited the Poison King's Enchanted placed once.

As a result, although Ancient Emperor had disappeared 200 years ago, his reputation was still there, as well as his sect, so he completely disposed of his thoughts of chasing after Wang Lin.

After Wang Lin flew really far away, he quickly put away the restriction flag. With just that small fight, it used up a lot of spiritual power and his core shrank again. Based on his calculations, he must absorb more spiritual power, or the only road left for him will be death.

Wang Lin took out all the spiritual liquid he had saved up while in Qilin city. There were only about 100 drops. After taking 10 drops, he managed to barely stop his core from shrinking anymore. After pondering for a while, he darkly sighed. He had almost run out of solutions to his problem. There was only one method left.

Wang Lin clenched his teeth. He activated his soul devourer soul core and concentrated all of his soul on the core.

Wang Lin only ever used this technique once, in the foreign battleground, to leave the decaying lworld. He had spent many years to split his soul into tiny individual pieces so they can squeeze through cracks in space to leave the decaying world.

That time, he wasn't able to recover part of his soul, and, even now, the whereabouts of that part of his soul was still unknown. In addition, Wang Lin knew that after splitting his soul, his power would weaken a lot and that he might never be able to form a complete soul again.

But now, if he still used the normal method to kill people for their cores, it simply wasn't fast enough, so he had to risk splitting his soul again.

But this time, luckily, he had his soul core. The danger to his soul after he split it was much smaller. Before, when he split his soul, his soul fragments had no attack power and were in a state of chaos.

But at this point, because of his soul devourer core, to some degree, his soul fragments were the wandering souls from the decaying world.

There was only a small difference in form and behavior.

His soul, which was the size of dozens of Core Formation cultivators' souls combined, gathered on the soul core and split from one to ten, ten to a hundred, and a hundred to a thousand.

The soul fragments came out of Wang Lin's body one by one. Each soul fragment was in the form of red lightning. This had to do with Wang Lin's Ji Realm. In fact, each soul fragment was a Ji Realm soul fragment.

A thousand Ji Realm soul fragments came out of Wang Lin's body and disappeared as they scattered in all directions.

As for Wang Lin's root soul fragment, it stayed in his body. Right now, Wang Lin's soul was extremely weak. He slammed his bag of holding and the poisonous black sword came out and carved a hole in the ground. He sat down cross legged in the hole, then took out the restriction flag, took a deep breath, and held it up.

The restriction flag fluttered without any wind. It suddenly grew in size and covered up everything in a 100 kilometer radius.

Meanwhile, the restrictions came out one by one and landed in the surrounding area. Then, nine giant restriction symbols floated out of the flag and motionlessly floated in the surrounding area.

After spreading out the restrictions, Wang Lin let out a breath and began to digest the cores he had consumed earlier.

As for his soul fragments, when they met a cultivator, as long as they are below the Nascent Soul stage, then the soul fragment would kill the cultivator and steal their core.

Time slowly passed. Whenever a soul fragment managed to get a core, it would immediately come back, drop it off, then head out again.

As a result, the already chaotic Sea of Devils, in which frequent killing was already occurring, became even more chaotic. Even some of the mid sized sects were starting to move.

After two days, Wang Lin sat cross legged inside the area covered by the restriction flag. His face was pale and his core had already shrunken to the size of a thumb nail. His cultivation had dropped to the early stage of Core Formation.

All of the energy from the cores his soul fragments had brought back had been stored in another location. He was preparing for the critical moment, the moment to give that red thread the fatal blow.

Wang Lin formed a seal with his hand and shouted, "Soul fragments, return!" in a husky voice.

Suddenly, all of the soul fragments, no matter where they were, stopped and started to return. In the Sea of Devils, one could see lines of red lightning flash across the sky, all heading in the same direction.

As each piece of red lightning passed through the restriction flag and returned to Wang Lin's body, his soul became more and more powerful. Once all the soul fragments had returned to his body, a flash of cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes as he controlled the spiritual power inside his body and attacked the red thread.

Three days later, in the area covered by Wang Lin's restriction flag, the flag suddenly shrank, until it returned to its regular size and landed in the hand of a white haired youth.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and returned the restriction flag to his bag of holding.

His face was no longer pale. In these three days, he didn't manage to eliminate the red thread completely, but managed to surround it with spiritual power, thus, solving the crisis of his core being destroyed.

Meanwhile, using all of the spiritual he had gathered, his core grew again. Not only did his cultivation not decrease, it increased to the absolute peak of Core Formation late stage.

Wang Lin believed that the only way to get rid of this red thread was for his cultivation to reach the Nascent Soul stage, and, as a result, he would be able to use a technique from Hunchback Meng called Poison Transfer to transfer the red thread to someone else's body, which will solve his problem.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. His eyes revealed a bold look. He closed his eyes and tried to sense where the devil Xu Liguo was, but, because of the distance between them, he could only get a general direction. He quickly moved toward Xu Liguo's location.

This time, Wang Lin used the earth escape technique in order to move faster. With the earth escape technique, Wang Lin's speed exploded. The only downside of this technique was that it consumed a lot of spiritual power, which was why Wang Lin didn't use it before solving the problem of the red thread.

He moved quickly while using his divine sense to check Xu Liguo's location. After 7 days, he finally arrived at the place they agreed to meet, 3,000 kilometers away from Qilin city.

He could feel that the devil Xu Liguo was nearby.

That was indeed the case. When Wang Lin charged toward the peak of the mountain, Xu Liguo came out of the pavilion and entered Wang Lin's brow again.

Meanwhile, Qiu Siping's shadow appeared within the pavilion. Right now, he looked very beaten up and his breath was unsteady.

Wang Lin moved into the pavilion and sat down on the stone chair, examining Qiu Siping.

Qiu Siping let out a wry smile and said, "Fellow cultivator, I waited for over half a month here for you. If I didn't believe that you were someone that would keep their promise, I would have already left."

Wang Lin revealed an apologetic look and said, "There was a great change in the Sea of Devils, causing people to kill each other, and the sects came out to try to gain more power, resulting in a delay on my trip here. I have made you wait a long time."

Qiu Siping let out a sigh and wryly smiled. He said, "It's fine. I have killed quite a few greedy cultivators and have also gained some benefits. Fellow cultivator, how do you feel about us going to that place right now?"

Wang Lin stood up and nodded his head. He said, "That's fine. Fellow cultivator, please lead the way."

Qiu Siping's eyes lit up and he smiled. "Fellow cultivator, you and I are now considered allies. May I ask what your name is?"

Wang Lin looked at Qiu Siping and said, "Wang Lin!"

Qiu Siping clasped his hands and said, "Brother Wang, the distance to that place is quite large. If you don't mind, we can take my cloud boat." As he finished speaking, he slammed his bag of holding and a cloud boat appeared.

This cloud boat was about 10 feet long and was filled with patterns of spirit beasts. The head of the boat had a carving of a bird that looked alive.

Qiu Siping's body moved and slowly landed inside the body. He turned to look at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin scanned the cloud with his divine sense. After finding nothing abnormal about the boat, he took a step and landed on the boat. Qiu Siping formed a seal with his two hands and sent a technique into the bird carving, which made the boat start moving.

Riding the cloud boat was a bit slower than flying, but because it didn't require any spiritual energy, it was a lot less taxing. Wang Lin stood in the boat, looking at the light barrier that surrounded it. The barrier blocked out all the black rain that had been pouring down for more than half a month.

Countless roars of thunder could be heard in the rain, creating a "Thunder falling in the night" feel.

Qiu Siping stood on his seat and asked, "Brother Wang, how do you like the boat?"

Wang Lin nodded his head and praised, "It's very good!"

Qiu Siping let out a laugh and said, "This was made by me. Brother Wang, besides studying restrictions, I also like making these things. It took me years of hard work to get the materials to make it."

At the same time, a bolt of lightning suddenly split the sky. Although the thunder was far away from the Sea of Devils, one could still feel its power.

This lightning was many times stronger than lightning created from a technique. It was on a completely different level.

Qiu Siping looked up into the sky and muttered, "I was born in the Sea of Devils and have lived here for more than 200 years. In this past half a month, it was the first time I saw the sky."

Wang Lin was about to speak when his eyes suddenly locked onto something in the distance. Following some thunderous roars, a giant turtle appeared in the horizon.

On top of the turtle stood an old man. He was pointing at the sky and cursing none stop. Although he was far away, his voice still traveled to them.

"This old man is not done with you, divine retribution thief. Let's continue with your 3,783th crime…"

Chapter 208 - Final Destination of the Ji realm

Wang Lin frowned. His gaze fell on the giant turtle under the old man for a bit. The aura this giant turtle gave off was very similar to the giant dragon in the land of the ancient god.

Most importantly, this giant turtle looked exactly the same as a giant turtle in the ancient god's memory.

"Xuanwu!!" Qiu Siping's eyes suddenly opened wide as his pupils shrunk and his face suddenly changed color. He formed many different seals with his hand and sent them into the statue at the front.

Suddenly, the entire boat started to turn so it could go around the old man.

"Xuanwu…" Wang Lin stared at the turtle for a while and pondered. In the memories, there was no Xuanwu, but a creature called Ti Shou.

This beast mainly ate spiritual energy. Its attack was a roar that, when heard by a normal cultivator, their spiritual energy will go out of control, causing their body to collapse and become the beast's food.

The old man that had been cursing took out a big dirty gourd. After drinking a big gulp, he started to curse again. He didn't even look at the boat Wang Lin and Qiu Siping were on.

Sweat appeared on Qiu Siping's forehead. He carefully controlled the boat to slowly go around the old man. Only after flying far away from the old man did he finally let out a breath and turn to Wang Lin. He said, "Since that person can use a Xuanwu as a mount, his cultivation must be at an unimaginable level. It seems this change to the Sea of Devils has caused a lot of powerful old timers to come out. Fortunately, he didn't bother with us, or we would be out of luck."

Wang Lin looked at Qiu Siping and said, with a dark expression, "That might not be so."

Qiu Siping was stunned. Wang Lin pointed with his right hand. Qiu Siping turned to that direction and saw the scene from before.

The old man was standing on top of the giant turtle, cursing loudly.

Qiu Siping pondered a while and said one word, "Formation?"

Wang Lin didn't bother with Qiu Siping. He walked up to the head of the boat and looked around. When the boat turned earlier, he felt there was something strange, like a fluctuation of power coming from the legs of the turtle.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin said, "This is not a formation, but some kind of restriction!"

Qiu Siping slightly frowned. He looked around and bitterly said, "With just our cultivation, it can't incentivize this senior to place this restriction just for us right?"

Wang Lin didn't speak, but kept his divine sense scanning the area. This old man wouldn't just stop them for no reason. It seemed there might be some trouble ahead.

The old man seemed to be tired of cursing. He took another big gulp from the gourde and sat down. His gaze fell on the boat Qiu Siping and Wang Lin were on.

This old man grabbed with this right hand and the boat suddenly flew toward him. Soon, the boat was only 10 feet away from him.

Qiu Siping quickly put on a respectful face and said, "Junior Qiu Siping greets senior."

The old man blinked and said, "You know me?"

Qiu Siping was stunned and quickly said, "Senior…"

"I don't know you, so how would you know me? If you don't know me, then why do you call me senior? Am I that old? Fine. Let me tell you about the things that happened when I was three. After I have finished telling you about all the things that happened in these past few thousand years, then you can say you know me. When I was three…" The moment the old man started talking, he went on endlessly, causing Qiu Siping to be completely stunned and unable to say a word.

After a long time, the old man finally stopped talking and drank another gulp of wine from the gourd. The gourd was now empty and the old man's mouth twitched and muttered, "If I knew I was going to talk so much today, I would have brought more wine with me. Now that there is no more left, the two of you come with me to get more wine and I'll tell you about my experiences of when I was 75 on the way."

Qiu Siping's face twitched. He quickly took out wine from his bag of holding and said, "Sen… er…junior has wine, so there is no need to go buy more."

The old man's face lit up and he moved his hand. The wine in Qiu Siping's hand immediately disappeared.

Wang Lin was silent the whole time. He couldn't see through the old man's cultivation at all, and since he was not good with conversations, it was perfect to leave it all to Qiu Siping.

Also, Wang Lin had been thinking about why this person had stopped them. He felt that the reason was either the divine retribution or the killing spree he went on. Of course, there was also a chance that the person this old man was here for was Qiu Siping, but as the old man talked, Wang Lin had a feeling that the person this old man was here for was not Qiu Siping, but Wang Lin himself.

The old man opened the bottle. He sniffed the wine, then said, "Fine wine made from Can Yun fruit. Not bad. Little guy, you suit this old man. How about it, want to be my disciple?"

Wang Lin's mind began to race. This old man wouldn't say this for no reason. There must be some hidden meaning behind it.

Qiu Siping was completely stunned this time. If this person was long winded before, he seemed completely insane now. Who accepts disciples like this?

Qiu Siping suddenly felt like someone had a hold on his throat and couldn't say a word. After a while, he bitterly smiled and said, "Senior, I…"

The old man's eyes turned and said, "What? Not happy? Then do you, yes you, want to be my disciple?" The old man turned to Wang Lin and faintly smiled.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He already knew that the old man would bring the subject to him and respectfully said, "Junior already has a sect."

"What sect?" The old man's face was still full of smiles, but from Wang Lin's view, he could already see a hint of coldness in the old man's eyes. He immediately confirmed his guess that the target of this old man was himself.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same and he respectfully answered, "Country of Zhao, Heng Yue Sect."

The old man thoughtfully looked at Wang Lin and his smile became even colder. He said, "In three days, you killed thousands of Core Formation cultivators. You are very daring!"

The moment those words came out, Qiu Siping's face suddenly paled. He took a few steps back and looked at Wang Lin with a look of disbelief.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm, but his heart skipped a beat and numerous ideas flashed through his head. After thinking about all the things the old man had said, and the tone he said them in, Wang Lin took a deep breath. He became more respectful and said, "Junior is willing to take you as his teacher."

The old man was stunned. After staring at Wang Ling for a long time, little by little, the coldness in his eyes disappeared. Then, he let out a laugh and waved his hand. A restriction landed on Wang Lin's forehead, then he said, "Good! You are really smart! This old man will take you as his disciple. Come with me, then."

After the restriction landed on Wang Lin's body, it immediately turned into a giant lotus, using Wang Lin's channels as roots, his blood vessel as branches, and his blood as nutrients.

Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all and he said, "Disciple already has plans with Qiu Siping, to help him with something, so I would like teacher to give me a few days."

The old man's gaze fell on Qiu Siping. Qiu Siping struggled a bit. He clenched his teeth and said, "Senior, this is true. I would like to ask senior to accommodate."

The old man rolled his eyes and said, "I'll give you one month. After one month, go to the treasure refining pavilion in any city and tell them my name, Sun Dian, and I will know."

With that, the old man looked at Wang Lin and let out a laugh. He tapped the turtle with his feet and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Qiu Siping pondered for a while. He gave Wang Lin a frightful look. He didn't ask anything about the old man, but said, with a heavy tone, "Brother Wang, I'll increase the speed of the boat so we can arrive in two days. I'll leave the matter of the restrictions in the cave to brother Wang."

Wang Lin nodded his head. He quickly sat down on the stern of the boat and pointed his finger at his brow. The devil Xu Ligou and the second devil came out and floated around him.

At the same time, he slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag came out. This time, under his control, the restriction flag surrounded his body.

Shortly after, a cold voice came out from the black mist. "Fellow cultivator Qiu, I'm going to go into close door cultivation for two days, so please don't disturb me."

Qiu Siping immediately agreed. After looking at the black mist, he turned around and focused his attention on controlling the boat to make it go faster.

After two days, the boat arrived at the a desolate mountain. He turned around and looked at Wang Lin. After pondering a while, he sat down and waited for Wang Lin, rather than bothering him.

After a few hours, the restriction flag around Wang Lin started to move. It soon shrunk down back to the size of a small flag and was put away.

Wang Lin's face was somewhat pale. The lotus restriction placed on him by the old man wasn't that strict, so he had already cracked part of it, however, to completely remove it, he needed more time.

But in these two days, Wang Lin came to a complete understanding of this restriction. This restriction acted as a tracker and, from Wang Lin's understanding, the range was extremely large.

After Qiu Siping saw Wang Lin come out of the black mist, he stood up and said, "Brother Wang, below us is where the cave is located.

Wang Lin nodded and looked down. He suddenly left the boat and floated in the air.

Qiu Siping formed a seal with his right hand and used a technique on the boat. The boat shrunk down to the size of his palm and he put it away.

After doing that, he quickly went down. After looking around, he landed on some stone steps. He placed his right hand on a black rock and spit out a mouthful of golden core energy onto it. The black rock started to shine.

Qiu Siping waved his hand and the rock floated into the air, then his hand formed many seals and the black rock floated toward the mountain while shining.

As the black rock floated toward the mountain, waves of ripples appeared on the mountainside and started to spread.

From within the water ripples, a half circle hole appeared in the mountain.

Qiu Siping took a deep breath and looked toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pondered a little. His divine eye lit up. After staring at the water ripple for a while, he formed three illusionary circles and sent them toward the water ripple.

The moment the circle landed, the water ripple started to shake. Bumps appeared on the mountain. These bumps sometimes enlarged and sometimes shrunk. They were very strange.

Wang Lin didn't even bat an eye. His hand moved, creating one illusionary circle after the other.

Just then, one of the bumps in the water ripple suddenly broke. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he sent one of the illusionary circles to the location where the bump burst.

But afterward, more bumps burst. Wang Lin quickly sent out the illusionary circles one by one and they all landed on where the bumps had burst.

As time passed, more and more bumps burst. Wang Lin gradually became unable to keep up with the speed the bumps were bursting. Qiu Siping had always been nervous, and after seeing that Wang Lin couldn't keep up anymore, he couldn't help but be worried. He slapped his bag of holding and ten black rocks came out.

Shortly after, both of his hands worked on the block rocks. Soon, he sent one of the black rocks toward one of the bumps that had burst and Wang Lin was too late to send an illusionary circle to.

He revealed an aching look as he sent out the black rock, but soon became serious. His hand constantly moved. Whenever there was a time Wang Lin couldn't keep up, he filled the gap with the black rocks.

After Wang Lin saw this, his eyes lit up. He purposely slowed down a bit, forcing Qiu Siping to use the black rocks to fill in the gaps.

Eventually, all ten black rocks were used and Wang Lin's hand suddenly sped up and sent out dozens of illusionary circles. A boom appeared from the water ripples and it split in half, creating an opening to the entrance.

Qiu Siping's expression became excited and he charged into the opening. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he followed behind.

The hole wasn't big. Inside the cave were four stone doors. After Wang Lin entered, he saw Qiu Siping in front of one of the stone doors with a look of horror on his face.

Wang Lin ignored Qiu Siping and looked at the stone doors. After examining them, he found that there were restrictions placed on all four doors. His gaze landed on a door to the left and found that the restrictions on that door were the easiest to break.

He pondered for a while. His hand started to move, formed an illusionary circle, and he threw it at the door.

Suddenly, the stone door began to quiver and slowly opened up. Wang Lin looked inside the room and his eyes suddenly widened.

The stone room was completely empty, with only a circular array in the middle. This array looked very old, but upon closer inspection, Wang Lin found that the material used to create this array was still in good condition.

And Wang Lin was immediately able to see through what this array was as well. This was an array that could instantly transfer people millions of kilometers!

Qiu Siping turned his head and looked at the array. He blandly said, "This is an ancient transfer array. When my teacher found this cave, he also found the transfer array. Although the transfer array is kept in top condition because it is in a cave, to activate it requires top quality spirit stone. I have never heard of anyone having top quality spirit stone in the Sea of Devils, so I have never opened up this transfer array."

Wang Lin didn't speak, but he secretly became very excited. It had to be said that after leaving the land of the ancient god, one of his main goals was to find an ancient transfer array, but he couldn't find much in Qilin city.

His original plan was to find information on ancient transfer arrays and find an ancient transfer array himself and fix it. But with this transfer array in front of him, he wouldn't need to do any of that.

The only pity was that he didn't know where this transfer array lead to.

Qiu Siping pointed at one of the rooms and said, "This stone room to the left is a storage room that used to contain many books, but I have already taken them all." With that, he formed a few seals with his hand and set it on one of the stone doors.

Suddenly, the stone door opened up, revealing an empty room.

"This room contained the remains of the ancient cultivator, but it is no longer there. My teacher refined the remains into pills." With that, he once again opened another door and it was empty as well.

Qiu Siping glanced at Wang Lin and slowly said, "My teacher and senior brother are in the room to the right. Once the room is open, we will take one Nascent Soul for each of us. My teacher's Nascent Soul will belong to you and I'll take my senior brother's. Brother Wang, I know we had some misunderstandings when we first met, but I believe that, during our trip here, those misunderstandings have been resolved."

Wang Lin calmly said, "If your conclusion is wrong and both Nascent Souls aren't in Gui Xi, then what?"

Qiu Siping shook his head and said, "Brother Wang, you can rest assured that both of them are in Gui Xi, but I have prepared something, just in case." With that, he took a deep breath and took out a purple incense stick. He lit the stick up and a burst of sandalwood fragrance filled the room.

"Heart Confusing Fragrance?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he immediately realized what it was. This Heart Confusing Fragrance was a material for making pills. If combined with other drugs, it could calm the heart and help resist outside devils. But if used alone, especially if used on someone who was being invaded by a devil, then their injuries would increase and the devil would be receiving outside help.

Qiu Siping nodded and calmly said, "Yes, Brother Wang can rest assured now. However, this restriction is dangerous, so Brother Wang should be careful." With that, he took a few steps back, making room for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin stared at the door for a while, then he moved his right hand and sent an illusionary circle toward it. However, the moment the illusionary circle fell on the door, a beast head appeared on it. It roared and tried to swallow Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. He slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag appeared. He growled, "Devour!" and a giant hand came out of the flag and dragged the beast into the flag.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's hand kept moving and illusionary circles appeared one after another and landed on the door. As each circle landed, another beast head would appear. Slowly, the number of beast heads increased, but the restriction showed no signs of being broken.

Qiu Siping slightly frowned. He pondered for a while, then took out four more black rocks. He looked at them with a painful look. After caressing them a bit with his hand, he sent them out in four directions and they landed on the stone door.

Qiu Siping shouted, "Brother Wang, I can only suppress the beast heads for 10 breaths! Quick!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He held the restriction flag in his hand and waved it. Immediately, the hundreds and thousands of restrictions on the restriction flag came out and slammed toward the stone door.

Wang Lin wasn't confident that he could break the restriction on this stone door in a short amount of time, so he decided to use the second method, which was to open it by force.

Thousands of restrictions landed on the door and countless beast heads struggled to come out, but the 4 black stones on the door released a gentle light that prevented the beast heads from coming out.

The moment the restrictions hit the door, a series of tremors suddenly started causing dirt and dust to fall from the cave ceiling. It felt like the whole cave was going to collapse.

The moment the door was opened by the restriction flag, two dim, yellow lights flew out from the room and tried to escape from the cave.

But just at that moment, the two yellow lights started to slow down and began to wobble. The lights became even more dim, as if they were about to dissipate.

This was the Heart Confusing Fragrance coming into effect.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The moment the two dim, yellow lights came out, he saw that within the yellow lights were two Nascent Souls that were almost transparent.

From how their color was fading, they looked like they were about to collapse at any time, and, with the help of the Heart Confusing Fragrance, they had reached their limit.

Wang Lin and Qiu Siping moved almost at the same time. Wang Lin moved a bit faster and grabbed hold of the elder Nascent Soul. Without a word, Wang Lin charged out of the cave.

The moment Wang Lin charged out of the cave, the cave started to collapse and a series of tremors occurred. Qiu Siping also quickly left the cave. After he came out, he clasped his hands toward Wang Lin and quickly left, as if he was afraid that Wang Lin would act against him.

Wang Lin held the Nascent Soul. He touched his forehead and the devil Xu Liguo came out. The moment Xu Ligo saw the Nascent Soul, his face filled with greed.

Wang Lin snorted. Xu Liguo suddenly trembled and revealed a look of fear. He obediently took the Nascent Soul and returned to Wang Lin's consciousness.

After that, Wang Lin looked at the collapsed cave and then looked at the direction Qiu Siping left. He blinked a few times as he pondered. Eventually, he gave up on the idea of chasing after Qiu Siping and killing him, because, after all, his soul could only hold one Nascent Soul of power at the moment. If he were to add another one onto that, then there was a chance of him losing control and getting possessed by a devil too.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He was very excited. After devouring this Nascent Soul, he should be able to break into the nascent realm. He calmed himself down and quickly left.

After traveling for one day, Wang Lin stopped in the middle of a desert. He purposely traveled a very desolate flight path. He looked around and knew that, within a 10,000 kilometer radius, there were very few people and beasts. He stomped his feet and his body immediately sunk into the ground.

He stopped after reaching a depth of 2000 feet. He then created a cave and sat down cross legged. He pointed his finger at his brow and the devil Xu Ligou came out.

Wang Lin looked at Xu Ligou, Xu Ligou obediently took out the Nascent Soul that was about to collapse and then stood to the side, staring at the Nascent Soul.

Wang Lin didn't even look at Xu Ligou. He closed his eyes for a few breaths, then reopened them with a determined look. He opened his mouth and swallowed the Nascent Soul.

The moment the Nascent Soul entered his body, the ancient god tactic immediately went to work like a great millstone. As the Nascent Soul dissolved, it released large amounts of energy that filled Wang Lin's body.

Wang Lin immediately stopped the ancient god tactic to prevent it from using all this power on refining his body. As a result, under his control, this powerful spiritual energy moved through his body and toward his core.

His core suddenly expanded and its color darkened. Its size continued to expand, until cracks appeared on its surface.

A sign of Nascent Soul slowly appeared in his body.


Just at that moment, the Ji Realm in his consciousness activated without his control. It quickly left his consciousness and traveled through his body toward his core.

Wang Lin fiercely opened his eyes. No matter how much he tried to control his Ji Realm, he couldn't gain control over it. The moment his Ji Realm landed on his core, it exploded.

After the explosion happened inside Wang Lin's body, the spiritual energy released by the explosion of his core collided with the spiritual energy from the Nascent Soul he devoured.

The impact of the two spiritual energies sent all that energy out of Wang Lin's channels as they swept across his body.

Wang Lin's body was thrown around by the explosion in his body. He coughed out several mouthfuls of blood and his face immediately paled.

He struggled to sit up. Wang Lin's eyes were dull and he was silent. After a long time, some light came back to his eyes and he closed them. After checking his body, he let out a crazed laugh. After crazily laughing for a long time, no matter how one listened to it, there was a hint of grief.

Wang Lin's eyes were bloodshot as he muttered, "Ji Realm Soul… Ji Realm Soul… Ji Realm Soul…"

The core inside his body didn't completely explode, but shrunk to the size of a thumb nail.

Wang Lin had already expected the Ji Realm to prevent him from reaching Nascent Soul. Although he wasn't sure before, he had just confirmed that the greatest barrier to reach Nascent Soul was his Ji Realm.

Wang Lin's success was due to his Ji Realm and his downfall was also due to his Ji Realm, but what Wang Lin really wanted to know was why this happened. Why his Ji Realm would go out of control and attack his core when he was trying to reach Nascent Soul.

He bitterly took a deep breath and started to cultivate to recover his body.

After three days, Wang Lin opened both of his eyes. After leaving the cave, he quickly moved to find a town.

After half a month, Wang Lin had been to almost every city in the area, but, of course, he didn't go to any of the Treasure Refining Pavilions.

Within these cities, he didn't even find any trace of information about Ji Realm.

In his confusion, he suddenly remembered Qiu Siping's cave. Inside the cave were many books, even books that were recorded on bamboo, displaying how old they were. They would break with any fluctuation of spiritual energy, so they couldn't be stored in a piece of jade.

Thinking about this, Wang Lin quickly moved toward Qiu Siping's cave.

After five days, Wang Lin arrived. He didn't care if Qiu Siping was there. If he were to try to stop him, then Wang Lin would kill him without any hesitation.

Although Qiu Siping received a Nascent Soul, forming a Nascent Soul takes more than half a month, so Wang Lin wasn't worried about the current Qiu Siping.

Wang Lin sank into the ground and found the cave. As for the restrictions on the cave, they were no problem for Wang Lin. After breaking through them all, he entered.

Wang Lin scanned the cave with his divine sense and found that Qiu Siping was not inside. He walked toward the room with all the books. As for the restriction on the room, it only took Wang Lin three hours to break through it and enter.

After entering, Wang Lin took a deep breath and calmed his heart before starting to search through the books.

Among these bamboo books was mostly information about restrictions. After scanning them, Wang Lin put them away, as none of them even contained the words Ji Realm.

Wang Lin's heart became heavy and he continued to look. Suddenly, his gaze fell onto a piece of bamboo. This bamboo looked extremely old and even showed some signs of damage.

After picking it up, Wang Lin opened it up and his body trembled. He took it to a table and slowly opened it up.

Most of what was on the bamboo was about restrictions, but, on the back, a row of small words was carved.

"In the cultivation world, there can be a change in spiritual power that will result in something that could be called the Ji Realm. I have studied the Ji Realm for many years and I have left my research for the future generations."

"This mysterious force known as Ji Realm, from my view, should be a divine technique! Only a divine technique would have the power to instantly kill a cultivator of the same realm!"

"The final evolution of the Ji Realm is believed to be the Nascent Soul stage by many other researchers, but, after reading some historical text, I found a very interesting phenomenon."

"First of all, I want to say that, in the historical text, there is no direct indication of who has Ji Realm, but, from the context of the document, I managed to find track of several cultivators with Ji Realm.

"Among these people, some stopped at Core Formation, some stopped at Nascent Soul, and some stopped at Spirit Severing. It could be said that there is no pattern and it all depends on each individual."

"In fact, all the breakthroughs in my Ji Realm research are all thanks to one person. I won't say this person's name, but this person is the first Ji Realm cultivator I have met!"

"His cultivation level is Nascent Soul."

"This person wanted to break through Nascent Soul and reach Spirit Severing, so he came to me for help, but, in the end, I still failed…"

Wang Lin was immersed in the text, reading it word by word. After a long time, he revealed a very confused expression.

According to the record on the bamboo book, Wang Lin immediately realized that his own Ji Realm limit was Core Formation, otherwise, his Ji Realm wouldn't go out of control when he tried to form his Nascent Soul.

As a result, his cultivation will be stuck at the late stage of Core Formation without any chance to break though in the future. Wang Lin found this unacceptable!

If his cultivation couldn't break through, then those 400 years of suffering would never be released and Situ Nan would never wake up and all that he had done would stop right here.

Teng Hauyaun would still be able to keep on living and he would never get his revenge. He would also never be able to return to the country of Zhao because Teng Hauyaun would not let him go.

All of his dreams shattered at this moment.

His success came from his Ji Realm…his downfall also came from his Ji Realm… Wang Lin clenched his fist and revealed a monstrously unwilling expression.

If he wanted to reach the Nascent Soul, then he must give up his Ji Realm. The only way was to give up all the power of his Ji Ream so he could reach Nascent Soul.

This was a very hard choice. The person who left the message on the bamboo book came up with one idea for the Nascent Soul cultivator he was helping and that was to waste his cultivation.

As his cultivation would scatter, his Ji Realm would also scatter, allowing him to start cultivating again and break through.

That Nascent Soul cultivator didn't choose that method in the end.

Now, Wang Lin was faced with this difficult decision.

If he didn't give up his Ji Realm, then he wouldn't be able to break through. Everything he tried in order to form his Nascent Soul was obstructed by his Ji Realm. But if he gave up, then all the cultivation he had worked so hard to obtain in the past 400 years would be wasted. Also, he was currently in the Sea of Devils, a very dangerous place, where he might die before his cultivation reaches back to what it is now.

After a very long time, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a determined look. He took a deep breath and put the bamboo away as he slowly walked out of the cave.

The first thing he must do is completely remove the lotus restriction on his body.