

Chapter 201 - 200 Years

Wang Lin suddenly moved. At the same time, the two copies started to use their magical treasures. Wang Lin had already arrived before them. Meanwhile, his hand formed the seal from the memories of the Ancient God, then he shouted, "Break!"

Suddenly, a strong force came from the seal formed by Wang Lin's hand. Under the pressure of the force, the treasures that the two copies tried to activate were suddenly paused for a bit.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's body charged like a meteor toward the two copies. The two copies' expressions didn't change and they started to active the same technique.

Wang Lin rammed into the one of the copies with no hesitation. When they collided, that copy immediately collapsed into dust. The copy Wang Lin targeted was the one who took out the scroll.

From his point of view, the scroll was very mysterious. He didn't want to give the copy a chance to use it and cause unnecessary trouble.

The other copy controlled the black sword and attacked Wang Lin.

The moment the flying sword came toward him, Wang Lin stopped and moved his right hand in a circle. An illusionary circle appeared.

The restriction quickly grew larger and stood between Wang Lin and the flying sword.

Shortly after, Wang Lin charged toward the other copy. It realized something was wrong and quickly escaped. Wang Lin started to chase the copy.

However, the copy obviously couldn't mimic the power Wang Lin gained from the body reconstruction from the Ancient God's inheritance, so no matter if it was speed or physical power, the copy couldn't compare with Wang Lin.

As a result, after a short while, the copy was rammed into by Wang Lin and collapsed.

Wang Lin's charge didn't stop. After checking his body and his Ji Realm, he didn't want to waste any more time here and charged out like lightning.

Wang Lin continued to fly through the remaining 70 miles. Sonic booms could be heard as he flew. At the same time, copies appeared one after another before him, however, all of them were either smashed by his body, or, for the ones farther away, destroyed by his Ji Realm's red lightning.

For more than 70 miles, none of the copies could slow Wang Lin down even a tiny bit. After a few short breaths, Wang Lin broke out of the chaotic broken stars' ring.

To others, the chaotic broken stars might contain a lot of power, but to Wang Lin, if this place couldn't copy his Ji Realm or the strength of his reconstructed body, then it was powerless against him.

This ring was formed by a large divine avatar technique, but Wang Lin's Ji Realm was a heaven defying existence, so if the divine technique couldn't copy it, then it was useless against him.

As for the Ancient God's body, if this ring could copy it, then the Ancient Gods wouldn't be so mysterious. The person that laid down this formation couldn't possibly compare with the Ancient God's power, so how could the formation copy it?

Wang Lin, with his Ji Realm and Ancient God's body, charged out of the ring. He felt a ripple in his heart. When he went into the land of the Ancient God, he was only someone at the Core Formation stage.

Now, not only had he learned restrictions and obtained a body like the Ancient God, but his Ji Realm soul had also formed a core. As a result, although Wang Lin might not be able to beat a Nascent Soul expert, he was confident that he wouldn't die in a fight against one.

In addition, Wang Lin felt that even against a Spirit Forming stage expert, he still stood a chance at winning. If he used all of these mysterious chants and techniques properly with his magical treasures, then he could defeat someone at the Spirit forming stage.

Before, if he met a Nascent Soul expert, even if he ran, his only road was death.

A Nascent Soul cultivator's power came after the body formed a Nascent Soul. The spiritual power in the body undergoes a huge change. At the Nascent Soul stage, a sliver of spiritual power could match all of the spiritual power that someone at the Core Formation stage could muster. In addition, the most notable technique Nascent Soul experts could use is instant movement.

This instant movement technique was what allowed Nascent Soul experts to be the peak in a 3rd ranked country.

In addition, Nascent Soul cultivators could use many more techniques than Core Formation experts, and even if they used the same technique, a Nascent Soul cultivator's power was hundreds to thousands of times more powerful.

It could be said that in the history of cultivation, only a few people at the Core Formation stage could beat people at the Nascent Soul stage. Even with some heaven defying treasure, at most, they could only protect themselves.

After all, the power of a magical treasure is closely related to the user's cultivation level.

The Nascent Soul stage is a dividing line in the cultivation world. Only after forming a Nascent Soul can cultivators truly be considered strong. This shows how important forming a Nascent Soul is.

Meanwhile, the difference between the three realms is also very large. Each stage is at least 10 times stronger than the previous.

In other words, a late stage Nascent Soul cultivator is about 10 times stronger than a mid stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and 100 times stronger than an early stage Nascent Soul cultivator. This is a bit overly simplified though, because it doesn't factor in magical treasures.

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This was all a guess by Wang Lin. He wasn't sure if he could really beat a Nascent Soul expert. After all, he was only at the late stage of Core Formation.

But since his Ji Realm Soul had increased greatly, his reconstructed body contained the power of the Ancient God, and factoring in the various magical treasures Wang Lin possessed, he hesitated in his uncertainty.

After Wang Lin broke out of the ring, he decided not to go find a Nascent Soul expert to try it out. He thought that would be extremely stupid.

Wang Lin gazed at Qian Kun and Yun Fei. He never really thought about Core Formation cultivators, even before he entered the Land of the Ancient God, and even less so now.

He didn't have any interest in the problems between these two people, but he did need someone to answer his question, so he asked, "Where is the closest city?"

The moment Wang Lin walked out, Qian Kun revealed a very respectful expression, but his heart was very tense. When he heard Wang Lin's question, he wanted to answer, but Yun Fei answered before him.

"Senior, there aren't any cities within a 10,000 mile radius of this place. Although, more than 30,000 miles to the west, there is a city called Qi Lin." As Yun Fei was talking, she moved a few strands of her hair behind her ear, revealing her feminine charm.

Unfortunately, this act didn't attract Wang Lin at all. After Yun Fei noticed that Wang Lin's gaze didn't linger on her at all, she felt a bit disappointed, but wasn't about to give up. Mo Yun knew that she wasn't perfect, but she was very skilled in bed, otherwise, the master of the Enchanted Palace wouldn't be so enchanted with her. She secretly clenched her jaw. Ever since Wang Lin broke through the ring, she never stopped trying to guess his cultivation level. If she could find someone to hide behind, then even if the enchanted palace came to chase after her, they'd be forced to withdraw.

She believed that if this person would be willing to help her, then even wiping out the Enchanted Palace would be possible, but all of this was her fantasy.

Wang Lin obviously didn't know what she was thinking. He looked toward the west and asked, "Does this Qi Lin city have spirit forming stage cultivators?"

"No, Senior. There are no spirit forming stage cultivators in Qi Lin city. In fact, in this Sea of Devils, let alone Qi Lin city, even in the top 10 cities, there aren't many spirit forming stage cultivators." This time, Qian Kun answered before Yun Fei. Before, he regretted letting Yun Fei answer before him. If he didn't say anything this time and made this senior angry, then it would be very bad for him.

Wang Lin's eyes wavered. He muttered, "No spirit forming…"

"Senior, 200 years ago, some of the well known spirit forming experts in the Sea of Devils disappeared into the chaotic broken stars, so there aren't many remaining." Qian Kun quickly answered, but after he finished speaking his expression suddenly changed. His eyes grew wide as he looked at Wang Lin with a mystified look. But quickly, his forehead started to sweat and he lowered his head, but his heart was in complete chaos.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. His eyes became cold. He spoke with a voice as cold as the icy wind from hell. "Which spirit forming cultivators disappeared into this chaotic broken stars ring 200 years ago?"

Yun Fei also revealed a surprised expression. She also remembered the rumor from 200 years ago. She tightened her red lips and said, "Senior, junior here knows some of what happened 200 years ago. The Poison King's Enchanted Palace's prince, Meng Qingfan, Qi Mei city's head, Duanmu Ji, Xuan Tian Sect's head, Six Desire Devil Lord, and Tianmo Dong's old monster, Ancient Emperor. Those four met here and disappeared together. Many of their successors came here in these 200 years, but found no clues."

Wang Lin's expression remained calm, but his heart was stunned. 200 years … unexpectedly, he had already been in The Land of the Ancient God for 200 years.

Wang Lin put away his feelings of regret and placed his gaze on Qian Kun. This person acted a bit weird earlier and said that he was from the Poison King's Enchanted Palace, so his senior must be Hunchback Meng.

Under Wang Lin's gaze, Qian Kun's legs grew weak and he fell kneeling on the ground. He said, with fear and respect, "Senior, this junior doesn't know anything and won't say anything. Senior, please spare me."


Chapter 202 - Wiped out Completely

Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He glanced at Qian Kun and asked, "Is your master Hunchback Meng?"

Qian Kun's body trembled. If he had any doubts before, they all disappeared when he heard that question. It had to be said that the Poison King's Enchanted Palace's Meng Qingfan was a very well known name in the Sea of Devils. No matter which senior, when talking about Meng Qingfan, they would refer to him as Senior Meng.

Even among the people with the same amount of fame, they would at least refer to him as prince Meng. Besides reaching the spiriting forming stage, which was very rare in the Sea of Devils, there were his poison techniques. These poison attacks were hard to guard against. They were tasteless and colorless. Many had died of these poisons before they even realized what had happened.

Adding to all of this was Meng Qingfan's eccentric personality. One wrong word and he would wipe out your whole sect. There once was a sect in the Sea of Devils. Although they didn't have any spirit forming experts, they had quite a few late stage nascent soul experts, making them one of the strongest sects in the Sea of Devils.

One of the sect's nascent soul disciples met Hunchback Meng. Forget not knowing his identity, he even mocked Hunchback Meng.

That night, Meng Qingfan walked into the sect by himself. One hour later, when he left, all 3,960 people of the sect, including the inner disciples, outer disciples, all of the workers, and even those late stage nascent soul experts, all died.

When Meng Qingfan killed people, he liked to leave behind the reason. That was why others knew about the things he had done.

As a result, Meng Qingfan's ruthlessness would make the face of anyone in the Sea of Devils pale.

There were only a few people in the Sea of Devil that dared to call him Hunchback Meng. After Qian Kun heard Wang Lin's words just now, he was even more sure about his guesses

Qian Kun didn't dare to lie and quickly said, "Se… Senior, Elder Meng is indeed my sect's ancestor." After saying this, he clenched his jaw. Without waiting for Wang Lin to speak, he spoke the secret he knew.

It seemed that a few years ago, Qian Kun heard the current head talk about ancestor Meng Qingfan, that he wasn't missing, but went into the chaotic broken stars, and it seemed that it was the second time he had gone there.

He also heard that if a large rift were to appear in the chaotic broken stars, that means the ancestor has come back.

Qian Kun bore this in mind when he first heard it, but a long time had passed, and it didn't have anything to do with him, so he had gradually forgotten.

As a result, when he saw the rift open, he felt a sense of familiarity, but didn't think too deeply about it. But after he answered Wang Lin's, question he felt as if he was hit by lightning and immediately remembered it.

This was why his expression suddenly changed. A rift opened up in the chaotic broken stars, but the ancestor didn't return. Even the other spirit forming cultivators like Duanmu, Six Desire Devil Lord, and Ancient Emperor didn't come out. Instead, it was this young man that appeared.

This caused him to speculate many things.

After Wang Lin finished listening, he muttered to himself, which caused Qian Kun to become very tense. Qian Kun clenched his jaw. He moved his hand over his bag of holding and suddenly threw out black sand. He started to escape without looking back.

The black sand released a fishy smell. After it appeared, it immediately made a minor exploding sound. Wang Lin laughed at him in his heart. He didn't dodge the sand but slammed his bag of holding and his poisonous sword came out.

The poisonous sword quickly flew through the black sands a few times, causing all of the black sand to suddenly light up in a green flame. Sounds of breaking could be heard. All of the black sand turned into green smoke and was absorbed by the poisonous sword.

All of this happened very quickly. In almost the same instant that Qian Kun threw out the black sand and started to escape, Wang Lin's poisonous sword had already absorbed it all.

This time, Qian Kun's heart shook again. His body started to release a cold feel. He quickly urged his spirit power to move faster.

Wang Lin's face remained bleak. He pointed his finger at this brow. Suddenly, from his consciousness, flew out a black shadow. The black shadow shot out of Wang Lin's consciousness like lightning and out through the star.[The star on his forehead]

The Devil Xu Liguo came out with a joyous scream that echoed in the surrounding.

"I'm finally free! I almost bored to death! Boy, don't run. Let your grandpa Xu devour you. In order to repay you for allowing me to come out again, I'll let you die with as little pain as possible."

The moment the voice could be heard, the Devil Xu Ligou became like smoke and caught up to Qian Kun. Qian Kun had an aghast expression when Xu Ligou jumped on him. After Xu Ligou devoured Qian Kun's soul, he took the golden core formation and bag of holding and returned to Wang Lin.

Xu Ligou showed an expression of trying to please, but in his heart, he didn't want to give up the core formation.

Wang Lin glanced at the core formation then threw it into his mouth. The moment the core formation entered his mouth, the ancient god tactic started to activate and he completely absorbed it in a few breaths of time.

Wang Lin could feel that 80% of the core formation was absorbed by his body and only 20% became spiritual power.

After absorbing the core formation, Wang Lin put away the bag of holding. He pointed at Qian Kun's body as a small fireball came out of his finger. The fireball quickly landed on Qian Kun's body and turned it to dust.

When Yun Fei saw all of this, her face became even more pale, and she unconsciously took a few steps back. In her opinion, this white haired youth's cultivation level was too deep, especially the magical treasure he had used. She recognized that it was a nascent soul.

It was reasonable that Yun Fei was mistaken. The Devil Xu Ligao's soul was refined from a nascent soul. That, coupled with the fact that Xu Ligao met quite a few ancestors in the 3rd realm that caused him to change a bit.

And more importantly, Wang Lin had formed his soul core. Although a soul core didn't raise the cultivation level of a soul devourer at all, it allowed the soul devourer to create wandering spirits. This soul core also benefited the wandering spirits that the soul devourer controlled.

Wang Lin killed Qian Kun because he didn't want the news of him leaving the chaotic broken stars to be known.

What terrified Yun Fei the most was that Wang Lin had swallowed the core formation. Even the head of the Poison King's Enchanted Palace wouldn't just swallow a core formation without refining it with other medications first.

She had never seen something like this before. Right now, Wang Lin exerted even more pressure than Qian Kun.

Wang Lin's gaze landed on Yun Fei and her body instantly shivered. She didn't dare look at Wang Lin. He calmly said, "I helped you kill Qian Kun, how will you repay me?"

Shaking, Yun Fei raised her head and forced herself to calm down. She forced a smile, but she couldn't stop her voice from trembling. She said, "Se… senior, junior doesn't know Qian Kun."

Wang Lin didn't say a word and only calmed looked at her.

Yun Fei immediately saw the coldness in Wang Lin's eyes. She suddenly became very nervous. The white haired youth seemed to be a very ruthless person. He wouldn't show her any mercy because she was a woman. She knew that these people were impartial. If she didn't have anything of interest to them, then the only road left for her was death.

Yun Fei had an icy personality herself. She already knew in her heart that Wang Lin didn't want the news of him coming out of the chaotic broken stars to spread. Since Qian Kun was already dead, she was the only loose end remaining.

She bit her lower lip. Her face showed a decisive expression as she took out a piece of jade and showed it to Wang Lin.

"Senior, this jade contains some very precious pill recipes. This is my Qi Huang Sect's greatest treasure."

Wang Lin took the piece of jade and scanned it with his divine sense, then looked at Yun Fei.

Yun Fei felt bitter in her heart. She realize that just this piece of jade wasn't enough to move Wang Lin's heart. Her mind quickly worked and said, "Senior, junior grew up in Qi Lin city and has a house there. Junior also knows Qi Lin city very well, so if senior has any requests, junior can help." After she finished speaking, she was afraid that Wang Lin didn't know the rules of Qi Lin city and continued, "Senior, did you know that if a cultivator doesn't have resident status in Qi Lin city, they can only stay there for three days? Then, every day after would cost 10 low quality spirit stones. Even then, they can only stay for 10 days total, but junior here has resident status in Qi Lin city. With junior here, senior can stay in Qi Lin city as long as senior wants."

"Also, junior is very familiar with this Sea of Devils, including the locations of cities and the strength of cultivators, as knowing these things was junior's job at the Enchanted Palace. It can be said that there isn't much that this junior doesn't know about the Sea of Devils. If it wasn't for me being chased in a state of panic by Qian Kun, junior wouldn't have come to the chaotic broken stars."

After Yun Fei said all of this in one breath, she nervously looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He casually reached out with his hand and Yun Fei's body involuntarily moved toward him.

Meanwhile, his right wrist turned and his fingers touched together. With a wave, an illusionary circle appeared and landed on Yun Fei's brow.

"This restriction will activate once every three days. Every time it actives, your entire body's blood will flow backwards. Your cultivation will go into chaos and in your heart, a five star fire will be lit. If it isn't stopped by me within a minute, then your entire body will become a pool of blood."

Yun Fei's face became pale, but she soon calmed herself down after taking a few deep breaths. Yun Fei knew that her life was safe for now.

Wang Lin calmly said, "Take me to Qi Lin city."

Yun Fei nodded and stood back on the flying sword. She carefully lead the way in front of Wang Lin. Wang Lin didn't need a flying sword to fly, but looked like he was being carried by a gentle wind.

This unique way of flying was in fact the use of the attraction technique that he had mastered all those years ago. Now, after so many years, even using the words complete mastery to describe the way he used this technique doesn't seem fitting. To be more accurate, the technique under his use was getting close to perfection.

Like now, even if he used a flying sword, his speed wouldn't be much faster. Using a flying sword would consume more spiritual power, but because the attraction technique was the most basic technique, the amount of spiritual power it consumed was almost negligible for a late stage core formation expert. If one didn't look closely, they couldn't even detect any use of spiritual power at all.

It could be said that the amount of spiritual power consumed in one breath's time was only 1/10,000th the amount spiritual power his core formation produced in the same amount of time.

After Yun Fei saw this way of flying, her heart couldn't help but shake again. Her thought of escaping through luck in the future diminished a lot.

In reality, the distance of 30,000 miles wasn't a very long distance, but after flying for a whole day, Wang Lin still hadn't found this Qi Lin city, so his face immediately darkened. Yun Fei secretly screamed in her heart. She forgot that when she stated the distance of Qi Lin city from the chaotic broken stars, there was a dark blue aura ring that would randomly appear.

The frequency of the Aura wasn't very high, but when it appeared, it covered a wide area. Although there was no danger within the aura, your divine sense was trapped in your body, so it was very easy to get lost.

Outside the aura, Yun Fei explained all this very nervously. She was afraid of making Wang Lin angry. Finally, she suggested to go around it. This way, although it would take more time, wouldn't be more than 5 days.

After hearing this, Wang Lin sent out his divine sense and scanned the area, then his divine sense formed a straight line toward the aura. He soon saw the aura. After checking the aura, he confirmed what Yun Fei just said and nodded in agreement with her suggestion.

Yun Fei let out a breath and quickly lead the way.

Wang Lin was not a talkative person, and Yun Fei was too scared to speak, as a result, in three days, the two almost never spoke to each other.

At noon of the third day, the restriction on Yun Fei's body activated. She confirmed what Wang Lin had said before and felt the pain of her blood flowing backward and her spiritual power going into complete chaos. She even felt that there seemed to be a fire that was going to melt her body.

Good thing that the moment it was activated, Wang Lin stopped it. After experiencing this, the last bit of Yun Fei's rebellious hopes completely faded away.

Wang Lin completely knew what she was thinking in her heart. Although controlling people's hearts wasn't his speciality, when it came to controlling devils, he was right at home.

The method he used on Yun Fei was not that different from raising a devil. It was basically the same.


Chapter 203 - Qi Lin City

Wang Lin kept Yun Fei because she had some use. If she didn't, then to prevent the news of him leaving the chaotic broken stars, he would've already sent her to the underworld and would've kept playing the game of cat and mouse with Qian Kun.

Wang Lin knew that if he were to let the disciples of Duanmu, Six Desire Devil Lord, Hunchback Meng, and Ancient Emperor know that he came out of the Land of the Ancient God, the future would hold nothing but trouble for him.

Among those people, there will certainly be someone who knows the truth about what's inside the chaotic broken stars. Once Wang Lin has been exposed, he will be hunted endlessly by the disciples of those sects. If all those disciples were below the Nascent Soul stage, then they wouldn't pose much of a threat. However, once Nascent Soul disciples show up, it would definitely be troublesome.

In conclusion, complete silence was a much better choice. It would save a lot of trouble and he would be a lot safer.

It wasn't that Wang Lin wanted to kill, but he was forced to kill for his own survival. He still regretted one thing in his heart, although this thing happened many years ago.

Back in the day, in the country of Zhao, when he had just left the Heng Yue Sect, he met his former friend Zhang Hu. He had killed Zhang Hu's teacher to save Zhang Hu. Many mortals witnessed that scene.

Zhang Hu's decision was to kill all those mortals, but Wang Ling didn't have the heart, and instead, used a spell that made people lose some of their memories.

Even after many years, every time he thought about it, he felt pain in his heart, as if it were being drilled by millions of insects. He more than once mocked his own ignorance back then, and he more than once hated his own flawed sense of morality back then.

He didn't know that old Ji Mo had casted a spell on Zhang Hu's teacher that allowed him to see everything that happened after Zhang Hu's teacher's death.

Wang Lin thought that the issue came from the mortals, because he allowed them to live. In exchange, he got old man Ji Mo's anger, which resulted in Teng Huayuan's great-great-grandson to come after him.

Otherwise, how would Wang Lin have brought such disaster by offending a Nascent Soul cultivator when he was only at the Qi Condensing stage? That incident caused his whole family to be wiped out. The only thing left of his parents were two soul fires.

And he had even died once.

All of this catastrophe was caused by one moment of weakness. From the moment of his death, Wang Lin had a change of heart. If he could go back in time, he wouldn't stop Zhang Hu from killing those witnesses.

No one is born ruthless, no one is born to be cautious and wily, and no one is born cruel and cold hearted. All of this is caused by one's life experiences.

If people were given the choice, few would chose to be perceived as a ruthless, bold, decisive, cold hearted person, who's strong willed and as cunning as a fox.

Since the time Wang Lin left the county of Zhao, including the time he had spent in the outerworld battlefield and in the Land of the Ancient God, more than 400 years had passed by. More than 400 years was enough for someone's soul to completely change.

The him now was a completely different person from the little boy from the Heng Yue Sect in the county of Zhao. Wang Lin sometimes thought that if fourth uncle hadn't give his son's spot to him all those years ago, then he would probably be a pile of dirt at this point.

However, his road wouldn't have been as difficult as it was now. He would have gone and taken the state exam to enter the court and his parents wouldn't have met their ends. They would have gained respect once their son entered the court, and the wealth that follows. They would have lived calm, but satisfying and prideful lives.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and sorted out all the emotion that surfaced at once in his heart.

Old man Ji Mo, Teng Huayuan, Pu Nanzi, and some of the other cultivators from the country of Zhao, that demonic family's experts, and even the corpse sect's sect head were people Wang Lin must kill.

In addition, Wang Lin also had some doubts about how Teng Huayuan had found his family. He will thoroughly investigate this matter, and anyone related will be added to his kill list.

Under Yun Fei's guidance, on the 4th day, they saw, from a distance, an ancient heavenly beast. Comparing Nan Dou city to this was like comparing a child learning to walk to a giant.

Qi Lin city was the size of hundreds of Nan Dou cities. From a distance, it looked like an ancient wild beast laying on the ground and giving off a sense of majesty.

Qi Lin city looked like a large Qi Lin beast formed by dark black rocks.

The Qi Lin beast's eyes looked as if they contained intelligence and life. Anyone who saw it for the first time would be amazed.

The huge Qi Lin beast laid on the ground with numerous scales on its back. Each of those scales was a cave.

Inside the Qi Lin beast was the town square. Within it, almost all of the materials and magical treasures in the Sea of Devil were sold.

Outside the Qi Lin beast was a circular mountain range that surrounded and protected Qi Lin city. In the north, east, south, and west sides of the mountain, people used a great amount of power to open up a tunnel in the mountain for entering the city.

Yun Fei saw Wang Lin's gaze land on Qi Lin city, so she quickly gave an introduction. "No one knows the original Qi Lin city. Rumor has it that before the water in the Sea of Devils became mist, this city already existed."

Wang Lin scanned the city and his eyes landed on the Qi Lin's eyes. He was stunned.

He slapped his bag of holding with his right hand and a piece of jade appeared. This piece of jade was given to Wang Lin by Li Muwan as a parting gift. The jade contained all of the information from the Dou Xie Sect.

After he viewed the jade, he realized that the Qi Lin beast had similar effects to the Dou Xie Sect's green dragon.

Much later, he withdrew his gaze. He started to float casually toward the mountains that surrounded Qi Lin city. Yun Fei quickly followed on her flying sword.

Outside the gate of the east side of the mountain stood two rows of cultivators in blue robes. Wang Lin scanned them and found that all of them were at the middle foundation stage.

They coldly looked at the people coming and going. All visitors showed a Qi Lin shaped jade. Only after it had been examined could they pass.

Among those visitors there were a few Core Formation cultivators, but those blue robed cultivators maintained their cold looks without any signs of respect. Oddly, the Core Formation cultivators didn't mind it much at all either.

This strange scene quickly attracted Wang Lin's attention.

Yun Fei quickly whispered to Wang Lin, "These cultivators are all guards sent by the Qi Lin City Mansion. Within Qi Lin city there is no other large group like the City Mansion, so within Qi Lin city, the city government controls everything. Any of the sects outside Qi Lin City must follow the city's rules if they wish to enter."

Wang Lin nodded. Under his analysis, he thought that the reason for this was that the City Mansion was too powerful. That was why the guards outside were like they were and even the Core Formation cultivators don't dare to cause any trouble.

Not long after, it was Wang Lin and Yun Fei's turn. She took out her jade and, after paying a certain amount of spirit stones, she lead Wang Lin to the city.

When Wang Lin walked through the gate, he spread out his divine sense and found two late stage Core Formation cultivators hiding nearby.

Those two Core Formation cultivators didn't notice his divine sense at all.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal as he followed Yun Fei toward Qi Lin city, until they were right next to the Qi Lin beast. Up close, this Qi Lin beast felt even more magnificent. Like a large mountain in front of people, it couldn't help but make people feel small.

On the side, Yun Fei said, "This is Qi Lin city, one of the ten main cities in the Sea of Devils. Seeing the Qi Lin beast up close for first the time is always shocking. The rumor is that before the water in the Sea of Devil evaporated, there indeed existed such Qi Lin beasts. I really can't imagine that these type of divine beasts existed."

However, Wang Lin wasn't shocked much by this. Compared to the Land of the Ancient Gods, this city really wasn't much. Also, with the memories of the Ancient God, Wang Lin didn't feel much from seeing the Qi Lin beast.

Not even including the Ancient God's memories, just within the Land of the Ancient Gods, that hundred thousand foot dragon was much more amazing than this Qi Lin beast.

After taking a look, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and said, "Take me to your house."

Yun Fei nodded. She stepped on her flying sword and quickly flew to one of the scales. Even though it was just a scale, it was more than a hundred of feet wide.

Standing on the scale, Yun Fei took out the jade and sent some spirit power into it. Suddenly, a green light shined from the jade and the scale start to ripple like water, then turned transparent.

Yun Fei turned around and looked at Wang Lin as her body sank into the scale. Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He touched the surface and felt a cool sensation. After pondering for a while, he moved to where Yun Fei was standing and also sank into the scale.

The cave wasn't large. There were three rooms in total. After Wang Lin entered, Yun Fei quickly handed the jade to Wang Lin and then uneasily waited for Wang Lin to speak.

Wang Lin scanned the jade and found that there was a formation within the jade. This formation was clearly used to control the cave. After looking at it a little, he raised his head and blandly said to Yun Fei, "You can freely come and go, but if you reveal that I came out from the chaotic broken stars, don't blame me for not showing mercy. But you can rest assured that I won't stay long in the Sea of Devils. When I leave, I'll remove the restriction I put on you."

After he finished speaking, he created another restriction that landed on Yun Fei's forehead.


Chapter 204 - The Ancient Mirror and The Restriction Flag

After laying down the restriction, Wang Lin stopped watching Yun Fei. With a wave of his hand, he divided the cave in half, separating their living spaces. He also placed a restriction in between.

Sitting cross legged in the cave, Wang Lin pointed his finger between his brows. Suddenly, a ghost appeared. The ghost was a blur and was only 8 palm sizes large, but it was in the shape of a beast.

This ghost was the second devil used by Wang Lin in the Land of the Ancient God.

After the second devil appeared, it floated in midair, motionless, waiting for Wang Lin's command. Since Wang Lin formed his soul core, the last bit of rebellious feelings that the second devil had had involuntarily disappeared

Wang Lin pointed his finger at it. The second devil's ghost form quickly faded until it disappeared, but if Wang Lin used his power as a soul devourer, he could clearly feel where the second devil was.

He sent out a message to the second devil with this divine sense and the second devil quietly moved toward Yun Fei and landed on the restriction that Wang Lin had just placed on her.

Yun Fei didn't notice this process at all.

After doing all this, Wang Lin no longer paid any more attention to her. He sat there and organized his thoughts on what had happened in the Land of the Ancient God in the past 200 years.

During this time, he encountered many things and almost died on several occasions, but now, he felt like he had seen a dream. He couldn't really tell which parts were real and which parts weren't.

After a long time, Wang Lin let out a sigh. Although he received the inheritance of knowledge, it was only part of the true inheritance. The other part was the inheritance of power.

The master of the Blood Sea wouldn't just give it up. Once he finds a way to leave the Land of the Ancient God, the first thing he will do is find Wang Lin, who took the inheritance of knowledge, and steal it.

Once Wang Lin loses the inheritance of knowledge, he won't have any way to protect himself.

This matter felt like a giant mountain weighing down his heart.

But under Wang Lin's analysis, if the red haired man really wanted to leave the Land of the Ancient God, it wouldn't be a simple matter, so Wang Lin wouldn't have to worry about him for now.

However, some preparation was still needed. Wang Lin had decided that once he had settled down in Qi Lin city, he would get Yun Fei to help him search for the ancient transfer arrays in the mainland of the Sea of Devils.

He had more than 20 top quality spirit stones, enough for him to open up a transfer array to anywhere he wanted.

But prior to this, he had to carefully study the ancient transfer array. If he didn't understand them, even if he were to find the method of using them, he wouldn't dare do so.

This was one of the reasons why he came to Qi Lin city.

In addition, he had reached the peak of late stage Core Formation and was only one step away from the Nascent Soul stage, but that one step was like a giant gap, which he hadn't been able to cross.

Wang Lin didn't know if forming the Nascent Soul was as difficult for others as it was for him, but for him, it was much more difficult than he imagined. He had used the dragon's spinal fluid and other pills that should help with the process, but even then, he still couldn't form his Nascent Soul.

Not even a trace of his Nascent Soul forming had appeared yet.

Wang Lin had tried to analyze this before, to see if it had anything to do with his Ji Realm, but based on the little amount of understanding he got when the Ji Realm entered his soul, this strange state would make reaching the Nascent Soul stage and going past its three stages much more difficult. However, after one gets past the Nascent Soul late stage and into the Soul Formation stage, if compared to any cultivator of the same level, then the Ji Realm owner would hold an absolute advantage.

In fact, he never had much understanding of the Ji Realm. Another reason why he came to Qi Lin city was to see if he could find any text about the Ji Realm.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. After pondering for a while, he took out several bags of holding. All of these were things he had acquired while he was at the Land of the Ancient God.

First was Ancient Emperor's bag of holding. When he tried to enter it with his divine sense, he felt a gentle energy pushing his divine sense out.

Wang Lin's gaze focused on the bag of holding. He pondered a little. It seemed Ancient Emperor wasn't dead yet.

He sneered. He put that bag to the side and moved on to the other bags.

The bag that made him the most excited was the one holding Duomu's group's 10 instruments. With a wave of his hand, the ten instruments fell out of the bag.

The 10 instruments floated before him. Besides the half moon blade, which still had a faint glow, the other 9 instruments were no longer glowing.

Wang Lin's divine soul quickly moved toward those 9 instruments, however, the moment his divine sense touched them, his expression darkened. Although the owner of the 9 instruments was dead, there was another divine sense on them that prevented Wang Lin from using them.

His eyes lit up. He pondered for a while and suddenly remembered that before the instruments were handed to him, the old man had made a print on each one.

Wang Lin frowned. He once again surrounded the instruments with his divine sense. This time, he carefully studied each instrument. He spent a lot of time looking for the fluctuations of divine sense on the instruments.

After a long time, Wang Lin's gaze fell on a small mirror and his eyes lit up. From his observation, of these 9 instruments, besides this mirror, the divine sense on the other 8 wasn't something he could break at the Core Formation stage.

The destruction of its master's divine sense somehow messed up the divine sense that was placed on the mirror.

As a result, it was not impossible to destroy the divine sense placed in this mirror. Wang Lin pondered for a while and suddenly put away the other instruments and began to take the mirror over by force.

Time flew by. After one and a half months had passed, Wang Lin walked out of the cave with his expression as calm as always. He had successfully destroyed the divine sense on the mirror and made it his 30 days ago, then it took him 7 days to gain some basic understanding of the it.

Then, he refined it with his own fire, and after 49 days, the mirror was completely his.

He felt the effect of the mirror during this period of time. The effect of this ancient mirror was really mysterious. It was similar to the ring of the chaotic broken stars. It was related to avatars.

Wang Lin believed that this must have been a famous treasure a long time ago, or it wouldn't be the life saving treasure of an ancient cultivator.

But with only Wang Lin's knowledge, he didn't know the name of this mirror. Even with the memories of the Ancient God, he didn't possess much knowledge on magical treasures.

Afterall, the Ancient God's body was the best weapon. The Ancient Gods didn't often refine treasures, and when they did, those treasures would have unimaginable power.

Even now, Wang Lin would still think about the square pyramid that Tu Si had thrown away.

After inheriting the memories, Wang Lin held the memories to create many magical treasures, however, the amount of resources required was simply too much. Even if he were to use all of the resources in the Suzaku Star System, he wouldn't even be able to refine one of them.

Now, he knew the name of that square pyramid. It was called the Mysterious Star Pyramid. The function of the pyramid was to seal. If it was used properly, it would seal anything, including entire planets.

This pyramid required the least amount materials out of all the treasures, but that was only relative to the other treasures.

In the past month and a half, besides studying the mirror, Wang Lin had also started making the restriction flags with the ink stones.

However, Wang Lin was still missing some materials for the restriction flag. The reason he left the cave was to check out the town square and try to find these materials.

During this time, when he was refining the mirror, the restriction on Yun Fei activated many times, and everytime, Wang Lin remotely stopped it through the second devil. After such a long time, Yun Fei had already given in to her fate and was even numb to it.

In fact, Yun Fei had left the house many times to find experts, to see if anyone could remove these restrictions, and every time, she came back disappointed.

All of the cultivators Yun Fei found couldn't break the restriction. Everyone that saw the restriction frowned. In their view, this wasn't like any restriction used in the current cultivation world, but more like ancient restrictions.

There were also some people that asked questions about the restriction, but restrictions was already an odd subject in the world of cultivation, so not many people were willing to spend the time studying it. Even though the restriction on Yun Fei was really unique, no one really tried to learn more about it.

Yun Fei was very careful when she found people to try to break the restriction. She was afraid that she would accidentally leak information about Wang Lin and get killed by him before she managed to break the restriction.

Yun Fei didn't know that everything she was doing was being observed by Wang Lin through the second devil. He saw all of the things she had done and coldly laughed in his heart, thinking that she was just looking for death.

Wang Lin walked out of the stone room and was about to head out of the cave to the city when the cave suddenly opened up and Yun Fei walked in with a frown on her face. Wang Lin stopped, made a seal with his hand, and suddenly disappeared.

After the woman entered the cave, she looked toward Wang Lin's room. There was bitterness in her eyes.

Wang Lin looked at the woman. The things this woman had done already made him want to kill her. After she walked into her room, Wang Lin left the cave and went into the heart of Qi Lin city.

The inside the Qi Lin city was very large. It contained many shops that sold all kinds of things. Walking in the city, Wang Lin met many cultivators with varying cultivation levels. The strong ones were in the late stage of Core Formation and the weak ones were at the 1st or 2nd layer of Qi Condensing.

Wang Lin casually walked around, eyeing the shops for things he needed. Meanwhile, his divine sense was constantly connected to the second devil as he watched what Yun Fei was doing. She went to the corner of her room, opened a stone slab, and took out a pill furnace, and then she put it back. She stayed in her room, not knowing what she should do.

Seeing this, Wang Lin sneered in his heart. Her life was already in his hands, so he wasn't in any rush to kill her. He intended to see if there was anyone in Qi Lin city that could break the restriction, and, in a way, test how strong his restrictions had become.

With this plan in mind, he kept watching her through his divine sense and also started to look for the materials he needed.

While walking, Wang Lin's gaze suddenly focused onto a shop. This shop was 5 stories tall, decorated with a carving of a dragon and phoenix that released spirit powers. There was also a giant piece of white jade with three words carved on it: "Treasure Refining Pavilion".

Looking at the pavilion, Wang Lin revealed a strange smile. He remembered back to when he was in Nan Dou city and went to a Treasure Refining Pavilion to exchange dragon's skin for a pill furnace, which made many people chase after him and ended up causing a bloodbath.

He ended up giving the pill furnace that caused all of this to Li Muwan.

Thinking about this, an image of a gentle, weak, and fragile woman appeared in his mind. He sighed. He knew that Li Muwan liked him, but he had a blood feud that he just couldn't forget. In the cruel world of cultivation, he really couldn't have any ties, because if he caused a catastrophe again, she would be harmed because of it.

After going through such an experience, Wang Lin's heart became cold. He decided to not let himself have any ties before he was strong enough to protect them.

In the blink of an eye, 200 years had passed. Li Muwan might not even be alive anymore.

He forcibly removed Li Muwan's figure from his mind. His heart became cold again as he walked into this Treasure Refining Pavilion.

The inside of this Treasure Refining Pavilion wasn't all that different from the one in Nan Dou city, besides having one extra floor.

After Wang Lin entered, he casually looked around and went up the stairs. The moment he walked into the second floor, he stopped and his gaze fell onto the left wall.

On the wall hung the skin of a giant dragon. This skin was complete, so it felt like there was a living dragon in the room.

On the second floor of the Treasure Refining Pavilion sat a girl wearing a blue silk dress. She was eating sunflower seeds when she saw Wang Lin staring at the dragon skin. She used a special technique of the pavilion to look at Wang Lin and found him to be at the late stage of Core Formation.

She said, with a clear and beautiful voice, "This is the most complete dragon skin our pavilion has. It is not for sale unless you have something of equal value to exchange for it."

This dragon skin felt very familiar to Wang Lin, especially the way the skin was joined together. It was very similar to the one Wang Lin exchanged for the pill furnace.

Wang Lin pondered for a while and asked, "I'd like to ask; where did this come from?"

If Wang Lin asked when he was at the early stage of Core Formation, he wouldn't have gotten an answer, but now that he was at the late stage of Core Formation and close to the Nascent Soul stage, his cultivation was high enough for the girl to answer. She chuckled and said, "Senior isn't the first person to ask where it came from. After all, getting a complete dragon skin is simply too difficult, and this dragon skin was carved off the dragon the moment it died."

Wang Lin nodded. His gaze moved away from the dragon skin and onto the girl.

The girl put down the sunflower seeds in her hand and sweetly smiled, "To be honest, junior doesn't know who obtained this dragon skin. This was traded in at a branch store in Nan Dou city outside the Sea of Devils for a pill furnace. The rumor is that the cultivator that exchanged the dragon skin died outside the Sea of Devils."

"From the moment that cultivator left Nan Dou city, he was chased by many Core Formation experts, including a mid stage Core Formation expert, and that cultivator was only at the late stage of foundation building at the time. Originally, there wasn't anything abnormal about it as this cultivator was bound to die, but the cultivator broke through to the Core Formation stage during the pursuit and turned around and killed all the cultivators chasing him. He even forced the mid stage Core Formation expert to use the ten thousand devil one hundred days heavenly kill order."

Wang Lin's face calmly listened to all of this without any change in his expression. After the girl finished talking, he nodded and didn't ask any more about this.

After walking through the pavilion, he spent 30 mid quality spirit stones and brought the materials he needed. He then spent more spirit stones on a piece of jade that held the location of ancient transfer arrays. Then, he left without looking back once.

That dragon skin was still calmly displayed on the wall on the second floor of the pavilion.

Wang Lin was very satisfied with the materials. He had all the materials he needed for the restriction flags. Truth to be told, besides the ink stone, all the other materials weren't that rare, so they were very easy to purchase.

Putting the materials aside, Wang Lin wasn't very satisfied with the jade. Even in the pavilion, there wasn't much information on ancient transfer arrays. Even this piece of jade only contained some scattered records of them.

As for information on the Ji Realm, Wang Lin didn't ask directly. He questioned about it indirectly, but found nothing.

After returning to the cave, Yun Fei was still in her stone room. After checking up on her, Wang Lin returned to his stone room and started the production of the restriction flags.

His cultivation was a lot higher than Yun Fei's, so when he entered, Yun Fei didn't notice at all.

He took out the jade that he had obtained from the second realm in the Land of the Ancient God, which contained the information regarding the production of the restriction flags. He looked through the jade again before crushing it in his hand.

After he took out the ink stone and sent his spirit power into it, he took out the other materials and fused them together according to the instructions.

Then, following the instructions of the jade, he let out an essence of blood spirit power and began the refining process.

This process was called "Raising the Device" in the jade.

It could be said that the process for refining the restriction flags was different from the method of refining treasures that he had learned from the War Shrine. The two methods weren't just two different systems, but two completely separate domains.

The time of raising the device could be long or short, depending on the needs of the restriction flag.

If one could place 999,999 restriction on the restriction flag, then it would be optimal, but in reality, restriction flags have 4 levels.

These 4 levels were divided by the amount of restrictions on the flag. They were 999, 9,999, 99,999, and the final one was 999,999 restrictions.

Wang Lin's first goal was 999 restrictions.

Later that day, Wang Lin sat in his room, constantly moving his hand. Before him was a small white flag with 81 black dots.

Wang Lin became more focused. His hand changed between many seals and suddenly pointed at the flag. The afterimage left by his hand formed an illusionary circle and landed on the white flag.

The moment the restriction landed, it broke apart and reformed as a black dot on the flag. At this moment, there were 12 dots on the flag. Once there were 999 black spots on it, the creation of the lowest level of restriction flag would be complete.

Wang Lin was very careful during this process. Although he had created dozens of restrictions tonight, not all of them could be successfully placed on the flag.

After several attempts, Wang Lin found that the flag could only hold 9 of the same restriction at once. Once the 10th copy of a restriction was placed, the 9 before it would disappear.

After resting a while, when Wang Lin was about to place the 13th restriction on the flag, he raised his head and stared at Yun Fei's room. His eyes became cold.

Through the second devil, Wang Lin could see that Yun Fei took out the pill furnace again. This pill furnace was very old, and on it was a strip of yellow paper that let off a faint glow.

She hesitated for a while, Then, she clenched her teeth. Instead of putting the furnace into her bag of holding, she held it in her hand and quietly walked out of her room. Outside her room, she looked at Wang Lin's room with strong hatred in her eyes, but quickly covered it up.

The woman stood outside Wang Lin's room and asked, "Senior, are you there?" After she asked, she didn't move at all and waited.

After about one hour, the woman respectfully said again, "Senior, junior needs to go on a trip and would like to ask senior for permission." After she finished speaking, she slowly backed up. Even when she was at the entrance of the cave, Wang Lin still didn't do anything.

The woman's eyes lit up. She gently touched the door to the cave and left.

During the month Wang Lin had been locked in his room, whenever the woman was going to leave, she would do this. Wang Lin sneered in the room. After she left, he stood up and followed her.

This time, the woman took the pill furnace with her. There must be something important going on and Wang Lin was also kind of curious about the pill furnace. It had to be said that when he first entered the cave, he scanned it with this divine sense and didn't find anything abnormal.

Obviously, the furnace was guarded by some spell that prevented it from behind detected by divine sense. Also, Wang Lin had some speculation on why she didn't put it in her bag of holding.


Chapter 205 - The Nascent Soul within Gui Xi

In the Sea of Devils, one couldn't see the moon. Only specks of moonlight that shone through the thick fog could be seen. But for cultivators, these small specks of moonlight was enough to guide them.

After Yun Fei left cave, she quickly headed straight toward a gate in the mountain that surrounded the city. As she was passing through the gate, she stopped and saw someone walk out. This person wore black clothes and a golden cape. The person's entire body seemed to be wrapped in cloth.

This black clothed person looked at Yun Fei and, without word, turned around and walked out of the city. Yun Fei hesitated, but she clench her teeth and quickly followed.

The two successfully walked through the gate. None of the Qi Lin city guards stopped them.

Wang Lin saw all of this from a distance, using the second devil. He sneered again and his body turned into a ghost-like form. He quietly followed behind them.

Wang Lin was able to see, through the second devil, that the person in black was only at the mid stage of Core Formation. If Wang Lin wanted to kill that person, he only had to send out his divine sense and destroy their soul.

It was just that Yun Fei's actions were very mysterious tonight, so Wang Lin wanted to see who she found to break the restriction he had set on her.

After the person in black and Yun Fei left the city, they headed straight east and stopped at a mountain covered in black mist. They were 3,000 miles from Qi Lin city at this point.

"Ancestor, disciple has brought the person." The black clothed person knelt on the ground with one leg. He placed his hand on his chest, forming the shape of a lotus, and revealed a very respectful expression.

A thunderous voice boomed out from the mountain, "You can go back." The black mist on the mountain ripped and revealed a small pavilion at the top.

The black clothed person stood up and left without even looking back.

Wang Lin was currently standing on a cliff 1,000 miles away. After seeing the black clothed man leave, he pointed his finger at his brow and the Devil Xu Liguo appeared.

After Xu Liguo appeared, he received Wang Lin's order. He chuckled and headed toward the black clothed person.

Yun Fei stood outside the black mist. She became nervous again and began to hesitate. Everything that had happened tonight wasn't something she had sought out herself.

In the days that Wang Lin had been locked in his room, Yun Fei found many cultivators to help her remove the restriction, but they all failed. Originally, she had already given up, but unexpectedly, one of the middle city guards found her and said that there was someone who could remove the restriction on her, but she had to pay a price.

As a result, Yun Fei nervously considered it. If the person had a mid stage Core Formation cultivator working under him, then this mysterious person couldn't be weak.

However, that didn't mean that this person had the ability to remove the restriction, because in her mind, Wang Lin's cultivation had already reached an unimaginable level.

Just when she was contemplating, which was this morning, the mid stage Core Formation cultivator handed her a piece of jade which contained a detailed recording of all the effects of this restriction. She was stunned.

It had to be said that even though she looked for many cultivators to help her break the restriction, she never talked about the effects in detail. The only people that could know these details were the person who set the restriction and someone who could break it.

After seeing that jade, Yun Fei's hesitating heart became determined and she decided to risk it.

And that's how they reached this point.

At this moment, Yun Fei raised her head and looked at the pavilion at the top of the mountain, however, because of the mist surrounding the mountain, she couldn't clearly see what the person looked like.

Yun Fei bit her lower lip and whispered, "Can senior really break the restriction on junior?"

"Come up and speak!" The voice contained overwhelming power. The moment he spoke, the black mist suddenly moved and formed a dragon shaped path with the head at the top of the mountain and the tail before Yun Fei.

Yun Fei suppressed the fear in her heart and walked up the stairs.

Soon, she reached the pavilion at the top of the mountain. The person inside was a middle aged man who was wearing a robe. He was very good looking and exuded an aura that made others feel like he was from powerful family. The moment he saw Yun Fei, his eyes lit up.

The person thought, "It really is an ancient restriction!" But his expression remained normal and he blandly said, "I can remove the restriction on you, but you have to tell me who placed it on you."

Yun Fei hesitated a little and whispered, "Senior, junior can't tell you that. How about I exchange a batch of pills instead?"

The middle aged man pondered a little and shook his head. He said, "If you don't tell me, I won't remove the restriction on you. I can tell you that within the Sea of Devils, not many can remove this restriction. You can think about it first."

Yun Fei's expression became unsettled. After pondering for a while, she said, "Ok. I would like to ask senior to break the restriction first. If you succeed, then junior will tell you."

The middle aged man let out a laugh. He waved his hand and a purple rock appeared in his hand. The rock was a very round and smooth sphere.

After he took out the rock, he quickly used a spirit technique on it. The rock started to glow a rainbow color. Shortly after, a red light appeared and landed on Yun Fei's forehead.

Yun Fei shivered. She could feel that the moment the red light entered her body, it broke into many red threads and traveled through her body.

At this point, the middle aged man's expression became very serious. He carefully examined Yun Fei.

Not long after, a faint symbol appeared between Yun Fei's eyebrows. The symbol released a very ancient feel. The moment the middle aged man saw the symbol, he revealed a joyous expression and muttered, "This really is an ancient restriction! I really didn't expect anyone to be able to use this type of restriction."

His eyes lit up. He bit finger and dripped a drop of blood on the rock. The rock started to flash intensely and a black and white light came out from the rock. The light went toward the symbol between Yun Fei's brow.

But at the same time, a change suddenly occurred. A shadow appeared from Yun Fei's hair. The shadow revealed a beast's head. It went in front of Yun Fei's brow and swallowed the white and black light.

Then, the shadow turned to face Yun Fei and sucked in a breath. Yun Fei's eyes expanded with blood and her soul was sucked into the beast's mouth.

All of this happened too fast, almost in the blink of an eye. Yun Fei's soul was taken.

In truth, the moment she walked onto the dragon shaped road, her fate was sealed. There was only death left for her. If she had listened to Wang Lin and quietly waited for Wang Lin to leave the Sea of Devils, then she would have had a chance to live.

At the same time, the beast's body expanded and wrapped up Yun Fei's body. A storage bag, a pill furnace, and a golden core were taken by the beast as it was about to leave.

When the middle aged man saw the beast, his expression changed. He really didn't know what this beast was, to have such a strange ability to suck away someone's soul.

He had a speculation that this beast had always been there and that it had a master. This made the middle aged man very nervous.

But soon, he returned to normal. Seeing that the beast was going to leave, his eyes became cold. He waved his hand and the fog that formed the dragon shaped road surrounded the beast.

Shortly after, he slammed his bag of holding and took out a small drum made from the skin of some unknown animal. He looked at the beast and lightly hit the drum with his finger.

With a boom, the black mist started to tremble and turned into black armored soldiers, holding different magical treasures. They charged toward the beast.

The second devil was blocked by the black fog in front, and the black armored soldiers behind him were approaching. Many colored lights emitted from the soldier's weapons and rained down on the second devil.

But this beast was Wang Lin's second devil. Although it was not very powerful, it had amazing escape capabilities. Even back when Wang Lin first captured it, it was almost able to escape.

The second devil didn't hesitate and swallowed Yun Fei's core. It suddenly grew twice in size and then split from one to ten, then from ten to a hundred. Suddenly, there were 100 beasts trapped in the pavilion.

All 100 beasts let out sharp screeches. The sound waves rippled through the surroundings. Then, the 100 beasts all beat their wings in unison to create a strong tornado and used it to charge out.

With the sound wave opening the path and the tornado following behind, the fog blocking the path became unable to hold its physical form and collapsed. Even some of the soldiers that were chasing from behind were destroyed.

Then, the tornado came and blew away the collapsed fog completely .

The middle aged man stared at the tornado created by the beast with great interest in his eyes. He moved his right hand and hit the drum a few more times.

Boom, boom, boom, boom. 4 booms echoed in a row and the fog raged even harder and formed all sorts of strange beast at the edge of the mountain.

All of those beasts were very large and were filled with killing intent as they stared at the tornado.

"I don't care who your master is. No spirit beast that catches my eye has ever escaped. I know you can understand me, so listen well. Before, I only tried to block you, not attack, but in three breaths, if you don't obey me, I'll start attacking."

The second devil let out a laugh. The bodies he created fused back together inside the tornado and he suddenly attacked the middle aged man with a soul attack.

The lightning shaped soul attack broke through all that blocked its way. Even the black fog instantly dispersed when the lightning touched it. In the blink of an eye, it was already before the mid aged man.

The middle aged man's face suddenly changed. He backed up, bit his lips, and spat out some fresh blood. When the soul attack landed on the blood, a sizzling sound could be heard and the attacked paused slightly.

At the same time, the middle aged man took out a piece of black colored wood from his bag of holding. With a look of fear on his face, he roared, "Absorb!"

At that moment, the soul attack involuntarily charged toward the black colored wood, but the moment the attack was about the land, the second devil let out a roar and the soul attack broke into 100 strands and quickly withdrew.

The middle aged man's forehead was covered in sweat. If he was a bit slower earlier, then he would have been in danger, but his current expression showed a very strong sense of enthusiasm. He licked his lips and said, with a husky voice, "It can even use soul attacks. Even if this spirit beast has a master, I will steal it no matter what."

The moment he said those words, he heard a very cold voice float in from the distance. "Is that so?"

The moment the voice appeared, a buzzing sound appeared as well. The middle aged man quickly raised his head and saw that a giant tornado appeared on the horizon and quickly charged toward the fog.

The beast formed by the black fog was about to attack the tornado when a screech could be heard from within the tornado and a blast of wind came out. It destroyed all of the beasts formed by the fog.

Meanwhile, the second devil let out a laugh and charged out. It fused together with the tornado. The second devil was very angry. After gaining control of the tornado, it went on a rampage and started to destroy the surrounding fog.

The middle aged man didn't even look at the tornado, but stared at the horizon with a cautious look in his eyes.

He saw a white haired man wearing black clothes, slowly walking towards him. Although the white haired man looked like he was moving slowly, he was actually moving very fast. In a few blinks of the eye, the white haired man appeared on the mountaintop.

The middle aged man's pupils contracted. He hit the drum again and all of the surrounding fog quickly condensed into 8 balls of black fog. The balls floated around him.

Qiu Siping's eyes lit up. He calmly said, "You must be the one who knows how to use ancient restrictions."

The white haired man was Wang Lin. He waved his hand and two items flew out from the giant tornado. It was the bag of holding and the pill furnace. He didn't look at them, but held them in his hand. Only after he had secured the two items did he look at the middle aged man. Wang Lin saw that this middle aged man had already reached the peak of the late stage of Core Formation and was only one step away from the Nascent Soul stage.

But as long as the person was not a Nascent Soul cultivator, Wang Lin wouldn't have any trouble killing them. His eyes became cold and he coldly said, "I'm this beast's master. You said you wanted to steal it before, correct? Well, come and try to steal it. I'll give you a chance."

Wang Lin waved his right hand. The second devil came out from the tornado and floated before the middle aged man, motionless.

Qiu Siping frowned. He could see that Wang Lin was also at the late stage of Core Formation, but since he could be so arrogant, there must be something else.

Qiu Siping became very cautious. His eyes waved a bit and stared at the beast before him. He shook his head and said, "Sorry to have let fellow cultivator see such a joke. Before, I was only kidding. Since this beast belongs to fellow cultivator, how could I steal it? It was all a misunderstanding. I hope fellow cultivator doesn't mind the small things that have happened."

Wang Lin calmly waved his hand and the second devil returned to him. Suddenly, red lightning appeared in his eyes as his Ji Realm soul appeared.

Suddenly, a strong, suppressive force appeared.

Qiu Siping was about to speak when he suddenly saw the red glow from Wang Lin's eyes. His heart sank. He never thought that Wang Lin wouldn't even wait for him to finish speaking before killing him. He became angry in his heart. Wang Lin was at the same cultivation as him. Even if Wang Lin had a magic treasure, it wasn't like he didn't have magic treasures of his own.

He snorted. He quickly moved backward and waved his hand. The 8 balls of fog quickly spread out into a thick layer of fog.

Qiu Siping's eyes became cold. Since Wang Lin wouldn't even listen to him, he decided to just fight first and talk later.

But just as this idea formed in his head, he heard from Wang Lin a sound as cold as the icy winds of hell.


Wang Lin's Ji Realm charged into the fog like lightning. The fog couldn't compare to his Ji Realm at all and collapsed the moment they collided.

Only a series of explosions could be heard as the 8 balls of fog all collapsed.

Qiu Siping's expression suddenly changed. While he was backing up, without hesitation, he formed a seal with his hand and spit out several mouthfuls of fresh blood to block the red lightning. But the moment the blood appeared, it was turned into mist and was pushed aside.

It didn't even stop the lightning for one second.

A shadow of death that hadn't appeared in a long time loomed over Qiu Siping's heart. Without a word, he took out the black piece of wood from earlier. The moment he took it out, Wang Lin's Ji Realm landed on it.

Sounds of cracking could be heard from the black piece of wood and then, with a bang, it exploded. The red lightning left the piece of wood and entered Qiu Siping's body.

Qiu Siping's body trembled and his eyes became foggy, but after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, his eyes became clear again. However, this time, his eyes were filled with fear.

Without a word, he quickly turned around to escape.

Wang Lin let out a sound of surprise. This person didn't die under the attack of his Ji Realm. This really surprised him because the only other time this had happened was outside the Sea of Devils with a guy named Shang Guan Mo, who used a mysterious piece of jade to escape.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He chased after Qiu Siping like lightning and appeared before him.

Qiu Siping was terrified. He wryly smiled. "Fellow cultivator, you and I don't have any grudges. Why must you kill me?" He felt a lot of regret in his heart. When he thought about it, if this person could use ancient restrictions, how could he be weak? Even if the person was only at the late stage of Core Formation, he had a soul attack that he couldn't even defend against. If he didn't have an odd treasure to protect himself, he would have already died.

In his eyes, even though the person wasn't at the Nascent Soul stage, he had the attack power of a Nascent Soul cultivator. How could he not run at this point?

But as he thought about it, Wang Lin must possess a very powerful treasure to use such a powerful attack.

Wang Lin's expression remained cold. His eyes showed a hint of mockery. He blandly said, "You sent people multiple times to lure that woman out in order find the person who set the ancient restriction. Now that you found him, why are you running?"

Qiu Siping let out a bitter smile and said, "Fellow cultivator, I don't have any malicious intent, only …" He hesitated for a while and quickly continued, "Only, there is something of great benefit that I need someone who knows ancient restrictions to help me with."

Qiu Siping was a clever man. After hearing Wang Lin's words, he had realized that his black clothed subordinate was in danger, but he pretended like he didn't know anything.

Wang Lin remained calm. His eyes glowed red again. Qiu Siping secretly clenched his teeth and urgently said, "Fellow cultivator, both you and I are at the late stage of Core Formation. If you just listen to me, then forming our Nascent Souls will be just around the corner."

The red glow in Wang Lin's eye faded. He stared at Qiu Siping and darkly said, "My patience has a limit. I'll give you three sentences to explain it to me. If it doesn't impress me after that, then don't blame me for being merciless."

Qiu Siping cursed in his heart, but his expression remained normal. He took a deep breath and said, "I believe fellow cultivator knows that the difference between Core Formation and Nascent Soul is very large. Even if one finds a place with very thick spirit power, the failure rate of breaking into the Nascent Soul stage is still very high."

Wang Lin's expression remained dull and said, "The first sentence!"

Qiu Siping paused for a while and quickly continued, "Unless there are some pills to help form our Nascent Souls, then the amount of power our core produces isn't enough at all."

Wang Lin glanced at Qiu Siping and said, "The second sentence!"

"I don't have any pills to help with the process, but I do know of something else that is way better than those pills. If one were to swallow this, then reaching the Nascent Soul stage would be easy. The thing I'm talking about is a Nascent Soul cultivator's Nascent Soul. I know of a place that has at least two Nascent Soul cultivators in Gui Xi!" Qiu Siping finished this last sentence in one breath.