

Chapter 209 - The Method Without Destroying His Cultivation

Only after completely removing the lotus restriction would Wang Lin be able to continue with the plan he had formed. After he walked out of the cave, he took a deep breath and a cold light filled his eyes. He sank into the ground and quickly left by using the earth escape technique.

A few days later, Wang Lin returned to the underground cave he had made before. There, he sat down cross legged and took out his restriction flag. The moment the flag appeared, the entire cave was covered with thousands of restrictions.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. He guided the chaotic spiritual energy in his body to move along the paths of his body's channels. Time flew by. He slowly cycled his spiritual energy through his body and through his core to repair the damages.

Gradually, his core recovered and his cultivation returned to the peak of core formation late stage.

Meanwhile, Wang Lin quickly cut his spiritual power off from his channels. Then, he gathered the spiritual energy in his body and slammed it against the lotus restriction.

When he was trying to break into Nascent Soul and his Ji Realm attacked his core, the explosion that happened in his body loosened the lotus restriction.

This time, with Wang Lin was intentionally attacking the lotus restriction. It weakened a lot.

Three days later, Wang Lin, whose eyes had been closed this whole time, suddenly opened his eyes. He moved his finger and tapped multiple spots on his chest. Every time his finger touched his chest, there was a ripple of spiritual energy on his finger.

Slowly, as his hand began to move faster and faster, spots of light suddenly appeared on Wang Lin's chest. These spots of light came from inside Wang Lin's body.

Soon, the spots increased and gradually formed the shape of a lotus. Wang Lin growled, placed his hands on each side of his chest, and slowly pushed them out.

Those light points slowly moved out of his body. The lights intertwined into the shape of a white lotus and looked as if they were slowly leaving his body.

Until the lights were floating three inches outside of his body, there were still slivers of light coming from the lotus connecting to this body.

Giant beads of sweat appeared on Wang Lin's forehead. His whole body was also soaked in sweat, but, in order to completely remove this lotus restriction, Wang Lin clenched his teeth and suddenly pushed out his hands.

Suddenly, all of the connections from the lotus to Wang Lin were pushed out and floated forward.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He quickly slapped his bag of holding and a small beast flew out. It hit the lotus restriction.

Shortly after, the lotus restriction became like a mad demon and quickly surrounded the small beast. After flashing a few times, the restriction quickly sunk into the small beast and disappeared.

It was not until this moment that Wang Lin let out a breath. A cold light filled his eyes and he placed his hand on the small beast's head. The beast let out a burst of hissing sounds and quickly flew out of the cave.

The restrictions surrounding the cave opened up a small passage for the beast as it got closer. Even the dirt in the ground opened up a passage under Wang Lin's control.

The beast left with any trouble and quickly flew off into the distance once it got above ground.

Wang Lin let out a sneer. He didn't know much about that old man, but he thought it can't be anything good. Now that the lotus restriction had been lifted and placed onto the beast, if that old man wanted to search for him, then he would actually be searching for that small beast.

But Wang Lin knew that this simple trick would only be able to buy him a little bit of time. It won't be able to fool the old man for long, but what Wang Lin needed the most was time.

He took a deep breath, then quickly moved out of the cave. As he exited the cave, he put away the restriction flag and quickly left.

Wang Lin knew that he couldn't stay in the Sea of Devils for long, or there will be a lot of trouble. If everything goes as planned, then, once he reaches Nascent Soul, aside from a few of the old Spirit Severing cultivators, there should be no one that could oppose him.

It's just that there was a problem with breaking into the Nascent Soul stage, so his plans needed a little change.

After Wang Lin left the cave, his speed reached its limit and his body moved like a meteor into the distance.

The next morning, Wang Lin arrived back at the ancient cultivation cave, where he got the Nascent Soul with Qiu Siping. After arriving, he scanned the area with his divine sense. After making sure there was no one around, he slapped his bag of holding and his poison sword flew out. With a point of his finger, the sword formed a swirl and charged into the rubble.

Soon, a tunnel was carved by the sword. After looking at the tunnel formed by the sword, Wang Lin thought, "Goodbye, Sea of Devils!"

He turned and entered the tunnel.

Inside, he found the room with the ancient transfer array. He didn't enter the room, but turned around and waved his hand, causing the tunnel to collapse and sealing the entrance.

Shortly after, his hand moved, forming many restrictions to completely cover the cave. Only then did he walk into the stone room.

The stone room had also collapsed a bit, but, as Wang Lin and Qiu Siping were fleeing the cave, he paid special attention to this room and secretly sent out a restriction to protect it.

So, although the place collapsed a bit, it didn't damage the transfer array. After carefully removing the rocks from the room, Wang Lin carefully studied the transfer array for a bit, then took out a glowing spirit stone. This spirit stone was crystal clear and looked like it had clouds floating inside.

This spirit stone was an extremely rare high quality spirit stone, and also something that was required to open the ancient transfer array.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a determined look. He placed the high quality spirit stone into one of the sockets in the ancient transfer array and looked at it with a glow in his eyes.

He watched as the high quality spirit stone began to shine and the cloud inside it started to move. Shortly after, purple lines began to spread from the spirit stone and covered the entire transfer array. Then, thunderous sounds began to emit from the transfer array.

Shortly after, a circle of light appeared from the transfer array and rose into the air, then more circles of light appeared, rose into the air toward the first circle, and overlapped each other. The circles suddenly started to rotate. Their rotation became faster and faster and Wang Lin, who was inside the circle, became blurry, then disappeared.

After Wang Lin disappeared, the circles of light stopped and returned to the transfer array. The transfer array returned back to the way it was.

In an endless mountain range, millions of kilometers away from the Sea of Devils, a 10 foot thick beam of light fell from the sky and sent shockwaves into the surroundings.

Within the mountain was a canyon, and in the canyon was a small valley with a very old looking transfer array.

There was a stirring cloud of dust covering the valley. After the dust settled, a black shadow walked out of the transfer array.

This person had a head of white hair and was completely covered in dust. It was Wang Lin.

Wang Lin coughed a few times. He formed a seal with his hand and created a gust of wind. The win quickly cleared out the area.

The dust on his body was also blown away.

Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the surroundings. Bright sunlight fell from the sky into Wang Lin's eyes, causing him to blink.

The moment Wang Lin studied his surroundings, he knew that he was no longer in the Sea of Devils. The mountains were covered with greens and there were flying beasts he didn't know of floating in the sky.

Wang Lin's eyes squinted. It had been a long time since he had seen the glaring sunlight. The Sea of Devils never had any sunlight all year around, and even in these last months, most of the sky was covered by black clouds that showed the land with black rain.

He took a deep breath, then turned toward the transfer array and took out his poison sword. He cut out piece of the transfer array and placed it into his bag of holding. Only then did he feel relaxed.

Now, even if that crazy old man found traces of him, the old man wouldn't be able to use the transfer array to chase after him. And now that the lotus restriction was also removed, Wang Lin's safety was guaranteed.

Wang Lin jumped into the air. He immediately noticed that this place's spiritual energy was very thick, and the higher he flew into the air, the thicker it got.

He floated in the air and created a restriction to place in the canyon to serve as a marker. Then, he quickly left without looking back.

As Wang Lin was flying, he spread out his divine sense to check the area and slowly increased his search range. He didn't know where he was and the most important thing right now was to find out where he was.

Then, if conditions allow, Wang Lin will begin his plan on breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage.

This was a very time consuming plan. He must prepare a lot of things to make sure this plan comes to fruition without any problems.

Destroying his cultivation meant that he would have to start all over again, which was something he refused to do. Not destroying his cultivation meant that he will be stuck at the late stage of core formation and will not be able to have his revenge.

To not have to destroy his cultivation and break through to Nascent Soul was his goal. With those two goals in mind, there was only one method left that might barely work.

Chapter 210 - Learning the avatar technique

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He spread out his divine sense and scanned the surrounding area as he flew by at an extremely quick speed. Suddenly, he stopped and looked north. 2,000 kilometers north were 2 cultivators heading east.

Both cultivators were male. One of them was pretty young and was only at the early stage of foundation building. The other was a middle aged man who was at the early stage of Core Formation.

Mai Guorong was a disciple of the Hao Ran Sect. Following the order of his teacher, he was going to the Cloud Sky Sect for their bi annual Kai-Ling gathering. The so called Kai-Ling gathering was just a pill auction hosted by the Cloud Sky Sect.

The Cloud Sky Sect was famous for their pill production in the cultivation country of Chu. Even some rank 4 countries would come to trade for their pills, but that only happened every 10 years, in the largest Kai-Ling gathering. As for these bi annual gatherings, they were mostly for the younger generation of the cultivation country of Chu to meet and compete.

In these small Kai-Ling gatherings, there wouldn't be any precious pills, only some standard stuff. But, for these young cultivators, they were still things they couldn't get enough of.

It has to be said that a pill made by the Cloud Sky Sect is at least 10% better than other pills. As a result, all of the pills made by the Cloud Sky Sect are very much in demand.

Also, the Cloud Sky Sect doesn't do any trades with outsiders unless it's during these Kai-Ling gatherings. So, even though it was only a 2 year gap between gatherings, every sect in the cultivation country of Zhao would send many of their younger disciples to come.

Mai Guorong was very proud that he was picked to come from the numerous disciples in the sect, but he also knew that the reason he was able to participate was because he had a good teacher.

Thinking about that, Mai Guorong's gaze fell on the middle aged man in front of him. This person looked very ordinary. His face was very yellow and his complexion made him look like he could die at any moment, but Mai Guorong didn't dare to take this person lightly. He wholeheartedly respected the person before him, because this middle aged man was his teacher and was also at the early stage of Core Formation. These facts made Mai Guorong feel very lucky to have such a teacher.

It has to be said that to be taken as a disciple by a Core Formation cultivator was very rare, even in the Hao Ran Sect. Mai Guorong's status in the sect immediately shot up and he instantly became an inner disciple. Although he was still not a core disciple, if Mai Guorong's cultivation rises a bit more, to late stage foundation building, then he will automatically become a core disciple.

What also made him respect his teacher a lot was that his teacher was one of the few alchemists in the sect. Although the pills his teacher made weren't as good as the Cloud Sky Sect's, they were not that far off.

As a result, his teacher's status was very high in the sect and, as a result of that, Mai Guorong's status in the sect rose as well.

"Maintain your calm and don't think about unnecessary things. We are very close to the Cloud Sky Sect. Don't lose any face for the Hao Ran Sect." That hoarse voice interrupted Mai Guorong's thoughts. He stopped his daydreaming and closely followed behind his teacher.

After a while, Mai Guorong looked at his teacher and curiously asked, "Teacher, the Cloud Sky Sect…"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the yellow faced middle aged man's expression suddenly change. The middle aged man suddenly stopped and turned around with his eyes focused on something in the distance. He shouted, "Shut up!"

Mai Guorong was stunned. He turned and looked, but only saw the clouds and the blue sky, nothing abnormal at all. He had some doubts, but he suddenly heard a series of thunderous roars and saw the clouds in the distance get pushed forward by a strong force.

Mai Guorong's face suddenly changed, revealing a horrified expression.

At the same time, he saw a shadow moving like lightning toward them. In just a few breaths, that shadow was already closing in.

Mai Guorong could clearly see now that this person was wearing black clothes and had a head of white hair. His expression was cold and felt very demonic.

This person's cultivation, in Mai Guorong's eyes, was as deep as the ocean, and the person's cold gaze made anyone who looked feel horror.

Mai Guorong quickly lowered his head. He stood behind his teacher. His face was pale and his heart felt cold.

"Such strong killing intent!" Mai Guorong's teacher, Hao Ran's alchemist Xu Li's, pupils involuntarily shrunk. He sent out his divine sense and immediately found that the man's cultivation was much higher than his. The aura the man emitted shocked him even more.

In his view, although this person hadn't reached the Nascent Soul stage, the feeling he got was exactly the same as when he met the Nascent Soul cultivators in the sect.

As a result, he didn't dare mess with this person. Not even the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Hao Ran Sect had such a strong killing intent like this person.

Xu Li had spent his life learning pill making, so he had a very keen sense of spiritual energy fluctuations. He could almost imagine how much people this person must have killed to have such a strong killing intent. He must be careful around this person, or there will be disaster.

With that, he quickly clasped his hands and said, "Fellow cultivator, I am Hao Ran Sect's Xu Li, and this is my disciple. Sir, you seem to be in a rush. What is the matter? If there is anything I can do, I'll help without delay."

The white haired youth was Wang Lin. He scanned both cultivators and his eyes landed on Xu Li. He clasped his hands and said, "Fellow cultivator, what cultivation country am I in?"

Xu Li was stunned. He looked at Wang Lin for a bit, then answered, "This is the cultivation county of Chu. Where did fellow cultivator come from?"

"Cultivation country of Chu…" Wang Lin muttered to himself, not answering the other's question. He slapped his bag of holding.

His actions caused Xu Li's expression to change greatly. He quickly grabbed hold of his disciple and swiftly took a few steps back with a cautious look on his face.

Wang Lin looked at him. He opened his hand and showed a piece of jade. He put the piece of jade on his forehead and a map appeared in his mind.

This was the piece of jade he had gotten from Zhou Zihong at the Battle God Temple. It contained the map of countries near the country of Huo Fen.

When he heard that it was the country of Chu, he felt like he had heard of this name somewhere before. After checking the jade, he immediately found out roughly where he was at the moment.

The country of Chu had a border with Hou Fen to the north, Xuan Wu to the east, and even a small border with the Sea of Devils. As for the rest, it was a mountain range called Broken Rocks.

It could be said that the cultivation country of Chu was a country very close to the Broken Rocks mountain range. According to the description in the piece of jade, this country was very large and contained a lot of cultivators. As a cultivation country, the country of Chu was very close to rising up into a rank 4 country.

This was because there were more than ten people at the late stage of Nascent Soul in the cultivation country of Chu. These powerful cultivators were the core of the country.

As long as one of those people manage to break into the Spirit Severing stage, the entire country will be raised to a rank 4 country.

This was why, when country of Hou Fen raised up to 4th rank, they decided to invade the country of Xuan Wu instead of Chu.

After all, compared to Chu, the country of Xuan Wu was a much better choice for Hou Fen.

There was also some information about some sects in the country of Chu. Wang Lin checked the jade for a bit, then put it away. He looked at Xu Li and asked, "Fellow cultivator, what part of Chu is this place?"

Xu Li kept his hand on his bag of holding. He was very alert. When he heard Wang Lin's question, he pondered a bit, then answered, "This is the Cloud Sky mountain range!"

Wang Lin nodded. He looked around and stared into the distance, then blandly said, "So, if I continue for 10,000 kilometers, at the top of the Cloud Sky mountain range, is the Cloud Sky Sect?"

Xu Li's eyes revealed a shocked expresion. He said, "Does sir have business with the Cloud Sky Sect?"

Wang Lin faintly smiled. He looked at Xu Li and clasped his hands. "Thank you. Farewell!" he said. With that, Wang Lin quickly moved, forming a trail of light, and disappeared.

It wasn't until Wang Lin left that Xu Li let out a breath. His back was covered in sweat, and, when he was hit by a quick breeze, he could feel a cold sensation on his back.

The pressure Wang Lin brought on him was enormous. The fact that Xu Li was an alchemist meant that his resolve was much better than that of other cultivators of his level. If it wasn't, he would have completely panicked when he was talking to Wang Lin.

He took in a deep breath, then took a look at his disciple. Mai Guorong's eyes were still filled with fear. He looked at the direction Wang Lin went in and said, "Teach… teacher, what cultivation level was that guy at? Was he a Nascent Soul senior?"

Xu Li shook his head and said, "That person was filled with killing intent. If my guess is correct, he must have escaped from the Sea of Devils. Those people aren't uncommon in this country of Chu, but this is the first time I have seen someone with killing intent that strong."

Mai Guorong was stunned. "Killing Intent?" he asked.

Xu Li slowly said, "Every time you kill someone, you gain a bit of killing intent, and, after enough killing intent is gathered, it turns into a hostile aura. This hostile aura is very good cultivation material for some cultivators. After the hostility aura has been gathered on someone for a very long time, it turns into killing intent, and this person's killing intent could be considered monstrous. He didn't use any techniques. Just based on the killing intent he gives off normally, it is enough to cause fear in people's hearts. I don't know if this person knows how to use his killing intent. If he does, then it could even affect Nascent Soul cultivators."

Mai Guorong took a deep breath. He slowly asked, "Teacher, according to what you're saying, that person hasn't reached the Nascent Soul stage?"

Xu Li pondered for a while. He nodded and said, "Even though he isn't at the Nascent Soul stage, he is very close. If my perception isn't wrong, this person has already reached the peak of late stage Core Formation. To avoid unnecessary trouble, don't talk about this matter with other people. Even after returning to the Hao Ran Sect, don't tell anyone about this. You understand?"

Mai Guorong quickly nodded. Even if Xu Li hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have talked about the fearsome cultivator they had just met, because the impression that that person left was simply too terrifying. He didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

As for Wang Lin, after he determined his location, he quickly flew forward while scanning the area with his divine sense. According to the map, the Cloud Sky Sect should be just up ahead.

Wang Lin secretly nodded his head. He was glad that that teacher and disciple duo didn't lie to him. After determining its location, Wang Lin stopped. Since the Cloud Sky Sect was just up ahead, he decided to find a place nearby to go into closed door cultivation.

Wang Lin stopped at a mountainside about 7,000 to 8,000 kilometers from the Cloud Sky Sect. He looked around and revealed a satisfied look. Then, he slapped his bag of holding and a flying sword came out. He sent the flying sword swirling into the side of the mountain.

Soon, a cave was carved into the side of the cliff. The cave was built according to Wang Lin's preference, with two rooms. After Wang Lin entered the cave, he pondered for a bit, then opened up another room.

After all that, he left the cave. He slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag came out. Both of his hands formed a seal and pointed at the flag. The flag started to wave without any wind and quickly became 10 times larger.

Then, Wang Lin's hand started to form multiple seals and sending out multiple beams of light. The restriction flag quickly started to stretch indefinitely, forming a canopy that could cover the entire sky.

Wang Lin calmly shouted, "Scatter!"

With those words, the black canopy immediately began to tremble. Thousands of restrictions fell from the flag and into the mountain range. Soon, all of the restrictions on the flag came out and covered the entire mountain range.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He waved his hand and the restriction flag shrunk and returned to his hand. He waved his right hand and the restriction flag pierced into the mountain.

From the outside, the cave disappeared from the mountain range and everything else looked exactly the same as before.

Wang Lin pondered a little. His hand moved and created several restrictions. He placed them in different locations in the mountain range. Finally, after the restrictions formed a tight defensive formation, he relaxed.

His body moved forward. When his body touched the side of the mountain, his body disappeared and he entered the cave. Inside the cave, he quickly touched his bag of holding and an object appeared in his hand.

This was the green dragon jade that Li Muwan had gifted to him. Although there were some cracks on it, it didn't affect its usage. After Wang Lin looked at it for a while, he activated a spiritual technique on the jade. Suddenly, a roar emitted from the jade. A green dragon came out of it and circled around Wang Lin. The dragon became larger and larger as it circled Wang Lin. The dragon went through the walls of the cave as if there was nothing in its way.

The green dragon let out a roar and fused into the cave thus forming another protective layer.

This cave could be said to be the most secure place Wang Lin had ever created.

Wang Lin spent a lot of effort on the defenses of this cave. The reason being that unless something really unexpected happens, he will be living here for a very long time.

Wang Lin stood in the cave and pondered for a very long time. He revealed a determined look and pointed his hand to his brow. The devil Xu Liguo and the second devil came out of his forehead.

After the two devils appeared, they each had different reactions. The moment the second devil appeared, it instantly looked at Wang Lin with a look of devotion and admiration. Now, as long as Wang Lin commands it, even if he was ordered to fight a Spirit Severing cultivator, he would go without any hesitation, even if death was certain.

As for Xu Liguo, when he appeared, he secretly looked around, but put on a respectful look and a pleasing smile in front of Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pointed at a stone room and said, "From today onward, you two devils will live in that stone room. If you leave that room without my permission, then you will be erased."

Xu Liguo was stunned. Just as he was about to speak, the second devil didn't hesitate at all and floated toward the stone room Wang Lin pointed to. Xu Liguo hesitated for a while, but he quickly swallowed his words. If number two agreed that easily, then, if he talked back and hesitated, that would mean he was beaten by number two, so he quickly went into the room as well.

After the two devils entered the room, Wang Lin sent out his Ji Realm and scanned the area. He left behind some of his divine sense before he withdrew it.

If the two devils don't listen and try to leave the room, they will be attacked by the Ji Realm. Wang Lin had to be on guard because those two devils were created by him. Normally, he wouldn't be afraid of any changes, but the thing he was about to do couldn't have any accidents, so he trapped the two devils in the room.

After that, Wang Lin pondered for a while, then walked into the room in the center. He sat down cross legged and took a deep breath. He pointed at his brow and a rainbow colored ball of light floated out of his brow and became more solid, revealing a heaven defying look.

After looking at the heaven revolting bead for a while, he waved his right hand and the bead floated to the side. Then, he took out several jade bottles and placed them on the left and right sides.

Afterward, he quietly closed his eyes and started to meditate.

Time flew by, and a year had already passed. In this last year, aside from gathering the liquid from the bead, Wang Lin hardly moved at all.

During his meditation over the past year, he compressed all of his excess spiritual energy into three swirls, and, within these three swirls, was that divine retribution red line.

In a year's time, Wang Lin had managed to completely suppressed the red thread, but he didn't dare relax at all. Although the red thread was small, it contained the power of a divine retribution. If it was not handled properly, the result would be his body being destroyed by the thread. Although his body had already undergone one reconstruction, he didn't want to use his body as a test.

In addition to that, Wang Lin had been spending the rest of his time studying the avatar technique. This was his way of getting around his inability to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

Even now, Wang Lin still clearly remembered the cave in the back mountain of the war god's temple. He was reaching into his memories to remember the avatar technique carved in the cave.

Back then, he spent a lot of time studying the technique and learning its secrets. This technique was used to create another real body as a doppelganger.

Relying on the avatar to increase the cultivation speed, then, when breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage, save the avatar, fuse back into the body, and increase the chance of breaking through.

However, the avatar had a fatal flaw; it had no cultivation when it was created and its lifespan would only be 30 years.

The reason Wang Lin didn't use this method back then was because he didn't have enough pills for himself, so how would he have anything for his avatar? But now, Wang Lin saw a method in this technique to allow him to not only preserve his cultivation, but to also reach the Nascent Soul stage.

Then plan was to use the avatar to reach the Nascent Soul stage in 30 years, then fuse it back with this body, allowing him to bypass the block that was preventing him from reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

This way, he won't need to destroy his cultivation to break through to Nascent Soul stage, however, there was one difficult part in this plan and that was for his avatar to break into the Nascent Soul stage in merely 30 years.

With the heaven revolting space's help, the time could be extended. With the normal 6 times the training time in the heaven revolting space, Wang Lin had 180 years for his avatar to reach the Nascent Soul stage.

But there was another very important problem, and that was pills!

This problem will be solved at the Cloud Sky Sect! This was also why, after Wang Lin arrived and found out that the Cloud Sky Sect was near, he decided to do his closed door training here.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. Before him were three white bottles filled with liquid gathered from the heaven revolting bead throughout this year. This liquid was the first gift he had for his avatar.

After pondering for a while, his eyes revealed a determined look. His hands formed a seal and he followed the steps of the avatar technique to create his avatar.

This avatar technique was not very difficult if you could see through all of the details in the technique, as it had no relationship to one's talent or power. Otherwise, Chen Chong, who had the worst talent at the war god temple, wouldn't have been the only one aside from the creator to have seen through the secret of the avatar technique.

Chapter 211 - Cloud Sky Sect

Suzaku calendar, year 134,500. In the cultivation country of Chu, there was a ray of light that emerged in its territories. After three days had passed, all of the sects had sent disciples to check it out, but they ultimately found nothing other than an abandoned cave.

It was rumored that a treasure appeared here, but was already taken by someone.

As for this rumor, some cultivators refused to believe it, while other cultivators believed that it was true. Because the ray of light appeared near the Cloud Sky Sect, the rumors became that the treasure was obtained by the Cloud Sky Sect.

In the same year, the Cloud Sky Sect was able to refine a Tian Sun pill. This pill's quality had reached the early stage of 5th rank. The pill's effect was to allow a Nascent Soul cultivator that had lost their body to immediately rebuild a new one without the need to steal a body to achieve rebirth.

The moment this pill appeared, the already famous Cloud Sky sect became even more famous. All of the surrounding rank 4 counties wanted to get the pill, but, in the end, the Ju Mo Sect from a rank 4 country got the pill through a secret agreement. Before they left, they placed a formation on the Cloud Sky Sect. The formation was very strong. Even normal rank 4 countries would have trouble breaking it.

In the end of that month, the Cloud Sky Sect opened its doors for recruiting, something that happens once every 30 years.

Various cultivation families in the country of Chu would send their descendants to the Cloud Sky Sect, hoping that they would be able to join the sect and achieve greatness with the backing of the sect.

However, the requirements to join the Cloud Sky Sect were very strange. Unlike the other sects, where they looked at how talented a person was, the Cloud Sky Sect's recruitment was based on a special technique.

As a result, the recruiting that only happened every 30 years would only ever result in about 10 or so people being recruited. It was really small compared to the thousands of people that would gather for this event.

With the Cloud Sky Sect's fame and how few disciples they took in, almost all of the cultivators without any sect or background dreamt that they could become disciples of the Cloud Sky Sect.

At the top of the Cloud Sky Sect mountain were rows of puzzles carved from jade in an immortal palace. This was only part of the Cloud Sky Sect. All of the other jade carvings were hidden by different techniques. From a distance, one could only see a lush, green forest, nothing else.

Three large green words were being held in the air by some spell like giant lanterns being hung off the door way.

The three words were "Cloud Sky Sect".

When the recruiting event, which occurred every 30 years and lasted for 10 days, started, those three words would appear in the sky and, once the ten day period was over, the three words would disappear.

As a result, all of the scattered cultivators and the cultivation families in the country of Chu knew that the moment those three words appeared in the sky, the Cloud Sky Sect had started their recruitment for disciples in the country of Chu. The moment those three words disappeared, the recruitment event was over.

This morning, there were no clouds in the sky. Rays of sword light flew in from all directions toward the Cloud Sky Sect. When they were around 1000 kilometers away from the Cloud Sky Sect mountain, they all got off their flying swords, revealing many youths. All of them were fairly young. Some came by themselves, while others came with their elders.

In order to show their respect to the Cloud Sky Sect, basically all of the people who wanted to join the sect got off their flying swords 1000 kilometers away and walked toward the sect on foot.

If one were to look down from the sky right now, they could see that, within 1000 kilometers of the Cloud Sky Sect, were countless people walking toward the sect.

Outside the gate of the Cloud Sky Sect stood three cultivators who were responsible for arranging lodging and necessities for the people who came to try to join the sect.

Around 500 kilometers away from the entrance of the Cloud Sky Sect walked a man and a woman. The man was about 27 or 28 years old. He walked very leisurely and calmly toward the Cloud Sky Sect. On his clothes was an embroidery of a purple flying sword, showing that he was already an inner disciple of the Sword Sect.

Besides him walked a 20 year old girl. She wore a purple dress with a same colored sash around her waist. She had very nice curves, but also had a hint of sweetness.

Upon a closer look, the girl was very attractive and describing her as a beautiful flower would not be wrong. The girl pouted her red lips and rubbed her legs. "Elder brother, what's so good about this Cloud Sky Sect that I have to come all the way here? I don't like alchemy. I like the sword sect," she complained.

The man's expression remained normal. He looked at the girl, then poked her forehead and smiled. "There is too much killing in the sword sect. It is not suitable for you. I'm sure know that the Cloud Sky Sect is a very important sect in the Country of Chu. Even if the Country of Chu suffers a great disaster, it wouldn't affect the Cloud Sky Sect. If you can get into the Cloud Sky Sect, your brother will be relieved. If mother and father were still alive, they would be relieved as well."

When the girl heard her brother talk about their parents, her expression darkened a little. After pondering for a while, she obediently nodded her head. She then pointed into the forest and said to her brother, "Elder brother, if I get into the Cloud Sky Sect, I'll make pills just for you. Then, once your cultivation is high, we can go home and teach those old guys a lesson."

When the man heard this, he turned and a cold light appeared in his eyes. In fear of scaring his sister, he never told her the truth of what had happened that year.

The girl's eyes widened as she looked at a youth in front of her and laughed, "Elder brother, look. That man is wearing some funny looking clothes."

The man looked up and saw that 200 feet in front of them was a youth wearing very crudely made clothes slowly walking toward the sect. It has to be said that all of the people that came to try to join the Cloud Sky Sect were either independent cultivators or people from cultivation families. It was impossible for mortals to get there.

Therefore, it was very rare to see someone dressed like this. This was clearly the look of an ordinary mountain villager.

As if hearing the girl's voice, the youth turned around to look at them and, without pause, he withdrew his gaze and kept walking forward.

A hint of surprise flashed across the man's eyes. He knew that his sister was very attractive and that, during the trip here, most people who passed by would stare at her. Especially after entering the 1000 kilometer range of the Cloud Sky Sect, everyone they encountered would take an extra look at his sister, but this youth's eyes were as calm as still water and when the youth saw his sister, there was no fluctuation in the youth's eyes at all.

The man sent out his divine sense and found that the youth's cultivation was only at the second or 3rd layer of Qi Condensation. After he looked for a bit, he withdrew his gaze.

The girl looked at the youth with a glint of interest in her eyes. She quickly walked forward and shouted, "Hey, are you here to join the sect as well?"

The youth frowned. He didn't bother with her and kept walking forward.

The girl let out a grunt. She gently leaped over the youth and landed in front of him. She disgruntledly said, "Are you mute? I asked: are you here to join the sect?"

The youth looked at the girl and helplessly said, "Is that not a pointless question?" With that, he walked around the girl, shaking his head.

The girl's face turned red. She pondered a bit and realized that what she said before really was pointless. Since the youth was already here, she still asked if he was on his way to join the sect.

The girl's elder brother curled his lips and let out a faint smile. He wasn't angry with the youth's reply at all. Instead, when his sister asked the question, he had the same feeling.

The girl stomped her foot and caught up with the youth. She walked at his side and disgruntledly said, "What I asked was not pointless. With your clothes, no matter how you look, it doesn't look like you're here to join the sect. Look at everyone else. No one else is dressed like you. You have to know that when the Cloud Sky Sect accept disciples…"

The youth frowned again and secretly sighed. From his view, this girl was like a newborn chick, and a very annoying one at that.

If it was not for his cultivation being too low right now, he would have already waved his sleeves and left instead of suffering this girl's pestering.

Time quickly passed by and it was afternoon now. The sun blazed in the sky and sweat oozed out of the youth's forehead. He bitterly smiled in his heart. It had been a long time since he ran out of breath like a mortal.

Just at that moment, the girl next to him put her hand on her bag of holding and took out a few lychee nuts. After putting them in her mouth, she looked at the youth and raised her hand toward him. She asked, "Do you want this?"

The youth didn't even look at it. He shook his head and continued to walk forward.

The girl slightly snorted and didn't bother with it anymore. She returned to her brother's side and put all of the lychee nuts in her brother's hand.

Two hours later, the Cloud Sky Sect's gate appeared in the distance. The youth let out a sigh after looking at the magnificent gate. He couldn't help but think about the Heng Yue Sect.

This youth was Wang Lin.

More accurately, this was Wang Lin's avatar that was created by the avatar technique. This doppelganger was created by the avatar technique from his main body and had real flesh and blood.

But this body only had 30 years to live.

This was his only plan to break through into Nascent Soul stage while not losing his cultivation. As for his main body, it was hidden somewhere near the Cloud Sky Sect.

He had already abandoned the cave he was using before because, when the avatar appeared, a ray of light shot out into the sky.

As a result, he had to quickly abandon the cave and find another place to start his closed door cultivation.

His main body went into closed door training while his avatar lived in a village at the foot of the mountain for a few months. When he heard that the Cloud Sky Sect was recruiting, he pondered for a while and decided to try getting in.

That was the cause of the current scene. In Wang Lin's original plan, once he ran out of the spirit liquid, he was going to kidnap a Cloud Sky Sect disciple and blend into the sect to steal pills.

But now just happened to be when the Cloud Sky Sect was recruiting, so Wang Lin decided to give up his original plan. If he could join the sect, he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of kidnapping a Cloud Sky Sect disciple and blending into the sect to steal.

All those who came to join the Cloud Sky Sect were be brought to a side mountain to rest. Once the 10 day period is over all, of them will be brought to the Cloud Sky Sect for the selection process.

When the girl that walked with Wang Lin was lead away by the disciples at the gate of the Cloud Sky Sect, her brother turned to leave, but, before he left, he took a few looks at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. Although his cultivation was gone, his experience was still there. The man in front of him was definitely not at the Core Formation stage yet and was at best at the late stage of Foundation Building. If Wang Lin were to use his main body, he could effortlessly kill him.

After staying at the Cloud Sky Sect for a few days, the three big words floating in the sky slowly dissipated. Eventually, they disappeared without a trace, signaling the end of the Cloud Sky Sect's recruitment period.

What was next was to pick around ten or so people to join as disciples of the Cloud Sky Sect. Everyone else would be dismissed from the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain.

On this day, thousands of people who wanted to join the Cloud Sky Sect sat cross legged on a huge stage at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the exam. Among these people were men and women, old and young, and some had even reached Core Formation, while others were like Wang Lin, who were only at the 2nd or 3rd layer of Qi Condensation.

There were dozens of Cloud Sky disciples standing on the edge of the stage with indifferent looks on their faces. They were releasing hints of pride. After all, they were already members of the Cloud Sky Sect, so their positions were naturally higher than those who wished to join.

Not long after, a middled aged man wearing a white robe with three pills embroidered on the cuffs floated down from the mountain. He floated in the area above the stage and looked at everyone there. He said, in a low tone, "If you wish to join my Cloud Sky Sect, your seniority will be low. If you're not willing, then leave now." *辈降十等*

When he finished speaking, none of the thousands of people on the stage left. They all looked up at the person with determined looks in their eyes. Among these people were a few Core Formation cultivators. They knew that the middle aged man's words were for them.

After waiting for a little, the middle aged man waved his right hand and a burst of force suddenly erupted from the center of the stage, pushing all of the nearby people away and exposing an open space 10 feet in diameter on the stage.

At the same time, a dark mist column rose up from the ground there. It looked very majestic. This thick, dark mist pillar felt like it was a giant hand that was used to hold the sky up. After it rose from the ground, it stretched so far into the sky that if one were to look up from the bottom, they wouldn't able to see the top.

The middle aged man's voice floated toward the crowd. "Using whatever method you choose, as long as you can feel exactly what substance is inside this dark mist pillar, then you are qualified. The time limit is six hours!" With that, he landed on the side and stood silently, watching the dark mist pillar.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal. He stared at the black mist pillar and began to think. Although he was an avatar, when creating the avatar, the avatar didn't get any cultivation or divine sense from the main body, but all of his techniques and the memories from the Ancient God were still intact.

Wang Lin's eyes trembled slightly. He kept analyzing the pillar until he slowly started to reveal a faint smile on his face. From his view, this pillar was clearly a type of restriction and the restriction was used to test everyone who tried to see through it.

This must be the Cloud Sky Sect's way to get rid of people who were here to join them with ill intent, but Wang Lin wasn't sure about how exactly the restriction would react.

What type of disciples did the Cloud Sky Sect want to find with this restriction?

According to Wang Lin's knowledge of restrictions, it would be impossible for ordinary people to solve this restriction. As a result, even among the thousands of people on this stage, almost none of them could see through this restriction.

And so, if Wang Lin were to see through the restriction, that would be too obvious and someone would contradict his story of wanting to join the Cloud Sky Sect. But this was still not the most important part. Wang Lin was worried that if he didn't know what type of disciple the Cloud Sky Sect wanted and broke the restriction, then he would certainly gain too much attention from the Cloud Sky Sect. That would make this venture not be worth it anymore.

Therefore, Wang Lin didn't immediately break the restriction, but waited. He didn't believe that the Cloud Sky Sect would just gather people and tell them that none of them were qualified.

If his analysis was correct, someone should soon find the answer here for him.

Time passed by and, in the blink of an eye, three hours had passed. Some of the people in the crowd were already getting restless. They had already tried to probe with their divine sense, but whenever their divine sense got near the dark mist, a mysterious force would push them away. No matter what method they tried, they found no success.

At last, one person slapped his bag of holding and took out a wood carving. This piece of wood was shaped like an eagle. He chanted a few words, then threw the wood carving toward the dark mist pillar.

The middle aged man who was in charge of recruiting disciples didn't say anything about this action, but he quietly looked at the pillar. Wang Lin noticed that although the middle aged man's expression remained calm, the Cloud Sky Sect's disciples that were around revealed strange expressions on their faces for a brief moment.

The moment the wood eagle appeared, it instantly grew and finally turned into a golden eagle, which rushed toward the pillar. But the moment the golden eagle touched the pillar, a hand suddenly appeared from the pillar, grabbed the golden eagle, and pulled it into the black mist.

The person who sent out the golden eagle's expression suddenly changed. He quickly stood up and quickly turned toward the middle aged man and said, "Junior gives up and would like senior to return the treasure. This is junior's family treasure. Please, senior!"

The middle aged man scanned the person and slowly said, "The golden wooden eagle is the Gongsun family's inheritance treasure. Our sect will of course not keep it. Since you have already quit, it will be returned to you when everyone leaves."

The person's gaze immediately relaxed a bit. His eyes were filled with gratitude as he walked down the stage.

The middle aged man stressed again. "I have already said this before; you can use anything you like. As long as you can clearly see what is inside, then you have passed."

This time, a youth on the stage cautiously asked, "But if we say what is inside the pillar, then won't everyone else here know as well?"

The middle aged man smiled and replied, "Not possible! If one of you can see through the mist, you will know the secret that lies here."

When the hand came out of the black mist pillar, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He had been constantly watching the restriction and when the hand appeared, a tiny gap appeared. With his knowledge and divine eye, he immediately saw several pills floating inside the mist pillar.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal, but his heart skipped a beat. However, he pondered for a while, but didn't act rashly. This time, more people became restless in the crowd and brought out their treasures to try to break this dark mist.

More and more people started to attack with magical treasures. Every time, a hand would come out, grab the magical treasure, and pull it into the dark mist. If the middle aged man didn't already say it, they wouldn't dare to use all of these magical treasures, but the Cloud Sky Sect already stated that if they give up, all of the treasures will be returned when they leave. As a result, everyone stopped caring. Many magical treasures appeared in the sky, one after another.

Through the cracks caused by the attacks, Wang Lin was able to clearly see everything that was inside the restriction. After all, he had divine eyes that could see through restrictions.

Inside it were 11 pills, 11 pieces of jade, and 11 tokens with a pill furnace carved onto them.

Wang Lin didn't know what these three items represented, but, at that moment, a golden light appeared around the black mist. Then, a flash of golden light came from inside the mist as well. After the golden light circled the pillar for a bit, it turned into a piece of jade and flew into the hand of a girl who didn't know what was going on at all.

At this point, the middle aged man from the Cloud Sky Sect's eyes lit up. He quickly moved next to the girl and picked up the jade in her hand. After looking at the jade for a bit, he smiled and said, "You pass!" With that, he waved his right hand and a disciple of the Cloud Sky Sect came and lead her away.

"Take her up the mountain!" The middle aged man smiled at the girl. He waved his sleeve and returned back to where he was and waited for the next person to pass.

That girl still felt like everything was a blur. While still dazed, she was lead up the mountain by a Cloud Sky Sect disciple.

Seeing that someone had managed to pass the exam, all of the people on the stage started to discuss with each other, but, as for the people of the Cloud Sky Sect, they weren't bothered by it at all.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He clearly saw that it wasn't because the girl saw through the black mist, but the piece of jade inside the black mist chose the girl.

And when the middle aged man saw the piece of jade falling into the girl's hand, he didn't immediately announce her passing, but went up to check the piece of jade before announcing it. Through this, Wang Lin judged that the middle aged man went to check if the jade really chose her, so, if he had acted rashly before, he would have revealed a weak point.

Wang Lin sneered. This Cloud Sky Sect's method of accepting disciples was indeed strange.

Just at that moment, a golden light suddenly started to flash from the pillar again. Wang Lin's eyes flashed and his right hand secretly made a restriction. With the spiritual energy he had right now, he could only use a few simple restrictions and was unable to make an illusionary circle.

Nevertheless, the restrictions he possessed were ancient restrictions passed down by the Ancient God. It was not something normal cultivators could match.

Chapter 212 - Luxury

Plus, with all of the magical treasures shining all the time and the Cloud Sky Sect themselves having said that any method could be used, no one saw through Wang Lin's restriction.

The moment the restriction hit the pillar, Wang Lin could clearly feel that a piece of jade was shining gold and slowly flying outwards.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his restriction landed on the piece of jade. Suddenly, the speed of the piece of jade slowed down a lot. At the same time, he sent out another restriction and, this time, the restriction landed on a pill inside the pillar. The pill started emitting a golden light and quickly flew out of the pillar. It landed in the hand of a youth on the stage.

The person was stunned and suddenly shouted in ecstasy. "This…I…I passed!!"

At that moment, the Cloud Sect's middle aged man's eyes jerked open. He stared at the pill as he quickly leaped and landed in front of the youth.

Without a word, he waved his hand and the pill flew into his hand. He carefully examined the pill, then looked the youth, who was filled with ecstasy. After pondering for a while, he said, "Congratulations to you. You won't need to be tested anymore and will directly become a inner disciple of the Cloud Sky Sect. You can go up the mountain to see the sect head. Take good care of this pill. When you meet your teacher, give this to them as a gift. Sadly, this is a fire based pill. If it was something else, I would be your teacher!"

The disciple's eyes revealed a color of ecstasy. He quickly nodded as he was filled with excitement.

Wang Lin's expression was calm, but his heart was moved. Inside the black fog, he only saw three things: the pill, the jade, and the token.

It was clear that these three items had different meanings. Receiving the pill meant one would become a disciple and receiving the jade meant one passed this test. What would happen if someone received the token?

Wang Lin pondered a little, but he didn't act again. He had to be very cautious because one time could be an accident, but if he used it in succession, it would be obvious. If he were to get found out, all of this would have been for naught.

With Wang Lin's analysis of the middle aged man's expression, he believed that in this recruitment exam that only occurred once every 30 years, almost no one get the pill. He guessed that most people just got the piece of jade.

The middle aged man slowly said, in a flat tone, "There is only one hour left before the time limit is up. I can tell you now that within the pillar, there are four items: a piece of jade, a pill, a token, and a pill furnace."

"Among the four items, whoever gets the jade passes this test. Whoever gets the pill directly becomes an inner disciple. Whoever gets the token can trade it for any 3rd rank pill, aside from the one that lets you become an inner disciple."

"If one of you gets get the furnace, then you will be one of the few that will become a disciple of the sect head. But, in the 8,000 years since the Cloud Sky Sect was founded, only 6 disciples have gotten the pill furnace. I hope that, among you, there will be a 7th."

"Once you become the disciple of the sect head, you can use pills as you wish and you will be exposed to the more profound areas of Alchemy."

The moment the words came out, all of the youths on the stage took deep breaths and looked at the pillar. In their eyes, the pillar represented a lifetime of wealth.

When Wang Lin heard those word, he was stunned. When he checked inside the restriction, there were only three items. There was no pill furnace inside. After pondering for a while, Wang Lin didn't keep watching, but sent out a restriction and pulled out a pill.

With a flash of golden light, a blue pill immediately flew out from the pillar and was grabbed by Wang Lin.

It was not that Wang Lin couldn't get the token, but he didn't want it to be too showy. If it wasn't for the fact that getting the pill would make him an inner disciple directly, he would have chosen the jade instead.

After noticing the color of the pill, the middle aged man's eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed the pill from Wang Lin's hand. After looking at Wang Lin for a while, he smiled and said, "Are you willing to take me as your teacher?"

Wang Lin's face revealed a look of fear, but in that fear there was a hint of excitement. He quickly nodded.

The middle aged man smiled and said, "Stand with me until the end, then I'll bring you up the mountain to see the sect head."

Wang Lin quickly and respectfully followed the middle aged man to the corner of the stage. His face was filled with fear and ecstasy, but he sneered inside. When he saw the middle aged man's disappointed look when the disciple earlier had gotten the fire element pill, Wang Lin began to carefully observe the middle aged man. He roughly judged that the pill the middle aged man wanted was a water pill. After all, even if the other elements weren't compatible, it was still useable, unless he needed a water element, which was the opposite of fire.

As a result, Wang Lin deliberately chose a water element pill because if his analysis was correct, the middle aged man would be too happy to dig too deep into why two pills appeared in a row.

Within the next hour, three more people were chosen. Among the three, one of them was the girl that walked here with Wang Lin.

Time was nearing the end. The middle aged man looked up into the sky and was about to announce the result, but, at the same time, the entire dark mist pillar started to roll violently. Dark clouds started to appear in the sky and lightning flashed across the sky like silver snakes dancing.

At the same time, bursts of thunderous roars appeared from inside the mist and the tip of a giant pill furnace appeared out of the corner of the mist.

This tip was purple and had an etching of a black dragon in chains. The dragon's eyes were filled with rage and a strong sense of unwillingness. It looked into the sky and let out a few roars.

At that moment, an invisible force from the mist pushed off everyone that was on the stage, aside from the middled aged man and Wang Lin, who was next to him, and a weak looking youth. The weak looking youth stared at the tip of the pill furnace with a blank expression, unable to speak.

Wang Lin was startled. He carefully looked at the pill furnace and could see it covered with a layer of black light. Every time the pill furnace moved a bit, the layer of black light lessened.

"Tripod! This is the dragon tripod!" The middle aged man standing next to Wang Lin revealed a serious expression.

But, at the same time, the pill furnace suddenly quivered and no longer flew out, but gradually shrank back into the mist. At the same time, a golden token flew out of the mist and landed in the weak looking youth's hand.

The middle aged man let out a sigh. He saw this happen every 30 years, but the pill furnace had never been able to break out from the pillar.

"Send everyone out of the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain. Everyone that obtained something, follow me up the mountain." After the middle aged man finished, he looked back at Wang Lin and grabbed Wang Lin's belt. He jumped to the youth who got the token and picked him up as well, then brought both of them up the mountain.

Behind him were three Cloud Sky disciples. They were carrying the lucky three who passed the exam to the top of the mountain.

Wang Lin kept checking his surroundings. As the middle aged man moved faster, the mountain got closer. Then, they suddenly passed a wave-like barrier and the entire scene before Wang Lin changed.

The rows of luscious green forest and mountainscape suddenly disappeared and what unfolded before Wang Lin was a very grand building decorated with extremely well carved jade. Even Wang Lin, who had seen the world, couldn't help but suck in a breath as well and though that the Cloud Sky Sect was indeed rich.

Although not all of the houses were made of jade, more than 80% of the buildings were made from natural jade stone. If all of this was turned into spirit stones or jade pieces, the total number of them would be unimaginable.

At the same time, because there was a lot of jade, this place naturally had very dense spiritual energy. He took one breath and immediately felt a very comfortable feeling. After analysing it a bit, Wang Lin determined that cultivating here for one day could be compared to 3 days of cultivation outside.

Wang Lin looked at the others who were also selected and found that all of them were stunned as well. They all stared at the scene before them with strange expressions.

The moment they passed the wave-like barrier, the disciples behind the middle aged man began to loosen their arms. Everyone who came to join the Cloud Sky Sect already had their own flying treasures. As the Cloud Sky Sect disciples loosened their holds on the people they were carrying, everyone got on their own flying treasure and followed behind the middle aged man.

The group's speed wasn't very fast. Wang Lin was stunned for a bit longer, then saw a flock of cranes flying in from the distance. On top of the cranes sat several beautiful women. These women wore rainbow colored robes, making them look like dancing butterflies, which made people involuntarily look in their direction.

When the cranes got closer, one of the women said, with a beautiful and clear voice, "Elder martial brother Zhou, are these the new disciples?"

The woman was attractive, with all of the features of a top beauty. She also had a small dot on the edge of her lip, making her very charming.

The middle aged man let out a laugh and said, "Yes. This time, during the recruitment, 6 people passed."

The woman's gaze swept through the group, revealing some of her hidden beauty. Her gaze ended up on the girl that walked to the sect with Wang Lin and she smiled. "Very pretty. If she was seen by teacher, she would be accepted as a disciple for sure."

When the woman finished, the women that were with her turned their gazes onto the girl. After chatting among themselves for a bit, they all left on the cranes with charming smiles.

Chapter 213 - Old Friend

Those exquisite women came quick and left just as quick, but their appearance riled up the hearts of the young men that had just joined the sect.

Among the six new disciples, besides the girl that walked up the mountain with Wang Lin, who frowned, the only other person who didn't even bat their eye when they saw the charm of those women was Wang Lin.

In Wang Lin's view, although these women were very beautiful and their bodies have nice curves, they were not as beautiful as Li Muwan, and compared to the Xuan Dao Sect's Liu Mei, they were even further behind.

Therefore, how could they catch Wang Lin's attention? Also, he always had a strong heart that wouldn't be fluttered by pretty women, so Wang Lin not being flustered was no big surprise.

As for the girl that walked with Wang Lin to the sect, she turned around and her gaze fell on Wang Lin. When she saw that his eyes were calm, she felt a hint of joy in her heart, though she didn't know why.

After those women left, the middle aged man lightly coughed. His gaze fell on the guys. He then turned to the girl and smiled. "Lucky girl. You also don't need to do the second exam. Later, you will follow me to see the sect head."

With that, he continued to fly forward. As they flew deeper into the Cloud Sky Sect, spirit beasts gradually appeared on the ground. There were numerous tigers, monkeys, bears, and other animals. They were all normal animals, but, inside the Cloud Sky Sect, each of them were much larger and their bodies emitted large amounts of spiritual energy, meaning they all had considerable cultivation.

These spirit beasts were all either quietly laying on the ground or nimbly climbing around.

As they flew, Wang Lin found that the buildings formed a large circle and, at the center of circle, a very magnificent hall slowly came into everyone's view.

This main hall was very large. Even if a thousand people were to enter the main hall, it wouldn't feel crowded. In the square in front of the grand hall were seven large pill furnaces. Each furnace was emitting white smoke that was floating up into the sky, as if they were communicating with the heavens.

From inside and outside, the grand hall emitted a lingering scent of pills. Currently, there were dozens of people divided into two rows. They were either meditating with their eyes closed or talking to each other.

In the middle, a white haired old man, who was wearing a green robe and holding his hands behind his back, smiled at the group as they got closer.

The middle aged man who brought Wang Lin and the others here slowly descended and landed in the square. He put Wang Lin and the youth who got the token down and respectfully said to the elder in green, "Ninth generation disciple Zhou Lin greets the sect head. In today's recruitment for the Cloud Sky Sect, a total of 6 people passed. Among the 6 people, 3 of them got jades, 2 got pills, and 1 got a token. Disciples have already sent the girl that got the first jade up the mountain."

After Wang Lin arrived, he was immediately stunned. He quickly lowered his head because all of the old guys around here were Nascent Soul cultivators. No wonder the Cloud Sky Sect was the number one sect in the country of Chu.

The green robed elder smiled and said, "You can go and arrange the test for the three that received the jade. If they pass, they can become inner disciples."

The middle aged man wanted to speak, but he hesitated for a bit, then pointed to Wang Lin and said, "Sect head, disciple wants to accept this youth as my disciple. He got a water element pill, which is a suitable ingredient for the pill disciple needs right now."

The green robed elder's gaze swept across Wang Lin. In that instant, his gaze was as sharp as knives and he clearly saw through Wang Lin, inside and out.

Wang Lin sneered in his heart. Although this elder's cultivation was at the Nascent Soul stage, the current cultivation of this body was still at the Qi Condensation stage, so he wasn't afraid at all, but his body did quiver and his eyes revealed a look of fear.

After an instant, the elder withdrew his gaze. He faintly smiled and said, "In order to get the pill, this person must have some special technique. Fine, you can take him as your disciple." He had no fear of another sect's disciple miXiang into his school because the items inside the mist chose their owners on their own, and one of the qualifications to be chosen was to not have any ill intent toward the sect. However, he didn't know that Wang Lin had used an ancient restriction to lead the item out by force.

The middle aged man, Zhou Lin's, eyes immediately lit up. He thanked the sect head and then glanced at Wang Lin. He signaled Wang Lin to follow him.

But, just as that moment, an old woman sitting at the second position to the right opened her eyes. She examined the group and said, with a husky voice, "I want this girl!" The old woman pointed her hand and the girl that came with Wang Lin suddenly let out a scream as her body involuntarily floated toward the old woman.

The girl was also very clever. She quickly knelt on the ground and said, "Disciple greets master."

The moment those words came out, everyone sitting around immediately revealed strange expressions. Even the old woman was stunned. After blankly staring at her for a moment, the old woman smiled and said, "You sure are a smart girl. Did you know that all disciples that enter my Cloud Sky Sect are considered 10th generation disciples?"

The girl's face turned red. She played with the edge of her clothes, not knowing what to say.

The old woman carefully looked at her a few times and smiled. "Fine, get up. Although I can't immediately accept you as my disciple, if you can make a rank 2 pill in three years, I'll forcibly accept you as an honorary disciple."

The green robed elder shook his head slightly. His gaze swept across the group and fell on the youth holding the token. With a dignified look on his face, he pondered a little, then said to the middle aged man named Zhou Lin, "You can go now."

Zhou Lin quickly responded and signaled Wang Lin to follow him as he walked away.

Behind Wang Lin were the two youths who got the jades. They were also told what to do and quickly followed behind Wang Lin. As they left, the two youths looked at Wang Lin and the other who was accepted already. They couldn't help but reveal envious looks.

After they left the main hall, the middle aged man turned to the two that received the jades and calmly said, "The two of you wait here. You're not allowed to go anywhere. I'll be back soon." With that, he grabbed Wang Lin and jumped into the sky. He turned into a ray of rainbow colored light and disappeared into the distance.

This Zhou Lin's speed was very quick. After a short period of time, he had already brought Wang Lin to a house on the edge of the mountain range. He opened the courtyard's gate and inside the courtyard was a small herb garden. In the center of the garden was a bronze pill furnace that was the height of a person.

"Our Cloud Sky Sect doesn't have any fancy ceremonies. I took your pill, so you are now my disciple. From your registration record, I know that your name is Wang Lin. Wang Lin, I have never accepted a disciple before, you are the first one. From now on, you will live in this house. After I'm done with the recruitment, I'll return and teach you the art of Alchemy." With that, Zhou Lin explained a few more things and left.

After Zhou Lin left, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. From now on, he was also a member of the Cloud Sky Sect. He took a deep breath and looked around. This garden had many flowers and plants growing all around. The more he looked at them, the more excited he got.

This was only the ninth generation disciple's herb garden and there were already extremely valuable herbs growing here. And all of these herbs were kept in perfect condition. Considering the amount of spiritual energy they received, none of the herbs' effects would be lost at all.

After he checked out everything, Wang Lin let out another sigh. He felt that the Cloud Sky Sect was too luxurious and rich.

Using jade as building stones, raising spirit beasts like livestock, a mere ninth generation disciple with an herb garden like this. All of this displayed just how powerful the Cloud Sky Sect was.

At that moment, Wang Lin's heart felt a sudden urge to steal the pills inside the storage houses of the Cloud Sky Sect. There must be a large variety of pills stored there, so if he could get his hands on them, he wouldn't be short on any pill until he reached the Spirit Severing stage.

The moment this idea came into his mind, he tossed it aside because it was impossible unless his main body reaches the Nascent Soul stage. Then, it would not be entirely impossible.

After pondering a little, Wang Lin put away this unrealistic idea. After all, his avatar was only at the 3rd layer of Qi Condensation.

The herb garden wasn't large. Behind it was a row of houses. Besides the first house having restrictions protecting it, none of the other houses had any protection.

Wang Lin picked the last house. He walked inside and swept the surroundings. The room was equipped with all of the daily necessities. In addition, there was a small pill furnace in the middle of the room.

Although Wang Lin wasn't an expert on pill furnaces, he still knew a thing or two. Those pill furnaces in the main hall were legendary treasures.

Even that small pill furnace at the center of the garden was considered a rare treasure. If it was in the Sea of Devils, the cost to make one of those would be unimaginable.

And finally, the small pill furnace in his room stunned him greatly. This pill furnace was not any worse than the furnace he gave Li Muwan back then. That meant that this pill furnace was worth a complete dragon skin.

It has to be said that there were many courtyards like this in the Cloud Sky Sect, and each garden had many rooms, and each one of those rooms had a pill furnace. Adding all of those up meant that there was an extremely large amount of these furnaces.

Obviously, these pill furnaces weren't worth much in the Cloud Sky Sect.

In order to confirm his speculation, he went and checked all of the other rooms. He confirmed that, within each of those rooms, there was a similar pill furnace.

Everything he had seen since entering the Cloud Sky Sect had shown just how powerful the sect was. Wang Lin took a deep breath and felt awed again by how powerful and rich this sect was.

From within the room, Wang Lin pondered for a while. He sent out a restriction that landed on the door, then he sat down cross legged and began to cultivate.

Time slowly passed. When night came, Wang Lin felt a special fluctuation of spiritual energy from the restriction he placed.

He knew that it was because Zhou Lin had returned. This Zhou Lin was only at the early stage of Core Formation, so he couldn't see through Wang Lin's formation.

The Cloud Sky Sect was split into the inner and outer sect. The inner sect was in charge of alchemy and the outer sect was in charge of protecting the sect. Because Zhou Lin was an inner sect disciple, his main job was making pills.

"Come out and meet me!" Zhou Lin's voice floated in from outside. Wang Lin opened his eyes and walked out of the room. Although it was late at night, with the rays of moonlight, everything was as clear as day for cultivators.

Zhou Lin stood in the garden. When Wang Lin came out, he threw a piece of jade at Wang Lin and said, "Your teacher has to go into closed door training to absorb the water element pill. If it's short, it'll only take a few months, but it could take up to few years. Thus, I don't have the time to teach you alchemy."

"Inside this jade are dozens of years of my experience and some pill recipes. You should study it first yourself. If you have any problems, go to the southern courtyard. In the 3rd courtyard, you'll find your teacher's teacher. I have already told her about me accepting you as a disciple."

Wang Lin took the piece of jade. He put it on his forehead and scanned the jade then was immediately stunned. He didn't think that Zhou Lin would give him a piece of jade like this. Within this jade contained Zhou Lin's countless years of experience on alchemy, especially failures and what made quality of pills drop.

The jade contained very detailed information. It could be said that it was very valuable for the current Wang Lin.

He and Zhou Lin had just met, so he never would have imagined that his new master would give him this piece of jade. This was too great of a contrast with the vicious teacher and student relationship he used to have with Sun Dazhu. Wang Lin felt conflicting emotions while holding the jade.

Zhou Lin didn't notice any of Wang Lin's thoughts. He pondered for a while, then continued,"Your teacher's master is a very gentle person, so she will teach you all of the basics of alchemy. Also, you are free to use any of the herbs in the garden, but remember to not remove the roots so they can continue to grow. As for that pill furnace, just don't touch it. Without reaching a certain level in alchemy, it's impossible to use it.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and nodded his head.

Zhou Lin pondered for a while, then sighed, "Actually, I'm supposed to teach you some alchemy basics before going into closed door training, but, if I wait for too long, the water element pill's effectiveness will drop. Once I come out of closed door training, I'll make you a few batches of foundation solidifying pills as compensation." With that, he looked at Wang Lin and said, "I'll be in closed door training in the back mountain. You can continue to live here. My room is protected by a restriction, so don't touch it."

After Zhou Lin finished speaking, he took out a set of clothes, a badge, and a bag of holding and placed them to the side. He pondered a bit, then took out a white bottle and said, "These are the tenth generation disciple clothes teacher got for you. As for this bottle, it contains three pills. Take two of them and use the last one for studying."

With that, Zhou Lin's body transformed into a rainbow colored light and he left the courtyard.

Wang Lin silently stood there for a while. He picked up the clothes and the pills, then returned to his room.

Zhou Lin's actions felt very strange to Wang Lin. The way he treated Wang Lin was something he almost never experienced in his life. After a long time, Wang Lin opened the bottle. A very fragrant smell drifted out.

Inside the bottle were three bright yellow pills. Each one was about the size of a lichee nut. Wang Lin picked one up. After looking at it for a while, he didn't consume it, but took out a small beast from his bag of holding. The moment the beast appeared, it beat its wings and let out a growl.

Wang Lin flicked his finger and the pill entered the beast's mouth. His eyes became serious as he observed the beast.

After a long time, not only did the beast not show any negative reaction, it instead became even more lively. Even its head seemed to have grown a bit.

Wang Lin observed it for a while. He then waved his hand and the small beast returned to his bag of holding.

He intended to observe it for a few days. If that small beast showed no negative signs, then he will take the pills.

Wang Lin silently cultivated for the whole night.

Wang Lin awoke from his cultivation the next morning. He found that the spiritual energy in his body had increased greatly. The Cloud Sky Sect had very dense spiritual energy, so a night of cultivation had been very effective.

Wang Lin got up and put on the Cloud Sky Sect's disciple uniform. It was a long sleeve white shirt with red pill furnaces embroidered on the cuffs. He put away the token that represented his identity and the white bottle. Then, he slapped his bag of holding and another object appeared in his hand. Although this was also another white bottle, the contents were several times more precious than all of those pills.

After Wang Lin drank a gulp of the spiritual liquid, he sat down and began to cultivate. Both of his hands quickly moved, forming illusions in front of his body. The spiritual liquid turned into spiritual energy in his body and quickly traveled to his hands.

Gradually, Wang Lin's hand moved even faster and sweat appeared on his brow. Then, he suddenly growled, "Go!"

Suddenly, all of the illusionary circles formed by his hands moved and formed a restriction circle. The restriction circle landed on the ground.

A circular halo appeared on the ground and started flashing.

Wang Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead. With the avatar's cultivation, he could create one restriction, but to to create a restriction circle, he needed the help of the spiritual liquid, and even then, it was a heavy load on his body.

After the restriction circle landed on the ground, slivers of cold air leaked out from the circle. After a while, Wang Lin's main body slowly appeared through the circle.

After the restriction had been tested, Wang Lin's main body sank back into the circle.

This was Wang Lin's ace in the hole. When he was in closed door cultivation and creating his avatar, he had already considered the fact that if his avatar was outside by itself, it might encounter danger. Using the ancient God's memory, with two ink stones, a restriction could teleport the main body to the avatar as long as both held an ink stone.

But before his cultivation gets to a certain level, it will take him a while to create a restriction circle.

Two months quickly passed and Zhou Lin still hadn't returned. The courtyard Wang Lin lived in was completely secluded. No one ever came by. Wang Lin had already carefully read everything in the jade Zhou Lin left him. The information in the jade was very detailed and, after he finished reading, Wang Lin could confirm that Zhou Lin didn't mess with the contents of the jade.

As for the beast that took the pill, it was clear that it became stronger than the rest of the beasts. Even its spiritual energy had gotten stronger, showing that the pill had no harmful effects.

As a result, Wang Lin's heart became even more confused. He had confirmed that Zhou Lin did indeed consider Wang Lin his disciple.

However, this relation was established under the pretense of no conflict of interests. Wang Lin didn't know what would happen when a conflict of interest occurs, but this feeling was something that Wang Lin had never felt before.

In these two months of time, Wang Lin's cultivation went from the 3rd layer to the 8th layer. Besides the spiritual liquid, Wang Lin's alchemy was another reason he was able to increase his cultivation so quickly.

He originally came to the Cloud Sky Sect to obtain pills, but now that he had the alchemy methods and materials from the garden, Wang Lin took the time to make the pills himself.

The path of alchemy was very long. Besides the required amount of talent, the most important part was hard work. The path of alchemy was several times more difficult than cultivation.

When one first begins alchemy, the failure rate is extremely high. Wang Lin had attempted alchemy countless times during these two months and only managed to succeed a few times.

One time, he consumed a lot of herbs to forcibly create a batch of seven Training Helper Pills. With only the pills, the spiritual liquid, and the heaven defying bead, he was able to jump from the 3rd to 8th layer in two months.

On a certain day, a bang could be heard from the courtyard Wang Lin was staying in. A wave of light like rippling water drifted across the courtyard, then everything returned to normal.

Wang Lin walked out of the room, covered in dust. He wrily smiled. That last refinement failed again.

This time, he wasn't able to control the strength of the fire, so it caused the furnace to break and wasted all of the materials for the pill.

The good thing was that the Cloud Sky Sect wasn't short on anything, especially pill furnaces. In these two months, Wang Lin had already wasted 4 pill furnaces. Of the 7 pill furnaces, only 3 remained.

Wang Lin walked out into the courtyard with a thoughtful expression. In every room was a switch for the fire. The fire was controlled by spiritual energy. The strength of the spiritual energy didn't matter. It depended on a micro control technique.

Using one's own spiritual energy to act as a bridge between the fire and the pill furnace required one to maintain stability of the flame. But this wasn't a static stability. It required constant changes to maintain stability based on the changes inside the furnace.

If there was any deviation from the proper procedure, the pill refinement would fail, and if the deviation was too great, the pill furnace would break.

This was the most difficult barrier for beginner alchemists. However, if one reaches the Nascent Soul stage, then they can use their soul fire and won't have this requirement.

Besides the control of the fire, understanding the uses and interaction of materials was also key. Just having the recipe wasn't enough. Alchemy wasn't something everyone could learn.

It was impossible for 100 people to produce 100 of the exact same pill, even with the same recipe.

No matter how detailed a pill recipe was, it was only a guideline. In practical alchemy, there were many unimaginable factors to account for, like how much spiritual energy was in the surrounding area. The changes in the surroundings, the impurity of the materials, and the many interactions between various materials all affected the process and was not something a recipe could record.

If one wanted to became an alchemy master, it was simply too difficult.

In the two months that Wang Lin had been at the Cloud Sky Sect, he found that pill quality was also divided into 9 ranks, like alchemists. The rank of an alchemist determined the rank of pills they could produce.

As of today, there were only three 5th ranked alchemists in the Cloud Sky Sect, and one of them was Zhou Lin's teacher.

This person was a female and was not a direct disciple of the Cloud Sky Sect. She came from the country of Xuan Wu. After she joined the Cloud Sky Sect, she was immediately a core member of the sect and, after several years, she became an elder.

It was for this reason that, even though Zhou Lin was only a 9th generation disciple, he was able to manage the recruitment session. The elders also tried to meet all of Zhou Lin's needs. After all, even if they didn't give him face, they had to give face to his master.

Wang Lin walked around the courtyard, thinking about why he had failed just now. The entire process went well, but, at the last moment, the fire went out of control and caused everything to fail.

Wang Lin thought, "Could it be that every time a pill refinement is about to succeed, the fire increases and goes out of control?" But he soon remembered that in these past two months, he succeeded once and it didn't happen that time.

After pondering a little, Wang Lin gathered a few pill materials and started to refine again.

This time, when he was about to succeed, the fire suddenly increased and went out of control. No matter how hard he tried, the fire kept spreading, then, with a bang, the pill furnace exploded again.

Wang Lin looked at the exploded pill furnace along with the wasted materials inside it with a dark expression.

He pondered for a while, then tried it two more times. However, both pill furnaces exploded. As a result, in these two months, all 7 pill furnaces had shattered to pieces.

Wang Lin wrily smiled. He let out a sigh and thought, "If it was just the refining that failed, it would be fine, because I can always keep trying until I succeed, but now the pill furnaces are all broken too." If this situation was not resolved, Wang Lin was afraid that he might be the first person to be kicked out of the Cloud Sky Sect for breaking too many pill furnaces.

After all, Wang Lin knew the value of a pill furnace. Every time a furnace broke, his heart would ache.

Meanwhile, Wang Lin also realized that while there were many alchemists, the number of top tier alchemists was low. After all, alchemist could be considered the most expensive people to train.

In order to become a master alchemist, one must consume a large amount of materials and pill furnaces.

As a result, a normal sect couldn't even sustain one master alchemist. Only a sect like the Cloud Sky Sect could afford to sustain so many alchemists.

Wang Lin wrily smiled as he cleaned up the shattered pill furnace and walked out of the courtyard.

With all of the pill furnaces gone, he needed to get more before he could continue to practice alchemy. However, Zhou Lin was still not back, so Wang Lin had to go look for Zhou Lin's teacher.

In addition, he also planned to ask about why the pill furnaces kept exploding when he was refining pills. He had to fix this problem before he could continue to learn alchemy.

The Cloud Sky Sect was split into the east, west, south, and north sectors, forming a circle with the main hall at the center.

Wang Lin walked through the Cloud Sky Sect wearing the disciple clothes with the token attached to his waist. Although he came across other people, none of them talked to him and they only nodded as a greeting.

As he was walking, voices of cranes came from a distance, followed by white cranes. When they passed over Wang Lin, sounds of laughter came from the flock of cranes. Then, a crisp voice suddenly said, "Oh, it's you."

Wang Lin raised his head and saw the annoying girl that walked up the mountain with him. Her head peaked out from the crane with a proud look on her face. Right before she was going to speak, a clear voice came from her side. "Junior sister, if you delay any more, you will be late again and teacher will make you clean out the pill furnaces again."

The girl pouted her lips. She looked at Wang Lin again, then flew away.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. Right as he was about to step forward, a cold light suddenly flashed across his eyes. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a shifty looking young male with half of his body hidden behind a tree. He was looking toward the cranes with a love-sick look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and muttered, "Those girls are becoming more and more like fairies, especially the new girl that just joined."

He noticed Wang Lin's gaze and gave him a mischievous smile. He jumped down from the tree and tried to pat Wang Lin's shoulder, but Wang Lin took a step back and dodged it.

He was stunned, but quickly recovered and mysteriously whispered, "Fellow disciple, do you know that girl?"

Wang Lin remained calm and shook his head.

The youth raised his brow and said, "Junior martial brother, don't be so stingy. That girl obviously acted like she knew you. Junior martial brother, you don't have to worry. I'm not interested in that girl. The only person I like is the elegant elder sister, Wang Tong."

Wang Lin looked at him and said, "I really don't know her." With that, he turned to leave.

The youth quickly caught up and walked with Wang Lin. He said, "I have to ask, junior martial brother, what is your name? Your elder martial brother here is a disciple of the southern courtyard. Looking at the direction you're walking toward, you're also going to the southern courtyard?"

Wang Lin looked at the person. He revealed a faint smile and said, "I'm Wang Lin."

The youth let out a mischievous smile and said, "Your elder martial brother here is called Cheng Xian. So, are you going to the southern courtyard?"

Wang Lin nodded.

"The Cloud Sky Sect's four courtyards are very clearly divided. Junior martial brother Wang, if you want to enter the southern courtyard, it might be very difficult. If it was easy, then I would go to the western courtyard every day. You should know, beautiful women are as abundant as clouds there. If I could get one or two of them to do duo cultivation with me, then I wouldn't mind cultivation at all." Cheng Xian stopped speaking with a hint of regret, then continued, "So, what are you going to the southern courtyard for? I might be able to help."

After Wang Lin heard Cheng Xian's dream, he laughed and said, "That won't be needed. I don't think my trip to the southern courtyard will be stopped."

Cheng Xian was stunned. He looked at Wang Lin for a bit. He suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "Your surname is Wang and your name is Wang Lin…I remember now. You're the one who was accepted by uncle master Zhou Lin. You…you are too lucky. Do you know how many people want to become his disciple?"

Wang Lin revealed a surprised expression and asked, "Why is that? Is teacher's alchemy skill really high?"

Cheng Xian's eyes revealed a look admiration as he said, "Although his alchemy skill isn't low, it's not exactly high either. He can only refine up to rank 3 pills, which is not a big deal. I can already refine rank 2 pills. I believe that I'll be able to refine rank 3 pills soon."

Wang Lin nodded. He walked toward the southern courtyard while listening to Cheng Xian talk.

But Cheng Xian stopped talking. He revealed that mischievous look and smiled, "Junior martial brother, I can tell you, but you have to promise to take me to the western courtyard once. How is that?"

Wang Lin's expression remained calm and said, "If you don't want to say it, it's fine."

When Cheng Xian saw that Wang Lin didn't budge, he quickly said, "Elder martial brother Wang, look, I'm even calling you elder martial brother now. All you have to do is say a few words and I can get into the western courtyard. It's only a small task."

Wang Lin turned his head and said to him, "You want me to go find that girl, then you can use that excuse to meet that elder sider Wang Tong of you dreams?"

Cheng Xian was stunned, but he quickly smiled, "Yes, yes. It's only a small task. So how about it, elder martial brother?"

Wang Lin slowly said, "Why does everyone want to become Zhou Lin's disciple?"

Cheng Xian said, with a face full of regret, "Because Zhou Lin has a good teacher. Wang Lin, you have to know that when speaking of the number one beauty in the Cloud Sky Sect, she is not in the western courtyard, but in the southern courtyard. The southern courtyard's Elder Li is not only a beauty, but also one of the three rank 5 alchemist in the Cloud Sky Sect. Think about it. Becoming Zhou Lin's disciple means you're also a disciple of Elder Li. Not only do you get to see a fairy, but have access to all sorts of pills and recipes. How could people not want to be part of that?"

Wang Lin muttered to himself, "Elder Li?"

"It is said that this Elder Li was a disciple of the Luo He Sect from the country of Huo Fen…"