
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
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12 Chs

William's Background

The year was 1968 . Bell bottoms and gogo boots were taking the fashion industry by storm .Johnson was president of the United States and the Vietnam war was at full throttle. What a time to be alive.

In an unsuspecting backyard with lush green grass and looked to be a mini forest of oak trees in the backyard there were dull thud sounds that came a almost rhythmic tune .

If you looked closer just near the end of the backyard at the rear. You could see a young topless 4 foot 8 boy drenched in sweat dressed in nothing but black denim shorts that seemed to have been forcibly ripped . 'Bam'

The poor oak trees hard earned leaves fell to the ground.The last thud saw the boy collapse into the ground as he pushed his invasive dark hair back away from his sweating face . He lay down his well toned body that threatened to break out into a soon to be well chiseled sculpture.

'My training seems to be going well , but I dont know how much longer I can keep this secret from Will. His already asking too many questions .' just as Ray was thinking this he heard a voice.

"Why do you train so much my boy ?"

Ray quickly got up and turned around to see 6'2 old man in his late fifties dressed in black work boots ,blue jeans and a black and red flannel shirt with a worn out red cap hiding his bald spot.

Ray:Will ?!

Ray up on his feet thought of a quick response

Ray:To be honest I've been reading up on history books when i go to the library with Susan. I've seen all the wars this country's been through and even seen the current one in newspapers .So I decided that I want to join the army and serve my country as best I can . The only reasonable thing would then be to train your body no?

Will looked straight into Ray's eyes with a thoughtful expression . Going so far as to analyze his young body . 'This childs body's defined beyond his years . I have no doubt he could exhibit the strength of ten year old or more. To the disciple and resolve to do this at the tender age of 6 is terrifying to say the least. After a moment of thought Will responded.

Will:You have the right idea but to be a soldier you cant only have a tough body. You also need the correlating skills to be effective in the battlefield. How determined are you to do this ? What is your end goal ?

After a few moments of contemplation

Ray:I've lived here my whole life and although I've seen the dark side of this countrys society I still believe it's worth changing and fighting for. The only way I see a path for me to change the racial and religious bias that plagues this country is to first show the people that I'm willing to die for this country. Because as bad as things are at times , a country that is able to care for abandoned children without question and fight any and all outside threats cant be all bad. I've seen the respect the people hold for veterans and soldiers and agree that it is due to them in full. So I'm able to fight alongside my peers who would come from all walks of life all around the country and change their perspective for the better . I dare say the impact would be huge.

As Ray spoke more and more he realized that these were his actual beliefs . He'd seen how America turned out in his previous life due to these issues and the result was not pretty . If he could somehow change things this early then maybe I'd be different .

Will took a deep look at Ray then smiled.

Will:Well your in luck kid . I may be old but I think I could help you out more than you know. But I have 3 requirements. 1 - You keep this between us . I dont need the other kids involved in this. 2 - You still have to finish school . 3 - You have to make sure you dont change your resolve or forget why your doing this. Understood?!

As will got to the last requirement his voice got low as he bent down and looked at me seriously.

Ray:Yes sir

Will:Good!Training will begin everyday at 05h00 starting next week Monday . Now I'll leave you to it. I've still got some preparations to make.

Will then walked away and disappeared as silently as he had come.

This little encounter with Will however had left a deep impression on Ray.He sat down in thought as the gears in his head slowly began to churn .

'Although I haven't much time with Will or the people in the house it seems I've overlooked a great deal of things . Even if I was tired and practically half dead he shouldn't have been able to sneak up on me like that ." Ever since Ray had begun his training his senses had been sharpening at a alarming rate.

'Then theirs the friends I never really took notice of . And they were always in suits. ' The more he thought the more suspicious he became of this caretaker he'd come to care for. 'This is a wake up call , I need to start observing everything and everyone around me at all times . If I truly plan to live my life the way I envision I cant let my guard down . Best plan of action now is to go through his training and deduce what his background really is'

Reader come in

Sorry it's late, I'll try to release as much as I can whenever possible . Correct me if I'm wrong but Arrow started in 2012 and oliver had been away for 5 years . I think he was 25 when the Gambit sunk . So that's where my math comes from for those who are curious .

Asura out

AsuraGodkingcreators' thoughts