
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Baby Years

Living in the orphanage with Will wasn't as bad as it was in his previous life. He had descent and nice people around him that took great care in Familial bonds . Although most of them had turned 18 and didn't really live there anymore but came to visit on weekends.

From what Ray could gather , Will had secured some form of grant from the forever rich Queens to run the orphanage. Which in end lead to a pretty good life in terms of food and Shelter.

The orphanage was in one of the better parts of the Glades with just normal crime that didn't really get to the grimey serious stuff like murder and rape.

Life was pretty mundane for the first couple of years . Ray spent most of his time trying to get his body strengthening started as well as begin the basics of the various forms of hand to hand combat . This happened when Ray turned 3 and was finally allowed a decorum of freedom on the orphanage grounds which allowed him to allocate 4 hours during the day to train while everyone was either at school or busy with their own activities.

He would then wake up at night in when everyone was asleep to once again resume his training. He knew from experience that the earlier he started the better his mastery would be. He soon realized a glaring flaw in his plans however. He had completely neglected his own education. But after thinking about all the time he still had he decided to full focus on studies once he hit 10.

Which meant that besides hoping and praying for larger portions of food at every chance he got. He spent a week trying to uncover his wishes limits and strengths . He started by analyzing his regeneration.

From what he could gather his regeneration was almost to the point of instant. For instance ,he gave himself a cut across his palm with a knife to see how long it took to heal. The recorded time was 68 seconds , leaving no scarring or evidence of there ever being a scar.

Ray made a monumental discovery however the very next day after testing his regeneration to find that if he used his control over his body to speed up the healing process he could cut the time down to 20 seconds. But this proved quite the task . Ray regarded himself a very calm person whenever there was need and 14 years of Martial Arts in his previous life as well the dangers he had braved had allowed him to almost disregard pain . This had forged a strong will in him but even still this task took a heavy toll on his mind.

The way Ray saw it was that his control over his body was lacking due his lack of knowledge about the human anatomy. He had conjured up a thesis that if he educated himself about the human body to the molecular level then applied the knowledge to his own body he could become almost immortal. This would also allow him easier control over his healing. The difference between willing to mucles together to heal and knowing how to use each ndividual muscle to get the maximum effect was huge.

After doing all these test he found that these 2 abilities he had seemed to align perfectly with the strengthening technique. The manual says that there are 9 levels. Broken up into 3 segments according to what was written . But at this current moment he seemed only able to access the first 3 levels which were classified as the Human levels .

Level 1 - Foundation

During this level the body is trained to attain the human peak by consuming copious sources of food and extracting all the neccessary nutients to further enhance the human body using the breathing methods provided.

Level 2 - Mutation

This is the act of slowly changing the body structure . To create the combination of white and red muscle to form pink muscles while increasing bone density.

Level 3 - Culmination

The body has been nourished and mutated . The body must now compound . To build your body to extraordinary size and compound.

These were the 3 levels currently available to Ray . This further incited him to see the importance of studying as well as how everything seemed to align perfectly for his path to power .

With all these things rolling in Ray's mind he never really had the time to make true friends in orphanage but that didn't mean the people there wouldn't annoy him to death .

When he turned 5 he started going to the public library with Susan who was one of the kids at the orphanage who happened to help out at the library. Making it as easy for Ray to gain access . He would from then on spend his weekends studying everything from Physics , Chemistry, Biology ,psychology and engineering. He soon found the library was limited to these few subjects. But this information was enough for him to gain a basic degree in multiple fields .

He silently decided that he would show his brilliance at the age 8 so as to skip ahead of all the needless school drama. But that was still 3 years away . For now he would focus entirely on his own power .

Come in Readers

Thanks for the power stones . Just wanted to ask you guys if you want me to put more effort into OC around the MC . Though I feel its unnecessary until his at least in his teens. Tell me what you think .

Asura Out

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