
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Beginning

Monday soon arrived and training would begin . There was a warm wind blowing through bringing with it the foreboding of summer. As Ray walked out he was greeted by a sun that seemed to be peeking at him over the horizon. He stood there in his new training clothes in the form of a dark black tracksuit that absorbed what little sunlight the sun was willing to give.

As he made his way to the backyard to meet with Will he was surprised to find the man sitting in a log waiting for him in his normal Jean's and shirt.

Will: Your earlier than I expected

he said while taking a glance at his wrist watch.

Ray: I make it a priority to be 30min early to any engagement I have. But why are you so early ?

Will: 'sigh' old habits die hard I suppose. But that's quite the outlook you have for a child.

Ray just shrugged at this as if saying it is what is.

Will: I recently created a training program for a friend a few years back that I think would be suitable for you. It'll have you prepared for anything you should come across while in the army.

Ray: How long will this course take ? And what friend?

Will: 'laughs then smiles' it would take a normal soldier 2.5 years on average. Now come along we'll be training you at a friends place .

Ray: 'frowning and disgruntled ' FINE

As Ray started following William, his brain started firing pistons 'Like I didn't notice how he dodged my questions . But this training his suggested gives me a clue. Which army division did 2.5 years training before deployment? Shit I wish I'd paid more attention to the military in my past life . But by process of elimination I should get an answer pretty soon.'

After traveling about an hour by bus they finally arrived at what looked to be an old warehouse area on the outskirts . It was kinda like a cross between airport and factory. There were 4 hangers from what Ray could see and plenty of room all around .

Ray: Hey old man what is this place ?

Will: An old stomping ground . Now enough let's begin. We'll skip the first step and get straight into the Special warfare lessons as well as the basic underwater demolition . Depending on how fast you absorb and adapt to these I might add more . Now lets get to it .


Well then I think it's safe to say he has some connection to either the Navy SEALS or the Delta force. But definitely some special ops team. This old man started drowning me in various forms of training and studying that would have suffocated a lesser man . The next year of my life besides the training and studying I did on my own went like this

•Basic Training (Firearms and such ) - 2 weeks

•Basic/Advanced Underwater Demolition - 4 weeks.

•Special Warfare - 1 week

•Parachute Jumps - 2 weeks

•Qualification Training - 12 weeks

•Specialty Training - 36 weeks

•Unit Level Training - 36 weeks

•Interrogation Training - 8 weeks

These were of coarse what William called these trainings but what basically happened was that I was put through the ringer. I honestly hadn't though that my brain is what would help me in the long run when it came to military training.

I learnt how to drive multiple vehicles as well as basic pilot training . Will says we'll work more on vehicles at a later stage. But at least I'd figured put what this training was. If I wasn't wrong this had to be NAVY SEAL training. We did every terrain I could think of . We did multiple exercises I'm the sea ,air and land. I mean it practically glaring at me .

What I couldn't figure out was how Will got this training manual. The SEALS were a special ops group formed by Kennedy in 1962. Will should have retired by then. But then again he said he created it . So this suggests he was an intricate and trusted part of the US government and its army . Bit what could warrant such a position?

While thinking about all this I almost forgot that I was dismantling a pistol . It's a beautiful Silver Winchester Magnum. I already decided to carry two pistols as a weapon of choice. After dismantling and cleaning my pistols I put them back together and got up to go to the range .

When I got there I saw William firing a similar gun . But if you looked closely you'd realize he had a magnum 30 while mine was a 22.

Will: You wanna make a lil bet kid

Ray: what's the actions

I asked as I loaded ammunition into the magazines

Will: If I win you have to spend the weekend playing with your siblings back home.

Ray: And I win?

Will: Tell you what if you win I'll answer 2 questions.

I grinned at this.

Ray: Your on . What's the target ?

Will: Hit the targets at 200m , who ever has the better score wins . Oh and we're using right hand then left then both hands. 5 bullets a piece. Understood .

I could barely contain my grin at this point .

Ray: Yes Sir

Will started as usual . The targets in the distance had marking on the elbow, shoulder ,wrist ,ankle and knee joints as well as small x's marked as the head and the heart . Each joint was 5 points , the head was 15 points and the heart was 10 points.

'Bang bang bang bang bang '

I focused on the target as Will shot until it was my turn . By now my senses had improved considerably to the point that 200m may as well have 50. I took aim and fired 'bang bang bang bang bang .

After I was done we brought the targets back.

I wonder if I beat this old bastard ....