
Thunder God Gang (2)

*Bam* *Bang*

Thor opened fire as an opening attack. There was no referee or jury, just a winner and a loser. Whoever strikes first will gain the upper hand. That was what he believed.


Evelyn dodged the bullet fired at her and ran toward her opponent. She threw her dagger at her opponent's weapon.


The dagger pierced the gun's muzzle. Evelyn immediately pulled the dagger's chain and circled behind her opponent.


"!!!" Thor gasped because he felt electrocuted, and his gun was snatched from his hand. He turned around to parry his opponent's attack.

"Hee, you're pretty decent for a woman. Hey, how about you join my gang? I'll guarantee you a lifetime of prosperity." Thor tries to convert enemies into friends.

"..." Evelyn didn't want to answer. She kicked her opponent and slashed with her dual dagger.