
All Hail Team Alola

(A/N) Buckle up kiddos, this is gonna be a long one! - Raichu

(Mist's P.O.V)

I was walking with everyone to see how to fix the damages when we saw a Sylveon walk around aimlessly and at one point while she was walking aimlessly, she bumped into everything…

Mist: Um, You're walking near a wall…

Luca: May we help you?

Sylveon: Oh ho ho! I'm mighty fine, I just get lost all the time… I'm Sara, known far and wide!

Dellie: Did you just quote Ampharos?

Sara: Mmm, you mean Former Manager Ampharos?

Riley: Uhhh, yeaaaah…

Sara: Yeah, someone else took over for Alder, I don't remember who though but they sent me over here to Akala… Well now I must go up, up and away!

Jonathan: Hey you dropped somethi- never mind…

Mist: Maybe we should return it?

Jonathan: We should… but where did Sara go?

Luca: I have absolutely no idea… (I swear she is the actual reincarnation of Alder…)

Meowstic: *comes running* Hi guys, are you looking for a Sylveon?

Dellie: We are- wait, Mila?!

Mila: Wait a minute, I recognize you but I don't want to say it… anyways, Sylveon went over there

Jonathan: isn't that the Route of Brooklet Hill?

Riley: They say it's been quite dangerous there lately but I think we can handle it!

Mist: Yeah, maybe Sara is there

Dellie: Why am I remembering Poliwrath River…

As everyone went to Brooklet Hill, I saw that there were stairs leading to a basement…

- An hour later -

"We're at B5F, still no sign" Jonathan said "Maybe we should go further?" Luca said, we all went deeper until we eventually reached B9F "Why is it so silent here?" Mist said, that was until a "Wra-a-a-a-a-ath!" Was heard,

Then a Poliwrath and two other Poliwrath came down, the lead Poliwrath's aura flared to life! It must've been a totem! Riley and Jonathan took out the totem even though Jonathan had a weakness to them, he could still do it, after they beat the totems, however:

Totem Poliwrath: Woah, you were able to beat us even though Firecat here has a weakness?

Jonathan: Must I inform you that I am more of a fox than a cat?

Totem Poliwrath: So you're calling me stupid?!

Luca: Pretty much, Correction, you Poliwraths always are…

(A/N) ooooooooooooooo - Tapu F

(A/N) Did Luca just Flame him? That's my job… - Flareon

Totem Poliwrath: You! Firecat, Thunder Surfer! Take this! *hands them Waterium Z*

Jonathan: Thank you, and I'm a Firefox

We entered the room behind the Poliwrath brothers and Sara was there!

Sara: Thank you, guys! May I give you something to the three of you?

Riley: But, we're 5 people…

Sara: Oh I know, but it appears that Lucario and Delphox here are members of an Expedition Team! And by the way as a thank you, here's a TM for Rain Dance!

Jonathan: Thanks! *places TM in bag*

Sara: You're welcome, and here, have these pieces of equipment Flareon, Raichu and Tapu Fini!

Mist: Does that mean-

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer, yeah!

We're having fun in the sun! (The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation,

Yeah! Now the journey's begun!

Friends till' the end, number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun,


- Episode name: All Hail Team Alola! -

*intro ends*

Sara: Yup! Welcome to the Expedition Society~!

As Sara explained how the Connection Orb worked, we checked if there was an expedition to do

Mist: Um, Sara? Someone posted something

Riley: it says [ I have no idea where I am… ]

Jonathan: It also says they're in the underground floor of Memorial Hill…

Riley: Sure are a lot of ghosts here…

Luca: What do you expect? This is a graveyard…

Dellie: *proceeds to stare into the void*

Mist: Are you alright Dellie?

Dellie: *snaps out of it* I'm fiiiine~

Jonathan: So anyways, maybe the client is deeper in?

Riley: Probably…

~ ~ ~

Mudkip: Yay! You found me! I was so scared, I went like "Oh no!" And "Where am I?" Thank you so much!

Dellie: Wait, is this a child? What are you doing here in a place like this?

- At the Expedition Society place… -

Luca: Anyone know whose child is this?

Swampert: That's just my little brother… Why did you wander off without me?

Mudkip: Oops, sorry!

Swampert: It's ok but never do it again

Dellie: Why do I feel like I recognize you?

Swampert: Strange feeling of Déjà Vu right now just seeing you two… Wait a minute, Luca and Dellie?!

Luca: *mumbles* You don't need to blurt that aloud y'know…

Alder: Hey-hey!

Luca: *facepalms* Why did you have to blurt it out-augh!

Alder: Ugh, I fell on top of someone again…

Luca: Agh, I can't… feel my legs… oh boy…

Alder: Oh my, did I fall on top of Luca?

Mist: You in fact did and almost broke his Mew bones

Luca: *stares at Mist*

Jirachi: All of the society knows, he told us…

Jonathan: *sees Chef planning to eat a full course meal she made* Uh, I'm going to the bathroom…

Everyone: .....

Jirachi: Should we tell him that the bathroom is that way? *points to the left*

Mawile: We shouldn't Jun…

Jun: *stares* Did I stutter Mariel?

Mariel: Uh, no…

Jun: Good then you understood, Alder, do not break Luca's bones

Luca: But he didn't even break my bo-

Jun: *stares*

Luca: Okay okay…

Jonathan: What the actual hell?

Dellie: Jun is being a little cranky today

Jun: *stares*

Dellie: Okay, something's going on here…

Jun: Did someone bring malasadas?

Everyone: No…

Jun: WHATTT?!?

Luca: *proceeds to sweat* Oh my Arceus….

Dellie: JirachihungryJirachihungryJirachiREALLYhungry…


Luca: Calm down Jun…

Dellie: Luca, I think today we might die… (ChillChillChillChillChillChillChillChillChillChill)

Luca: Probably not… (Wewilldieifwedonotfeedhim)

Alder: Ah, Just like the old days…


Dellie: This is so weird… (shutupJunshutupJun)

Mist and Riley: *Watching them with weird faces*

Riley: I'm so sorry you have to deal with this… *runs to the bathroom*

Mist: Everyone settle down please

Jun: Do not make me Tapu

Mist: uhwhattheactualhell?

Jonathan: Food's ready!

Jun: Did you just say, FOOD? *smiles*

Luca: Classic Jun fresh from the oven right there

Everyone ate food and the good news was, Jirachi fell asleep after eating! (Yay!)

Dellie: So do we stay at a hotel?

Marino: You can stay here if you like

Luca: Oh okay, you've always been so generous, Marino

Everyone stayed for the night but tomorrow however…

- The next day… -

(3rd person P.O.V)

"Well, what do we do today?" Riley asked "I don't really know…" Jonathan said, Mist then got an idea "What If we take on another totem?" Mist said, everyone agreed with the idea and went to look for Totem Gengar

Everyone was looking for Gengar when Luca said "Remember that haunted hallway at the Tide Song Hotel?" Everyone thought "There might be a hefty amount of ghosts there…" Riley said "Maybe even a certain Totem Gengar?" Mist said "There's a possibility~♪" Jonathan said, everyone shrugged and when it was the right time, they went to Tide Song

Luca: Out of all the times Jonathan, why did it have to be at THIS hour?

Jonathan: Ghosts…

Luca: Ok (Yikes…)

- At the creepy hallway -

Riley: Oh hey look! There's no barrier anymore!

Mist: Let's move ahead!

Dellie: Woah, a hoard of Ghastly and Haunter…

Luca: You guys move ahead, we'll stay behind and deal with the hoards

Riley: Roger that!

As everyone moved ahead, the next thing they knew, they were close to the haunted room

Suite 113…

Luca and Dellie tagged along of course because they didn't want anyone to go in unattended

???: What are you doing in my room?

Riley: Um…. We, um…

Jonathan: We want to know where Totem Gengar is

???: I AM Totem Gengar you fools

The lights started to flicker in the room as Dellie and Luca stood there watching and waiting for what would happen next…

You are challenged by Totem Gengar!

Gengar used Confuse Ray!

Riley is confused!

Jonathan used Lava Plume!

It's somewhat effective on Totem Gengar…

Luca used Meteor Mash!

It's somewhat effective on Totem Gengar…

Riley is confused!

Riley used Thunderbolt!

Totem Gengar used Hypnosis!

Luca fell asleep!

Dellie used Shadow Ball!

It's super effective!

Riley snapped out of confusion!

Totem Gengar used Dream Eater!

Jonathan used Sand Attack!

Totem Gengar's Accuracy fell!

Totem Gengar used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective on Riley!

Dellie used Psybeam!

It's not very effective…

Luca woke up!

Totem Gengar used Shadow Punch!

It's neutral on Jonathan…

Jonathan used Flare Blitz!

Jonathan took a bit of damage from the recoil!

Luca used Heal Pulse!

Everyone in the team (excluding Gengar) was healed!

Riley used Thunder Wave!

Gengar is Paralyzed, it may not be able to move!

Gengar is Paralyzed, it can't move!

Dellie used Shadow Ball!

Gengar is Paralyzed, it can't move

Luca used Dragon Pulse!

Gengar Fainted!

After the totem battle, Gengar handed Jonathan and Riley a Ghostium Z

Jonathan: Thanks, Gengar!

Gengar: You're welcome, now um, please look behind you…

Jonathan: Dellie, if you thought this was the time to spook me clearly, it isn't…

Dellie: What? No, I'm right here…

Mist: *looks behind* Oh, it's just a Dream Eater antidote

Luca got the antidote and took it then left the empty case there

As everyone exited the hotel, they decided to set up tents for the night

As the Journey Continues!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts