
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Magic 101

Faust nervously crawled to Lily, he tried his best to sit upward with his wobbly baby's body. After another 3 months of learning, and the last 3 days filled with Faust training his speech ability, he finally has the courage to speak to Lily. He holds his mother's dress with his little baby's hands, tug them to get her attention, and looked straight into Lily's eyes, then with all the seriousness an almost 1-year-old baby could make with his face, Faust then said "Mootherr! Plewase tweach mwee mwagiccc!!!!"

With all his previous attempt being futile, Faust didn't have much hope, but he practiced his speech really seriously this time. And he also prepared the most convincing serious baby face that he can make in order to make his mom believe that he is serious about wanting to learn magic.

Lily can't believe what her ears are telling her, her just almost 1-year-old son already able to make a complete sentence even though it is a bit wobbly, but he still did make a complete sentence about wanting to learn magic. And Faust's supposed to be serious face only looked cute to Lily.

"How are you able to talk so fast dear? And why do you want to learn magic?"

"I lwearnn, heawring moother and fatheer!" (Faust)

"Mom's mwagic is so cool ! I want to lwearn twoo!" (Faust)

"Oh dear Isaac, I will of course teach you magic, but isn't a 1 year old is too young to learn magic?" (Lily)

'GRAA BACK ME UP HERE!' Faust shouted with his trusty telepathy to Angra.(Faust)

Angra, being a supportive twin brother who has to deal with his brother's impatience crawled to Lily and said "Mwagicc! Lwearn! Twoo!" while easily sitting upright and making hand gestures as if using a wand-like the wizard in the movie that he's seen back on earth.

"Oh my, you two boys sure can't wait, maybe half-demon are amazing after all, let me ask your father first if it's really okay to teach you magic, maybe demons have different standards than humans."

Later on in the evening when Mark comes back home.

"Father! Father! Tweach us mwagic!!" (Faust)

Mark saw Isaac for the first time is talking to him cheerily.

"Wait what is happening here? Dear, what is going on?" Mark called for Lily and asked what's going on.

Lily told Mark about what happened earlier and verify about the difference between human & demon child minimal age of learning magic.

"Well the demons did start their magic earlier than humans, but it usually starts at around 3 years old. I have never heard of a 1 year old child learning magic"

Hearing this, Faust's eyes became droopy, shoulder slumped, and with a defeated look started crawling back to the other side of the room.

"But I can explain to you the basics, It is up to you how fast you can learn it." (Mark)

Faust's ears perked up and his head flicked as fast as a bullet looking in Mark's direction "Yes! Tweach mee!"

"Alright Aiden come here and listen too." (Mark)

"Yes! Cwome hwere An... Aiden!" (Faust)

Angra then slowly stood up and wobbly walked to them.


Angra didn't say anything but his puffed baby chest and head held high already explain his actual feelings.

Mark only sighed and doesn't know whether his sons' fast growth is a blessing or a sign that their path forward will be harsh. But he put aside his thought about the future and tried to teach them magic for now because the earlier the start the better it is.

"Alright kids, the first question is what is magic?"

Faust already thinks about it for so long since he was born but he hasn't made any progress so he keeps his guesses for himself. And Angra being Angra stayed silent too.

At least they are still normal and they can't figure out the world on their own, Mark thought.

"So magic is one of the building blocks of our world. Our world consists of many magic elements, there is attributeless, fire, water, wind, earth, life, and death magic. All these elements exist in the air we breathe and the earth we walk on. These magic elements also coexist with the natural elements of the world, such as minerals and elements. These mineral and elements are what makes a wood a wood, steel, water, and so on."

'Wait did I make the explanation too hard?' When Mark is about to retell them the simplified version of it Faust asked

"Swo the mwagical elemwents are also a pwart of the nawtural elemwent?" (Faust)

'Okay I take it back, he is smart.' Mark thought to himself

"Yes, and these magical elements can affect the natural elements and vice versa. When you're on the ocean, there will be a lot more water and wind magic elements. When you're in the forest there will be more life and earth attribute. And when you're on a volcano there will be more fire and earth attributes. But having a lot of certain attributes doesn't mean that the other attribute doesn't exist. The world needs a certain balance of magical elements to make the place stay stable. Even if we manipulate certain elements, the world will even out the imbalance of attributes."

"But then how we use mwagicc?? I want to use mwagic like mom!" (Faust)

"Alright, I just wanted to explain the origin first so you will understand better." (Mark)

"So, to use magic is to influence the magic elements to do the things that you want or imagined."

"In order to influence the magic elements, you need to use your own mana. The more you are talented in using magic, the less mana you need to influence the elements. And certain people also have different talents on what magic elements attribute they are more fluent with."

"For example, your beautiful mother is really talented in wind magic that she was able to use the advanced version of wind magic that is lightning magic. While I am more fluent in fire magic."

"And different people have their own different way of using magic. Your mother tend to use magic to use them as projectiles or outside of her body"

Following Mark's explanation, Lily conjure a ball of water to extinguish the firewood used for cooking.

"While I can also do that, but I usually use the magic to infuse with my body, and make my body stronger and have the characteristic of the absorbed attributes."

Mark uses attributeless magic to make the damp firewood fly into his hands, then infused himself with fire attribute, making the damp firewood dry then burning once more by holding it in his hand.


"Yes, Mr. Isaac what is it?"

"But isn't uswing them to mwake fwire and waterballs way cooler and mwore advantageous than fusing with the elements?"

"Great question! It depends actually, what I showed you is only fusion by making the attributes make a layer outside my body, while full fusion.."

Mark's body then changed ethereal and his body is now fully made of fire, making the floor scorched.

"With full fusion, You can have the full characteristics of the element. In this full fire fusion, I can't be damaged by fire and I'm fully heat resistant. I can also easily conjure fireball, fire arrow, fire swords with this full fusion."

"Alright there's still lots of stuff to be explained, but for now I think that's enough, why don't you guys start to practice sensing where your mana core in your body, why don't you guys check how much mana you have first by saying status."

Because Faust and Angra already know about 'status', they only pretended to be awed as if seeing it for the first time.

"I hawve 100!" (Faust)

"100" (Angra)

"Well that's quite impressive for a baby, babies usually only have 20-50 normally." (Mark)

"The mana core in your body is located on your heart, try to use the core to sense the mana coursing through your body. Well, that will probably take a long time to first sense it and manipulating attributeless magic so let's do it boys, and don't give up."

Mark undone his full fusion and repaired the damage caused by his body becoming fire.

Angra and Faust then started to inspect their body and tried to feel the core pumping mana through their body. They closed their eyes and focused but nothing came. Angra felt bored then give up and decided to just practice his walking skill.

Faust tried to remember his father's explanation of magic. He sensed the air he was breathing, the ground he was sitting on, and how his body is in the center of it.

Then he started sensing something warm coursing through his body, it's not his blood even though it circulated from and back to his heart. Then after following the vague sense of it, he can now fully feel the so-called mana running all through his body and he can also feel the presence of the many attributes existing all around him.

In his mind, he saw a message

-Mana Sense Unlocked-

"DADD, DADD! I Saw a message saying mana sense unlocked!"

"What?? This fast?!?" (Mark)


Race: Cambion

Name: Isaac Marchosias (Faust)





Job History:-








Unordinary Strength 1 (Passive)

Soul Vision

Mana Sense 1 (NEW)

Unique Skills:

-Soul Telepathy (to Aiden)

-Loved By Death

*Charm undead: Souls and Undeads naturally are not hostile to you, and weaker soul/undead will willingly submit to you

*Help of the dead: You can borrow death mana from undead/souls who submitted to you

*Death Mana Talent: You have a natural affinity in controlling death mana

×you can't directly harm souls/undead with your death mana

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darran_creators' thoughts