

Chaos ensures in the seas as our MC finds himself as everyone's favourite loose canon and wildcard, Jinx.

Anotherhumanperson · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

"Arabasta..." I said as I looked at the desert before me.

Glancing behind me, I smirk as I see Buggy's ship sailing full speed away after dropping me here. The fool is lucky that I was currently in a good mood. How can I not be when I was going to be part of another civil war. But that's not even the most interesting thing I would do here.

"First thing first, I need to restock on my ammo," I mutter as I start walking towards the town that is a few hundred meters away from the dock, Nanohana. Since it is a port town, Nanohana was buzzing with activity with stalls across the streets and people busy everywhere.

I didn't want to linger on the streets for long since this Island was bounty hunter heaven, so I found an innocent-looking old man to question.

"Yo old man, you know where I can find a weapon shop or a blacksmith?" I asked the man who seemed happy to answer me.

"Hmm, there is a blacksmith in this street actually." He said as rubbed his beard with his left hand and pointed to the right with the other, "It's after the third shop in that direction, you can't miss it."

"Thanks," I responded and walked to where I was directed. Luckily, there was a blacksmith but I didn't bother memorizing the name as I walked into the place.

A buff middle-aged man with dark skin and a nice brown beard was currently fanning his fire, completely unbothered by my rather flashy entrance.

"Hey old man, I'm here for some ammo," I said loudly. The man finally looks at me and his eyes widen slightly at my appearance before his expression hardened. I am after all a seventeen, almost eighteen-year-old girl who is about 160 cm [5'3] tall. 

"Leave, child," he said. I could tell he was deepening his voice to try to scare me. 

I pulled Zapper from my waist and the blacksmith stiffened a bit but I ignored him as I quickly pulled a bullet from the barrel and threw it at him. The blacksmith caught the bullet.

"What a weird design. This is my first time seeing a bullet like this." said the blacksmith as he inspected the bullet before his gaze fell back at me, more precisely Zapper, "And that gun, how does it work?"

"You mean Zapper?" I said with a smirk, 'This old man isn't all talk.'

"A named gun? This is my first time seeing one in person," he said before pausing for a few seconds seemingly making a decision, "Since such a weapon has deemed you worthy, I will accept your request."

"Actually, that isn't all I need... do you have a pen and some paper?" I said while putting back Zapper.


A week quickly passed while I was staying in Nanohana. Nothing much happened, except me trying my absolute hardest to unlock my haki which was a complete bust. I don't know what I expected since it did take Luffy two years to completely master the basics and that was under a master. I knew it wasn't going to magically appear if I went in battle like in some fanfics because Luffy didn't unlock it even after fighting multiple warlords and almost dying multiple times, but I had to try. You really can't make it big in this world without haki, unless you're Buggy.

Anyway, thanks to Oldman Gajka, the blacksmith I had fully restocked my ammo. I even had him help me create the parts for my chompers which I easily created afterwards. The biggest thing I did was to install the hex crystal from Fishbones onto Zapper, and surprisingly Zapper could now shoot lightning-like lasers which reminds me of the LOL Zapper.

The best thing about my Zapper upgrade was that I could now theoretically harm and potentially kill Logia users. This was based on how a rocket from Fishbones harmed Smoker back in LogueTown.

This ties perfectly into my next plan in Arabasta which will definitely end up with me fighting Crocodile. I will also try it on Ace. If that somehow doesn't work, the sea stone tip bullets will do the job. Most of my bullets at this point had small sea stone tips from the nets and cuffs I stole from LogueTown so I wasn't overly worried about Logia users.

Finally done checking all my weapons, I smile as I anticipate the chaos that is about to befall this poor kingdom.

I jump on my camel and start heading North East of Nanohana, to Katorea to spice up the coming civil war.

'Imagine if I give the rebels some more explosive weapons.' I thought as I looked at the wooden chest behind me on the camel with a happy smile. 

"Explosions are truly a girl's best friend," I mutter as I look back ahead.


'What have I just done?' I thought as my eyes left the flames burning brightly in my forge to the poster in my hand.

I should have followed what my instincts had told me when I first met that girl. At first, I thought it was because she looked about the same age as my own daughter and I wanted to protect her from the dangers that crawled in the crevices of this world. But now I know better.

That girl is the very crevice I had thought of protecting her from. I should have known when her weapons designs kept getting more dangerous, but by then her unique ideas had captured me. My curious inventive mind wouldn't let me stop, but what I gave that little monster can't be taken back anymore.

I look at the 75 million dollar bounty in my hands with regret. I was so enthralled with her designs I barely had time to go outside, let alone check the recent posters. Now the very weapons I created might be used against innocents, maybe in this very kingdom.

'Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.' 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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