
Kanto - Fuchisa City

Ash laughed as he lay on the bed, the night before the contest, his Pokemon were playing around with Ritchie's in their room. Ritchie grinned seeing them happy although he wondered how Lily would cope being away from her crush. Ritchie was not blind, he and everyone could see the two grass types were very cosy and comfortable together, he looked at Ash wondering what he thought of it.

Ash, "You know I'm gonna miss you, Horace and Gou a lot when you leave."

Ritchie, "You think I won't? We spent quite some time together, we are bound to get attached to each other."

Ash, "Bulbasaur is gonna miss Lily a lot."

Ritchie smiled, "You noticed that as well huh?"

Ash laughed, "Hard not to when they sleep so close to each other every night."

They talked quietly and Ash told Richie about what the Professor told him about his book getting released in a week or so. Ritchie pat his back congratulating him on having a book being published successfully. Ash smiled and confessed he was a little nervous about it as the book he was publishing was not exactly a happy book but rather a tragedy and horror one. He even said he was writing another one that he called 'Insidious', another horror and Ritchie made him promise to have another book reading session first. After that Ritchie went on to gush about the 'Hogwart Chronicles', and how amazing it was to think about to be able to use magic.

Ash laughed, "I'm glad you like it."

Ritchie looked at Ash before he started to put two and two together, "No way! Ash you... "

Ash put a finger up, "Let's keep it between us still yeah!"

Ritchie chuckled and promised to keep it a secret for his friend and the two talked about the plot of the story and how it was very different. Ritchie decided, he really should have guessed it when Ash had showed them his writing. The new book may have been a horror but the writing style was still a little similar, he even asked Ash if the books were in the same universe and Ash shook his head negative. They went to sleep after a while and the next day Ash went to the stadium where the contest was while the others went to join the audience.

A lady dressed in forest green walked to the stage, "Hello everyone! I'm Flora, your host for today. Are you all ready to get this show on the road?"

The crowd cheered as she continued, "Let us first welcome the judges! Mr Sukizo!"

Sukizo, "Hello everyone!"

Flora, "Mr Contesta!"

Contesta, "Remarkable!"

Flora, "And last but not the least our very own Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy smiled, "Hello, it's good to be here."

Flora, "Let's start off with our first contestant, give it up for Roxy."

Ash watched from the coordinator back stage as the young teen Trixy and her Smeargle performed and waoed the judges. The little guy got a total of twenty nine points which was a really good start to a contest. Lucario was seated beside him with Phantump as the little ghost cheered seeing the colourful display making him smile. He watched as the other contestants performed adding some of the possible ideas mentally to his list.

Flora, "Now let's give it up for Ash Ketchum."

Ash ran into the stage, "Show them what you have got Bulbasaur."

Bulbasaur came out in a flurry of magical leaf, "Bul bulbasaur."

Lily who was watching blushed, "Gro grovyle."

Ritchie chuckled besides him, "He's hands right?"

Lily nodded before turning to her trainer, "Groooo!"

Ash meanwhile commanded, "Energy ball!"

Bulbasaur created a very concentrated energy ball before he chomped down on it getting surprised looks from the audience.

Ash, "Now leaf storm!"

Bulbasaur focused and caused a controlled circle of vines to come out around the two of them.

Ash, "Rain dance and Sunny day!"

Bulbasaur first created rain dance making it rain over the vines before he caused Sunny day to appear from behind the clouds.

Ash grinned, "Finish it off with aromatherapy and life dew."

Bulbasaur roared as he used life dew on the vines making them bloom with white flowers before he released aromatherapy which made the entire stadium relax.Bulbasaur had then moved to stand beside Ash where the flowers bloomed the most before the two bowed finishing the act.

Lily stood up clapping, after she recognized the flowers, "Gro grovyle."

Ritchie hummed, "Those flowers."

Misty, "What about them?"

Ritchie, "Bulbasaur gave Lily those flowers."

Gou, "That is so sweet."

Flora, "And what a beautiful finish this was, let's see how many points Ash gets for this."

Mr Contesta, "Well this is the second time we are seeing that particular Bulbasaur and it looks like his control improved a lot."

Nurse Joy, "Oh my truly? I think it was very lovely."

Mr Sukizo, "Remarkable!"

Flora saw the scoreboard, "And Ash earned a perfect total of thirty points. Well done Ash and Bulbasaur."

Ash got out of the circle of flowers, "You wanted to tell goodbye didn't you buddy."

Bulbasaur nodded, "Saur.", before he started to glow and become bigger.

Flora, "Oh my goodness! Would you look at that?"

In front of everyone Bulbasaur evolved into a large Ivysaur, "Saur ivy.", the crowd oooohed and aaaahed some were shouting congratulations.

Ash hugged him, "Congratulations Ivysaur!", he whispered, "No way Lily will forget about you now."

Bulbasaur blushed a bit before he smiled using his vines to pick up the flowers and taking them with him as the two of them left the stage. He looked at Lily and Lily looked at Ritchie with hopeful eyes getting a chuckle and a go ahead from him. Lily slipped out and met up with Ash and Bulbasaur back stage where Bulbasaur presented the white flowers to her as she blushed. Ash joined the other coordinators back stage and grinned at Lucario who smirked before sitting down to watch the others. Soon the first round ended after the last performer show cased their Pokemon.

Flora, "And with that we come to the end of the first round. Let's see who is moving on to the next round."

The scoreboard shuffled and Ash was the first to appear followed by another guy who had earned thirty points after his performance followed by the first performer, Trixy and another girl was last. Ash would be going up against the guy, Harvey before facing off with whoever wins among the girls. Now why did that name sound familiar?

Flora, "Will the first two contestants please join the stage for the first battle?"

Ash walked up, "Hello I'm Ash."

The man grinned, "I'm Harvey, don't think I'll let you win flower boy."

Ash raised his eyebrow at the taunt, "Says the guy wearing a green dress."

Harvey chuckled, "Yes he does!"

Flora, "Choose your Pokemon."

Harvey, "Shine Ariados."

Ash, "Show them what you got Jigglypuff."

Flora, "Begin!"

Harvey, "Sword dance!"

Ash, "Agility dance to dodge!"

Jigglypuff moved around dancing while using agility to dodge the attack before Ash called out, "Pound."

Jigglypuff got a smirk on her face as she used that attack on Ariados once she got an opening. Ariados hissed as she backed away from the fairy type who looked at her tauntingly.

Harvey, "String shot!"

Ash, "Agility again dodge them all and use metronome."

Jigglypuff used metronome as she moved around, that particular move was already unpredictable and moving around just made it harder to predict more. Soon Jigglypuff's Chantal finished and she unleashed metronome which was fire swift. Ash was surprised but pleased as it burned away the webbing and caused damage to Ariados when she was hit.

Jigglypuff, "Jiggly."

Ariados hissed, "Dos."

Harvey frowned, he didn't know what they were saying but Ariados was getting angry, "Ariados night shade."

Ash, "Disarming voice."

The night shade was easily disarmed by the disarming voice and Jigglypuff gave a laugh as she ran around with the spider chasing her.

Ash sweatdropped, 'I knew she liked taunting her opponents, I didn't realize it was this effective.'

Harvey, "Ariados calm down."

Ash, "Sing!"

Jigglypuff dodged Ariados and started to sing putting the spider Pokemon to sleep making her unable to battle.

Ash yawned, "Good job and your song is as powerful as always."

Jigglypuff smiled, "Jigglypuff."

Flora slapped her cheeks, "Well looks like Ariados is unable to battle, Ash and Jigglypuff wins the match."

Harvey sighed, "Return girl, you know when I saw Jigglypuff I thought I had it in the bag, as it turns out, your Jigglypuff is smart. She outsmarted my spider."

Ash grinned, "Thanks for the compliment."

Harvey, "Good luck on your next battle."

Ash returned to watch the second battle before it clicked, 'Harvey, one of May's rival, huh, I knew they were older than her.'

Trixy won her match with her Vaporean who performed really well against the Azumaril that her opponent was using. Soon Ash was facing off against her on the stage for the ribbon, if Ash won this would be his last ribbon. He had to win, he was getting pumped up just thinking about this being his last ribbon.

Trixy, "Let's have a good match."

Ash, "Yeah!"

Flora, "Ready?"

Ash, "Show them what you got Jigglypuff."

Trixy, "Time to shine Vaporean."

Flora, "Set!"

Jigglypuff, "Jigglypuff."

Vaporean, "Po."

Flora, "Begin!"

Trixy, "Vaporean water pulse."

Ash, "Curved screen."

Jigglypuff created a curved light screen which deflected the water pulse away from her causing Trixy's points to go down.

Trixy, "Use aqua ring."

Ash watched as the aqua ring got bigger, "Now icy wind."

Jigglypuff released a very powerful burst of icy wind freezing the aqua ring freezing it and causing it to crash and break on the ground.

Trixy, "Vaporean are you okay?"

Vaporean shook his head, "Po."

Trixy, "Alright then we are not out yet, use acid armour and tail slap."

Ash, "Disarming voice!"

Trixy, "I knew you would say that, now mud slap."

The acid armour was disarmed however the tail slap and the mud slap hit Jigglypuff hard making her cry out.

Ash, "Are you okay Jigglypuff?"

Jigglypuff stood up and shook herself, "Ji jiggly."

Ash, "Light screen and heal pulse!"

Trixy, "After her water gun."

Vaporean shot a water gun but it was deflected by the light screen. Jigglypuff healed up a bit behind the light screen.

Ash grinned, "Now attract."

Trixy, "No Vaporean."

Vaporean (灬♥ω♥灬), "Po."

Ash smirked, "Now thunder wave full power."

Jigglypuff smirked as well before releasing a full powered thunder wave against the water Pokemon who just woke up from his trance but was unable to move away. Misty and Ritchie winced seeing the damage a cute little Jigglypuff did to the Vaporean, you would not usually expect a Pokemon like Jigglypuff to have such heavy attacks in her arsenal. Yet here was a Jigglypuff who could dish out attacks like a boss, Brock remembered what Gou had told them before. Jigglypuff had made quick work of the rude challenges who were challenging Lt Surge outside of their usual battle schedule. Brock and Misty could see how it was possible and lit a mental candle for them.

Flora, "Vaporean is unable to battle, Jigglypuff is the winner. Also with this win Ash has collected all five ribbons needed to enter the Kanto Grande Festival. Congratulations you are the fifteenth contestant to successfully collect all five ribbons required."

Ash smiled as he received the last ribbon and added it to his ribbon box, "The last one finally, we did it."

After the ceremony, Ash went outside to search for Ivysaur only to find him and Lily spending time together in the field outside the stadium. Ritchie cooed over them before saying they had till evening to spend time together, Lily nodded thankful they didn't have to leave early. Ash and Ritchie decided to have a serious talk about the two of them however on what to do if they wanted to settle down and have a family. Lucario informed however they both wanted to wait till they each took part in two League battles. Then they would settle down, as much as they loved each other, they didn't want to be separated from their trainers yet. Ritchie thanked Lucario for the information and promised to catch up with Ash in the future during their journey so their Pokemon could spend time together. Soon they bid farewell to Ritchie, Gou and Horace as they boarded the night bus going to Viridian City, making a promise that they would meet and travel together again.

[A. N.: I got a notification saying my book is restricted because I got Chinese and Korean in my book.....

I don't even know Chinese or Korean!


Weird! Say would you dear readers mind pointing out the 'Chinese' or 'Korean' please. I'm really curious right now.]