

Ash, Brock and Misty had met up with Jessilina and Jameson after the contest, as it turns out they had to make a quick visit to a very famous Pokemon ranch. The two had to meet up with a Mrs Laramie who was the owner of a famous Tauros ranch that made Ash recall was the place the anime mc had caught his pack of Tauros. He wondered how different it was now, in the anime the ranch was pretty large already, it's probably bigger now that a few years have already passed.

Misty, "Hey what's going on over there?"

Brock, "Looks like a construction site."

Jessilina, "Ah! Yes a few years ago this construction faced a set back because of a rock slide during the rain."

Jameson, "They are trying to build up again now before the rain starts again.... What the?"

Ash, "Oh Mew, I hope they are okay."

Infront of them a few trucks and pick up vans were moving towards the construction site before one of the vans sunk in one side followed by the other vehicles. The drivers came out of the vehicles a little shaken up but unhurt luckily enough, and the man in charge was furious from what Ash could see. The group sweatdropped as they watched the man do a comedic version of whack a mole with the.... were those Diglets?

Brock approached the men who were sitting down, "Are you all doing okay? That looked dangerous."

One of the men answered, "We are fine thank you for asking."

Fearrow had landed on top of one of the trucks and looked at the curiously and Ash called out, "Take a break from flying Fearrow, it looks like we are going to be here for a while."

Fearrow nodded, "Row!"

Ash watched as Fearrow made himself comfortable on one of the higher tree branches and decided to nap, "Let's see what's going on."

Lucario nodded, -Yeah, that was a little odd.-

The construction in charge was explaining what happened to Jessilina and Jameson, "Those Diglets have been causing havoc lately, a few years ago it was raining heavily and caused land slide that made it impossible to work. This construction is three years late already, I cannot have those Diglets interfere any longer."

The in charge turned when a familiar car drove by, "Finally the trainers I asked to help out are here."

Gary walked out, "Don't fear! Gary is here to help!"

Ash, "Pfffffffffft."

Misty snickered, "I can't believe he said that."

Gary turned hearing the laughter, "Ashy, Misty, Brock, Jessilina and Jameson too. You guys are here as well? I thought Ritchie, Gou and his friend Horace, was it, were traveling with you?"

Ash's lips twitched at the nickname, "The three of them left last night, we were actually heading towards the Laramie ranch, when we saw this."

The in charge shouted at that point, "Those Diglets are back! Trainers please I asked for you all to help out, please get rid of them or catch them, whatever you trainers do."

Gary, "I always wanted one so let's go Mudkip."

Misty blinked, "You caught a Mudkip? When and where?"

Gary chuckled wryly, "I didn't catch him, I saved him."

Ash, "Oh!"

Mudkip did not come out to battle however which made Gary confused, "Don't tell me he is still terrified."

Misty, "Awww, I wanted to see a Mudkip."

Ash looked around the other trainers were having the same problem, "I don't think it's just Mudkip, no Pokemon wants to battle."

Gary hummed, "Well, there is nothing we can do about it, I guess. Anyway I watched your performance yesterday it was amazing and I need to get my last badge, I'm not loosing to you Ashy. Smell you all later!"

Ash and Misty sweatdropped as Gary's car sped off away from the construction site, from the direction it was going they could tell it was heading towards Viridian City. They shouted good luck as he waved at them before looking at the man doing another round of whack a mole. Jameson just shook his head and led the group away from the construction site that was starting to look a little dangerous especially with all the potholes.

Ash sighed in the natural hot spring after cleaning up his Pokemon, "Hey Lucario.... Do you know why the Diglets were doing what they did?"

Lucario hummed, -They were trying to protect something, from what I understood what they said.-

Ash blinked, "Protect something?"

Misty, "Protect what?"

Lucario shrugged, -They were too busy trying to stop the construction to actually talk.-

Jameson hummed, "We might be able to fix this after all. We'll talk to the in charge tomorrow about that, I just hope he actually listens."

The bushes rustled and, "Diglet dig."

Lucario, -You want us to follow you?-

Ash, "Well I'm done cleaning up so... Let's go?"

Misty and the others grabbed their clothes as well and after dressing up and returning most of the Pokemon went after Diglet. They came across a hill flourishing with plants and Pokemon all around making them gasp.

Ash, "So this is what they were protecting."

Misty, "They are just like the Tentacruels and Tentacools back in Porta Vista."

Brock nodded, "No wonder."

Jessilina, "Let us deal with the in charge, if they are going to build something here it'll have to take these Pokemon and place into account."

Ash, "They are building a dam though, how will you convince them?"

Jameson, "Like she said leave it to us, besides I did a research the dam is just for electricity, the real attraction is the hot spring resort that will come up here."

Jameson then went to talk to the man in charge the next day who was shocked by the paradise behind the hill. He was conflicted on what to do and Jameson offered to talk it out with his boss, who much to Jessilina, Jameson and Meowth's surprise turned out to be Giovanni's right hand man, Archer. Archer listened to their proposal and had to admit their plan had merit, not only would they have a nice hot spring resort but also a Pokemon themed park. The Dugtrios and Diglets had accepted and agreed to help out once Meowth had explained to them the new set of plans that would actually be protecting their homes.

Archer, "And how is your original assignment?"

Jameson, "You mean Ash, sir? He is a talented child sir, perhaps a little too mature sometimes but still innocent."

Archer, "Even after Lavender."

Jessilina, "Yes sir, he found a way to cope with those events. It's not exactly normal but it helped him out."

Archer, "Ah yes, the book he published, the one that came out yesterday. I'm pretty sure boss ordered a copy more out of curiosity than anything else. I did too, as I wanted to see how good he is at writing."

Meowth, "Umm! Did ya get da cens'red one or da uncens'red one, Sir?"

Archer lifted an eyebrow, "Does it matter?"

Jessilina, "Guess not, enjoy it, I guess Sir."

Archer rolled his eyes, "A child, like you said wrote this book, I doubt there is anything worth censoring."

Jameson, "Very well, Sir, aside from that he is doing well, his Pokemon are curiously enough stronger than other Pokemon at this level of the journey and larger too, although I might be being biased. It is probably because he likes to spoil them with food. Misty is doing well for a future gym leader and Brock is shaping up to have a good future either as a Pokemon breeder or a Doctor. Their three friends Ritchie, Gou and Horace are doing really well in their chosen fields too, although since we don't travel together anymore I cannot tell, how much they will have improved by now."

Archer, "I see, don't worry we have look outs watching over them and his other friends across Kanto. Just focus on the boy, I don't really get, why the boss insists on keeping him safe, but it's none of my business. Dismissed!"

The three saluted before the screen went black and looked at each other before they shrugged and went to tell the others the good news. They were quiet happy with the new plans and the group left as both Pokemon and humans started to work together on the site to turn it into a good resort. Ash could not wait to see how it turns out in the future, they walked through the forest where they spent the night, before exiting to a vast open field.

Misty, "Are we at the country side?"

Brock, "Don't know, but that's a lot of crops and Pokemon over there grazing."

Ash, "We could find out if this place belongs to someone."

Jessilina was about to answer when they ground rumbled, "An earthquake?"

Jameson shook his head, "No look over there."

Ash, "A herd of Tauros."

Brock, "They are coming this way, be careful everyone."

The group braced themselves to battle before an Arcanine jumped out and barked at the Tauros who changed direction making the group sigh in relief. Fearrow, Lucario and Seviper who had stood infront of the group watched as the Tauros moved away, only then they relaxed.

Jameson, "An Arcanine, you look familiar."

A voice called, "He should cousin, after all you left him for me to be my protector."

Jameson smiled brightly, "Lara!"

Lara grinned, "I'm happy you guys made it."

Jameson moved to hug her but stopped, "What happened to you?"

Lara sighed, "I had an accident where I dislocated my shoulder a bit, don't worry this sling is to make sure it's not pressured or anything like that. My shoulder is back in place already, it's not the problem."

Jessilina was upset however, "But Lara, you have a race tomorrow, don't you?"

Lara nodded, "Which is why I asked you to come, I was hoping one of you could take my place tomorrow."

Jameson frowned, "Was it Dario who did this?"

Lara, "James please, don't! I'll deal with him soon enough, I need to focus on tomorrow right now."

Jameson breathed in, "Fine, let me introduce you to some of our friends then. This young man here is Brock and these two youngsters are Misty and Ash."

Lara smiled, "Nice to meet you all."

Ash had been watching them quietly, this was a big change, he filed it away to freak out over it later, "Hello Lara, nice to meet you too. I was wondering if it would be okay for us to release our Pokemon here so they can stretch their legs a bit."

Lara grinned, "Sure go ahead. There is a lake up ahead for water Pokemon if you have any."

Getting the green light, Ash, Misty and Brock released their Pokemon getting an impressed whistle from Lara. While the Pokemon were enjoying themselves Lara explained about the race and the festival and invited them to join the festivities. They enjoyed the festival before going to watch the race, Ash decided to ride on his Tauros, while Misty decided to ride on Starmie, Brock was on his Onix, Lucario had Phantump on his shoulder and Jameson was riding Rapidash.

Dario, "Well well well! How pitiful it is that the reject of the family is riding instead of the star."

Lara shouted, "Do not talk about my cousin that way."

Jameson, "At least I don't cheat."

Dario, "Are you calling me a cheater?"

Ash, "I don't like that guy."

Misty was frowning, "Me neither."

Brock, "The race is about to start guys."

The race started and off they went, the first obstacle was an uphill road and Ash told Tauros to take it easy and trot instead of running up. Lucario and Onix had no problem climbing the hill like Rapidash while Misty had the same idea as Ash and went slow, soon they were all speeding downhill. Brock had to stop at a river while Misty was able to cross easy, Ash told Tauros to jump and rush through the platforms as quickly as possible to avoid sinking. Soon they reached the next obstacle which was they had to finish eating the food on a bowl before going forward, and only the Pokemon racing could eat it.

Sadly Phantump did not know that and chomped down on Lucario's plate of food disqualifying them. Lucario sat and wished Ash, Misty and Jameson good luck as he joined Jessilina and Lara at the stands after finishing the food. It was a race of endurance after that and with no Team Rocket to mess things up for the other players, Jameson came first, followed by the racer with Electrode, then Dario, followed by, Ash, Misty and the rest of the runners. Lara hugged Jameson and thanked him for the help before inviting them to stay for the night, the group agreed to stay one more night before leaving in the morning.

[A. N.: Since I have no idea how things went with Kaiser and the Dragonair, I put my own spin on it and added Tomo to the mix.

Also I wanted to give James a family member he could turn to. He deserves someone who is not crazy like his parents.

Hope you all will enjoy the spin off.]

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