
Finally Meeting

As Gerald got closer to Pallet Town, his excitement grew. He had just found out that he had a grandkid for 15 years without him knowing.


Aerodactyl let out a cry, telling Gerald there was something ahead. Squinting his eyes he saw a orange pokemon flying directly in his path, the pokemon had a old man in a white coat on its back.

"Go around." Gerald said coldly.

Aerodactyl veered to the left, changing its trajectory from the Charizard. Shortly after Aerodactyl did that a loud roar came from the Charizard. It realised a Flamethrower at the Aerodactyl, forcing it to stop.

The Charizard slowly hovered closer until it was within 5 meters of the Aerodactyl.

"What's the meaning of this?" Gerard said coldly, releasing his aura.

A strong pressure came over Professor Oak but he simply ignored it and released his aura. Gerald was shocked, this man's strength was similar to his own.

"Are you from the Draconid Clan?" Professor Oak asked.

Gerald was shocked once again! Not only was this man as strong as he was but he also knew what clan he was from?

"How did you know that?" Gerald asked his own question. His clan wasn't well known and only a select few knew about it in the outside world.

"Why are you headed towards Kanto, or more specifically, Pallet Town?" The professor ignored his question and asked his own. His calm demeanor not changing once during this conversation.

Gerald could tell this man must have known quite a bit about him so he decided not to lie.

"I'm here to see my daughter in law and my grandson." he said with a light smile.

Professor Oak's eyebrows scrunched together, 'Grandson? Daughter in law?'

After thinking about it he turned his gaze towards Gerald and slowly asked, "Are you here to harm them?"

A small killing intent leaked out from Professor Oak, showing Gerald that he was ready to kill him.

"No. I just learned I had a grandson for 15 years that I have never met so I came to meet him and his mother. I will kill anyone who dares harm them." a thick killing intent erupted from Gerald's body after he talked.

Professor looked at Gerald but didn't say anything for a while. Finally he said, "Where's the father?"

"My son is currently in our clan's prison for losing something." Gerald said, not revealing too much of their clan secrets.

"I'm guessing that egg." Professor Oak said offhanded.

Gerald's eyes narrowed before he gave a slight nod.

"Can I go meet my relatives now?" Gerald asked, his patience wearing thin.

Professor Oak nodded and said, "Anything funny and this ocean will be your burial ground."

Charizard let out a powerful roar, proving his point.

"If I wasn't in a rush to meet my grandson I'd like to have a battle with you, you seem strong." Gerald said, smirking at the threat.

The two pokemon and the old guy's on their backs flew towards land.

Shortly later they both landed. Gerald returned Aerodactyl to its pokeball. Professor Oak kept a close eye on Gerald still, while Charizard openly glared at him.

Ignoring the glare, Gerald couldn't keep his excitement down. He looked around trying to tell if his grandson was here.

"Follow me." Professor Oak said, walking into town. Gerald followed him anxiously while Charizard walked behind him.

They walked until they reached a simple looking house near the center of town. Professor Oak knocked on the door and called out, "Kate it's me."

The door slowly opened and Kate appeared, her clear blue eyes darted back and forth between Gerald and Professor Oak.

"It's okay Kate. He's not here to hurt you." The professor assured her.

Kate nodded and invited them in. Gerald looked over Kate before secretly praising his son. This woman was beautiful, especially her eyes. She also gave off a calming feeling to those around her.

"Hello, I'm Gerald Khoth." Gerald introduced himself.

Hearing the last name, Kate visibly shivered. "A-are you Harry's relative?" she stuttered as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I'm his father." Gerald smiled gently.

Kate gave a small nod as she tried to hold her emotions in check. "Is he doing alright?" she asked, her voice full of emotions.

"Yes, though he misses you gravely." Gerald said softly.

Unable to hold it back any longer, tears spilled out of Kate's eyes and onto her face. Professor Oak quickly hugged her and consoled her.

After a few minutes Kate was able to pull herself together.

"I apologize for my behaviour." Kate apologized and gave a slight bow.

"No don't apologize daughter in law. It's that idiots fault and partly my as well. I am sorry." Gerald said giving Kate a deep bow.

Kate became flustered and tried to lift Gerald up but the old man was immovable as steel.

"Please sit up father in law or I won't know how to face Harry in the future." Kate pleaded after she gave up trying to lift him. "I'm Kate Klein by the way."

Sitting up, Gerald had a smile on his face. "Is my grandson around?" Gerald said looking around for him.

Kate gave a bright smile at Gerald calling Daikon his grandson. "He left couple months ago. He wants to become a pokemon trainer." she told him.

"Of course he does! He is my grandson after all!" Gerald let out a loud laugh.

"I will give him a call." Kate smiled, calling Daikon.

*Ring Ring*

Daikon's Pokedex rang and vibrated causing him to stop brushing Espeon who gave an angry cry in protest.

"It's mom you spoiled brat." Daikon scolded her.

"Hi mom." Daikon answered the call.

"Hi Daikon. What are you up to?" she asked him.

"Brushing this needy Espeon you gave me." Daikon complained, shooting a smirk at Espeon who in return flicked his head with her tail.

Kate smiled at the loving gesture. "Are you in Cerulean City?"

"Yes I am. I plan to head north tomorrow though and train some." Daikon said, telling her his plans.

"Okay sounds good." Kate said and quickly hung up.

"That was weird." Daikon murmured as he looked at the blank screen. His thoughts were interrupted by Espeon floating a brush in front of his face.

"Okay fine you brat!"