
Call From Agatha

Daikon's eyebrow shot up, 'Kid?'.

Daikon looked her over, she couldn't be that much older than him, maybe 25 at the most.

"May I?" Daikon asked motioning towards the pool.

Although surprised, Misty quickly responded, "Sure go ahead."

Throwing out a pokeball, Dratini appeared and started to swim in the pool, jumping out of the water and letting out a happy cry.

"Black Dratini… you must be Daikon." Misty said after seeing Dratini.

"I am." Daikon said, curious on how Misty knew him.

"So you think I am weak." Misty had an angry amused look on her face.

Daikon's brows bunched together before a look of understanding appeared on his face.

'Right, Daisy said her sister was Misty. She must have told her.' Daikong realized.

"The way you handle things, yes I think you are weak. As for your actually strength I don't know." Daikon said calmly, not afraid.

"It's more difficult than you realize." Misty said seriously.

"If you say so." Daikon shrugged, not really caring. He didn't want to concern himself with politics or power struggles. His black and white world was peaceful.

Seeing his attitude, Misty grew a little angry. 'He just doesn't understand.'

"Is that your Staryu and Luvdisc?" Daikon asked as he gestured toward the pink pokemon.

"Luvdisc is but the Staryu is another trainers that I am helping train." Misty explained.

"Helping train? You do that even though you're a gym leader?" Daikon asked.

Shrugging her shoulders, Misty answered nonchalant. "Who knows more about water pokemon than me? Why shouldn't I help train them?"

"How should I train my Dratini then?" Daikon asked.

"Lets battle and find out." Misty challenged him.

"Fine by me." Daikon said walking over to the opposite side of the pool.

"Dratini let's battle." Daikon said.

Dratini immediately perked up and looked over at Misty and her Luvdisc, his battle intent flared up.

Misty didn't say anything but gave a small nod towards her pokemon.

'Be careful, Luvdisc is fast and agile so try to overpower it with your moves.' Daikon said to Dratini warning him.


Letting out a cry, Dratini used Aqua Jet and charged toward Luvdisc. Luvdisc used Agility to avoid the attack and then sent a Water Pulse toward Dratini. Unable to avoid the attack, Dratini used its tail to slap away the Water Pulse, avoiding most of the damage.

Dratini used Dragon Breath but due to being under water, the attack's range seemed to be restricted.

'You need to get closer.'

Using Aqua Jet again, Dratini closed tried to close the distance between the two pokemon. Seeing what he was doing, Luvdisc used Water Pulse to try and keep the distance between them. Dratini dodged the Water Pulse and used Dragon Rage. The attack was a success and directly hit Luvdisc, causing the pokemon to cry out in pain.

'Don't let off! Continue attacking!' Daikon yelled at Dratini through their Blood Bond.

Dratini used Aqua Jet again and slammed into Luvdisc then used Dragon Breath.

Seeing that Luvdisc fainted, Dratini stopped attacking and jumped out of the pool and landed near Daikon.

Daikon smiled and patted the dragon on his head, "Good job bud. You're getting stronger." he complimented.

Dratini let out a happy cry before he tried to wrap himself around Daikon, causing Daikon's clothes to become soaked.

Misty's face became slightly red when she saw Daikon's wet clothes cling to his muscular body.

'Daisy said he was good looking…'

Not noticing Misty's complexion, Daikon asked, "So what do you think?"

Clearing her throat, Misty looked over at Dratini and said, "Dratini is stronger than most others I have met but it seems to rely on its strong special attack moves instead of using its body."

"I completely agree." Daikon said. He knew that Dratini relied on his strong special attacks instead of his physical. "So how should I train him?"

"Battle and then battle some more. Try not to use his special attacks and focus on his physical. Such a strong body needs to be used probably." Misty said as she examined Dratini closely.

"Not much advice but thank you for the battle." Daikon bluntly said.

An angry look flashed across Misty's face as she heard Daikon's words.

"Listen you arrogant little brat, you need to be careful. Doug will come after you and although he is weaker than me he is still a gym leader level trainer." Misty said angrily.

"Thanks for the advice. Can I battle your advance trainee?" Daikon asked, brushing off the warning she gave him.

"She's not hear at the moment, come back tomorrow." Misty said coldly, walking away and leaving Daikon standing there.

Shaking his head, Daikon returned Dratini to his pokeball and left the gym.

*Ring Ring*

Professor Oak's telephone started to ring, causing him to look up from a white fox pokemon he was looking at.

"Yes?" the Professor answered.

"We have a problem." a urgent voice came from the other end.

"Agatha? What's wrong?" the Professor immediately stood up.

"Someone is heading towards Pallet Town, very fast. They just flew over Cinnabar Island. My agent said it was an older man on the back of an Aerodactyl. Just thought I'd let you know. They should be there within the hour." Agatha said before hanging up.

Professor Oak put the phone down, a cold look came over his face.

"Jack, take over this Vulpix examinations. I have something I need to do." the Professor said, calling over one of his aides.

Professor Oak quickly ran into the forest outside of Pallet Town. After a few minutes of walking, he found a cave and entered.

Entering it, Professor Oak saw an old looking Charizard with a couple of scars covering its body. The Charizard looked at the Professor and gave a light roar, walking up to Professor Oak and rubbing his head against his chest.

"Hello old friend. How's retirement treating you?" Professor Oak said lovingly.The Charizard answered with another light roar.

"That's good. I need you help." Professor Oak said.