
Our Own Battles

"Do you wish to leave right now?" Kate asked Gerald.

Gerald shook his head and said, "I'll stay for now until tomorrow. I just met my daughter in law so there's no rush."

Kate beamed at this. She would be able to find out more about how here husband was doing.

Gerald looked over at Professor Oak and said, "I never did get your name."

"Samuel Oak but people call me Professor Oak." Professor Oak answered.

Gerald's eye shone when her heard the professor's answer. "No wonder you are so strong! You are arguably the strongest Champion Kanto ever had! I was exploring the outside world when you became Champion. It is a pity we never got to battle!" he exclaimed, clearly excited about meeting Professor Oak.

"That was a long time ago and the young always seem to surpass the old." Professor Oak smiled, lost in his memories.

"Hahaha well of course or we would have failed as parents and teachers!" Gerald laughed.

The three of them sat down around the kitchen table.

"So tell me about my grandson?" Gerald asked eagerly.

"He's smart. He learned under me and worked at my lab for 5 years. I can confidently say that he had one of the best educations on pokemon." Professor Oak said proudly, pumping his own tires.

"He is also diligent, he practiced every morning with Harry's sword." Kate said.

Gerald nodded his head in joy, happy about what he was hearing about his grandson.

"How's he with pokemon?" Gerald asked. Being a pokemon trainer required a level of compatibility with pokemon.

"Excellent. A natural." Professor Oak said as he described how Daikon use to take care of the pokemon in his lab.

They continued talking throughout the night and in the morning, Gerald jumped on the back of Aerodactyl and headed for Cerulean City.

Daisy had just finished the show and was looking at the VIP box seats but still couldn't see Daikon.

'Did that asshole not come?' she cursed him in her heart.

She saw that people were sitting in the seats that were reserved for Daikon. She went over and decided to ask them how they got the tickets.

'If he sold them I will drown him.'

Entering the box, Daisy saw a mother daughter pair. Judging from their clothes she could tell that Daikon didn't sell them the tickets. Seeing Daisy, the daughter's eyes went wide and she started to scream with joy.

"Hello there." Daisy said as she crouched down to the daughter's level.

"Miss Daisy I am your biggest fan." the young girl said, still in shock.

"Thank you for being my fan." Daisy said as the girl hugged her.

Tears filled the girls eyes as she hugged Daisy.

Daisy gave the girl some signed souvenirs before asking the mom, "How did you get these tickets?"

The mom's face instantly paled. "We are sorry Miss Daisy! We didn't steal them! I promise!" the mom instantly started pleading, bowing her head.

"No no don't do that! I'm just curious! " Daisy panicked seeing the mother's reaction and helped her up.

"Big brother gave them to us!" the daughter said happily.

"Big brother?" Daisy asked.

"A dark haired man heard my daughter crying about me not being able to afford tickets so he gave us his. I never thought that the tickets would be so expensive though." the mom explained, still nervous.

"So he does have a soft side." Daisy scoffed.

"Does Miss Daisy like big brother?" the little girl asked innocently.

"Of course not! He wishes!" Daisy reached down and pinched the little girls cheek. "If you ever need anything you can usually find me or my sisters at Cerulean Gym."

Saying this Daisy turned and left the box.

After leaving the gym, Daikon explored around the city for a bit until he headed north. Though he wasn't allowed to enter Cerulean Cave, he still wanted to see it from a distance.

Walking on the path, Daikon suddenly felt the hair on his neck rise. Stopping he looked around before saying, "Come on out."

Nothing happened for a few seconds until the bushes shook and two men emerged.

"Sharp senses kid." a bald men said. The other man had long blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail.

"Let me guess, you two are here to beat me or kill me because I insulted Jared's brother? I think he has watched too many movies because this feels cliche." Daikon said without fear.

"Sorry kid but we are here to bring you back to Doug so he can kill you." the blonde man said.

"A little over reaction if you ask me." Daikon muttered under his breath.

The two of them released their pokemon, they heard from Doug that he was skilled with aura and could easily kill them.

Two Growlithes appeared and growled threatening towards Daikon.

"You two must be police officers. Cerulean City must be desperate to hire you two pathetic scums." Daikon judge from their pokemon that they were police officers and taunted them accordingly.

Daikon threw out one pokeball and Quilava appeared. "Deal with them." he simply said as he unsheathed his sword and started walking towards the two men.

Growlithe jumped in Daikon's path and barked at him.

Quilava used Quick Attack and sent the Growlithe flying.

"Your loyalty is commendable but you choose the wrong trainers." Daikon said as he sprinted towards the two men.

Seeing Daikon coming, the two men took out their police batons and prepared to attack him. They stood on either side of Daikon, waiting for an opening to attack.

'These guys have actually been trained so I might have to be careful.'

Daikon took the initiative and attacked the blonde haired man first. Blondie was able to use the baton and deflect the blade away, leaving Daikon open. Baldie saw the opening and swung towards the back of Daikon's head.

Daikon ducked but was met with an uppercut from blondie. Daikon ate the fist and stumbled back into baldie, who wrapped his arms around him, pinning him. The blonde man started to beat Daikon with the baton.

Seeing his master being beaten, Quilava let out a loud cry before running towards the two men.

"This is my fight! You have your own!" Daikon yelled at Quilava who stopped in his tracks. Seeing his trainer's resolute face, Quilava nodded before attacking the Growlithes again.

"You should have let your pokemon help you because now you have no chance to escape." the blonde man sneered.

"Escape? What fun would that be?" Daikon said smiling.

He suddenly slammed his head back with immense force, slamming it into the bald man's nose, breaking it. Letting go of Daikon, baldie grabbed his nose as blood poured from it.

Seeing his friend incapacitated, blondie swung the baton at Daikon quickly, trying to knock him out. Daikon reached his hand out and caught the baton, stopping it dead in its tracks.

Blondie suddenly looked down and saw a black sword piercing his heart. He looked up at Daikon before collapsing to the ground, dead.

Turning around and seeing baldie running away while holding his nose, Daikon frowned and sprinted after him. He quickly caught up and sent a slash at his neck, separating baldies head.

Looking over, Daikon saw that Quilava had knocked out both Growlithes. He grabbed their pokeballs from their dead trainers and crushed them.

"You're free. Next time pick better trainers." Daikon said. He then asked Quilava to burn the corpses and head back to Cerulean City.

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