
Pikachu in marvel!!!

|A guy named Robin karlsen liked to travel in the most impossible areas to reach on earth and make blogs of it. He was quite famous for it and he enjoyed it a lot and trained a lot which would help him in such situations. A day he got information from one of his early subscriber who was a tech geek who liked to take pictures of places on through satellites sent him email of a place which had naturally become electromagnetic and it creates a beautiful awe inspiring scene. The further he read it the more excited he became and went but alas he died being electrode on that place by seeing the most beautiful scene of his life| Authors Note: Hi author here i am new at writing and I got the idea of this from a Chinese novel. I liked the idea but not the novel cause obviously it was like every country is China and everybody speaks like it. so I thought why not make my own please feel free to give tips

Sid_Nite · Película
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Stalking

|"Until today you have seen in Ark.

kaboooooom!!! "I got reincarnated as pichu"

" I met a raccoon and he died "

"I took the sweet revenge and killed the bastards"

"I found warehouse and again kabooom!"

"I evolved but unstable"

"I trained ,faught,searched and ate electrically cooked meat" and now I finally found a human civilization"

"[Display:ARK whooosssss with an yellow lighting]

"So I finally can call myself a pro hermit pika

as I successfully survived in an jungle for more than an year pika"

"I have learned to pinounce prinounce pronounce a bit I am finally on verge of speaking piluently flikuently fluently and I don't know why whenever I speak I feel like I am Ryan Reynolds or is it my default voice meh whatever "

"I finally found the town it's not that big but has like 100 houses its called homestead and as I recall I don't know a lot but it sounds like a farmhouse to me or it is a farmhouse

so any way it's an small town with some good people some Karen's and an bar made up of unruly people and my favourite person in this town is the brown munda. Sorry! brown haired guy with brown eyes and good physique as he is an street officer and actually he is very funny .he talks to himself

Play music on his police car radio, he actually sings nice but starts to sing bad in middle of songs and make fun of it. and he is a bit clumsy he fells of his own thrown banana peeling"

" well I can't really relate with him but brown munda is the only guy of interest in this town and I feel like I would to be like him of i were ever be in his situation and so I started to research about him.

"Hey hey don't look at me like that I am not stalking him I am just trying to identify this place and get info about the world"

"which I got was the movies and songs are a bit similar to my own world and there is no mention of other Pokemons in this world which was sad as I had to find my reason of origin and can't show myself to people if I am the only pokemon in this world as I too would fear of unknown even if it was cute except obviously children's"

" well speaking of brown munda he lives in an house in the outskirts with only two or three houses near him and he has an big garden in his house which has lot of plants and I actually found other racoons here and I made a pact with them , some of them like cooked food so I cook and trade with them as I learnt to control my electric energy I had started using it for cooking for proficiency of my energy which I learnt a lot well "

"the racoons were a bit wary of me at start then later they became friendly they said they usually go and eat food from brown munda's house and some times he gives it to them and other times he just shush them away "

"back to brown munda he lives with his girlfriend who is actually quite smart ,she is like some main character spy and she usually isn't around but often comes back and I don't know why but she looks like Cobie smulders so I will call her agent hill as per her most famous character she played so agent hill is very smart and their love story was like of the movies story where a spy is injured and in brink of death comes her savior says nothing to her treats her and feed her in his home then slowly they form a bond and finally spy goes against her boss order and form a relationship with him and they were pretty fun too I enjoyed spying ahem! watching them

" I sometimes felt like I should really just barge in introduce myself and become real friends instead of being just imaginery friends with them and I felt lonely so whenever I feel lonely I just play pranks on brown munde during his parole and try to surpass my max speed which is quiet fast as it reached more than 200/hr but it's hard to maintain as it exaust me so I keep an average 150 speed and whenever I run only an yellow blur is seen with some black lines "

huff huff " so loneliness brought me to talk to myself so I just rant and I travel across town and even borrowed some food from the bar whose owner is Joseph and the only guy who could see me till now as he calls me an yellow devil and talks to people about me he even tried to catch me but couldn't catch me as I am fast as f*ck boy

people think his mind degressed due to alcohol so they don't buy his bluff .

So today was a new day as I was watching my favourite show wich I watch it with my buddy brown munda "The Modern Family" which got interrupted due to a call as he received it and I gave him little interest as I watched the show from the window but he suddenly came back and switched channel . as I groaned but didn't let my voice come out as not to startle him.

he switched it to a news channel which showed people taking an press meet of and person with an goatee which I identified as Robert Downey junior . as I couldn't think any more and ask why was he here means agent hill is present means there should be other actors present too but why is he being shown on tv . is he famous and is he talking of his new movie or he does some other work "

as I watched as an female reporter was berating him he threw some paper away and said

"I am Iron man" and chaos issued In the press meet and all I could say was "Fuck" |