
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Derivados de juegos
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34 Chs

Chapter 29

FInally it was Danny's turn.

Samara smiled. "There would be a few differences for you Mr Daniel." She had pressed a button as the course changed. He saw a variety of traps start to show up everywhere. Nevertheless, he still took a runningstart and went forward.

The first one was the tire trap. A few of the tires randomly buzzed with electricity. And so Danny started his quick forray over them. Keeping an eye on the tires. He was able to tell if there was going to be an electric discharge by the sparks at the begining. In this way he was able to navigate safely through the tires.

Still not slowing down, Danny had approached the barbed wore, he slid and crossed more then half of that portion. Due to his smaller size he was able to turn around and crawl his way to the next portion. He had seen a wall with with hand holds attached to it. As Danny approached he heard a buzzing sound. He had realized that some of them were probably electrified. Instead his eyes had gone to the support for the main wall. Two small wall were going up to the top. Danny had used them jumping from one wall to another to get to the top. Where he sommersaulted above the wall. Landing gracefully into the water below.

Danny swam to the other side. There was just one final obstacle in his way. A series of spinning logs over water. Danny had ran for it, and he had gotten on the first log. As soon as he got on it, the log began to shake as well as spin, he looked around and saw that all the logs were doing the same thing.

A ballon was approaching him, which he dodged. The log began to spin with even more speed. Making it difficult for Danny to mantain his balance while being fired upon as well. He still preserved and moved diagonally opposite to the direction of the spin. He jumped onto the other log and began to move forward as well. During this time, baloons were still firing at him. He jumped onto the last log and found that he was in a collision course with a baloon that he could not avoid. He punched out popping it as blue color splashed on his arm. The platform was infront of him, as he jumped. He saw that 6 baloon were herading towards him. He sommersaulted in the air, dodging 5 baloons. Kicking the last one as he landed at the end of the course. Danny was panting hard.

That may have been one of the hardest course he had ever run, well that would be a lie. Clockwork had made him run harder courses in order to build up his natural agility and atheletics and develop a sense of danger as well.

Speaking of sense of danger, Danny had lept forward just as he avoided two logs which smashed into each other where he was standing.

He had heard clapping as Samara was approaching him. "Bravo Danny. You just did a course where you were supposed to use only the three basic biotics to survive with no power whatsoever."

"That log would have killed anyone." Danny panted at her.

Samara had laughed at that. "Why do you think that I was here. I would have used my biotics to pull you ot of danger. This is also here to remind recruits that there is a real danger to their lives. Speaking of which, you are going to fight them next. So can you do me a favor and crush them. Here they will be humilated but out in the real world, they may not even get the chance to live. So better they are preapred then not."

Danny had nodded at that. When he had trained Dani. He had taught everything he had known. He had also seen her get a little bit overconfident believing that she could solve everything with her fists. So he had asked Clockwork for help and they had set her up in a simulation against one of his strongest enemy Pariah Dark. It had served as a wake up call for her about the reality of hero life.

So she had been more careful as she had started to progress inside. Danny relaized the fact that over confidence can get you killed.

"How hard." He had asked her for confirmation.

"Smash their confidence completely. Don't worry, I can build it up again." She had answered Danny with hint of a smile on her face.


The asari hunters were seeing the training video of Danny.

They were a little impressed with how he finished the course without biotics as it was designed to be used with biotics. There were several points where they had to enhace their abilities with biotics. As an example, in the log test. They had to use stasis to hold the log in place while they moved over them.

"He is good but not good enough."

"I agree, and how old is he."

"Looks to be 15 16. I am not sure. But he is a human."

"So are they now accepting humans into the biotic program."

"Maybe, but still he is too young." One of them had replied.

"Let's go easy on the boy shall we. We can have some fun teasing him afterwards."



Nessandra and Morinth had left for the Biotic training course.

While Danny who had no Biotic abilities had gone into the forest. Ready to face a team of trained biotics who were apparently getting too big for their breaches.

So Danny had met the people who he would be facing. He counted 6 of them.

"Danny, this would be your future squad. And they are not sure if you will be suitable so this little challenge has been arranged. You have 10 minutes Danny. Your time staerts now."

Danny ran into the forest. As Samara said, he would crush them all completely. And teach them some humility apparently.


"This is going to be so easy."

"Did you see him running like that"

"Yeah, his cute butt had memorized me."

"Maybe, we can console him after we win against him."

Samara had rolled her eyes at how juvenline everyone was becoming. She had really not expected to hear stuff like this at all. What was their previous instructor doing, she could not figure it out. These were supposed to be the damn asari. People who are meant to defend their homeland. The best of the best. Maybe this squad was doing too good and that was the problem. They had gotten too big of a head as well.

"Remember ladies, if you lose. You will be the first unit to lose to a new comer. Just a tiny reminder." Samara could not wait for the result. SHe would chew everyone here out.

SHe would have to also get Morinth and NEssandra up to speed on their training. This unit was meant to graduate within 6 months. What was happening now was part of a tradition where if people were late in joining up, they were hunted down by the rest of their squad. And should the squad be successful, the new guy has to do the camp chores for the whole until for a week.

She looked at her omni tool. It had been 10 minutes.

"Go." She shouted as the asari got into formation and began to comb the forest. Well, atleast they did not blindly rush into the forest. Samara would count that as progress.
