
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 28

(The citadel council)

A meeting had been called by the council.

This meeting was unique because this was called by Tevos. The first private meeting that she was attending with them. And so Tevos was waiting for them within the private chamber, she had already prepared a bunch of data pads for them for a list of available information. Information that she herself was aware of.

Soon, she saw both Valern and Spartacus had entered and settled down. It was time to begin their private conversation.

"So, have the Matriarchs given you permission to speak." Spartacis had crossed his arms while looking at Tevos with a cross look on his face.

"Yes, they have given me access to some information." Tevos had answered.

"So, even you don't have the full picture." Valern.

"Yes. So what can you tell us." Spartacus had an annoyed look on his face.

"Only these battle records." She had pushed the data pads towards them. "These are unaltered data records that Daniel had access to. And we managed to recover. We have already sent the original data disc to Palaven Command. We hope that they can be shared between both of your races to determine the validity of their data."

"These can't be real. A race capable of making such giant ships." Valern was fascinated by the data in front of him. "Going into mass drive would cripple them."

"Not if they are capable of traveling with the speed of light themselves." Tevos

"I see, so they had cracked the secrets of mass relays. That is concerning in its own ways." Valern

"We will work with the Salarians to verify this data." Spartacus

"Agreed" Valern.

"So the threat is real. We will need to expand our forces like never before." Spartacus.

"We have already started on that. You should as well." Tevos.

"Now onto other matters." Valern had said as he put his data pad down. "So onto the matter of the last Prothean."

"He is not exactly a Prothean but someone that had been rescued by them." Tevos had also relaxed and switched to more menial topics.

"I see, and what do you intend to do with him." Spartacus. "If he is a survivor of that war then he may have intel that is useful to us."

"The beginning was caused by something called the conduit. We are not yet sure what it is. Your leadership had already been informed by our diplomats. Keep this to yourself." She had instructed them.

Spartacus and Valern nodded at that.

"I see. And this book which has caused such a sensation." Spartacus.

"I have been approached by the Elcor with threats of expulsion if I did not make the second book of Death Note available to them." Valern had said while face palming himself.

"Yes." Spartacus coughed a little. "When will they be made available. I am asking for a friend."

Tevos had looked at the expectant faces of both of her friends and she could only sigh. "In a few months. If you want to ask me how things turn out, I can't answer you as well. The books are being handled by Lysolte. She has taken personal control of any thing that Danny produces."

"She came out of retirement solely for that fact." Tevos had sighed.

"I see." Spartacus had continued. "Now about the humans. They have been facing Batarian slavers. And we cannot interfere unless wel want to risk a war."

(And so the meeting continiued.)


Danny, Arianna and Nessandra had been sitting in a transport ship as they were moving towards the training grounds. The car had been filled with an awkward silence. Danny was sitting alone and Nessandra and Arianna were sitting opposite to him. He had been drinking a little bit of juice as well.

Danny could not take the silence anyomore and spoke. "So, about the training exercise."

"I cannot tell both of you what would happen there. The suprise is part of the training. What I can tell you is that we will be having a long talk after that training."

"You know that what happened was not their fault, It was mine." Danny had looked down in shame.

"Trust me Danny, I know whose fault this was." She began to make air quotes. "And I will deal with the people whose fault this was in an appropriate manner. So you need not worry about that."

"Now, no more words. We are here." She had said as their transport had begun to make its own descent.

Danny had stepped out to find himself in a bootcamp of a sort. Asari were training around him, running through obstacle courses and practicing there Biotics. A few asari were fighting in the mud as well.

"Kindly follow me. These areas are for the recruits. We need to go where the Hunters train." An Asari had led all of them with her. And so the had begun to follow her.

A vehicle like a jeep was waiting for them. Danny looked at it and saw that it was completely convered in armor. Even its front.

And so they all had gotten into it and when its was powered on. She had pressed a few buttons causing it to whir to life. The portion where the window should be became transparent and so they began to drive.

The jeep had gone through a bumpy road into a large tunnel.

And so they had exited into a large military compund with a blue forest surrounding it.

" We are here. "

They all had gotten out.

"It's good to be back." Arianna had stretched out when she saw the lush forest along with her old training ground.

"This brings back memories." She had said as she stepped forward. "This used to be my old stomping ground."

She had said with a happy smile on her face. Thatwas until she had seen Samara approaching them. "You've gotta be shitting me. What are you doing here? I thought we left you at the research center."

"I am a Justicar and I do have some influence. Seeing that I had interacted with Danny before, It was decided that I would train him and his unit." She had said with a smile. "So, meet the new instructor. You can rest assured that I will train both of them to the ground." The smile on Samara's face did not reach her eyes.

"I believe that there has been a mistake. I must talk with the matriarch of my familt." She had turned around.

"Here is an executive order signed by Neila. I have been adopted into the family." She had handed her the orders as she started at them with horror. "So, let's get along shall we. We are family now." Arianna's grip tightened on the orders that had been recieved by her crinkling the paper.

"Now new recruits gather." She had shouted out at them.

"Danny, Nessandra follow her." She had said, with gritted teeth.

Danny and Samara had followed the order quitely. Samara had coughed again as Morinth had showed herself and stood with both of them.

"Very well then, first we will test you." She had said as she led them to an obstacle course.

"And Danny, you cannot transform. Can you still handle this." She had ordered Danny.

"I can." Danny's physical body was still stronger compared to other people. Even when he was in school he had to hold back and fail in P E on purpose to cast away suspicion from himself.

"Allright so first Nessandra begin on the coundof 3. And no bIotics." And so she stepped backwards. "1 2 3 and go"

Nessandra went through the obstacle course, she ran through the tires. She crawled below the barbed wire within the mud. SHe climbed the wall. and soon she was done.

Next was Morinth and she had done the same. She had problem wut going through the spinning logs so she had fallen down. SHe had still continiued on.

FInally it was Danny's turn.

Samara smiled. "There would be a few differences for you Mr Daniel." She had pressed a button as the course changed. He saw a variety of traps start to show up everywhere. Nevertheless, he still took a runningstart and went forward.