
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 30

She looked at her omni tool. It had been 10 minutes.

"Go." She shouted as the asari got into formation and began to comb the forest. Well, atleast they did not blindly rush into the forest. Samara would count that as progress.


Danny had been told to crush them so he would do the same.

Danny transformed as two white rings went arounh him, transforming him into his ghost form. He would turn this into an authentic experience as well.

Danny thought as he flew deeper into the forest, he stopped and moved upwards into the canopy. Now, for every good hunting story, he will wait till the people that are coming after him will split up to cover more ground. At that moment, he will start taking them down one by one.

Danny turned intangible as he began to move through the canopy, ten minutes would have been over for a long time. It was time for him to now begin hunting them.

Danny heard low voices, he approached the group as saw them all combing through the wood.

"How long do we have."

"Atmost two hours to catch him."

"So have we caught the trail."

"Here it is, look at those broken branches, he had run this way."

They had been following his trail, they were certainly better then he expected, but still not good enough to stop him, espescially when he had the element of suprise on his side.

And so Danny had kept following them. Soon they had reached the place where he had transformed.

One of them was checking the ground in confusion.

"The trail ends here." She had told her companions.

"Are you sur?"


"Look around, we will cover you."


She had begun to look around the forest clearing. After a few minutes of searching.

"Negative, I can't find any thing here. It's like he disappeared from here."

"Are you sure that you can't catch the trail again."

"No, the trial has completely disappeared. It was as if someone was there and they kust disappear."

"I see." The asari had spoken in a worried tone. This was not as simple as each or any of them had expected it to be. They were just supposed to find the human within the woods and then give him clean up duty. Maybe even tease him a little bit as well and have some fun with him. They had all expected this to just be a leisurly activity. It was turning out to be much more then that.

"It's too silent"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen, you can't hear the birds chirping or anything. It is too silent."

"Split up and look for any signs of the boy. If you find him or any sign signal the rest."


Danny saw them all split up in pairs as they started to look for him. Danny smiled at that. It was time for him to act. He flew behind the one who he precieived to be the one who was giving all the orders.

As soon as they were a sufficent distance away. Danny began to move, he showed up behind the leader of the asari and pulled her away from her compatriot. She tried to say something but Danny placed the capture tape on her indicating her elimination. Danny left her hanging on the tree suspended by some vines. The other Asari had noticed that her team mate was gone and she was speaking urgently on her comms. Danny appeared in front of her and flew her up into the canopy, leaving her bound in vines and capture tape as well. He looked at her and made a sushing sound to tell her to be quiet.

She looked at the capture tape around her and gnashed her teeth as she glared at Danny.

Danny turend intangible and began to fly and look for the remaining four.

"This should be there last positions."

"Weapons hot." One other Asari said as they all formed a circle with their guns pointed out. Covering each others back.

Danny thought that it was fortunate that the guns were using stun round. And so he decided to sus some of his ghost rays, while severely reducing their powers so they only stun.

Danny fired at one of the hunters who saw the attack coming and raised a biotic shield as all the other Asari's moved in tandem and started to fire at the location where the shot came from. But Danny had already left as he was circling them and went to their exposed back. He fired two more ghost rays which impacted two of the asari and send them stumbling forward. Both of them raised their hand as they left.

Two Asari remaining.

One Asari raised a round shield that covered them all completely and the last asari got into a firing position. If an attack comes from anywhere, she would fire at it.

It proved to be pointless as Danny appeared frim below them and engaged them in close combat. The asari who had raised a shield was hit in the face and skidded back a little. Danny then fired a ghost ray at he, it hit and indicated her elimination. The last asari kicked out, which Danny dodged. She send a few palm strikes at him enhanced by biotic energy which Danny blocked by covering his hand in ectoplasm. And so Blue and Green clashed between them. The Asari seeing that she was losing used a full power push on him. Danny created a extoplasmic shield in front of him but he was still pushed back some distance.

As Danny stumbled out, she had a gun pointed at him and so she began to fire at him. Danny had used the opportunity to fly straigh up having her miss completely. He made a sharp turn mid air and started to fly towards her. She fired at him but Danny looking at her muzzle was able to tell the general trajectory of the shots. He managed to dodge them as he got closer. In desperation she as a last ditch effort raised a biotic shield.

Danny smiled and went intangible and went into the ground in front of her. He showed up bbehing her from the ground, the capture tape in his hands as he bound her.

And so the Test had ended.

An Alarm rang out as a skycar approached their location.

"Get the other Huntresses here as well." She said as a few more instructors approached with the huntresses coming with them.

And as they had all gathered infront of her. She had said. "It seems that I have my toilet scrubbers for the moment." She had said as she looked at her own team.

"Madam, what is he."

She turned a sharp eye to the cadet that asked that question.

"That is the last remnant of the Prothean. He is tested, he has seen war and he will graduate with you." Samara had looked at each of them as she had yelled out. "Is that understood."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then explain to me." Samara asked.

"We underestimated him"

"We should have not assumed that this was an easy capture mission with an unarmed target."

She nodded at that.

"We should have also gone full force with our biotics, a satsis would have been a better option to use to capture him."

"That is a good start, we will cover this in further training." Then Samara turned to Danny. "You have a few days to get your supplies, then you along with Nessandra and my daughter will join this squad. Now go."

"Well ladies, let's do this sometime soon again." He made a finger bang sign as he left. Danny heard mutters of asshole as he left. Nessandra was waving to him at the moment so he waved back and ran towards her.

As Danny walked with her, she lightly squeezed his ass as she told him. "It's almost time Danny. I hope you are prepared."