

Human goes to mha world, gets system, become higher than god by chapter 5, becomes #1 hero by chapter 87 I think and dies in chapter 88. Series starts off trash, gets barely good, then become trash again. Then it gets worse and worse. Reas if your bored. Turn your brain off when you do by the way. Alright, future me here. He does not in fact become a hero by 87. maybe 100? Yea.. .... Future author here from chapter 120 or whatever. Thank you for 900 followes. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. .... Thanks for 1k. Started this all as a joke but I guess people like it. Knowing that, I'll shall continue. I-It's not like I'm doing this because I love you guys or anything... *Blushes and looks away.*

qu3n_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
142 Chs


We were jumping from building to building. The dark sky and sound of rain made things seem mysterious.

"That damn Monster!" We saw some people attacking this lizard face woman. "Please no...Stop it.." She covered her face up and looked at them. She looked like a monster but seemed sweet to me.

"I'm no monster! I'm just scared.." She made a weird noise after saying that. The people weren't having that and a man stuck his arm out. There was a....Yeah, I cant describe that, on his arm.

Let's just say a canon. "Trying to fool us huh!?" He aimed it at her and she got even more scared. "Please stop it!" She squealed out and begged but they didnt care.

Me and izuku immediately rushed down. The man with the cannon shot at her and izuku blitzed infront of it. He then swung onto a lamp post and came back.

I appeared infront of the lady and stuck my hand out. This surprised her a bit. "Easy guys..Its a rainy night...and were all just tensed right now..." He paused for a moment then I started speaking. "Shes not our enemy." My cold voice penetrated their ears and they flinched.

My voice and and this outfit really matched well with each other. The men looked at each other then started running away. "Well if she was innocent then she shouldn't have been so damn suspicious!" They ran into an alley and we stared at their backs.

"I was late for eviction.." She started talking and we both looked at her. "This town was one of the safer places when this all started so I thought I could stay home and wait for this all to blow over squeak but one by one..Casualties began emerging and I got scared. I though I should make my way to the evecatuation center at the school so I ran..."

She started holding her hands together and looked down while she was at it. "I'm sorry squeak. If I just wasnt so squeakin scared-" Izuku appeared infront of her and placed an umbrella over her using float.

She was surprised by this and looked up. She then grabbed the umbrella and we started walking away. "I'm sure everyone is scared aswell.." She stared at my back when I said that. "Do you think things will ever go back to normal?"

Izuku then said "It will." She looked over at him and said "Squak?" When she said that, you could see headlights coming from behind her. "Sorry lady. We Have to go."

The car then pulled up to her and stopped. She looked at the car and the door opened. All might appeared and walked up to her while saying "Are you okay?" She looked at the skinny man with a confused face.

"All might. Take her to the eveactuation center." We continued walking away after I said that. "All...What now!?" We heard her confused respond to me and continued waking.

"Wait a moment! Take this with you!" We both stopped and turned our heads. He walked up to us at a fast pace and handed us two bento boxes. "Young skies. Theres rice and meat for you and for you young midoriya, its pork katsu." Izuku took it and he continued.

"You both have been working really hard lately so it's the best that I can do." Izuku eyes went up a bit and he said "Thank you!" All might smiled a bit and said "It'll get cold soon so hury up and eat it."

We both nodded at him and left.


Why the hell is my food so basic? All might actually has favorites huh?


We were on top of this huge sky scrapper. Izuku was standing on the rail while I was eating my food.

"Its like society's going back in time." The 5th user was projecting himself out. "The days where we didnt have any room to breath from all the constant vigilante profiling going on..." He paused while fixing his goggles on top of his head.

"It really is like we're going back in time." Izuku stared out into the dark and rainy city and he continued. "Shigiraki. All for one. Nomu. The league of villians..We dont have a clue. All of the escapees were cut loose and went off to wreak havoc....So they cant help us... We are completely in the dark on this one..."

Izuku then started pulling his mask off. He then opened his mouth and said "Shigaraki with AFO's quirk....I doubt even endeavor and aizawa working together could stop him." He paused for a moment and his yellow Cape blew in the wind.

"If one for all cant put a stop to all of this then nothing will improve..." I sighed then started talking. "You have me and dont forget that okay?" I sounded kind of arrogant but it doesnt matter. He then looked at me and said "Of course." He smiled a bit then looked away.


"Okay guys.. To consolidate our power and information to him...We need to work together." The scene was now changes to a floating room that was in the middle of a black void.

The first user was talking to two people who were facing the wall. "Please...My heros.." They didn't say anything and the room became silent.

I dug in my ear a bit and yawned. "How can they accept me but not the person who has their actually power?" Some users were sitting down while some were standing up.

My comment was ignored by the way so I decided not to talk anymore. I guess they were having their moment now. "Kiddo!" the 5th screamed out at izuku, who was covered in black.

"Ya better get used to the other quirks, ya here!?" He screamed at izuku and he nodded rapidly. "You basically mastered 'ens and shimuras quirks! 'Ol shinomori quirks is what you really need to practice with right now so get that imaging gimmick you have down!"

He continued to nod and 'en said "Not a bad idea to be honest.." Izuku nodded at that aswell and someone started talking. "We..." The first user looked at him and he contined "Came from the harshest era of history." He then turned his face and said "When all for one was at his peak and was dominating the hero world."

"Back then..Those who were in control didnt even know that they were being controlled and the leader was scared of that future....To prevent him from taking full control, it took all of us working together to fight back against him." He paused for a moment and everyone stared at him.

"Toichi would know..He knows how it feels to be controlled. Am I right?" The first user then said "Yep.." The 2nd user crunched his face and continued. "To end your brother, there were so many lives sacrificed that I've lost count..." He sighed then said "At the end of any battle is victory of defeat..." The 6th and 4th user wrapped themselves around izuku and he continued.

"Do you really think we can give our power to some brat who is willing to save our sworn enemy?" When the first user heard this, he sighed. "I see what your saying. It certainly is delusional but I remember a certain pair who saved their nemesis and extended a hand out to them aswell.."

The first thought back to a time where he was trapped inside of this room. The door then opened and someone appeared. "If you didnt help me out of that room then nothing would have started. Isnt the reason you brought up the past in the first place because you've relized it aswell?"

The 2nd kept starring at the wall and said "Do you really think that the kid'll save the day?" The first user smirk and said "Yup. OFA will never bow to my brother but it was because that you extended your hand that OFA was able to start in the first place.." He flashed back to a moment of the 2nd extending his hand out to the first.


"Listen up kiddos." Me and izuku where standing on top of a rail. He had all of the users behind us. "We're going full speed ahead now." We both nodded and izuku bit down on some of his food.


"Take this!" The location was now inside of a building. There were 3 men who were shooting at endeavor, who was hiding behind a pillar. "Let's get out of here!" One man said as he jumped back.

They kept shooting at endeavor however and he made a 'tsk' noise. "A nail gun support item.." Endeavor snicker and rolled out to the side. 'He's extremely modified that damned detnerat!..'

He then stopped rolling for a moment and got into a throwing position. He made a serious face and yelled out 'IGNITE ARROW!' In his head.

Spears made out of fire was then launched at one of the villains and he screamed out. Endeavour then walked up to the burnt man. "You've got to be kidding me.. This is all your fault!" He screamed at endeavor and stared at him.

"Thats what I'm here for." He made a serious face and continued walking up to the guy.


The scene was now outside of the building that was just shot up by nails.

Endeavor was telling some people what to do and he walked over to best jeanist. He was leaning against the car with hawks on the door.

"Another group of escapees huh? As always, there was nothing here that could trace back to him.." Endeavor looked at jeanist and said "Yeah.."

In that moment, a cigarette came onto endeavour's boots. He looked up at where it came from and saw a group of people. They had signs in their hands and was starring at him.

"Get the hell out of here you bringer of misfortune!" A woman screamed at him. Endeavor however kept starring while uttering no words.

"If you didnt let shigaraki and his gang get away then those jailbreaks would have never happened!" A man screamed at him and the people behind him agreed.

"Endeavor, Let's go." Hawks spoke out to him. "It was all over the news! Shigiraki is after 'someone.' Someone other than you guys!...Look everyone, endeavor is keeping secrets from us!"

The crowd cheered and endeavour looked over his shoulder. "Coward." "The families of Dabis burn victims were on tv! Did you see that!?" "Get away from us!" "Despair follows you!" "Fake!" "Dont let us see you again!"

People were saying all kinds of things. Jeanist blocked all the trash they threw with his strings and hawks helped endeavour in the car.


They were driving on the streets now. "Roger. Edgeshot, please continue with the investigation of the liberation front." Hawks was on the phone while jeanist was driving. Endeavour was in the back.

"Still no progress?" Jeanist said while driving. Hawks put the phone back down and said "Should we stay a few km away from all might and the others? If word gets out that we are working together with midoriya and Kenji then they could become targets. Hell, we barely managed to cover up what happened a couple of days ago."

"Yeah..Let's work separately a little bit longer." Endeavor said while starring out straight. "They both shouldn't burden any more things than they already have..."

He paused for a moment then continued. "Even though it was their idea, we're still using them to draw out the league. But their pretty well hidden..." Jeanist looked at endeavour through the mirror and sighed.

"Those jailbreakers..I've figures that the villians who broke out would be following some type of order. Hiding behind all the drama while capturing OFA at the same time must be their goal."

"Not to mention, us heros are disorganized. If I was AFO then I would be going on the offensive right now." Endeavor shook his head and said "Its just as deku said, taking over shigiraki is AFO's top priority." His voice then got more serious.

"After being defeated by all might, his body could only be sustained with equipment. Once he puts his finishing touches on shigiraki then he'll most likely take over his body." Hawks the spoke up and said "According to the imprisoned garaki, Shiggy was forced into action while his body was incomplete." He paused for a moment and sighed.

"How they are moving AFO is hard to say but it's clear that certain conditions haven't been met to complete shigiraki bodys." Endeavor heard this and put his head down. "And when that's done....Their next goal will be to seize OFA." Hawks heard this and leaned against the window. "But that's the part that I don't understand." Jeanist then said "What part?"

They continued driving down the road with the rain hitting their car. "Midoriya and all might told me that shigiraki wont be able to accept the power if he doesnt get stronger. A stronger body is necessary but...Why does he needs shigiraki hatred?"

Jeanist thought for a moment then said "Its the strength of his feelings right? OFA Carrie's the spirits of eight people. I suppose he requires a will that exceeds them."

(AN:Holy shit. I'm reading along aswell and this stuff is gas. I thought black clover was way better but shi...I'm started to think otherwise.

I still enjoy black clover tho.)

"But AFO has been chasing his brother OFA for centuries. For him to have a successor, shigiraki must be carrying an extra, extra, amount of hatred." Jeanist thought about something then said "But you believe it's not enough." Hawks shrugged his shoulders and said "Maybe not. I'm just telling the story from how it see it...After all, isn't that guy always smiling?" Endeavour heard this and muttered "A lack of heart..."

The car went silent but hawks soon broke it. "Anways, we cant trace their movements and the villains we caught dont known anything. If they want to avoid a fight then we might aswell take that. We should probably start putting all our man power into investigation, even if it means that we reduce our staff on public saftey..."

As he said that, a beeping noise went off and jeanist eyes widened.

The scene then switches to a different car. 'Their still moving around? They must not be getting any sleep..' All might sighed and stared out into the road.

He thought back to what night eye said and sighed "I see what you mean now-" He was cut off by a beeping noise.

"What!?" He immediately checked his dash board and and thought 'Midoriyas GPS went off?' He then screamed "Damn it!" and hit the steering wheel.

In that moment however, a canasture flew into the car. All mights eyed it and slowly reacted but it was too late. An explosion went off and the scene changes back to me.

"Bro...Cains is not..Better. Than. Chick. Fla. La. Who ever told you that is dumb." He snickered at me and put his phone up to his ears.

In that moment however, something passed by us both and his phone flew into the wall. "The boy in black and the boy in green.." Izukus body flicnhed. "Were taking you with us." I looked over at the phone then back at izuku.

He seemed to be thinking about something and he finally came to an conclusion. The scene then shows a woman with a sniper rifle on top of a building. The sniper was connected to her elbow and she spoke out.

"Follow my orders...and maybe I'll spare a limb.." Izuku then came to the real conclusion and though 'Assassin!'


(AN: Yep, I have to start writing out every chapter now. Catching up to the manga so I have to. Also, longer fight scenes maybe.

I winked at you and you blushed. You then blush some more and drop you pan-)