

Human goes to mha world, gets system, become higher than god by chapter 5, becomes #1 hero by chapter 87 I think and dies in chapter 88. Series starts off trash, gets barely good, then become trash again. Then it gets worse and worse. Reas if your bored. Turn your brain off when you do by the way. Alright, future me here. He does not in fact become a hero by 87. maybe 100? Yea.. .... Future author here from chapter 120 or whatever. Thank you for 900 followes. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. .... Thanks for 1k. Started this all as a joke but I guess people like it. Knowing that, I'll shall continue. I-It's not like I'm doing this because I love you guys or anything... *Blushes and looks away.*

qu3n_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

The 3rd Be Trippin.

...A couple of weeks ago.

"With the power of OFA on our side and kenjis powers aswell, I think he'll be alright but you..."

Hawks, Izuku, and I were inside of a hospital room. I was in the corner looking out the window will izuku was fixing something on his costume.

"Hm?" Izuku looked up at hawks and he continued. "I just have one concern...All for one and shigaraki have yet to reach the stage where they can steal one for all by force. Not only that but with doctor Garaki, they shouldnt have ways to store dead bodies."

I looked over at hawks back and he continued. "So capturing you must be their best bet...However for most of the tartarus escapes, its impossible. If /that/ woman shows up tho, the situation changes completely."

Izuku grabbed his scarf a bit and stared at him. "Shes my superior...It goes to say that the man hunt for her is our top priority." Hawks then turned his head and looked out of the window. "If you ever get engaged in a fight with her then do anything you can to run away..."

We stared at him and nodded. "Is she hot tho?" They both stared at me. "Is she?..." Hawks smiled then said "She is but...Good luck trying to swoon her..."

I laughed a bit and said "Is this a challenge?" He walked up to me and stuck his hand out. "If you can give proof then I'll give you anything you want." I smiled and shook his hand.

Izuku sighed at this and got up...


She shot another bullet at us and we both jumped away. "Must be her..." I jumped to another building and a bullet came at me.

I stared at it then ducked. It flew past me and I sighed. "Man those bullets are fast..." I whiped the rain off of my face and walked a bit.

When I did, I immediately ducked again. The bullet flew past my face and kept going. "You managed to dodge huh?" The bullet kept going and I saw it going towards izuku.

Izuku tried to react to it but got hit in the gauntlet. "I see why AFO has his eyes on you both." She smiled and got up. I jumped over to Izuku who was hiding behind an air duck on top of a roof top.

I slid next to him and heard him breathing hard. "Calm down...She wont kill us...I think..." I guess that wasnt the right thing to say as he started breathing even harder. "Breath...." I placed my hand on his head and he calmed down.

"Thank you.." I nodded and we got up. "This is her tho right? The one snipe and hawks mentioned.." He looked at me and nodded. Snipe said something about her being a better sniper than him which made him butt hurt.

"You know her location right?" He stared at me and said "About 1km behind us right." I nodded at him and he looked around a corner. I had to pull him back instantly or his head would have been off.

"Come on. You have to think izuku..." I smacked the bullet that came back at us and It flew off the roof. "Shes better than snipe. Japan's best shooter hero...We have to be extra careful is what I'm trying to say.." He slowly nodded and I motioned him towards me.

"I have a plan.." He nodded and came closer to me.


The scene was back to all might now.

He drifted out of the explosion while turning his steering wheel aggressively. "If it wasnt for Hercules then I would have been a Goner.."

After he said that, All mights eye flinched. He saw two people jumping out infront of car. They had metal rods with fire on them. 'This isnt an ordinary attack...There trying to kill me and their not holding back at all!..'

After he said that, he pulled out a canister. 'The goal is to separate me from them huh..' All might then spoke out "Those are assassins! The boys are being targeted!"

The two men then released the spears at all might with a smile on their face. All might then jumped out of his car with a suitcase in hand. His car crashed into a near by building and the people saw him.

"A-All might!?" One person was surprised to see him. "Dont falter! We cant stop now!" The other person yelled at his friend and the person responded by saying "But he looks so frail...I guess the all might we once knew is gone.."

All might heard this and stared at them "Yeah, That's right!" The two people started walking up them. "...Step aside." The two peoples sweat started going upwards when they heard all nights cold, raspy voice.

'I'll protect him and raise him right...I promise'

'You helped him out so much that I'll have to repay you someday for that.'

All might thought back to the promises he made with me and izuku. "Those boys.." He started walking to them while making the ground beneath them shake. "Have gone through alot more then I ever had....And yet...they still acknowledge me.." He got up to them and his face became like a ghost to them.

"If anything ever happens to them...It'll be over my dead body!"


Izuku was blitzing through buildings. 'I'm zigzagging around unpredictably to escape her line of fire.' He thought to himself as he was flying forward.

'As long as she doesnt over take me somehow then I'll reach it faster than her... I'll find out where AFO is..No, where shigiraki is!....' As he was thinking that, his danger sense went off.

A bullet that was like a drill, was coming at him at fast speeds. 'From behind!?' He quickly turned around a bit and kicked it away. As he was doing that, another bullet came from below and grazed his stomach.

Izuku grunted a bit at that and thought 'Where are you!?' The scene then shows me running up the stairs inside of a building. I got to the 40th floor and ran towards the window.

I jumped through the window glass and saw her. Time slowed a bit and the glass went towards her. She slowly looked at me and I smiled in my hoodie. Too bad she couldnt see it.

I jumped onto her and we immediately fell down. "What the hell!?" She said while we were falling. "You have nice hair.." She flinches a bit and we kept falling to the ground. She had her back to it while I was on top of her.

She then pulled out a knife from her pocket and stabbed at me mid air. I dodged it all and caught her wrist. I then spun her body around which made her go belly first into the ground.

I then surfed on her back and jumped away. She landed into the ground which made a cloud of dust go up. I landed on the ground a bit away and izuku flashed next to me. "Sorry. Stairs..are my worst enemy..."

Izuku was holding his stomach while looking at me. He brushed it off then looked over at her. "Is it over?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "She fell from 40 floors. She probably.." He shot his head at me.

"I'm just kidding..." I wasnt really to be honest. She should be dead but let's see what happens. As I thought that, a bullet was shot at me. I put my hand out and caught and something jumped back out of the dust cloud. "You got lucky.."

She smiled a bit and her rifle formed. She then shot at izuku but I caught all of those aswell. She made a surprised face and started sweating a bit. "Hey. Make some smoke. It'll be useful.." He nodded at me and smoke started coming out everywhere.

The 6th appeared in his vestige form and stared at him. "Releasing too much can cause you to get tired.." I was kinda confused by those words to be honest. While I was in america, did they even come into contact with izuku?

You would think that they would have already appeared but I guess not... "They enemy is a flying artillery battler.. As soon as this clears up, she'll immediately pop you..." After he said that, izuku started charging up some more.

The 6ths eyes widened and said "Wait, your using...That? It's too dangerous right now..." Izuku continued and someone appeared throught the smoke. It was the 3rd.

"I dont recommended that." The 6th turned his head at him and continued. "I know what your trying to do. You haven't reached that stage yet and its like you said...'First, figure out how to handle to processes at once subconsciously. Once you got that down, throw in another.' You haven't tried my quirk out yet so attempting parallel processing is out of the question-"

Izuku frowned which caused the 3rd to stop. "I'm being useless to Kenji!" His face got serious and the 3rd looked at me like it was my fault. "If we managed to stop lady nagant, All for one and shigiraki will come next!"

The 3rd looked back at izuku and stared. "I'll learn how to use your quirk right now if I need to!" He then grabbed at his yellow Cape while thinking 'I'm sorry for using your cape like this, Gran Torino.'

I started feeling energy going into him and I backed up a bit. "3rd!" He screamed out and bent down. "Fa jin!" He smoke around him cleared up a bit and slowly looked up at me. He took one step and instantly appeared infront of my face.

"Let me handle this....Please..." He stared at me with a slight smile. "Okay. Bring her back down to me when your about to finish." I sat down on some rubble and the vestiges came by me.

Izuku nodded at me and threw his cape out into the smoke. It was instantly obliterated. He started throwing out some more stuff and those were instantly obliterated aswell. "You cant hide in the smoke and expect to get away."

Me and the vestiges looked at each other when she said that and started snickering. The building next to us then shook and she quickly turned her head at it. Izuku then popped out of the roof and said "That's if I was hiding!" He grabbed onto her arm.

and she grunted.


"You know...Canes is actually better-"

"So you told him that?" I looked at the 6th and stared at him. "Well its true.." I denied this and we started arguing.

"Where you even alive-"

"I knew you would say some stuff like that.."

The 3rd stared at us while we continued arguing and face palmed.


Izuku grabbed her arm and she grunted. 'My smoke dosen't spread through the rain. She was in a position that allowed her to react to a decoy from any direction without sound delay. Luring her out and capturing her...Was a success!'

Izuku smiled a bit at his own thoughts and lady Nagant frowned. 'Hes a lot faster than before!! This kid definitely figured something out whilst he was in the smoke.'

"I couldn't have foreseen a sniper like you closing in on me! I'll make you give all the information about All for one to me!" Izuku had a big smile on his face.

I never get to see that anymore..

"Dont act as if you already won!" She then made her sniper appear from her...Elbow? (AN: I'm so confused about these panels I'm looking at here. Is she making it from her shoulder or...

Nevermind. I see it now.)

This made izuku let go. Izuku then drifted in the air for a bit but it was enough time for her to strike. She pointed her arms back at izuku since he was behind her and planted her muzzle into his chest.

"Why would I tell you anything!?" Izuku grunted from the muzzle hitting his chest and she continued. "I was trained for almost every situation by public safety." As soon as she got done saying that, she shot a bullet out.

I then saw izuku falling down moments later. "Why would you side with all for one?..." His voice was low. "Hes planning for world domination!!...Weren't you suppose to be a hero!?"

She heard this and her face became dead and blank. Thundered roared out and she began speaking. "Some cannot see anything past the justice that the hero society has created. People who follow it blindly can never understand." Izuku heard this and scrunched his face. "Blindly!?"

Izuku then thought back to about what the 3rd said about the parallel process and how its messed up.

(AN: Shit. I've been saying that that guy is the second when hes the 3rd. My fault guys. In my defense tho..It gets confusing...or maybe I'm just dumb.)

His thoughts were interrupted, as a bullet came flying at him. It grazed his leg and he grunted out. "Behind!?" The bullet then pierced a building behind him and said "I'm tired.."

Another bullet then came from above him and grazed him stomach. It then landed into a building "I've killed enough.." She shot out more bullets and izuku dodged them. "To help preserve this fake society of ours." The bullets grazed him more and more.

A muzzle then stuck out from the shadows. "A certain group plotting a terrorist attack on heroes..The people cable of shaking our society...Was accused of working with a villian organization on the side. The crazy part was that they disappeared before ever being found guilty in the court of law.."

Izuku looked at where the voice was coming from while dodging the bullets. "They were all taken care of under the secret orders of the public saftey..."

Lady Nagant then started having her flashback. I grabbed some popcorn and ate it inside of my head.

'There was a period where vigilantes were trusted and considered heros. Hell, the country even approved of their actions. In the end, the superpower society was founded on that trust we had in the heros. I was one of the many cogs in a machine to preserve that trust...'

The scene then changes to a man screaming out. 'Those who work in the shadows and those who work in the light...' "Wait! W-We haven't even done anything yet! We were only planning too!.."

A bloodied Nagant appeared. 'Both the shadows and light were required to keep our society functioning so I obeyed...' It shows her putting a bullet in someones head. 'I obeyed and obeyed.'

The scene then changes to her on the street. She seemed happy now. "Lady!! We're your biggest fans!!" "Please shake our hands!!" A group of people ran up to her.

"Sure! One special hand shake coming up!" She had her hand out while looking at them. The group then revealed themselves to be kids and the came up to her.

She then saw her arm become bloodied and she immediately pulled it back. She stared at the child with a scared looked on her face. "We're your biggest fans!! Shake our hands!!" is what they kept saying to her.

'It all made me sick.'

She then appears inside of this building. She was sitting far away from a table with a dress on. She had a dead look in her face as she stared out. 'I'm tired..' She thought to herself then looked out of the window.

"Its all fake.."

"These two are provoking citizens." She was standing infront of someone who was looking at a laptop now. "They are making civilians out to be criminal and capturing them. They would then turn them in for rewards.." The man then looked at her.

"Make sure they disappear.." Nagant was about to nod but then she stopped herself. "If I kill these two then am I making society better?" The man stared blankly at her. "If all we show to the public what's clean and pure than arent we basically brainwashing them?"

The man sighed then said "Nagant. What you do is necessary. Somebody needs to maintain the hope that the heros who take the centre stage have installed in the public." Nagant heard this and said "Maintain...What's beyond that?"

The man heard this and started taking something out of his suits mini pocket. "I'm sure your well aware but..You do know what a resignation will mean right?"

Nagant stared at him and said "Chairman.." He looked at her and his face frowned. "I respect you..." She had her sniper in his face and the flash back ended.

All I have to say is....That pannel of her back was something I needed to save to my memory..

I'm just kidding. (Nah) I understand what she means kinda. Me going out to capture Gasper was something that this backwards hero society sent me to do. They wanted him for power purposes and nothing more..

My slight smile turned into a frown as I contiend watching the two.

Izuku heard all of this and said "You murdered the chairman!? That's not how it was reported....He was killed in an arguement with a hero!?" She fired out more bullets while saying "That's right. Even then, public safety insisted on protecting their false image. They would never tell you about any internal debut or anything for that matter.."

Izuku continued to dodge the bullets. "The superpower society that everyone envisions and admires is really...Weak and Vague." Her face then became serious and even more dead. "What do you think will happen if we let them regain it?"

She started having another flashback to her days as a kid. "History will simply repeat itself." Her parents were telling her something which left her speechless.

"They will only show you the bright side and once again, someone will need to shoulder the burden to tell the truth." Small Nagant then gets happy as a kid.

"Even a future where All for one has complete control will be far clearer than what we have now." I heard this and thought 'Nah...He would enslave everyone...Atleast in today's society, we can have some sort of freedom.'

Izuku heard this and thought 'Right there!' He turned his head around with a serious look. He shot out a beam of black whip at her. It went passed her and she became surprised.

'This kid..He's already analyzed the pattern of my trajectory!" Izuku then shot at her. "I didn't know! But bit by bit, I'm starting to understand!" Lady Nagant was impressed with the speed of him coming at her.

"It isnt just black and white.." He thought back to some thing's. "The world is awashed with grey shades aswell.. Anxiety and anger are all joined together..."

Izuku then thought about shigiraki. "That's exactly why....We have to extend a helping hand!" She backed away and stared at him.

"A mindset of someone who's been raised in falsility." She then thought about how well he was doing to kept up with her. As izuku was getting closer his face scrunched.

Mine did aswell and I stood up. "Still not done? Hurry up! Take me back to the boss!" Me and izukus eyes widened? "Chisaki?" "Overhaul?"

I was actually surprised to see my daughter's abuser. I was curious as to why he was alive since I killed him or maybe...

'Did he bring him back aswell?...' All for one could bring back 99 people from the dead at any moment and I guess that overhaul was one of them.

I'm also going to assume that izuku fought him and he ended up back in prison.

Lady nagant saw overhaul aswell and stopped pulling out her gun. She had a surprised face aswell.


(AN: And so, because of my amazing writing skills, I was able to still get overhaul in the picture.

Dont all clap at once..


Please clap. I planned this since the beginning...

It took all my brain cells, which wasnt much, to figure out how to put him back in the picture and I did..

So please, clap...Your cheeks.)