
Onepiece: transmigrated as lion with evolution systems.

** this characters does not belong to me they belong to oda** mc died and transmigrates into a dead lion body. and starts his adventure at the same time as luffy. in this life, he wants to explore all the world and wants to die with no regrets. will he live his new life to the fullest or not. join the adventure of Leo, where he explores all one-piece world and do whatever he wants. ** aa one more thing mc will have devil fruit even though he is nonhuman *

Drunken_writer · Cómic
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3 Chs

exploration and other lions

I began to test my power. I can run around the forest without running out of my stamina. my claws can scratch rocks. and my strength increased drastically. I can easily crush deers head with my claws and jaws. I climbed a rock and roared with my all might. all birds in the forest began to fly because of my roar. I can feel it , the sense of superiority. it's like I became the true king of the jungle. I began to mark a part of the forest with my claw marks to indicate it was my territory. my territory contains a large upside elevated rock and pond ,many animals come here to drink water.

It's already been three months since I evolved. I will hunt deers,bores, zebras, and wild buffalo's which visited my territory. deers, and bores gave the same evolution points, which is fifty and zebras and buffalo's gives eighty evolution points and also started to adapt to my body. I began to run in my territory with my full speed while avoiding branches and stones. and I began to jump and making simple traps and making strategies to capture prey or other carnivores who visited my territory, and in nighttime, I will roam continuously to adapt night vision. and sometimes I close my eyes and start sensing my surroundings to improve my hearing. and I will track the scent of my prey to train my nose.

I woke up in the morning and started to explore the forest, after continuously exploring forests for one month I found out that forest is divided into five territories, which are wolf's, crocodiles, elephants, bears, and finally gorillas territories. wolves, crocodiles, and bears are at the size of the elephants.the elephants are at the same size, but the problem is their numbers they are around 600 to 700. I was really lucky that no carnivores visited my territory. my territory is located at the entrance of the jungle. and no carnivores want to leave jungle because jungle has more than necessary prey to feed. it's too dangerous to stay in this jungle I have to leave. I started to leave jungle after eating a wild buffalo.

I entered into grasslands . here preys are less than in jungle. I started to look around the grasslands. apparently, there are many groups of lions present in grass lands around 25 to 30 . Each group consists of an alpha lion and 9 to 10 normal lions and 5 to 6 juvenile lions, and I explode west and found a massive sea. I followed the sea coast and discovered I was actually living on the island. which is really huge. and around the coast, there are many ships that are broken and brought by sea currents. I can't go down for now, I have to find a way, maybe I can find some clues about this world.

I started to return to grasslands and started to go towards mountains. when I reached their I saw humans. they are talking the same language as mine. and the tribe name is called iron tribe. actually, it is hard to call it tribe. it is the same level as the small village, and the tribe population is not small it actually contains 2000 population and more than 800 warriors, apparently they found iron mine around a hundred years back and started to develop what it was today. warriors are fully equipped with the iron armor, and their head is covered with iron helmet. they use medieval weapons like crossbow, sword, cannons, and iron spears. even their horses are covered with armor.and not to mention their village wall, it was entirely made of iron, and it at the highest of a 10 floor building and with iron spikes outside and continuously guarded by soldiers on the top side of the iron wall. it was completely out of my reach. I have to stay away from humans for now.

damn I recently thought I was king of the jungle , but actually, I was one of the weakest of the island. haa... I have no choice but to kill lions to level up. I started to go to grasslands and started to hunt juvenile lions. I'm not fighting alpha lions because they have more experience in using what they have. On the other hand, i only got this body before four months ago roughly. a juvenile lion give 120 evolution points, so it proves that evolution points are given based on strength of the prey, not on size of the prey. I opened my status

*** ***

NAME : leo


EVOLUTION STAGE : alpha lion

EVOLUTION PARTS: none - select to choose





HAKI: locked

SKILLS: none


*** ***

I need to hunt 4 more lions to evolve, I recently found an option on the status panel it is to stop automatic evolution, which is I can choose time to when evolve. after 5 days, I completed hunting 4 juveniles. I drank water and chosen a safe place to evolve and started to evolve. My mane began to grow, and it became dark brown color, and here it comes incredibly pain began to envelop my body and I started to roll while roaring . after an hour or so, the pain began to reduce. I stood up and walked towards the water puddle and saw my face it became more fierce, and my mane changed into dark color and I increase in size, I opened status

*** ***

NAME : leo


EVOLUTION STAGE : Barbary lion

EVOLUTION PARTS: none - select to choose





HAKI: locked

SKILLS: none


*** ***

I clicked Barbary lion, and a subscreen opened

*** ***

BARBARY LION - it's the largest lion species and has long and brown mane, it's nearly twice size of normal lion and has great strength and speed. it teeth are sharp and can easily tear flesh.

*** ***

hoooooo.... I should again start hunting to evolve again, I slept there for night and started to hunt in the morning. I will target the western side group it has fewer numbers, I entered it territory and killed a few juveniles and retreat. I have done this for two to three days. and in fourth day, adult lions came to attack me. I killed a lion and injured the rest of them , and escaped. in night I again gone for hunting and killed the injured lion while they were resting. I killed two lions and started to retreat before others found me. one adult lion gives 180 evolution points, and the next day gone to hunt and killed a juvenile, but suddenly ten adult lion and alpha lions surrounded me. they began to attack me . I started to attack them by throwing paw punch and biting their neck. but my body is not suitable to fight multiple opponents. I make an opening and started to run with all my might and escaped from them.

I looked at my body after escaping, and my all my body had scratch marks and bite marks on me. even though they are not seriously injured, they could be infected and become dangerous. I began to lick my wounds, dens metallic tasted hit my tongue, and I cleaned every wounds. for some time I will hunt deers and bores after healing my wounds. I will hunt again. for another two months, I hunted deers and bores, my wounds are healed. and I entered into western lions territory and began to hunt adult lions and retreated. the number of lions began to decrease drastically. originally, there are around 15 lions but now they are 6 . I entered into the territory and killed all adult lions. the more I killed them their evolution points began to decrease bit but bit , I retreated to my cave and slept because I had to fight an alpha lion in the morning.

next day morning, I woke up and gone to hunt the alpha lion . I entered it territory, it saw me and roared. and started to run towards me. we both started to fight. dust began to rise because of our fight. we continuously biting and 6 each other. After a long time of struggle, I landed a paw punch on its eyes . it lost one eye and slightly dropped its guard due to sudden changes in it vision. I used this chance and jumped on it back and bite its neck and I crushed it with all my might. after some minutes, it stopped struggling and dead. I opened notifications and saw it gave me 200 evolution points. I had evolution points for another evolution. I drank water and looked around. This territory is filled dead bodies of lions I killed in the past few days.

I began to start evolution at a comfortable place, and suddenly, a message popped up. i open it


you can evolve a certain body part instead of your entire race

available body parts -



vertebral column

fore limbs

hind limbs


teeth and jaws


all muscles



Oah, I can evolve certain parts, huh? but I have to lose race evolution chance to use it, haaaaaa... I can't do anything. Let's find how it works, then I clicked on paws and a warm energy cover my paws and after that an incredible pain started in my palms , as usual I started rolling and shouting. after some time, the pain stopped, and I stood up and looked at my paws. It had long and nice claws and more stronger and stiffer muscles. I scratched on rock, and it passed smoothly ,like I scratching on soap and I looked towards the rock and it clearly breaked into two.

holy shit.....!!!!!!!