
Calming Down

It only took a few weeks for things to settle down completely. Gan Fall had taken power in the first day, but people were still wary for a while, especially since Enel wasn't defeated or anything.

No one actually knew what had happened to Enel, no one knew why he had stepped down from the title of God of Skypea.

Sure, no one was publicly seeking the answers from Gan Fall and his newly appointed guards, but people still couldn't help but wonder.

Some rumours spread that Enel was somehow sick, and he had passed away, taking his priests down with him.

Other rumours said that he had finally gone completely mad and killed all of his trusted advisors, then committed suicide.

And, by far the most egregious and unbelievable rumour... Was that Enel had somehow turned over a new leaf. It was unknown where that rumour had actually started, but very few people believed such a thing was even close to possible.

The ones that believed that simply didn't know much about Enel.

Those rumours didn't do much to affect Enel though, he was currently sitting down at a table with Gan Fall, and the two of them were calmly drinking some tea. And one of Gan Fall's newly appointed guards was also present.

A muscular man wearing tribal clothing, a tattoo with a strange pattern adorned the left side of his upper torso as well as his face. His most memorable feature was certainly his tattoos, but some others would also recognize him from his mohawk and the large canon on his back.

The small set of wings that were also on his back didn't make him look that special since everyone on Skypea had those.

It was none other than Wyper, who was currently glaring at Enel from behind Gan Fall. His gaze was filled with hate, but he still didn't act.

"Things have finally become more peaceful..." Gan Fall spoke while sighing a bit, he could clearly feel the heavy atmosphere in the room, and he knew the cause of it.

Gan Fall didn't really want to bring anyone when meeting Enel, but his new guard had insisted to accompany him regardless.

Wyper was also one of the strongest Shandia warriors, a person that had fought hard for many years to regain his homeland. You can guess that he wasn't a really big fan of Enel.

In the first place, he was a person that deeply despised Enel, and seeing him so close made it hard for him to even hold back from taking the cannon off his back and pointing it at the young former God.

But Gan Fall didn't really wish to keep Enel's existence and help a secret.

And at the end of the day, Enel also didn't really care since he didn't want to hide his presence from the people of the island.

He wasn't planning to stay there forever, but it made for an extremely great base of operations, especially since access to the sky islands was extremely difficult. Even to the marines and world government.

And since Enel obviously planned to start studying the poneglyphs, a practice not really liked by the world government, it made even more sense for him to have the main base on Skypea.

"Indeed... Did you already start the demolition of that big ship?" Enel said as he also unfolded a newspaper and looked over it.

"Of course. No reason to keep it around when it isn't needed. Those metals can be used for more meaningful things..." Gan Fall said with a calm smile.

The entirety of the last few weeks was cathartic for the old man. He felt like things were finally slipping back into place, going back to the way they should've been.

And it was all thanks to the man standing in front of him 'Enel'. He had also been a bit sceptical after the first meeting, his mind couldn't help but wonder if Enel was truly just playing a prank on him.

But after seeing the lightning fall down into that forest, he knew that Enel was indeed speaking the truth.

It also became public knowledge that Enel had called all of the priests for a meeting since one of the Devine Squad had confessed to being the messenger for Enel on that occasion.

That show was also how everyone found out that Enel was the one to kill all of his priests.

It wasn't exactly a complicated conclusion to come to.

"I was thinking of building a smaller version of that. Having a boat I can fly with my devil fruit powers does sound quite useful. I will build that myself eventually." Enel said as he smiled a bit.

He had already completely gotten used to his powers, no doubt due to actual Enel's memories, now he was simply looking forward to how he would spend his new life.

"That might be a good idea. A smaller ship might also be able to fly a bit faster with less energy if you think about it." Gan Fall didn't really know how the design of the ship worked, but anyone could come to that conclusion using common sense.

Moving an object of a certain weight took energy, moving an object of much greater weight took a lot more energy by comparison.

Speed was also greatly impacted by the weight and design of a ship, so Enel did have quite a few improvements to make to the original Enel's design.

"That is the plan. There is no rush in that regard though. I still have plenty of time on my hands." Enel took another sip of his tea. At this point though, someone in the room had had enough.

"All right! CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Wyper asked while banging one of his fists on the table. The table shook, and some tea was almost spilt on the newspaper, thankfully Enel reacted fast enough and caught the tea back into the cup.

Gan Fall simply chuckled, while Enel broke out in a burst of full laughter.

"Gahahahahah~" "Guhihihihihi~" The two of them were clutching their stomachs, making Wyper only more and more frustrated.

Enel finally wiped his tears and said. "We were wondering how long you'd take to snap... It was actually shocking you lasted that long."

Gan Fall also nodded at that, the smile on his face not receding one bit.

"Well, I believe it is better to explain things to you since you will work closely with me from now on..." Gan Fall finally calmed down and spoke up.

The old man then got to explaining Enel's 'circumstances' to Wyper, who just listened to him with a flabbergasted expression.

"T-That sounds so convoluted..." The tribal warrior looked at Enel with suspicion in his eyes.

"Maybe, but if he was trying to fool me, he wouldn't have killed his priests, nor would he have allowed his ship to be demolished.

Regardless of how improbable this sounds, it is the truth we have to believe now. The person in front of us is not the Enel we once knew." Gan Fall said with a sage-like smile on his face.

"Hey! Don't judge my backstory! It ain't nice at all..." Enel said with a pout on his face.

"... I don't know if I'll ever get used to this..." Wyper had seen the arrogant Enel in the past, and he could somewhat agree with the old man.

After all, it wasn't like either Gan Fall or Wyper now completely believed Enel's 'backstory'. Enel didn't even bother to care if they truly believed it or not.

After all, regardless of how farfetched the version of events that 'Enel' had given them, regardless of how much truth there was in there, one fact still remained observably true... The man in front of them was certainly not the Enel they knew.

Regardless of the fact that they looked the same, they clearly weren't the same.

Even now, the young former god of Skypea hadn't changed his attire all that much, since he didn't really have much of a wardrobe to choose from.

But Enel figured that the style wasn't so bad. He especially liked the ankle and arm golden bracers, mainly because they could also provide an advantage in a fight.

If he lost his staff, he could still make a weapon using a few of his accessories, so he decided that keeping his current attire was mostly fine.

Well, he was planning to change his clothing style to a more formal one at some point, a habit he planned to keep from his past life, he just wasn't in much of a hurry to do so.

"Say, is it alright if I build a cabin somewhere on Upper Yard? I doubt the people are ready to see me walking around the city randomly..." Enel said as he stretched his back for a bit.

"Well, it's ok for you to make a home somewhere in the Upper Yard, just make sure it's not too close to the city of gold..." "Yeah, the people of Shandia are also not quite prepared to forget about what past Enel has done..."

Gan Fall was the one to give Enel the ok, but Wyper was the one to remind him of the last part. Enel just nodded. "Fair enough. I wasn't planning to make it too close to either city thankfully."

After a while and quite a bit more chatter between the three of them, the conversation died down and Enel excused himself in order to go and build his cabin somewhere in the woods.

More specifically, he wanted it to be relatively close to the shark-infested river that he remembered the straw hats passing through in the original story...


Hope you liked the chapter!

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