
One Piece : My Quirk System

The story of an ordinary person getting stranded in the One Piece verse because of the argument he had with someone online. Now, with a unique system that only works with money, he was sent to survive in this crazy world. . This is my new One Piece fanfiction. As you all know, my English is not that good, so surely I will make a lot of grammatical and other errors, so please just tell me where I have made a mistake so I can correct it. And yeah, I don't own anything except for my OC. (same goes for this cover) . If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat  Reon.com/Hit30 It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian) . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr (Without space) .

Hit30 · Cómic
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30 Chs


First of all, sorry for the late update, some shit happened that prevents me from writing, but now I will try to get back to the schedule of one chapter in two days.

Alright now, I want to tell you all something before you decide to read this chapter.

So, I lost a bet with my friend (Seriously, I still can't believe that I lost such a simple bet), and he wants me to add the Young Justice team (DC) (First season team with Batgirl added to it) to this story. I have full freedom on how to add them or what to do with them, but just add them. (So, no superpower bullshit, they all become human after coming to this world, and yes, no speed force, or magic)

And I seriously think that bastard only asked for this because it is a bad idea.

I have tried my best to make it not look bad (Just a petty act from RoB to fuck with him)


"Okay, now what happened?" Dan asked in a frustrated tone before looking in the direction from which the arrow came.

A ship hardly smaller than his own, a few kilometers away, was sailing steadily toward him. He could see a few people standing on its deck.

Suddenly Dan tilts his body as a green arrow passes by. It is clear that they are hostile toward him.

"Not only are they saving this fucker, but they are also attacking me."

"What the fuck is wrong with them?"

But as the ship came closer, his anger turned into shock as he recognized the people on the ship.


On that ship, a group of teenagers was looking at Dan's current ship.

"Are you sure about it?" One of the girls in a black jacket and skirt with a white shirt asked.

The blonde girl in a green costume replied with a shrug, "I can't just let him fall into the sea."

"I am not talking about that. I am asking about the second arrow you shot at him."

But seeing the unbordered look on everyone's face, she dropped the subject.

'How the hell am I the only one that sees a problem with it?' The girl thought while looking at the unconcerned look on everyone's faces like they didn't attack an unknown entity in an unfamiliar world without their powers.

Without their power, she never thought a day would come when she would be unable to use her magic.

But it happened, and now all of them were in a strange world without their powers, with only a single mission that promised to return them home if they completed it.

'But how the hell will we even find this Daniel Specter? It's not like they will just encounter him randomly, right?'

"What type of question is that? How can we let a guy like him escape?" another boy in yellow spandex with a lightning mark on his chest replied in a tone like he was offended by her question.

But before she could reply, another boy in red spandex with a cape jumped in her defense, "There is no need for you to say it like that, Kid. She is new to all this."

"Yeah, like getting kidnapped and thrown into an unknown world with our powers stripped for us is a regular Tuesday for you guys, right?" She unknowingly said it aloud.

Her words caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at her with astonished looks before the archer girl broke the silence.

"Damn! She is totally right. We all are out of our depths in this matter."

"It does not matter. We all can handle it." Another girl in a bat suit responded from behind the wheel. "We are trained to handle situations like these," she replied.

She is clearly dissatisfied with the girl in the black blazer from how she speaks with her.


'Great, just what I want to hear right now, a boasting of a jealous girl.'

'God! Why did I agree with my dad to meet with Black Canary? Why did I agree to go with them?' She thought while looking at the team full of sidekicks in frustration.

"You guys can argue later when we are in a safe place, but right now, we are in an unknown world, possibly hostile without our powers working, so we have to be united until we figure something out, okay?" Another boy with gills on his neck said in a commanding manner.

"I know that everyone here is stressed, but Aqualad is correct. It is not time for us to fight with each other," another girl in a white t-shirt and skirt said in a shaky voice.

"Everyone get ready for battle. We are about to reach the hostile ship," the girl in the bat suit said loudly.


'System, what the hell? Why are there kids cosplaying like Teen Titans? Operator, I want some fucking answers.'

'Operator? RoB? Is anyone there? Can someone answer my fucking question?' Dan asked in an infuriated tone.

He wants answers. What if they all are reincarnator, and they also know about Dc comics? Then maybe they also learn about One Piece, and what if they are not the only ones reincarnated in this world with that knowledge?

'It would be a total disaster, and I am sure of it.'

While thinking about all this, not even once Dan thought that they could also be real and not cosplaying anyone, but that seems pretty farfetched. After all, what would DC characters be doing in a pirate world?

But thankfully, he doesn't have to spend more of his brain cells on this mystery as the message from the RoB finally appeared in the form of a transparent text box.

[How are you doing, my friend? Wait, don't answer that. I know, pretty terrible, right?]

[Well, well, well, who knows? Making fun of me has consequences, right?]

'Son of a bitch. I knew he had something to do with it,' Dan thought with an enraged look.

He knew he had too many utterly unpleasant encounters since he came into this world a month ago.

His actions always culminated in one outcome...death, the death of his opponent, or his death, and every time he chose that outcome.

He has always faced a do-or-die situation in all of his encounters.

While he knows he has made some stupid decisions, he still feels like this world wants him to have a death fight at every turn.

He even slightly doubts that maybe the RoB is pulling the strings from behind as petty revenge for his comment because God knows he would have done that if the situation were reversed.

But now this fucker is saying to his face that he was messing with his life, and he can't do shit about it.

[Now, if you're finished swearing revenge for my small prank, we can get to the real reason you are getting this message ahead of time.]

[They are the real Robin and his boyband of sidekicks from the Young Justice universe.]

"I will be damned, but what the hell were you smoking when you decided to send a Kryptonian, Homo magi, and white martian to a world like this?" Dan asked furiously.

He knew that a single Kryptonian empowered by a yellow sun would be more than enough to conquer the whole world. However, add a White Martian and a Homo magi, and no one will be able to resist them.

'And most importantly, they are from a TV show I never watched.' Dan thought before turning his attention back to the screen.

[Some really good shit!]

[But don't worry, I have taken precautions against it, and that's why none of them have their previous superpowers.]

[That's right, now you don't have to worry about Miss Martian reading your mind halfway across the world or Superboy tearing you into two just because he doesn't like your face, or even Kid Flash causing Flash Point in this verse just because he wants to fix some shits]

Dan unconsciously signed in relief after reading those words. 'At least RoB doesn't want me to die this quickly.'

[All of them are humans in this world now, and technically, Aqualad is now a fisherman, but you get the theme?]

[But that doesn't mean they are weak or anything. They all still have all their skills, so Boy Wonder is still as deadly as he was in his world.]

[And you must be thinking, why am I even telling you all this, right?]

[Well, you are the ticket back home for them.]


[Let me explain. They all have a single mission assigned by me, and it is a simple mission named 'assist or resist.']

[They only have two choices. They could either join you and help you reach your goal or try to capture you and keep you successfully locked up for a week in any jail. They will win.]

[It's pretty simple, right?]


(Word Count: 1397)


*** A Big Thanks You To eric for becoming a Patron***


Want to read more chapters? Then consider subscribing to pa treon. You can read ahead for as little as 1$, and it means a lot to me!

My pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


You can always come and say hi to me or ask questions about this fanfiction on my dis cord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr

(Links are without space)

Add to your library.

And Hit me up with some power stones if you want to show some appreciation for my fanfic.

Please review, and comment on the story.

See you in the next update... Peace Out!

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