
One Piece: life as a gull

This is my first story so constructive criticism is welcome! This is a story of a boy who died and was reincarnated with a few wishes however, there might be more to it than he thought. There is never a free lunch in life. I own nothing other than my MC. Write a review so I know how to improve.

GingerGiant · Cómic
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7 Chs

C6 Surviving


Trying to flap his wings to fly, again he raised into the air for a few seconds before dropping back down to where he just was, he raised a bit, then fell back down, raised and fell, over and over again, continuing to get further from the cliff and higher into the sky.


Quest- Find land

You, silly baby seagull, decided to get too hooked on flying and totally forgot to keep track of where you were going, so look for some land and survive.


Slowly adjusting to his form again, he took a look around the space he was in, he was surprised to find a Desk covered in paper and books floating around him, moving towards it to take a closer look he found the books were all his vivid memories.


Leaving his mind palace, the first thing he noticed was the howling winds and the fact he was encroaching on an island at fasts speeds, thinking quickly, he spread his wings to slow down, unfortunately, it seemed to be a futile effort as he was still closing in on the ground.




Laying in a heap on the ground was a wounded and bloody bird. With branches, and vines covering Its body, a small trail behind it showing where it fell from, similar to how a meteor would uproot the ground only without the fire, This bird is our MC.

Luckily, while he was falling to the ground he hit a tree, the tree managed to save his life and break his fall, unluckily, the tree had caused him to break several bones and his wings resulting in him not being able to fly.


He screamed as much as his small bird body could, the only sound that came out was reminiscent of nails being dragged on a chalkboard, his wings were snapped and twisted in unnatural ways, blood now coating his once white feathers.

'Ava! ARGH! where am I? how long has it been since I landed.' He screeched in his mind.

(You are on an island called Minion island, and it has been 3 hours since you crashed.)

'Fu** that hurt! show me my stats.'




AGE: 4 months

HP: 25/250 (bleeding: -1HP per 1 minute)

MP: 200/200



STR: 10

DEX: 13

CON: 10

INT: 12

WIS: 5

CHA: -7

LUK: 1

Free stats: 10




FLIGHT: (7/50)

GLIDING: (10/25)

MIND PALACE: (12/100)



'How long until the bleeding stops?'

(10 more minutes.)

'How long until I heal.'

(Around 3-4 weeks.)

'What! Why?!'

(Without any regenerative skill, you regain 10HP a day, the host is recommended to buy a skill or potion from the shop to heal.)

'What healing skills can I buy.'

(The host can buy two skills'

-Lessor healing factor. (70SP)

-No pain no gain. (100SP))

'Which one will help the most right now?'

(No pain no gain: (0/100)

Triples all pain while active.

Increases healing from 10HP a day to 10HP an hour while active.

10MP per activation.

Active for 1 hour.)

'Fu** It! buy that.'

(It has been produced, would you like to activate it now?)

'Give me one minute.'

Struggling to stand up only to fall back down again, screeching in pain, he took a look around to find a safe place to hide and recover from his wounds, only to find himself underneath a large tree in a clearing with bushes off to the side.

Wanting to get a little closer to the bushes and take cover, he once again tried to stand, being able to slowly wobble on one leg towards the bushes, one minute later he was about halfway across the clearing and almost at the bushes only for a sharp pain to suddenly assault him.

The pain was so intense it caused his body to seize up and start thrashing on the ground, in turn, knocking him out cold, sending sticks and leaves flying through the air, but unlike one would think, instead of causing more harm to his injuries it seemed to be healing him instead.

------Time skip------- (MC POV)

Waking up slowly, sharp pain still shooting throughout my body, I groggily scour my surroundings, looking for nothing imparticular, I don't know how long I've been out, though from the moon I think it has been quite a while.

'What happened?' I said, shaking my head in pain.

(It would seem your skill <No pain, no gain> activated.) She said emotionlessly.


Raising to my feet, I heard a loud growl, It was so loud I immediately searched for the source, the moon didn't provide a lot of light for my surroundings as I failed to find anything of danger around me, relaxing my worn-out body I take another look around.


Scared once again by the sudden sound, I leap to my feet looking at where I heard the growl originate from, from the rustling of the wind I could make out a faint crack of a stick being stood upon, whipping my head in that direction I meet face to face with the beast before me.

Covered in a dark grey fur with specks of white across is head was a wolf, though I don't know if by luck or not but the wolf seemed to be injured in its hind legs, not taking a second longer to process what's going on I flap my wings narrowly dodging its jaws by a feathers breadth.

Taking to the sky I look down upon it as it limps away seemingly annoyed by the failed hunt, I circle the air a few times making sure no other animals can sneak up on me, after making sure the coast is clear I land on the tall tree in the middle of the clearing to calm my nerves.

Luckily the tree seems to have a hole big enough for my body to sleep in, happy something seemed to be going my way I enter the hole and start to think about my time so far in this world, some things that I've come to realize thanks to my time here are.

One, as I am currently I can die pretty quickly in this world.

Two, I have no way of attacking things other than my tiny beak.

And finally, I really need to get stronger.

With a new resolve to survive and grow stronger, I close my eyes and rest.

/Author notes: Long time no see yall! So if you are wondering, I'm alive, but yeah it has been quite hectic recently, however, I have a lot of free time coming soon so updates will improve! YAY! And I have finally decided where the story will go. (I've hinted at it in this chapter so have a look and tell me if you find it)

You could probably tell from my earlier chapters I have no clue how to write a story, but I learn I learn.

Also, I'm thinking of keeping it from his point of view from now on instead of 3rd I just seem better at writing that way tell me what yall think.

Finally thank you all for sticking with me on this terrible upload schedule, Love ya all! See ya next time.\