
One Piece: life as a gull

This is my first story so constructive criticism is welcome! This is a story of a boy who died and was reincarnated with a few wishes however, there might be more to it than he thought. There is never a free lunch in life. I own nothing other than my MC. Write a review so I know how to improve.

GingerGiant · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

C7: The hunt is on

/Author note: I don't think imma do the 'previously-' anymore don't really see the point.

1.4k word\


Waking up because of the sunlight shining in my eyes, I raised my wing to block the light as I slowly started to stand up, shaking my body slightly I hop out of my temporary home, looking over the small field I start to plan what I needed to do In the future.

First, I would like to search my surroundings and note the type of animals I see and the locations they inhabit, I had a thought a while back, while I was in my mind palace, but I should be able to make maps and even entire landscapes inside my mind so I will never get lost, I will unlock the map feature in the future except It still will be useful to level up the skill.

Second, I would like to find a place where I can hunt small prey close to my home and secure a constant food supply since locating a water source is already covered with my <SEAGULL BODY> that lets me drink salt water.

Lastly, I would like to find a permanent place to live nearby, though, I know I might have to do a lot of searching to find a good location, I'm most likely going to be spending a good few years on this Island or until I store enough food to go on a flight around the world.

Taking flight, I start to take a good look at the Island, the island its self seems to consist of mostly hills and plains with a few forests around, it seems it Is quite a large island as I can't see the end of it, on one of the hills close to me is a town, I think I should check that out later but first, I need to get something to eat.

After focusing on the few hills around my temporary home, I've discovered that the biggest animals in the surroundings are a few deer that live in the forest and a small pack of wolves on a hill just outside the forest.

While I was flying around I managed to see a few eagles, so I might have to be more careful, as I'm pretty sure that eagles would love to eat me, it was a hard time hiding from them as they seemed to see me whenever I got too high, Nevertheless, It was also thanks to that I managed to find an anthill which I immediately spawn camped the hell out of.

(Ant killed: 0.1 EXP

Ant killed: 0.1 EXP

Ant killed: 0.1 EXP

Ant killed: 0.1 EXP


I also found something out that makes me both happy and worried, happy that the system has this feature and worried about what I will need to do in the future.

(Achievement: enjoy the act of killing 100 beings below you in power.


I might have got carried away and acted like that one kid from toy story who kept laughing and killing the ants with his magnifying glass, I really didn't mean to. I got too distracted from the exp and laughing like random villain A to notice how bad it looked.

After that display, I decided to move on to looking for bigger prey like mice and other rodents, as I think they will give more EXP also at the same time they give more food than ants, even if I enjo *cough* got more EXP from the killing ants as there are more of them I needed more food.

It didn't take long for me to find a mouse and, it was a fat little bugger, the mouse looked like It could hardly walk let alone run from me, thinking it would be an easy kill I swooped down towards it, yet somehow the little sh** dodged and darted away like a bullet.

That begun a 10-minute chase until it was out of steam and couldn't move anymore, I wasn't in much better shape as flying after it made me have to weave in-between trees while keeping an eye on it, by the time I caught up to It I was hungry and mad, so I took my time pecking it to death.

(Mouse killed: 1EXP, 1SP.)

Feeling confused at why I suddenly got SP from it, when the ants didn't give any, I decided to finish consuming it swiftly and proceed to hunt another one to see if it's the same, while at the same time I don't know if I should be relieved or horrified that I've got used to eating raw animals after coming to this world.

After a short break, I took flight once again to look for any more rodents, though It a good thing it didn't take that long to find another one. Like the last rodent, I found it took quite a long time to catch the vermin, In the excitement of catching the pest, I killed it quickly, expecting to get more SP.

(Mouse killed: 1EXP.)

Confused about why the first one gave me SP but this one didn't, I started to hunt more and more, only this time I kept trying different ways of killing them, after about four of them, I managed to find the cause behind It, and I've got to say it isn't really the nicest thing, torture.

The longer I took to kill them and the more they suffered changed how much SP I would get, though I guess it makes sense as they are called satan points. Weirdly I also don't feel much after killing and torturing them. I must have been a little fu**** in the head in my last life, Satan probably chose me for that reason.


Its been a few months since I've landed on this island, after the first ten days I completed the quest and got the map feature, I still carried on making the surroundings in my mind palace to level it up more, I also managed to unlock the level feature after reaching a certain amount of EXP, It would seem that the thing next to my race shows my total level, not my EXP.

In these few months, I've killed a ton of animals, slowly working my way up the food chain, mice to a snake, a snake to a fox, a fox to an eagle, an eagle to a bobcat, and then finally onto a wolf, throughout this whole ordeal I saved up my SP and spent my free stats.


STR: 30

DEX: 30

CON: 24

INT: 20

WIS: 10

CHA: -9

LUK: 1)

Other than killing all the animals that I could find, I also started to explore further from my treehouse though I only left the cover of the forest when I was strong enough to kill eagles, that was because when I first left the forest to explore, I was almost immediately attacked by an eagle and was close to dying from it luckily I managed to escape by hiding under a tree.

During my exploration around the island, I managed to look into the town I first saw when I landed on the island. It might be lucky that it seemed to be abandoned a while back. I thought that it would be a good spot to live so, I looked for a house that would be a good shelter. It was good I managed to find a house with a hole in the ceiling that led to the attic.

After clearing out the attic and making a nice and warm bed from leaves and branches, I spent the rest of my time hunting and exploring, though, after all this time of saving up SP, I managed to buy the skill that I wanted to have as it would make surviving on the island a lot easier.








/Author notes: Howdy yall how goes it! I've decided to try to update this at least once a week maybe twice depending on how it goes, also please try to understand that this story is for me to learn English and pass my GCSE for it so it might not be as good as you might think as the main focus for this is to learn commas and big boy words.\