
ONE PIECE: Grimm Tales

Mikel Grimm is a pirate that journey's through all the seas and islands in this world to find something that can cure his disease that drains at his life and looks. Along the way he battles pirates and marines alike with his unique Devil Fruit while making allies along the way and even forming his own pirate crew Will he find the cure in time? or will he die and his time as ran out. *Author here, this is a fanfic set in the world of one piece with my own characters. whether he meets characters from the the original is yet to be known to me, I'm just going to go with the flow as it's my first work so I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Support and tips/help will be much appreciated and I'll try my best to keep you entertained bye bye.*

DingoBike_24 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Shadeer (1)

Mikel was placing his last supplies onto his decently sized fishing boat with the help of some of the locals. Mikel had placed his belongings in his small little bedroom which could barely fit the bed and wardrobe inside. He wasn't the most pleased but it was better than the shabby rowboat he used to travel. 'One day I'll have a massive ship. But today is not one of those days. He jumped back to land and dusted his hands. 

"Everything ready," said Jherunn. He was completely drained and sitting down on the ground, wiping his sweat with a towel. 

"You lifted one box and gave up without even placing it on the boat. How are you the tired one" Rebuked Mikel. 

"I'm over 70 years old Dick Wad, I ain't the man I used to be. Though I must say despite my age my looks haven't degraded at all" He struck a pose and flowed his hand through his hair as the wind magically waved across him. 

"You are unreal" Mikel laughed and crossed his arms while grinning. "It's about time I leave though. Everything I need is on the boat, it's best if I leave as soon as possible. It's been fun." He lifted his hand for a handshake.

Jherunn gladly reciprocated. "It's been fun indeed. Thank you. For everything...really." He smiled. 

Mikel walked back to his boat and jumped over the little railing "Goodbye. Jherunn." His voice had sorrow, he's said enough goodbyes in his life already.

"Goodbye Grimm" Replied Jherunn. 

The two looked at each other for a short while before pulling up his anchor and waving their goodbyes. Grimm then began to sail away in the sea while looking at his map.

"Jherunn where is Grimm? I got him a drink." Came running Marigold with a drink in one hand and the other used to try and stop her hair from waving into her face. 

"He's gone, my dear. Look" He replied while pointing out at sea at the boat which now appeared to be quite small. 

"WHAT!!! He left without saying goodbye" Marigold was quite disturbed and a clear frown appeared across her face. 

"Don't blame him for it. He's the type of guy who can't bear any more goodbyes."

Jherunn replied and smiled at the sea for a while before returning and leaving the port from which Mikel left. 

The waves screamed out loud while Mikel could just sit down with a shabby fishing pole staring into the water. 'How long does this usually take?'. After some more time, a massive sea king slowly erupted from the sea and growled at the boat. "AGAIN!?!" he screamed and began to quickly row the boat away as the sea king began to chase him. 


At his desk sat Marine Petty Officer Dex. He had a small scar on his right cheek and had short blonde hair that was pushed to the sides. He had a little stubble on his chin too. He was tapping his finger on his desk leaning his face on his hand and staring at his transpoder snail. He quickly got up and left his office talking to his small group of Marines "Prepare to set sail. We're going to Seranothia, to finish some undone business." The marine saluted and prepared the small navy ship to sail. 


The island was filled with jungle and houses connected to the sides of the massive trees with bridges and stairs connecting everything and everyone. The wooden paths were filled with people market stalls placed in trees and a wooden town on the ground also bustling with people but a lot more rough and worn. At the top of the jungle canopy stood a small palace with two guards placed at the front.

On a small little port on the edge of the island, a man was just minding his business and he looked at to the sea was a boat. Coming closer and closer a loud scream can be heard. "FUCK MEEEEE! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SEA KINGS AHHHHH!" Mikel screamed while rowing his boat as rapidly as possible with a massive sea king following behind him. Mikel reached the port and continued to row even on land as the man stared in shock while the sea king just growled at the boat and slowly looked towards the man and grinned. 

After a while, Mikel realized he finally made it back to land and let out a large sigh and wiped his forehead. "Finally. where the fuck am I" He looked around to see he was surrounded by large trees towering over him covered with a civilization and people on the ground walking and talking, enjoying their life. He walked towards a young woman who was walking by "Excuse me mam. What island am I on?".

"Shadeer" The lady looked at him confused and quite worried 

"Don't worry I'm not considered a criminal. Yet." Mikel replies and continues to walk down the road. He saw a little stall selling a weird type of kebab and he went to take some money out of his wallet. It was completely empty "Shit. Im fucking broke" and quickly put the wallet back in his pocket and placed a hand on his chin and began to think. 'I could just rob a bank' he thought. 

Mikel began to shower around the town to look for a bank, which took a couple of hours. He quickly kicked open the door and walked towards the counter. "Hello, my good sir" Mikel placed his hands on the counter and a small plump man looked up at him while straightening his suit.

"I haven't seen you here before. Are you here to open up a new account?" He spoke

"No, I'm actually here to rob you" he began to look around behind the man to try and see the vault. The plump man then pressed a button under his desk and two guards walked in 

"Sir come with us" The guard on the left spoke. He sounded bored out of his mind. 

"I think I'll take the option where I don't get arrested and get a lot of money instead" Mikel drew out his sword "Let us dance".

Sorry for the wait. I'm still student and had a lot of shit to do. Please enjoy and thank you for reading.

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