
ONE PIECE: Grimm Tales

Mikel Grimm is a pirate that journey's through all the seas and islands in this world to find something that can cure his disease that drains at his life and looks. Along the way he battles pirates and marines alike with his unique Devil Fruit while making allies along the way and even forming his own pirate crew Will he find the cure in time? or will he die and his time as ran out. *Author here, this is a fanfic set in the world of one piece with my own characters. whether he meets characters from the the original is yet to be known to me, I'm just going to go with the flow as it's my first work so I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Support and tips/help will be much appreciated and I'll try my best to keep you entertained bye bye.*

DingoBike_24 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Shadeer (2)

"Do you really want to do this?" He wiped out his sword as did the other guard and they both got into a fighting position. "Jail time is better than losing some limbs, we are still willing to give you a chance to re-think what you're about to do". He glared at the funny-dressed fellow. 

"Well that's nice of you, but I might as well commit to my decision". He bolted towards the guard on the left and sliced his blade towards his waist. The guard easily blocked but Mikel threw a kick into his chest pushing him back and causing him fall on his ass. 

The other one slowly closed in, he and Mikel crossed blades for a while and both of their blades eventually screamed as they collided and stood at a standstill. Mikel used his other hand to grab a hold of the one the guard was wielding his sword with and pulled him

towards him and quickly slashed his head off. The guard's neck was spewing out blood as his body collapsed to the floor leaving a huge puddle on the floor. 

"YOU ASSHOLE!" The other guard clamored as he picked himself back up and charged at Mikel. "You could've just surrendered, now look at what you've done" Their blades clashed. 

"Not my problem. I realllllyyyy need that money" Mikel replied. Their blades crossed at the center of the bank and the sounds of the clashing were all that could be heard. The civilians and bank owner were looking at the clash frightened and preoccupied by the dead corpse laying on the floor. They were crying, praying, and screaming in horror. 

"You beast. Pirates never change" The guard scowled and continued with his charge. Mikel was effortlessly blocking and re-directing his attack. 

"Oh no no no. I'm not a pirate. Wait. Now I think about it, what I'm doing is quite piratish." Mikel was currently arguing to himself if he was a pirate. He didn't really decide what faction he belonged to yet. 

The guard slashed downwards and Mikel stepped in and cut off the guard's hands. He howled in pain and stepped back eventually falling. He stared at what was once his hands and cried and screeched while using his legs to back away from Mikel. "AHH! MY HANDS. MY HANDS. GET AWAY FROM ME!" His face was full of tears and Mikel walked towards him nonchalantly.

"Sorry my friend, but sometimes it's your fate to die." Mikel crouched on the floor and looked at the man. He continued to wail and scream for help. "I wish you the best in the afterlife". Mikel stood back up and walked towards him and and stabbed him directly in his heart. "Now then. Mr bank man please guide me to the vault." He swished his blade and placed it back in his hilt and walked towards the counter where the Banker was coiled up in a ball shivering. 

"Please spare me. I'll open the vault but just don't kill me. Please" The man stood up and looked towards Mikel with his hand waving in front of him. 

"Sure. I'll let you live if you just open the vault" Mikel vaulted over the counter and the plump man led him towards the the vault. It was a normal vault, nothing appearance-wise made it stand out from others. The Plump Man did a variety of different verification methods and unlocking. After a while, the big vault door slowly opened revealing a shit tone of berries and a man placing them in a couple of duffel bags. 

"Im going to be so fucking rich. What a score" He had a buzz cut and a clean shaved beard. He wore a brown poncho with orange stripes going diagonally across his chest with some dusty blue jeans with a couple of tears. He had basic shoes on and a small necklace around his neck, whatever was connected to it was hidden in his light blue shirt. "Now where did I place that last bag" He wondered and turned around to see the two staring at him while thumping his foot on the floor. They continued to look at each other for a moment and he decided to break the silence "Are youuu the Guards???" he questioned waiting for a response while slowly picking up his duffel bags that were filled with money and the empty ones. There was a big hole at the back of the vault and he was slowly stepping towards it


"No, I'm not a guard. But I'm also here to rob this bank. So what exactly do we do now?" Mikel stated and tilted on the side of the open passage. 

"Well, I'm sure we can come to an agreement, I'm just gonna need about 70% of the valuables here. You know, the first one to bag it gets it right?" The robber replied 

Mikel tapped his sword on the floor with the blood still stained on it, so the man's attention would be directed towards it. "I'm sure we can do better than that"

"You get 40% how about that. Thats fair" Replied the man. 

"How about you just give me 50% instead," Mikel said and took a few steps forward.

"Ok, that's fair 50% it is" He threw a duffel bag towards Mikel and slowly started backing away to the hole at the back. "So I'm just going to leave" As the man started to reach the exit Mikel quickly chased after him 

"I'm not stupid, that's an empty bag". He shouted

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" The man screamed while flying across the street with his sacks of money and all the people examined them.


"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST" A group of guards appeared from both ends of the street entrapping in them 

"FUCK!" Yelled the man and he jumped into Mikel's arms as they both screamed as Mikel ran through a back alley. "FINE YOU GET 50%" 

Mikel continued to race with the man in his arms as the guards continued to chase the two.