
One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

After Blackbeard captured Portgas D. Ace and turned him over to the Marines in exchange for the title of Shichibukai, Ace was imprisoned in the sixth level of Impel Down, famously known as Eternal Hell. Facing an imminent execution, Ace had already accepted his fate. However, as memories from his past life resurfaced, he began to realize that his death would only inflict grief and pain upon his loved ones. The Story unfolds as Ace endeavors to refine his Devil Fruit abilities, strengthen his Haki, and enhance the power of his allies through the newfound otherworldly powers gained during his Rebirth. Can Ace alter the tragic destiny that awaits him? If so, how will his survival reshape the events that follow in the future? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: Please note that this story does contain Spoilers. I do not own the original One Piece story or its characters. One Piece belongs to one and only GODA. Also, although it's an AU, the changes are relatively small. The main changes in the story will occur due to the MC changing things as it suits him. I will try not to bring any significant changes to the World Lore. Lastly, Shameless Patreon & Coffee Plug. I've got an account on both platform; patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter You can read read advanced chapters there. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever.

ChaosWriter · Cómic
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16 Chs

6. The Supernovas wreaking Havoc. Spamming the Image Training trick.

│1st Person POV of Ace│

[Marineford, War of the Best…]

[Sometime earlier, On top of the Frozen Tsunami Wave…]

"Take a look down there. You will see the answer."

After Crocodile said this, Jinbe and the others looked down from the edge.

While looking below, Jinbe noticed Ace looking up and he also felt his Observation Haki focusing on himself.

Understanding Ace's intention, Jinbe immediately tried to link his mind with Ace, just like he had done dozens of times before in their shared cell.

The next instant, he found himself in a familiar space with Ace standing in front of him.

Ace walked toward him and said, "I have a plan. However, first, please tell me the details of how your escape went."

Jinbe nodded and began his tale.

There was no time constraint as their conversation was happening at the speed of thoughts.

As he listened, Ace discovered that apart from them having a slightly easier time due to Jinbe's increased strength, the prison break mostly went as it did in the Canon World.

Only at the last stage did some significant changes occur.

When Bon Clay had said to Jinbe that he would impersonate Magellan to open the Gates Of Justice, Jinbe cooked up a completely ingenious plan.

He had enlisted Buggy's help to make sure that Bon Clay would also escape.

Buggy had sent his right hand with Bon Clay and after the latter was discovered by the real Magellan, Buggy was able to easily lift him and bring him to the escaping Marine Battleship.

"That's Fantastic, Jinbe! I didn't know you had it in you!" Ace exclaimed with happiness radiating from his body.

He was glad that Luffy didn't have to go through his friend sacrifice himself for the second time.

"Now here's the plan! Use the Den-Den-Mushi of the Marine Battleship that you guys stole and call this number; XXX-XXXX-XXX.

"This is the number of an Information Broker from Sabaody Archipelago that I had contact with prior to my imprisonment.

"Tell the broker that I gave you the number and when he asks the security question, say 'S will always live within A and L.', understood?"

Jinbe nodded in response.

Ace continued seeing this, "Good! After that, have the broker dispatch his men and contact Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Jewelry Bonney, and Urouge.

"Last time when I went to the Broker for Teach's information, I paid 100 Million Berries in excess. If he asks for payment, just tell him this and that he will get more after the War.

"Now, once you get in contact with the four Supernovas, make an offer to them. While being transported, I learned that the Marines have a cyborg army in reserve.

"In exchange for helping the Whitebeard Pirates with dealing with the Pacifistas, the Whitebeard Pirates will help them in various ways like teaching them Haki, information about the situation in the New World, etc.

"Jinbe, if you managed to do this, the subordinate pirate crews would get saved from getting caught in a dangerous flank."

With any hesitation, Jinbe declared with a solemn expression, "Don't you worry, Ace. I will make sure to convince them to help us."

After that, they ended the connection.

As Luffy was explaining his plan to others, Jinbe went and made use of the Marine Den-Den-Mushi.

=+=+=+=< Scene Break >=+=+=+=

[Back to present…]

Outside the main bay, the Whitebeard Pirates Alliance were struggling to deal with the Pacifistas.

Even when Oars was there to help them by keeping a large part of the Pacifista Army focused on himself, they were not able to efficiently deal with the creations of Vegapunk.

"Stay focused, everyone!" Whitey Bay's voice cut through the despair rising in the air like a hot knife through butter, "We came here ready to take on the whole navy.

"If we cannot even deal with some prototype robots that were unsuccessful in defeating some rookie pirates, then we don't deserve to be called New World veterans."

While speaking, she was also fighting with three Pacifistas.

Using her expert-level swordsmanship and freezing breath powers, she was barely able to keep the Pacifistas at bay.

Suddenly, a fourth Pacifista focused on Whitey Bay from afar. It opened his mouth and started gathering energy for a shot powerful enough to completely obliterate her.

Completing its preparation, the Pacifista adjusted its aim and fired.

Even though Bay sensed the fourth Pacifista's attack with her Observation Haki, being busy with the other three, she wasn't in any position to either dodge or defend.

She closed her eyes, having resigned herself to the painful death that was rushing towards her, waiting.

But the attack never came.

However, several meters away from her, she heard the detonation of the attack.

As she opened her eyes, she realized that she was now standing in a different location.

Three smoking and badly battered Pacifistas were now occupying her previous location.

"What the…"

"My, my…" An unfamiliar voice sounded out from beside her, "And here I had been told that the Pirates of the New World were fierce and deadly."

Bay turned around, laying eyes on the speaker.

He was a fairly tall, slim man, wearing a black and yellow hoodie, a pair of blue jeans with odd spot decals along the knee, and a fuzzy white and brown spotted hat over hooded, dangerous eyes.

"You must be the 'Ice Witch'." He said with a sadistic grin, "My new friends and I are here to lend you guys a hand at the request of a certain former Warlord.

"Well, the former Warlord supposedly approached us on behalf of a certain death-row prisoner. All in all, it's quite a complicated matter that cannot be explained now."

While speaking, the air around him shimmered with a strange blue hue, and several other figures appeared beside the newcomer seemingly out of nowhere.

A man with a heavy fur-lined Captain's coat and a pair of goggles on his forehead spat in annoyance, "Tch– You sure took your fucking time, Law."

"It isn't the time for chit-chat, Captain." Another man with long blonde hair and a strange mask on his face said, "You've wanted a chance for payback against these things since Sabody, right? Well, it's here."

Kid's grin turned utterly depraved as he exclaimed, "About fucking time!!"

Turning around to Law, he snarled, "Oye Law, bring me my rest of the crew already. It's time for us to cut fucking loose!"

"Don't order me around, you dumb brute!" Law shouted back while still doing as told.

Whitey Bay was getting used to the strangeness of the situation as she just silently watched as a huge number of pirates appeared.

Even without any order, the pirates divided themselves into four groups and stood behind their respective Captains.

"LET'S FUCKING GET THEM BOYS!" Kid roared as he charged at the head of his crew, all of whom let loose loud bellowing shouts and screams of bloodthirst and excitement as they rushed the Pacifista line, "TIME FOR SOME FUCKING FUN!"

"What a savage kid…" A huge man with a large pair of wings growing out from the middle of his back chuckled, "But he's got the right idea in this case."

With that said, he charged ahead with his crew following behind him.

Law stepped over to Bay, his smile still cold as he said, "Captain Bay, we're here as backup, but you and your allies are still the main firepower in this fight I'm afraid."

Gesturing back to the battlefield, he finished, "Shall we?"

Some distance away, Sentomaru couldn't believe his eyes as he stood dumbstruck.

The so-called 'Super Rookies' that he and his uncle had almost captured in Sabaody the previous week had just appeared out of nowhere and were already throwing the battleground into disarray.

"Shit…" He swore violently while directing some Pacifistas to target the newcomers.

"Need to warn the Fleet Admiral."

"Oh there's no need for that." A sadistic chuckle sounded from behind him.

Sentomaru's eyes widened in shock and he threw himself forward, barely dodging the blade that could've beheaded him.

Law said with a chilling voice as Sentomaru gathered his bearings, "I believe I have you to thank for the beating we received in Sabaody a week ago, yes? Time to return the favor."

Sentomaru swore violently as the long blade of his enemy's katana glanced off his ax head causing a shower of sparks. "Damn pirate scum!" He snarled, "Hold still!"

He swung his axe around in a powerful smashing strike, but once again, the sadistic grin of his opponent widened as he vanished, to be replaced by a very unfortunate marine, whose look of shock and confusion morphed into one of pain and terror as the large weapon smashed into him.

"By all means," Law chuckled lightly, his katana resting across his shoulder as he watched the latest marine in what was now a fairly large number that he had used as a meat shield to take Sentomaru's attacks for him,

"Just keep flailing around like that. You're doing a better job of thinning your own ranks than I ever could."

Sentomaru felt his teeth grind together as he glanced at the battlefield.

The marine's battlelines had been thrown into complete disarray by the unexpected arrival of the so-called 'Super-rookies', to the point of near collapse.

The only thing that seemed to be keeping the marines from breaking and fleeing entirely was the Pacifista battalion, which was managing to barely hold against the ferocity of Eustass 'Captain' Kid and his crew along with the heavy hitters of the Whitebeard pirate alliance.

"Dammit!" The sumo swore in frustration.

Meanwhile, the fourth Supernova Captain on the scene, Jewelry Bonney, was struggling to not bawl her eyes out after noticing the real Kuma fighting against some weird dude with a gigantic head.

Her crew members weren't with her at the moment as she ordered them to stay on their ship, which was stationed some distance away from the Marine Headquarters.

When the others had asked her the reason she wasn't bringing her crew to the war, she had informed them that they would only hold her back.

Although those weren't Bonney's true feelings. She actually had no interest in helping the Whitebeard Pirates Allied Crews deal with the Pacifistas.

Her main motive was to use the other Supernovas and the Whitebeard Pirates as distraction so that she can sneakily meet the real Kuma face-to-face.

Though her excuse had displeased Kid, Law, and Urouge, as they wouldn't ever consider their crew a burden, Bonney didn't care about what others thought about her.

To keep up the pretense, she started aiding the New World pirates in taking down the Pacifistas for a few minutes.

When she was sure that no one was paying attention towards her, she snuck toward the main battlefield area where she just witnessed the giant headed dude defeat Kuma.

Though she was unaware that one person had always kept an eye on her even while he was fighting the sumo that was in charge of controlling the Pacifista unit.

=+=+=+=< Scene Break >=+=+=+=

Sengoku was boiling mad after seeing the mess the four Supernovas were making at the backlines.

Just as he was about to order Kizaru to handle the situation there, Whitebeard finished off Vice-Admiral John with a powerful quack-powered punch.

The power behind the attack was so powerful that it was even threatening to destroy the execution platform and the town behind it.

Only the presence of all three Admirals prevented the former scenario.

Sengoku could only hope that the Pacifista legion could keep the New World Pirates and the Supernovas busy.

Just then, the Siege Walls went up.

"At least this plan will be successful." Sengoku muttered in a low voice while watching the pirates trying to damage the Siege Walls without any positive result.

Ace heard him and let out a silent smirk in response.

"Get started, Akainu!"

Hearing the order, Admiral Akainu raised his right hand, "Meteor Volcano!!"

However, with Whitebeard not weakened from a fatal injury, he had no problem letting loose another quack punch.

The punch had enough power to completely render Akainu's attack ineffective and even heavily dent several Siege Walls right in front of the execution platform.

Seeing this, Sengoku was even more reluctant to send Kizaru to deal with the Supernovas.

He needed the three Admirals on the center of the battlefield so that Whitebeard couldn't focus on the Siege Walls or else, he would destroy them in maybe just two more punches.

Suddenly, Jinbe once again sensed Ace's Observation Haki focused on himself, and a few seconds later, they both once again found themselves at a boundless expense of white.



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